
2202 lines
75 KiB

* This file is part of RawTherapee.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
* RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with RawTherapee. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "rtengine.h"
#include "rtthumbnail.h"
#include "../rtgui/options.h"
#include "image8.h"
#include <lcms2.h>
#include "curves.h"
#include <glibmm.h>
#include "improcfun.h"
#include "colortemp.h"
#include "mytime.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "iccstore.h"
#include "iccmatrices.h"
#include "rawimagesource.h"
#include "stdimagesource.h"
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include "rawimage.h"
#include "jpeg.h"
#include "../rtgui/ppversion.h"
#include "improccoordinator.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include <locale.h>
#include "StopWatch.h"
#include "median.h"
bool checkRawImageThumb (const rtengine::RawImage& raw_image)
if (!raw_image.is_supportedThumb()) {
return false;
const ssize_t length =
fdata (raw_image.get_thumbOffset(), raw_image.get_file())[1] != 0xD8 && raw_image.is_ppmThumb()
? raw_image.get_thumbWidth() * raw_image.get_thumbHeight() * (raw_image.get_thumbBPS() / 8) * 3
: raw_image.get_thumbLength();
return raw_image.get_thumbOffset() + length <= raw_image.get_file()->size;
void scale_colors (rtengine::RawImage *ri, float scale_mul[4], float cblack[4], bool multiThread)
DCraw::dcrawImage_t image = ri->get_image();
if (ri->isBayer()) {
const int height = ri->get_iheight();
const int width = ri->get_iwidth();
const bool isFloat = ri->isFloat();
const int top_margin = ri->get_topmargin();
const int left_margin = ri->get_leftmargin();
const int raw_width = ri->get_rawwidth();
const float * const float_raw_image = ri->get_FloatRawImage();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for if(multiThread)
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
unsigned c0 = ri->FC (row, 0);
unsigned c1 = ri->FC (row, 1);
int col = 0;
for (; col < width - 1; col += 2) {
float val0;
float val1;
if (isFloat) {
val0 = float_raw_image[(row + top_margin) * raw_width + col + left_margin];
val1 = float_raw_image[(row + top_margin) * raw_width + col + left_margin + 1];
} else {
val0 = image[row * width + col][c0];
val1 = image[row * width + col + 1][c1];
val0 -= cblack[c0];
val1 -= cblack[c1];
val0 *= scale_mul[c0];
val1 *= scale_mul[c1];
image[row * width + col][c0] = rtengine::CLIP (val0);
image[row * width + col + 1][c1] = rtengine::CLIP (val1);
if (col < width) { // in case width is odd
float val0;
if (isFloat) {
val0 = float_raw_image[(row + top_margin) * raw_width + col + left_margin];
} else {
val0 = image[row * width + col][c0];
val0 -= cblack[c0];
val0 *= scale_mul[c0];
image[row * width + col][c0] = rtengine::CLIP (val0);
} else if (ri->isXtrans()) {
const int height = ri->get_iheight();
const int width = ri->get_iwidth();
const bool isFloat = ri->isFloat();
const int top_margin = ri->get_topmargin();
const int left_margin = ri->get_leftmargin();
const int raw_width = ri->get_rawwidth();
const float * const float_raw_image = ri->get_FloatRawImage();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for if(multiThread)
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
unsigned c[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
c[i] = ri->XTRANSFC (row, i);
int col = 0;
for (; col < width - 5; col += 6) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
const unsigned ccol = c[i];
float val;
if (isFloat) {
val = float_raw_image[(row + top_margin) * raw_width + col + i + left_margin];
} else {
