
1302 lines
31 KiB

* This file is part of RawTherapee.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
* RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with RawTherapee. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "crop.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "rtimage.h"
using namespace rtengine;
using namespace rtengine::procparams;
extern Options options;
class RefreshSpinHelper
Crop* crop;
bool notify;
RefreshSpinHelper (Crop* _crop, bool _notify)
: crop(_crop), notify(_notify) {}
int refreshSpinsUI (void* data)
RefreshSpinHelper* rsh = static_cast<RefreshSpinHelper*>(data);
rsh->crop->refreshSpins (rsh->notify);
delete rsh;
return 0;
int notifyListenerUI (void* data)
return 0;
FoldableToolPanel(this, "crop", M("TP_CROP_LABEL"), false, true),
{"3:2", 3.0 / 2.0}, // L1.5, P0.666...
{"4:3", 4.0 / 3.0}, // L1.333..., P0.75
{"16:9", 16.0 / 9.0}, // L1.777..., P0.5625
{"16:10", 16.0 / 10.0}, // L1.6, P0.625
{"1:1", 1.0 / 1.0}, // L1, P1
{"2:1", 2.0 / 1.0}, // L2, P0.5
{"3:1", 3.0 / 1.0}, // L3, P0.333...
{"4:1", 4.0 / 1.0}, // L4, P0.25
{"5:1", 5.0 / 1.0}, // L5, P0.2
{"6:1", 6.0 / 1.0}, // L6, P0.1666...
{"7:1", 7.0 / 1.0}, // L7, P0.142...
{"4:5", 4.0 / 5.0}, // L1.25, P0.8
{"5:7", 5.0 / 7.0}, // L1.4, P0.714...
{"6:7", 6.0 / 7.0}, // L1.166..., P0.857...
{"6:17", 6.0 / 17.0}, // L2.833..., P0.352...
{"24:65 - XPAN", 24.0 / 65.0}, // L2.708..., P0.369...
{"1.414 - DIN EN ISO 216", 1.414}, // L1.414, P0.707...
{"3.5:5", 3.5 / 5.0}, // L1.428..., P0.7
{"8.5:11 - US Letter", 8.5 / 11.0}, // L1.294..., P0.772...
{"9.5:12", 9.5 / 12.0}, // L1.263..., P0.791...
{"10:12", 10.0 / 12.0}, // L1.2, P0.833...
{"11:14", 11.0 / 14.0}, // L1.272..., P0.785...
{"11:17 - Tabloid", 11.0 / 17.0}, // L1.545..., P0.647...
{"13:19", 13.0 / 19.0}, // L1.461..., P0.684...
{"17:22", 17.0 / 22.0}, // L1.294..., P0.772...
{"45:35 - ePassport", 45.0 / 35.0}, // L1.285,... P0.777...
{"64:27", 64.0 / 27.0}, // L2.370..., P0.421...
clistener = nullptr;
maxw = 3000;
maxh = 2000;
Gtk::HBox* hb1 = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox ());
hb1->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (Glib::ustring(" ") + M("TP_CROP_X") + ": ")));
x = Gtk::manage (new MySpinButton ());
x->set_size_request (60, -1);
hb1->pack_start (*x);
hb1->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (Glib::ustring(" ") + M("TP_CROP_Y") + ": ")));
y = Gtk::manage (new MySpinButton ());
y->set_size_request (60, -1);
hb1->pack_start (*y);
pack_start (*hb1, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 2);
Gtk::HBox* hb2 = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox ());
hb2->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (M("TP_CROP_W") + ": ")));
w = Gtk::manage (new MySpinButton ());
w->set_size_request (60, -1);
hb2->pack_start (*w);
hb2->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (M("TP_CROP_H") + ": ")));
h = Gtk::manage (new MySpinButton ());
h->set_size_request (60, -1);
hb2->pack_start (*h);
pack_start (*hb2, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
selectCrop = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Button (M("TP_CROP_SELECTCROP")));
selectCrop->set_image (*Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("crop-small.png")));
pack_start (*selectCrop, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 2);
Gtk::HBox* hb3 = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox ());
fixr = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CheckButton (M("TP_CROP_FIXRATIO")));
fixr->set_active (1);
hb3->pack_start (*fixr, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
ratio = Gtk::manage (new MyComboBoxText ());
hb3->pack_start (*ratio, Gtk::PACK_EXPAND_WIDGET, 4);
orientation = Gtk::manage (new MyComboBoxText ());
hb3->pack_start (*orientation);
pack_start (*hb3, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
Gtk::HBox* hb31 = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox ());
hb31->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (M("TP_CROP_GUIDETYPE"))), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
guide = Gtk::manage (new MyComboBoxText ());
hb31->pack_start (*guide);
pack_start (*hb31, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
// ppibox START
ppibox = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::VBox());
ppibox->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HSeparator()), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 2);
