
49 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File

# Help create a deterministic distribution tarball with timestamps
# based on the time of the latest git commit.
set -eu
# This will work for git or for tarball
# Note: we give the .tarball file the exact same timestamp as the git commit,
# so producing a tarball from a tarball should also create the exact same
# output.
stamp="$(cd "${0%/*}/.." && git show --format=%ct --no-patch 2>/dev/null || stat -c %Y version.m4)"
test -n "${stamp}"
timestamp() {
find "$@" -exec touch -d "@${stamp}" '{}' '+'
stamp="$((stamp + 1))"
# we add the date of the release to the Cockpit Client metainfo
sed -i "s/@DATE@/$(date -d@${stamp} +'%Y-%m-%d')/" \
# all files get the same timestamp as the commit date
timestamp "${distdir}"
# aclocal.m4 comes next
timestamp "${distdir}/aclocal.m4"
# then the other automake generated files
timestamp \
"${distdir}/" \
"${distdir}/configure" \
# package-lock.json needs to be newer than package.json
timestamp "${distdir}/package-lock.json"
# and dist/ needs to be newer than that
timestamp "${distdir}/dist"
# finally, the directories should be newer than everything else
timestamp "${distdir}" -type d