val = image[row * width + col + i][ccol];
val -= cblack[ccol];
val *= scale_mul[ccol];
image[row * width + col + i][ccol] = rtengine::CLIP (val);
for (; col < width; ++col) { // remaining columns
const unsigned ccol = ri->XTRANSFC (row, col);
float val;
if (isFloat) {
val = float_raw_image[(row + top_margin) * raw_width + col + left_margin];
} else {
val = image[row * width + col][ccol];
val -= cblack[ccol];
val *= scale_mul[ccol];
image[row * width + col][ccol] = rtengine::CLIP (val);
} else {
const int size = ri->get_iheight() * ri->get_iwidth();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for if(multiThread)
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
float val = image[i][j];
val -= cblack[j];
val *= scale_mul[j];
image[i][j] = rtengine::CLIP (val);
extern Options options;
namespace rtengine
extern const Settings *settings;
using namespace procparams;
Thumbnail* Thumbnail::loadFromImage (const Glib::ustring& fname, int &w, int &h, int fixwh, double wbEq, bool inspectorMode)
StdImageSource imgSrc;
if (imgSrc.load (fname)) {
return nullptr;
ImageIO* img = imgSrc.getImageIO();
// agriggio -- hotfix for #3794, to be revised once a proper solution is implemented
if (std::max(img->getWidth(), img->getHeight()) / std::min(img->getWidth(), img->getHeight()) >= 10) {
return nullptr;
Thumbnail* tpp = new Thumbnail ();
unsigned char* data;
img->getEmbeddedProfileData (tpp->embProfileLength, data);
if (data && tpp->embProfileLength) {
tpp->embProfileData = new unsigned char [tpp->embProfileLength];
memcpy (tpp->embProfileData, data, tpp->embProfileLength);
tpp->scaleForSave = 8192;
tpp->defGain = 1.0;
tpp->gammaCorrected = false;
tpp->isRaw = 0;
memset (tpp->colorMatrix, 0, sizeof (tpp->colorMatrix));
tpp->colorMatrix[0][0] = 1.0;
tpp->colorMatrix[1][1] = 1.0;
tpp->colorMatrix[2][2] = 1.0;
if (inspectorMode) {
// Special case, meaning that we want a full sized thumbnail image (e.g. for the Inspector feature)
w = img->getWidth();
h = img->getHeight();
tpp->scale = 1.;
} else {
if (fixwh == 1) {
w = h * img->getWidth() / img->getHeight();
tpp->scale = (double)img->getHeight() / h;
} else {
h = w * img->getHeight() / img->getWidth();
tpp->scale = (double)img->getWidth() / w;
// bilinear interpolation
if (tpp->thumbImg) {
delete tpp->thumbImg;
tpp->thumbImg = nullptr;
if (inspectorMode) {
// we want an Image8
if (img->getType() == rtengine::sImage8) {
// copy the image
Image8 *srcImg = static_cast<Image8*> (img);
Image8 *thImg = new Image8 (w, h);
srcImg->copyData (thImg);
tpp->thumbImg = thImg;
} else {
// copy the image with a conversion
tpp->thumbImg = resizeTo<Image8> (w, h, TI_Bilinear, img);
} else {
// we want the same image type than the source file
tpp->thumbImg = resizeToSameType (w, h, TI_Bilinear, img);
// histogram computation
tpp->aeHistCompression = 3;
tpp->aeHistogram (65536 >> tpp->aeHistCompression);
double avg_r = 0;
double avg_g = 0;
double avg_b = 0;
int n = 0;
if (img->getType() == rtengine::sImage8) {
Image8 *image = static_cast<Image8*> (img);
image->computeHistogramAutoWB (avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, n, tpp->aeHistogram, tpp->aeHistCompression);
} else if (img->getType() == sImage16) {
Image16 *image = static_cast<Image16*> (img);
image->computeHistogramAutoWB (avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, n, tpp->aeHistogram, tpp->aeHistCompression);
} else if (img->getType() == sImagefloat) {
Imagefloat *image = static_cast<Imagefloat*> (img);
image->computeHistogramAutoWB (avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, n, tpp->aeHistogram, tpp->aeHistCompression);