Gtk::HBox* hb4 = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox ());
hb4->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (M("TP_CROP_PPI"))));
ppi = Gtk::manage (new MySpinButton ());
ppi->set_size_request (60, -1);
hb4->pack_start (*ppi);
sizebox = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::VBox());
sizecm = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (M("GENERAL_NA") + " cm x " + M("GENERAL_NA") + " cm"));
sizein = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (M("GENERAL_NA") + " in x " + M("GENERAL_NA") + " in"));
sizebox->pack_start (*sizecm, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
sizebox->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HSeparator()), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
sizebox->pack_start (*sizein, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 4);
sizebox->pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HSeparator()), Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 6);
sizebox->pack_start (*hb4, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 2);
ppibox->pack_start (*sizebox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 1);
pack_start (*ppibox, Gtk::PACK_SHRINK, 0);
ppi->set_value (300);
// ppibox END
// Populate the combobox
for (const auto& crop_ratio : crop_ratios) {
ratio->append (crop_ratio.label);
ratio->set_active (0);
orientation->append (M("GENERAL_LANDSCAPE"));
orientation->append (M("GENERAL_PORTRAIT"));
orientation->append (M("GENERAL_ASIMAGE"));
orientation->set_active (2);
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTNONE"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTFRAME"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTRULETHIRDS"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTDIAGONALS"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTHARMMEANS"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTGRID"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTTRIANGLE1"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTTRIANGLE2"));
guide->append (M("TP_CROP_GTEPASSPORT"));
guide->set_active (0);
w->set_range (1, maxw);
h->set_range (1, maxh);
x->set_range (0, maxw - 1);
y->set_range (0, maxh - 1);
x->set_digits (0);
x->set_increments (1, 100);
x->set_value (0);
y->set_digits (0);
y->set_increments (1, 100);
y->set_value (0);
w->set_digits (0);
w->set_increments (1, 100);
w->set_value (200);
h->set_digits (0);
h->set_increments (1, 100);
h->set_value (200);
ppi->set_digits (0);
ppi->set_increments (1, 100);
ppi->set_range (50, 12000);
ppi->set_value (300);
xconn = x->signal_value_changed().connect ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::positionChanged), true);
yconn = y->signal_value_changed().connect ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::positionChanged), true);
wconn = w->signal_value_changed().connect ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::widthChanged), true);
hconn = h->signal_value_changed().connect ( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::heightChanged), true);
fconn = fixr->signal_toggled().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::ratioFixedChanged) );
rconn = ratio->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::ratioChanged) );
oconn = orientation->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::ratioChanged) );
gconn = guide->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::notifyListener) );
selectCrop->signal_pressed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::selectPressed) );
ppi->signal_value_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::refreshSize) );
nx = ny = nw = nh = 0;
lastRotationDeg = 0;
show_all ();
void Crop::writeOptions ()
options.cropPPI = (int)ppi->get_value ();
void Crop::readOptions ()
disableListener ();
ppi->set_value (options.cropPPI);
enableListener ();
void Crop::read (const ProcParams* pp, const ParamsEdited* pedited)
disableListener ();
xconn.block (true);
yconn.block (true);
wconn.block (true);
hconn.block (true);
rconn.block (true);
fconn.block (true);
oconn.block (true);
gconn.block (true);
// check if the new values are larger than the maximum
double tmp, maxw, maxh;
w->get_range (tmp, maxw);
h->get_range (tmp, maxh);
if (pp->crop.x + pp->crop.w > (int)maxw || pp->crop.y + pp->crop.h > (int)maxh) {
setDimensions (pp->crop.x + pp->crop.w, pp->crop.y + pp->crop.h);
if (pp->crop.ratio == "As Image") {
} else {
ratio->set_active_text (pp->crop.ratio);
fixr->set_active (pp->crop.fixratio);
