
199 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File

# shellcheck disable=SC3043 # local is not POSIX, but every shell has it
# shellcheck disable=SC3013,SC3045 # ditto for test {-nt,-t}
V="${V-0}" # default to friendly messages
set -eu
cd "${0%/*}/.."
# shellcheck source-path=SCRIPTDIR/..
. test/common/
cmd_remove() {
# if we did this for ourselves the rm is enough, but it might be the case
# that someone actually used git-submodule to fetch this, so clean up after
# that as well. NB: deinit nicely recreates the empty directory for us.
message REMOVE node_modules
rm -rf node_modules
git submodule deinit node_modules
rm -rf -- "$(git rev-parse --absolute-git-dir)/modules/node_modules"
cmd_checkout() {
# we default to check out the node_modules corresponding to the gitlink in the index
local force=""
if [ "${1-}" = "--force" ]; then
local sha="${1-$(get_index_gitlink node_modules)}"
# fetch by sha to prevent us from downloading something we don't want
fetch_sha_to_cache "${sha}"
# verify that our package.json is equal to the one the cached node_modules
# was created with, unless --force is given
if [ -z "$force" ]; then
if ! cmp_from_cache "${sha}" '.package.json' 'package.json'; then
cat >&2 <<EOF
*** node_modules ${sha} doesn't match our package.json
*** refusing to automatically check out node_modules
- tools/node-modules checkout --force # disable this check
- tools/node-modules install # npm install with our package.json
$0: *** aborting
exit 1
# we're actually going to do this; let's remove the old one
# and check out the new one
# we need to use the tag name here, unfortunately
clone_from_cache "${sha}"
cmd_install() {
test -e bots || test/common/make-bots
# We first read the result directly into the cache, then we unpack it.
tree="$(bots/npm download < package.json | tar_to_cache)"
commit="$(sha256sum package.json | git_cache commit-tree "${tree}")"
git_cache tag "sha-${commit}" "${commit}"
cmd_checkout "${commit}"
cat <<EOF
Next steps:
- git add node_modules && git commit
- tools/node-modules push
cmd_push() {
# push via the cache: the shared history with the remote helps to thin out the pack we send
tag="sha-$(git -C node_modules rev-parse HEAD)"
message PUSH "${GITHUB_REPO} ${tag}"
git_cache push "${SSH_REMOTE}" "${tag}"
cmd_verify() {
test -e bots || test/common/make-bots
# Verifies that the package.json and node_modules of the given commit match.
commit="$(git rev-parse "$1:node_modules")"
fetch_sha_to_cache "${commit}"
committed_tree="$(git_cache rev-parse "${commit}^{tree}")"
expected_tree="$(git cat-file blob "$1:package.json" | bots/npm download | tar_to_cache)"
if [ "${committed_tree}" != "${expected_tree}" ]; then
exec >&2
printf "\nCommit %s package.json and node_modules aren't in sync!\n\n" "$1"
git --no-pager show --stat "$1"
printf "\nThe above commit refers to the following node_modules commit:\n\n"
git_cache --no-pager show --no-patch "${commit}"
printf "\nOur attempt to recreate that commit differs as follows:\n\n"
git_cache --no-pager diff --stat "${commit}" "${expected_tree}" --
git_cache --no-pager diff "${commit}" "${expected_tree}" -- .package-lock.json
exit 1
# called from
cmd_make_package_lock_json() {
# Run from make to ensure package-lock.json is up to date
# package-lock.json is used as the stamp file for all things that use
# node_modules, so this is the main bit of glue that drives the entire process
# We try our best not to touch package-lock.json unless it actually changes
# This isn't going to work for a tarball, but as long as
# package-lock.json is already there, and newer than package.json,
# we're OK
if [ ! -e .git ]; then
if [ package-lock.json -nt package.json ]; then
exit 0
echo "*** Can't update node modules unless running from git" >&2
exit 1
# Otherwise, our main goal is to ensure that the node_modules from
# the index is the one that we actually have.
local sha
sha="$(get_index_gitlink node_modules)"
if [ ! -e node_modules/.git ]; then
# nothing there yet...
elif [ "$(git -C node_modules rev-parse HEAD)" != "${sha}" ]; then
# wrong thing there...
# This check is more about catching local changes to package.json than
# about validating something we just checked out:
if ! cmp -s node_modules/.package.json package.json; then
cat 2>&1 <<EOF
*** package.json is out of sync with node_modules
*** If you modified package.json, please run:
*** tools/node-modules install
*** and add the result to the index.
exit 1
# Only copy the package-lock.json if it differs from the one we have
if ! cmp -s node_modules/.package-lock.json package-lock.json; then
message COPY package-lock.json
cp node_modules/.package-lock.json package-lock.json
# We're now in a situation where:
# - the checked out node_modules is equal to the gitlink in the index
# - the package.json in the tree is equal to the one in node_modules
# - ditto package-lock.json
exit 0
main() {
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
# don't list the "private" ones
echo 'This command requires a subcommand: remove checkout install push verify'
exit 1
local fname
fname="$(printf 'cmd_%s' "$1" | tr '-' '_')"
if ! type -t "${fname}" | grep -q function; then
echo "Unknown subcommand '$1'"
exit 1
[ -n "${quiet}" ] || set -x
"${fname}" "$@"
main "$@"