} else {
printf ("loadFromImage: Unsupported image type \"%s\"!\n", img->getType());
if (n > 0) {
ColorTemp cTemp;
tpp->redAWBMul = avg_r / double (n);
tpp->greenAWBMul = avg_g / double (n);
tpp->blueAWBMul = avg_b / double (n);
tpp->wbEqual = wbEq;
tpp->wbTempBias = 0.0;
cTemp.mul2temp (tpp->redAWBMul, tpp->greenAWBMul, tpp->blueAWBMul, tpp->wbEqual, tpp->autoWBTemp, tpp->autoWBGreen);
tpp->init ();
return tpp;
namespace {
Image8 *load_inspector_mode(const Glib::ustring &fname, RawMetaDataLocation &rml, eSensorType &sensorType, int &w, int &h)
RawImageSource src;
int err = src.load(fname, true);
if (err) {
return nullptr;
src.getFullSize(w, h);
sensorType = src.getSensorType();
ProcParams neutral;
neutral.raw.bayersensor.method = RAWParams::BayerSensor::getMethodString(RAWParams::BayerSensor::Method::FAST);
neutral.raw.xtranssensor.method = RAWParams::XTransSensor::getMethodString(RAWParams::XTransSensor::Method::FAST);
neutral.icm.inputProfile = "(camera)";
neutral.icm.workingProfile = options.rtSettings.srgb;
src.preprocess(neutral.raw, neutral.lensProf, neutral.coarse, false);
double thresholdDummy = 0.f;
src.demosaic(neutral.raw, false, thresholdDummy);
PreviewProps pp(0, 0, w, h, 1);
Imagefloat tmp(w, h);
src.getImage(src.getWB(), TR_NONE, &tmp, pp, neutral.toneCurve, neutral.raw);
src.convertColorSpace(&tmp, neutral.icm, src.getWB());
Image8 *img = new Image8(w, h);
const float f = 255.f/65535.f;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
float r = tmp.r(y, x);
float g = tmp.g(y, x);
float b = tmp.b(y, x);
// avoid magenta highlights
if (r > MAXVALF && b > MAXVALF) {
float v = CLIP((r + g + b) / 3.f) * f;
img->r(y, x) = img->g(y, x) = img->b(y, x) = v;
} else {
img->r(y, x) = Color::gamma_srgbclipped(r) * f;
img->g(y, x) = Color::gamma_srgbclipped(g) * f;
img->b(y, x) = Color::gamma_srgbclipped(b) * f;
return img;
} // namespace
Thumbnail* Thumbnail::loadQuickFromRaw (const Glib::ustring& fname, RawMetaDataLocation& rml, eSensorType &sensorType, int &w, int &h, int fixwh, bool rotate, bool inspectorMode, bool forHistogramMatching)
Thumbnail* tpp = new Thumbnail ();
tpp->isRaw = 1;
memset (tpp->colorMatrix, 0, sizeof (tpp->colorMatrix));
tpp->colorMatrix[0][0] = 1.0;
tpp->colorMatrix[1][1] = 1.0;
tpp->colorMatrix[2][2] = 1.0;
if (inspectorMode && !forHistogramMatching && settings->thumbnail_inspector_mode == Settings::ThumbnailInspectorMode::RAW) {
Image8 *img = load_inspector_mode(fname, rml, sensorType, w, h);
if (!img) {
delete tpp;
return nullptr;
tpp->scale = 1.;
tpp->thumbImg = img;
return tpp;
RawImage *ri = new RawImage (fname);
unsigned int imageNum = 0;
int r = ri->loadRaw (false, imageNum, false);
if ( r ) {
delete tpp;
delete ri;
sensorType = ST_NONE;
return nullptr;
sensorType = ri->getSensorType();
rml.exifBase = ri->get_exifBase();
rml.ciffBase = ri->get_ciffBase();
rml.ciffLength = ri->get_ciffLen();
Image8* img = new Image8 ();
// No sample format detection occurred earlier, so we set them here,
// as they are mandatory for the setScanline method
img->setSampleFormat (IIOSF_UNSIGNED_CHAR);
img->setSampleArrangement (IIOSA_CHUNKY);
int err = 1;
// See if it is something we support
if (checkRawImageThumb (*ri)) {
const char* data ((const char*)fdata (ri->get_thumbOffset(), ri->get_file()));
if ( (unsigned char)data[1] == 0xd8 ) {
err = img->loadJPEGFromMemory (data, ri->get_thumbLength());
} else if (ri->is_ppmThumb()) {
err = img->loadPPMFromMemory (data, ri->get_thumbWidth(), ri->get_thumbHeight(), ri->get_thumbSwap(), ri->get_thumbBPS());
// did we succeed?