const bool flip_orientation = pp->crop.fixratio && crop_ratios[ratio->get_active_row_number()].value > 0 && crop_ratios[ratio->get_active_row_number()].value < 1.0;
if (pp->crop.orientation == "Landscape") {
orientation->set_active (flip_orientation ? 1 : 0);
} else if (pp->crop.orientation == "Portrait") {
orientation->set_active (flip_orientation ? 0 : 1);
} else {
orientation->set_active (2);
if (pp->crop.guide == "None") {
guide->set_active (0);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "Frame") {
guide->set_active (1);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "Rule of thirds") {
guide->set_active (2);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "Rule of diagonals") {
guide->set_active (3);
} else if (!strncmp(pp->crop.guide.data(), "Harmonic means", 14)) {
guide->set_active (4);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "Grid") {
guide->set_active (5);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "Golden Triangle 1") {
guide->set_active (6);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "Golden Triangle 2") {
guide->set_active (7);
} else if (pp->crop.guide == "ePassport") {
guide->set_active (8);
w->set_value(std::max(pp->crop.w, 1));
h->set_value(std::max(pp->crop.h, 1));
nx = pp->crop.x;
ny = pp->crop.y;
nw = pp->crop.w;
nh = pp->crop.h;
lastRotationDeg = pp->coarse.rotate;
wDirty = false;
hDirty = false;
xDirty = false;
yDirty = false;
if (pedited) {
wDirty = pedited->crop.w;
hDirty = pedited->crop.h;
xDirty = pedited->crop.x;
yDirty = pedited->crop.y;
if (!pedited->crop.ratio) {
ratio->set_active_text (M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
if (!pedited->crop.orientation) {
orientation->set_active_text (M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
if (!pedited->crop.guide) {
guide->set_active_text (M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
set_inconsistent (multiImage && !pedited->crop.enabled);
fixr->set_inconsistent (!pedited->crop.fixratio);
lastFixRatio = pp->crop.fixratio;
xconn.block (false);
yconn.block (false);
wconn.block (false);
hconn.block (false);
rconn.block (false);
fconn.block (false);
oconn.block (false);
gconn.block (false);
enableListener ();
void Crop::write (ProcParams* pp, ParamsEdited* pedited)
pp->crop.enabled = getEnabled ();
pp->crop.x = nx;
pp->crop.y = ny;
pp->crop.w = nw;
pp->crop.h = nh;
pp->crop.fixratio = fixr->get_active ();
pp->crop.ratio = ratio->get_active_text ();
// for historical reasons we store orientation different if ratio is written as 2:3 instead of 3:2, but in GUI 'landscape' is always long side horizontal regardless of the ratio is written short or long side first.
const bool flip_orientation = fixr->get_active() && crop_ratios[ratio->get_active_row_number()].value > 0 && crop_ratios[ratio->get_active_row_number()].value < 1.0;
if (orientation->get_active_row_number() == 0) {
pp->crop.orientation = flip_orientation ? "Portrait" : "Landscape";
} else if (orientation->get_active_row_number() == 1) {
pp->crop.orientation = flip_orientation ? "Landscape" : "Portrait";
} else {
pp->crop.orientation = "As Image";
if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 0) {
pp->crop.guide = "None";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 1) {
pp->crop.guide = "Frame";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 2) {
pp->crop.guide = "Rule of thirds";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 3) {
pp->crop.guide = "Rule of diagonals";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 4) {
pp->crop.guide = "Harmonic means";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 5) {
pp->crop.guide = "Grid";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 6) {
pp->crop.guide = "Golden Triangle 1";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 7) {
pp->crop.guide = "Golden Triangle 2";
} else if (guide->get_active_row_number() == 8) {
pp->crop.guide = "ePassport";
if (pedited) {
pedited->crop.enabled = !get_inconsistent();
pedited->crop.ratio = ratio->get_active_text() != M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED");
pedited->crop.orientation = orientation->get_active_text() != M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED");
pedited->crop.guide = guide->get_active_text() != M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED");
pedited->crop.fixratio = !fixr->get_inconsistent();
pedited->crop.w = wDirty;
pedited->crop.h = hDirty;
pedited->crop.x = xDirty;
pedited->crop.y = yDirty;
