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Managing a Forked Branch

If you plan to submit a PR bigger than a simple change in one file, here is a short intro about how to do a clean PR.

  • Fork the WLED repository in Github (by clicking the "Fork" button in the upper-right corner of GitHub)
  • Clone your repository locally via git clone https://github.com/<github_user>/WLED.git (replacing <github_user> with your GitHub Username) and work on your local copy
  • Add the upstream repository via git remote add upstream https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED.git
  • Ensure you are on the master branch via git checkout master
  • Create and change to a new branch via git checkout -b <temp_branch> (replacing <temp_branch> with the name you want to use for your temporary branch) to create a working branch where you can push commits
  • Set the upstream branch via git push --set-upstream origin <temp_branch> (replacing <temp_branch> with the name you used in the previous step)
  • Work on your local version and push as many commits as you want

When you think it is ready to merge and submit a PR:

  • Return to the master branch via git checkout master. This will not erase any committed changes you have made.
  • Ensure your master branch is up-to-date with the latest changes via git pull upstream master
  • Update your fork of WLED by running git push
  • Create a new branch to be used for your PR via git checkout -b <pr_branch> (replacing <pr_branch> with a new branch name, which must be different from <temp_branch>)
  • Set the upstream branch via git push --set-upstream origin <pr_branch> (replacing <pr_branch> with the name you used in the previous step)
  • Merge the edits but be sure to remove the history of your local commits via git merge --squash <temp_branch> (replacing <temp_branch> with the branch name you used earlier)
  • Create a new commit containing all of your merged changes via git commit -m "<Message>" (replacing <Message> with information regarding the contents of your changes)

Now you have a clean single commit from which you can create the PR on the WLED Github.


GitHub provides a drop-down option to apply a PR as a "Squash and Merge", directly from the PR. GitHub even supports configuring the depot such that PRs must be "Squash and Merge". See picture at end of page.

However, if you're requested to manually squash and merge before the PR is reviewed and approved, you can create a second branch on GitHub and perform the squash and merge entirely via the website:

Note: for legacy depots, instead of the branch name 'main', you may see a branch name of 'master'.

1. Ensure your fork's main branch is up-to-date with the upstream depot

  • goto your fork of the depot on github.com
  • ensure you are viewing the branch 'main'
  • select the "fetch upstream" button, then "fetch and merge"
2. Create a new branch based off your main branch

  • goto your fork of the depot on github.com
  • ensure you are viewing the branch 'main'
  • click on the branch name
  • Type a name for your new branch; I'll use the branch name foo in this example
  • click on the create branch: foo from 'main' that appears after you type the name
3. Create a PR to this new branch

  • goto your fork of the depot on github.com
  • select the pull requests tab (on your fork ... not the upstream depot)
  • select New pull request button
  • the base repository will default to the upstream depot; change it to your fork
  • note the UI is now much simpler 😃
  • for the base branch, select the newly created branch (e.g., foo)
  • for the compare branch, select the old PR branch (e.g., oldPR)
  • click the resulting Create pull request button
  • Give the PR a title and a comment
  • Click to "submit" the PR to yourself...
4. Approve your own PR, but select the option "Squash and Merge"

  • Scroll down a bit
  • Choose the down-triangle on the right side of the Merge pull request big green button
  • From the drop-down options, select Squash and merge
  • Now click the big green button that says Squash and Merge
  • Edit the description as you like ... this will become the commit message
  • Click the big green button that says Confirm squash and merge
5. Create a NEW PR from this NEW branch

You already know how to do this. 😃

Picture showing where admins only enable `Squash and merge` for depot

Options when only Squash and Merge enabled