if ( err ) {
printf ("Could not extract thumb from %s\n", fname.data());
delete tpp;
delete img;
delete ri;
return nullptr;
if (inspectorMode) {
// Special case, meaning that we want a full sized thumbnail image (e.g. for the Inspector feature)
w = img->getWidth();
h = img->getHeight();
tpp->scale = 1.;
if (!forHistogramMatching && settings->thumbnail_inspector_mode == Settings::ThumbnailInspectorMode::RAW_IF_NOT_JPEG_FULLSIZE && float(std::max(w, h))/float(std::max(ri->get_width(), ri->get_height())) < 0.9f) {
delete img;
delete ri;
img = load_inspector_mode(fname, rml, sensorType, w, h);
if (!img) {
delete tpp;
return nullptr;
tpp->scale = 1.;
tpp->thumbImg = img;
return tpp;
} else {
if (fixwh == 1) {
w = h * img->getWidth() / img->getHeight();
tpp->scale = (double)img->getHeight() / h;
} else {
h = w * img->getHeight() / img->getWidth();
tpp->scale = (double)img->getWidth() / w;
if (tpp->thumbImg) {
delete tpp->thumbImg;
tpp->thumbImg = nullptr;
if (inspectorMode) {
tpp->thumbImg = img;
} else {
tpp->thumbImg = resizeTo<Image8> (w, h, TI_Nearest, img);
delete img;
if (rotate && ri->get_rotateDegree() > 0) {
std::string fname = ri->get_filename();
std::string suffix = fname.length() > 4 ? fname.substr (fname.length() - 3) : "";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < suffix.length(); i++) {
suffix[i] = std::tolower (suffix[i]);
// Leaf .mos, Mamiya .mef and Phase One .iiq files have thumbnails already rotated.
if (suffix != "mos" && suffix != "mef" && suffix != "iiq") {
tpp->thumbImg->rotate (ri->get_rotateDegree());
// width/height may have changed after rotating
w = tpp->thumbImg->getWidth();
h = tpp->thumbImg->getHeight();
if (!inspectorMode) {
tpp->init ();
delete ri;
return tpp;
#define FISRED(filter,row,col) \
((filter >> ((((row) << 1 & 14) + ((col) & 1)) << 1) & 3)==0 || !filter)
#define FISGREEN(filter,row,col) \
((filter >> ((((row) << 1 & 14) + ((col) & 1)) << 1) & 3)==1 || !filter)
#define FISBLUE(filter,row,col) \
((filter >> ((((row) << 1 & 14) + ((col) & 1)) << 1) & 3)==2 || !filter)
RawMetaDataLocation Thumbnail::loadMetaDataFromRaw (const Glib::ustring& fname)
RawMetaDataLocation rml;
rml.exifBase = -1;
rml.ciffBase = -1;
rml.ciffLength = -1;
RawImage ri (fname);
unsigned int imageNum = 0;
int r = ri.loadRaw (false, imageNum);
if ( !r ) {
rml.exifBase = ri.get_exifBase();
rml.ciffBase = ri.get_ciffBase();
rml.ciffLength = ri.get_ciffLen();
return rml;
Thumbnail* Thumbnail::loadFromRaw (const Glib::ustring& fname, RawMetaDataLocation& rml, eSensorType &sensorType, int &w, int &h, int fixwh, double wbEq, bool rotate, bool forHistogramMatching)
RawImage *ri = new RawImage (fname);
unsigned int tempImageNum = 0;
int r = ri->loadRaw (1, tempImageNum, 0);
if ( r ) {
delete ri;
sensorType = ST_NONE;
return nullptr;
sensorType = ri->getSensorType();
int width = ri->get_width();
int height = ri->get_height();
rtengine::Thumbnail* tpp = new rtengine::Thumbnail;
tpp->isRaw = true;
tpp->embProfile = nullptr;
tpp->embProfileData = nullptr;
tpp->embProfileLength = ri->get_profileLen();
if (ri->get_profileLen())
tpp->embProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem (ri->get_profile(),