void Crop::trim (ProcParams* pp, int ow, int oh)
int xmin = pp->crop.x;
int ymin = pp->crop.y;
if (xmin > ow || ymin > oh) {
// the crop is completely out of the image, so we disable the crop
pp->crop.enabled = false;
// and we set the values to the defaults
pp->crop.x = 0;
pp->crop.y = 0;
pp->crop.w = ow;
pp->crop.h = oh;
// the ratio is now not guaranteed, so we set it off
pp->crop.fixratio = false;
} else {
if ((xmin + pp->crop.w) > ow) {
// crop overflow in the width dimension ; we trim it
pp->crop.w = ow - xmin;
if ((ymin + pp->crop.h) > oh) {
// crop overflow in the height dimension ; we trim it
pp->crop.h = oh - ymin;
bool Crop::inImageArea (int x, int y)
return x >= 0 && x < maxw && y >= 0 && y < maxh;
void Crop::selectPressed ()
if (clistener) {
clistener->cropSelectRequested ();
void Crop::notifyListener ()
if (listener && getEnabled ()) {
if (nw == 1 && nh == 1) {
nx = (int)x->get_value ();
ny = (int)y->get_value ();
nw = (int)w->get_value ();
nh = (int)h->get_value ();
listener->panelChanged (EvCrop, M("GENERAL_DISABLED"));
} else {
listener->panelChanged (EvCrop, Glib::ustring::compose ("%1=%2, %3=%4\n%5=%6, %7=%8", M("TP_CROP_X"), nx, M("TP_CROP_Y"), ny, M("TP_CROP_W"), nw, M("TP_CROP_H"), nh));
void Crop::enabledChanged ()
if (listener) {
if (get_inconsistent()) {
listener->panelChanged (EvCrop, M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
} else if (getEnabled()) {
listener->panelChanged (EvCrop, M("GENERAL_ENABLED"));
} else {
listener->panelChanged (EvCrop, M("GENERAL_DISABLED"));
void Crop::hFlipCrop ()
nx = maxw - nx - nw;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::vFlipCrop ()
ny = maxh - ny - nh;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::rotateCrop (int deg, bool hflip, bool vflip)
int rotation = (360 + deg - lastRotationDeg) % 360;
if((hflip != vflip) && ((rotation % 180) == 90)) {
rotation = (rotation + 180) % 360;
int tmp;
switch (rotation) {
case 90:
tmp = nx;
nx = maxh - ny - nh;
ny = tmp;
tmp = nw;
nw = nh;
nh = tmp;
case 270:
tmp = ny;
ny = maxw - nx - nw;
nx = tmp;
tmp = nw;
nw = nh;
nh = tmp;
case 180:
nx = maxw - nx - nw;
ny = maxh - ny - nh;
lastRotationDeg = deg;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::positionChanged ()
xDirty = true;
yDirty = true;
int X = (int)x->get_value ();
int Y = (int)y->get_value ();
int W = nw;
int H = nh;
cropMoved (X, Y, W, H);
idle_register.add(notifyListenerUI, this);
void Crop::widthChanged ()
wDirty = true;
int X = nx;
int Y = ny;
int W = (int)w->get_value ();
int H = nh;
cropWidth2Resized (X, Y, W, H);
idle_register.add(notifyListenerUI, this);
void Crop::heightChanged ()
hDirty = true;
int X = nx;
int Y = ny;
int W = nw;
int H = (int)h->get_value ();
cropHeight2Resized (X, Y, W, H);
idle_register.add(notifyListenerUI, this);
// Fixed ratio toggle button
void Crop::ratioFixedChanged ()
// Batch mode handling when enabling/disabling fixed crop
if (batchMode && lastFixRatio != fixr->get_active ()) {
if (fixr->get_inconsistent()) {
fixr->set_inconsistent (false);
fconn.block (true);
fixr->set_active (false);
fconn.block (false);
} else if (lastFixRatio) {
fixr->set_inconsistent (true);
lastFixRatio = fixr->get_active ();
// change to orientation or ration
void Crop::ratioChanged ()
if (!fixr->get_active ()) {
fixr->set_active(true); // will adjust ratio anyway
} else {
// Correct current crop if it doesn't fit
void Crop::adjustCropToRatio()
if (fixr->get_active() && !fixr->get_inconsistent()) {
// int W = w->get_value ();
// int H = h->get_value ();
int W = nw;
int H = nh;
int X = nx;
int Y = ny;
if (W >= H) {
cropWidth2Resized (X, Y, W, H);
} else {
cropHeight2Resized (X, Y, W, H);
// This will save the options
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, true));
void Crop::refreshSize ()
if (!batchMode) {
std::ostringstream ostrin;
ostrin.precision (3);
// ostrin << h->get_value()/ppi->get_value() << " in x " << w->get_value()/ppi->get_value() << " in";;
ostrin << nh / ppi->get_value() << " in x " << nw / ppi->get_value() << " in";;
sizein->set_text (ostrin.str ());
std::ostringstream ostrcm;
ostrcm.precision (3);
// ostrcm << h->get_value()/ppi->get_value()*2.54 << " cm x " << w->get_value()/ppi->get_value()*2.54 << " cm";;
ostrcm << nh / ppi->get_value() * 2.54 << " cm x " << nw / ppi->get_value() * 2.54 << " cm";;
sizecm->set_text (ostrcm.str ());
* Set the maximum dimensions of the image. This method can be called with wrong values, then
* called with the good ones !?