ri->get_profileLen()); //\ TODO check if mutex is needed
tpp->redMultiplier = ri->get_pre_mul (0);
tpp->greenMultiplier = ri->get_pre_mul (1);
tpp->blueMultiplier = ri->get_pre_mul (2);
float pre_mul[4], scale_mul[4], cblack[4];
ri->get_colorsCoeff (pre_mul, scale_mul, cblack, false);
scale_colors (ri, scale_mul, cblack, forHistogramMatching); // enable multithreading when forHistogramMatching is true
rml.exifBase = ri->get_exifBase();
rml.ciffBase = ri->get_ciffBase();
rml.ciffLength = ri->get_ciffLen();
tpp->camwbRed = tpp->redMultiplier / pre_mul[0]; //ri->get_pre_mul(0);
tpp->camwbGreen = tpp->greenMultiplier / pre_mul[1]; //ri->get_pre_mul(1);
tpp->camwbBlue = tpp->blueMultiplier / pre_mul[2]; //ri->get_pre_mul(2);
//tpp->defGain = 1.0 / min(ri->get_pre_mul(0), ri->get_pre_mul(1), ri->get_pre_mul(2));
tpp->defGain = max (scale_mul[0], scale_mul[1], scale_mul[2], scale_mul[3]) / min (scale_mul[0], scale_mul[1], scale_mul[2], scale_mul[3]);
tpp->gammaCorrected = true;
unsigned filter = ri->get_filters();
int firstgreen = 1;
// locate first green location in the first row
if (ri->getSensorType() == ST_BAYER)
while (!FISGREEN (filter, 1, firstgreen) && firstgreen < 3) {
int skip = 1;
if (ri->get_FujiWidth() != 0) {
if (fixwh == 1) { // fix height, scale width
skip = ((ri->get_height() - ri->get_FujiWidth()) / sqrt (0.5) - firstgreen - 1) / h;
} else {
skip = (ri->get_FujiWidth() / sqrt (0.5) - firstgreen - 1) / w;
} else {
if (fixwh == 1) { // fix height, scale width
skip = (ri->get_height() - firstgreen - 1) / h;
} else {
skip = (ri->get_width() - firstgreen - 1) / w;
if (skip % 2) {
if (skip < 2) {
skip = 2;
int hskip = skip, vskip = skip;
if (!ri->get_model().compare ("D1X")) {
hskip *= 2;
int rofs = 0;
int tmpw = (width - 2) / hskip;
int tmph = (height - 2) / vskip;
DCraw::dcrawImage_t image = ri->get_image();
Imagefloat* tmpImg = new Imagefloat (tmpw, tmph);
if (ri->getSensorType() == ST_BAYER) {
// demosaicing! (sort of)
for (int row = 1, y = 0; row < height - 1 && y < tmph; row += vskip, y++) {
rofs = row * width;
for (int col = firstgreen, x = 0; col < width - 1 && x < tmpw; col += hskip, x++) {
int ofs = rofs + col;
int g = image[ofs][1];
int r, b;
if (FISRED (filter, row, col + 1)) {
r = (image[ofs + 1 ][0] + image[ofs - 1 ][0]) >> 1;
b = (image[ofs + width][2] + image[ofs - width][2]) >> 1;
} else {
b = (image[ofs + 1 ][2] + image[ofs - 1 ][2]) >> 1;
r = (image[ofs + width][0] + image[ofs - width][0]) >> 1;
tmpImg->r (y, x) = r;
tmpImg->g (y, x) = g;
tmpImg->b (y, x) = b;
} else if (ri->get_colors() == 1) {
for (int row = 1, y = 0; row < height - 1 && y < tmph; row += vskip, y++) {
rofs = row * width;
for (int col = firstgreen, x = 0; col < width - 1 && x < tmpw; col
+= hskip, x++) {
int ofs = rofs + col;
tmpImg->r (y, x) = tmpImg->g (y, x) = tmpImg->b (y, x) = image[ofs][0];
} else {
if (ri->getSensorType() == ST_FUJI_XTRANS) {
for ( int row = 1, y = 0; row < height - 1 && y < tmph; row += vskip, y++) {
rofs = row * width;
for ( int col = 1, x = 0; col < width - 1 && x < tmpw; col += hskip, x++ ) {
int ofs = rofs + col;
float sum[3] = {};
int c;
for (int v = -1; v <= 1; v++) {
for (int h = -1; h <= 1; h++) {
c = ri->XTRANSFC (row + v, col + h);
sum[c] += image[ofs + v * width + h][c];
c = ri->XTRANSFC (row, col);
switch (c) {
case 0:
tmpImg->r (y, x) = image[ofs][0];
tmpImg->g (y, x) = sum[1] / 5.f;
tmpImg->b (y, x) = sum[2] / 3.f;
case 1:
tmpImg->r (y, x) = sum[0] / 2.f;
tmpImg->g (y, x) = image[ofs][1];
tmpImg->b (y, x) = sum[2] / 2.f;
case 2:
tmpImg->r (y, x) = sum[0] / 3.f;
tmpImg->g (y, x) = sum[1] / 5.f;
tmpImg->b (y, x) = image[ofs][2];
} else {
int iwidth = ri->get_iwidth();
int iheight = ri->get_iheight();
int left_margin = ri->get_leftmargin();
firstgreen += left_margin;
int top_margin = ri->get_topmargin();
int wmax = tmpw;
int hmax = tmph;
if (ri->get_maker() == "Sigma" && ri->DNGVERSION()) { // Hack to prevent sigma dng files from crashing
wmax = (width - 2 - left_margin) / hskip;
hmax = (height - 2 - top_margin) / vskip;
int y = 0;
for (int row = 1 + top_margin; row < iheight + top_margin - 1 && y < hmax; row += vskip, y++) {
rofs = row * iwidth;
int x = 0;
for (int col = firstgreen; col < iwidth + left_margin - 1 && x < wmax; col += hskip, x++) {
int ofs = rofs + col;
tmpImg->r (y, x) = image[ofs][0];
tmpImg->g (y, x) = image[ofs][1];
tmpImg->b (y, x) = image[ofs][2];
for (; x < tmpw; ++x) {
tmpImg->r (y, x) = tmpImg->g (y, x) = tmpImg->b (y, x) = 0;
for (; y < tmph; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < tmpw; ++x) {
tmpImg->r (y, x) = tmpImg->g (y, x) = tmpImg->b (y, x) = 0;
if (ri->get_FujiWidth() != 0) {
int fw = ri->get_FujiWidth() / hskip;
double step = sqrt (0.5);
int wide = fw / step;
int high = (tmph - fw) / step;
Imagefloat* fImg = new Imagefloat (wide, high);
float r, c;
for (int row = 0; row < high; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < wide; col++) {
int ur = r = fw + (row - col) * step;
int uc = c = (row + col) * step;
if (ur > tmph - 2 || uc > tmpw - 2) {
double fr = r - ur;
double fc = c - uc;
fImg->r (row, col) = (tmpImg->r (ur, uc) * (1 - fc) + tmpImg->r (ur, uc + 1) * fc) * (1 - fr) + (tmpImg->r (ur + 1, uc) * (1 - fc) + tmpImg->r (ur + 1, uc + 1) * fc) * fr;
fImg->g (row, col) = (tmpImg->g (ur, uc) * (1 - fc) + tmpImg->g (ur, uc + 1) * fc) * (1 - fr) + (tmpImg->g (ur + 1, uc) * (1 - fc) + tmpImg->g (ur + 1, uc + 1) * fc) * fr;
fImg->b (row, col) = (tmpImg->b (ur, uc) * (1 - fc) + tmpImg->b (ur, uc + 1) * fc) * (1 - fr) + (tmpImg->b (ur + 1, uc) * (1 - fc) + tmpImg->b (ur + 1, uc + 1) * fc) * fr;
delete tmpImg;
tmpImg = fImg;
tmpw = wide;
tmph = high;
const bool rotate_90 =
&& (
ri->get_rotateDegree() == 90
|| ri->get_rotateDegree() == 270
if (rotate_90) {
std::swap (tmpw, tmph);
if (fixwh == 1) { // fix height, scale width
w = tmpw * h / tmph;
} else {
h = tmph * w / tmpw;
if (tpp->thumbImg) {
delete tpp->thumbImg;
if (rotate_90) {
tpp->thumbImg = resizeTo<Image16> (h, w, TI_Bilinear, tmpImg);
} else {
tpp->thumbImg = resizeTo<Image16> (w, h, TI_Bilinear, tmpImg);
delete tmpImg;
if (ri->get_FujiWidth() != 0) {
tpp->scale = (double) (height - ri->get_FujiWidth()) * 2.0 / (rotate_90 ? w : h);
} else {
tpp->scale = (double) height / (rotate_90 ? w : h);
if(!forHistogramMatching) { // we don't need this for histogram matching