void Crop::setDimensions (int mw, int mh)
maxw = mw;
maxh = mh;
bool xconnWasBlocked = xconn.block (true);
bool yconnWasBlocked = yconn.block (true);
bool wconnWasBlocked = wconn.block (true);
bool hconnWasBlocked = hconn.block (true);
w->set_range (1, maxw);
h->set_range (1, maxh);
x->set_range (0, maxw - 1);
y->set_range (0, maxh - 1);
if (!xconnWasBlocked) {
xconn.block (false);
if (!yconnWasBlocked) {
yconn.block (false);
if (!wconnWasBlocked) {
wconn.block (false);
if (!hconnWasBlocked) {
hconn.block (false);
if (!getEnabled()) {
nx = 0;
ny = 0;
nw = mw;
nh = mh;
refreshSpins ();
refreshSize ();
void Crop::sizeChanged (int x, int y, int ow, int oh)
struct Params {
Crop* crop;
int x;
int y;
Params* const params = new Params{
const auto func = [](gpointer data) -> gboolean {
Params* const params = static_cast<Params*>(data);
params->crop->setDimensions(params->x, params->y);
delete params;
return FALSE;
idle_register.add(func, params);
bool Crop::refreshSpins (bool notify)
xconn.block (true);
yconn.block (true);
wconn.block (true);
hconn.block (true);
x->set_value (nx);
y->set_value (ny);
w->set_value (nw);
h->set_value (nh);
xDirty = true;
yDirty = true;
wDirty = true;
hDirty = true;
xconn.block (false);
yconn.block (false);
wconn.block (false);
hconn.block (false);
refreshSize ();
if (notify) {
notifyListener ();
return false;
void Crop::cropMoved (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H)
// W = w->get_value ();
// H = h->get_value ();
W = nw;
H = nh;
if (X + W > maxw) {
X = maxw - W;
if (Y + H > maxh) {
Y = maxh - H;
if (X < 0) {
X = 0;
if (Y < 0) {
Y = 0;
nx = X;
ny = Y;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
// Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Crop::refreshSpins));
void Crop::cropWidth1Resized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
int oldXR = nx + nw;
if (W < 0) {
W = 0;
if (W > oldXR) {
W = oldXR;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
H = (int)round(W / r);
int Hmax = min(ny + nh, maxh - ny);
if (H > Hmax) {
H = Hmax;
W = H * r;
ny = ny - (H - nh) / 2.0;
if (ny < 0) {
ny = 0;
if (ny + H > maxh) {
ny = maxh - H;
X = oldXR - W;
Y = ny;
nx = X;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropWidth2Resized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
if (W < 0) {
W = 0;
if (W > maxw - nx) {
W = maxw - nx;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
H = (int)round(W / r);
int Hmax = min(ny + nh, maxh - ny);
if (H > Hmax) {
H = Hmax;
W = H * r;
ny = ny - (H - nh) / 2.0;
if (ny < 0) {
ny = 0;
if (ny + H > maxh) {
ny = maxh - H;
X = nx;
Y = ny;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropHeight1Resized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
int oldYB = ny + nh;
if (H < 0) {
H = 0;
if (H > oldYB) {
H = oldYB;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
W = (int)round(H * r);
int Wmax = min(nx + nw, maxw - nx);
if (W > Wmax) {
W = Wmax;
H = W / r;
nx = nx - (W - nw) / 2.0;
if (nx < 0) {
nx = 0;
if (nx + W > maxw) {
nx = maxw - W;
X = nx;
Y = oldYB - H;
ny = Y;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropHeight2Resized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
if (H < 0) {
H = 0;
if (H > maxh - ny) {
H = maxh - ny;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
W = (int)round(H * r);
int Wmax = min(nx + nw, maxw - nx);
if (W > Wmax) {
W = Wmax;
H = W / r;
nx = nx - (W - nw) / 2.0; // nx must be floating point to avoid drifting
if (nx < 0) {
nx = 0;
if (nx + W > maxw) {
nx = maxw - W;
X = nx;
Y = ny;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropTopLeftResized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