// generate histogram for auto exposure, also calculate autoWB
tpp->aeHistCompression = 3;
tpp->aeHistogram(65536 >> tpp->aeHistCompression);
const unsigned int add = filter ? 1 : 4 / ri->get_colors();
double pixSum[3] = {0.0};
unsigned int n[3] = {0};
const double compression = pow(2.0, tpp->aeHistCompression);
const double camWb[3] = {tpp->camwbRed / compression, tpp->camwbGreen / compression, tpp->camwbBlue / compression};
const double clipval = 64000.0 / tpp->defGain;
for (int i = 32; i < height - 32; i++) {
int start, end;
if (ri->get_FujiWidth() != 0) {
int fw = ri->get_FujiWidth();
start = ABS (fw - i) + 32;
end = min (height + width - fw - i, fw + i) - 32;
} else {
start = 32;
end = width - 32;
if (ri->get_colors() == 1) {
for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
tpp->aeHistogram[image[i * width + j][0] >> tpp->aeHistCompression]++;
} else if (ri->getSensorType() == ST_BAYER) {
int c0 = ri->FC(i, start);
int c1 = ri->FC(i, start + 1);
int j = start;
int n0 = 0;
int n1 = 0;
double pixSum0 = 0.0;
double pixSum1 = 0.0;
for (; j < end - 1; j+=2) {
double v0 = image[i * width + j][c0];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[c0] * v0)]++;
if (v0 <= clipval) {
pixSum0 += v0;
double v1 = image[i * width + j + 1][c1];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[c1] * v1)]++;
if (v1 <= clipval) {
pixSum1 += v1;
if (j < end) {
double v0 = image[i * width + j][c0];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[c0] * v0)]++;
if (v0 <= clipval) {
pixSum0 += v0;
n[c0] += n0;
n[c1] += n1;
pixSum[c0] += pixSum0;
pixSum[c1] += pixSum1;
} else if (ri->getSensorType() == ST_FUJI_XTRANS) {
int c[6];
for(int cc = 0; cc < 6; ++cc) {
c[cc] = ri->XTRANSFC(i, start + cc);
int j = start;
for (; j < end - 5; j += 6) {
for(int cc = 0; cc < 6; ++cc) {
double d = image[i * width + j + cc][c[cc]];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[c[cc]] * d)]++;
if (d <= clipval) {
pixSum[c[cc]] += d;
for (; j < end; j++) {
if (ri->ISXTRANSGREEN (i, j)) {
double d = image[i * width + j][1];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[1] * d)]++;
if (d <= clipval) {
pixSum[1] += d;
} else if (ri->ISXTRANSRED (i, j)) {
double d = image[i * width + j][0];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[0] * d)]++;
if (d <= clipval) {
pixSum[0] += d;
} else if (ri->ISXTRANSBLUE (i, j)) {
double d = image[i * width + j][2];
tpp->aeHistogram[(int)(camWb[2] * d)]++;
if (d <= clipval) {
pixSum[2] += d;
} else { /* if(ri->getSensorType()==ST_FOVEON) */
for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
double r = image[i * width + j][0];
if (r <= clipval) {
pixSum[0] += r;
double g = image[i * width + j][1];
if (g <= clipval) {
pixSum[1] += g;
tpp->aeHistogram[((int)g) >> tpp->aeHistCompression] += add;
double b = image[i * width + j][2];
if (b <= clipval) {
pixSum[2] += b;
tpp->aeHistogram[((int) (b * 0.5f)) >> tpp->aeHistCompression] += add;
if (ri->get_colors() == 1) {
pixSum[0] = pixSum[1] = pixSum[2] = 1.;
n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 1;
pixSum[0] *= tpp->defGain;
pixSum[1] *= tpp->defGain;
pixSum[2] *= tpp->defGain;