int oldXR = nx + nw; // right side
int oldYB = ny + nh; // bottom side
if (W < 0) {
W = 0;
if (H < 0) {
H = 0;
if (W > oldXR) {
W = oldXR;
if (H > oldYB) {
H = oldYB;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
W = (int)round(H * r);
if (W > oldXR) {
W = oldXR;
H = (int)round(W / r);
X = oldXR - W;
Y = oldYB - H;
nx = X;
ny = Y;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropTopRightResized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
int oldYB = ny + nh;
if (W < 0) {
W = 0;
if (H < 0) {
H = 0;
if (W > maxw - nx) {
W = maxw - nx;
if (H > oldYB) {
H = oldYB;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
W = (int)round(H * r);
if (W > maxw - nx) {
W = maxw - nx;
H = (int)round(W / r);
X = nx;
Y = oldYB - H;
ny = Y;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropBottomLeftResized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
int oldXR = nx + nw;
if (W < 0) {
W = 0;
if (H < 0) {
H = 0;
if (W > oldXR) {
W = oldXR;
if (H > maxh - ny) {
H = maxh - ny;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
W = (int)round(H * r);
if (W > oldXR) {
W = oldXR;
H = (int)round(W / r);
X = oldXR - W;
Y = ny;
nx = X;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropBottomRightResized (int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, float custom_ratio)
if (W < 0) {
W = 0;
if (H < 0) {
H = 0;
if (W > maxw - nx) {
W = maxw - nx;
if (H > maxh - ny) {
H = maxh - ny;
if (fixr->get_active() || custom_ratio > 0) {
double r = custom_ratio > 0 ? custom_ratio : getRatio();
W = (int)round(H * r);
if (W > maxw - nx) {
W = maxw - nx;
H = (int)round(W / r);
X = nx;
Y = ny;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropInit (int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h)
nx = x;
ny = y;
nw = 1;
nh = 1;
w = 1;
h = 1;
void Crop::cropResized (int &x, int &y, int& x2, int& y2)
if (x2 < 0) {
x2 = 0;
if (y2 < 0) {
y2 = 0;
if (x2 >= maxw) {
x2 = maxw - 1;
if (y2 >= maxh) {
y2 = maxh - 1;
int X, Y;
int W;
if (x < x2) {
W = x2 - x + 1;
X = x;
} else {
W = x - x2 + 1;
X = x2;
int H;
if (y < y2) {
H = y2 - y + 1;
Y = y;
} else {
H = y - y2 + 1;
Y = y2;
if (W > maxw) {
W = maxw;
if (fixr->get_active()) {
double r = getRatio ();
if (y <= y2) {
int W2max = (int)round ((maxh - Y) * r);
if (W > W2max) {
W = W2max;
} else {
int W2max = (int)round (y * r);
if (W > W2max) {
W = W2max;
H = (int)round(W / r);
if (x < x2) {
x2 = x + W - 1;
} else {
x2 = x - W + 1;
if (y < y2) {
y2 = y + H - 1;
} else {
y2 = y - H + 1;
if (x < x2) {
W = x2 - x + 1;
X = x;
} else {
W = x - x2 + 1;
X = x2;
if (y < y2) {
H = y2 - y + 1;
Y = y;
} else {
H = y - y2 + 1;
Y = y2;
nx = X;
ny = Y;
nw = W;
nh = H;
idle_register.add(refreshSpinsUI, new RefreshSpinHelper(this, false));
void Crop::cropManipReady ()
idle_register.add(notifyListenerUI, this);
double Crop::getRatio ()
double r = -1.0;
if (!fixr->get_active()) {
return r;
r = crop_ratios[ratio->get_active_row_number()].value;
if (!r) {
r = maxh <= maxw ? float(maxh)/float(maxw) : float(maxw)/float(maxh);
if (r < 1.0) {
r = 1.0 / r; // convert to long side first (eg 4:5 becomes 5:4)
if (orientation->get_active_row_number() == 0) {
return r;
} else if(orientation->get_active_row_number() == 1) {
return 1.0 / r;
} else {
return maxh <= maxw ? r : 1.0 / r;
void Crop::setBatchMode (bool batchMode)
ToolPanel::setBatchMode (batchMode);
ratio->append (M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
orientation->append (M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
guide->append (M("GENERAL_UNCHANGED"));
removeIfThere (this, ppibox);