double reds = pixSum[0] / std::max(n[0], 1u) * tpp->camwbRed;
double greens = pixSum[1] / std::max(n[1], 1u) * tpp->camwbGreen;
double blues = pixSum[2] / std::max(n[2], 1u) * tpp->camwbBlue;
tpp->redAWBMul = ri->get_rgb_cam (0, 0) * reds + ri->get_rgb_cam (0, 1) * greens + ri->get_rgb_cam (0, 2) * blues;
tpp->greenAWBMul = ri->get_rgb_cam (1, 0) * reds + ri->get_rgb_cam (1, 1) * greens + ri->get_rgb_cam (1, 2) * blues;
tpp->blueAWBMul = ri->get_rgb_cam (2, 0) * reds + ri->get_rgb_cam (2, 1) * greens + ri->get_rgb_cam (2, 2) * blues;
tpp->wbEqual = wbEq;
tpp->wbTempBias = 0.0;
ColorTemp cTemp;
cTemp.mul2temp (tpp->redAWBMul, tpp->greenAWBMul, tpp->blueAWBMul, tpp->wbEqual, tpp->autoWBTemp, tpp->autoWBGreen);
if (rotate && ri->get_rotateDegree() > 0) {
tpp->thumbImg->rotate (ri->get_rotateDegree());
for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++) {
tpp->colorMatrix[a][b] = ri->get_rgb_cam (a, b);
delete ri;
return tpp;
#undef FISRED
#undef FISBLUE
void Thumbnail::init ()
RawImageSource::inverse33 (colorMatrix, iColorMatrix);
//colorMatrix is rgb_cam
memset (cam2xyz, 0, sizeof (cam2xyz));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
cam2xyz[i][j] += xyz_sRGB[i][k] * colorMatrix[k][j];
camProfile = ICCStore::getInstance()->createFromMatrix (cam2xyz, false, "Camera");
Thumbnail::Thumbnail () :
camProfile (nullptr),
thumbImg (nullptr),
camwbRed (1.0),
camwbGreen (1.0),
camwbBlue (1.0),
redAWBMul (-1.0),
greenAWBMul (-1.0),
blueAWBMul (-1.0),
autoWBTemp (2700),
autoWBGreen (1.0),
wbEqual (-1.0),
wbTempBias (0.0),
aeHistCompression (3),
embProfileLength (0),
embProfileData (nullptr),
embProfile (nullptr),
redMultiplier (1.0),
greenMultiplier (1.0),
blueMultiplier (1.0),
scale (1.0),
defGain (1.0),
scaleForSave (8192),
gammaCorrected (false),
isRaw (true)
Thumbnail::~Thumbnail ()
delete thumbImg;
//delete [] aeHistogram;
delete [] embProfileData;
if (embProfile) {
cmsCloseProfile (embProfile);
if (camProfile) {
cmsCloseProfile (camProfile);
// Simple processing of RAW internal JPGs
IImage8* Thumbnail::quickProcessImage (const procparams::ProcParams& params, int rheight, rtengine::TypeInterpolation interp)
int rwidth;
if (params.coarse.rotate == 90 || params.coarse.rotate == 270) {
rwidth = rheight;
rheight = thumbImg->getHeight() * rwidth / thumbImg->getWidth();
} else {
rwidth = thumbImg->getWidth() * rheight / thumbImg->getHeight();
Image8* baseImg = resizeTo<Image8> (rwidth, rheight, interp, thumbImg);
if (params.coarse.rotate) {
baseImg->rotate (params.coarse.rotate);
if (params.coarse.hflip) {
baseImg->hflip ();
if (params.coarse.vflip) {
baseImg->vflip ();
return baseImg;
// Full thumbnail processing, second stage if complete profile exists
IImage8* Thumbnail::processImage (const procparams::ProcParams& params, eSensorType sensorType, int rheight, TypeInterpolation interp, const FramesMetaData *metadata, double& myscale, bool forMonitor, bool forHistogramMatching)
unsigned int imgNum = 0;
if (isRaw) {
if (sensorType == ST_BAYER) {
imgNum = rtengine::LIM<unsigned int>(params.raw.bayersensor.imageNum, 0, metadata->getFrameCount() - 1);
} else if (sensorType == ST_FUJI_XTRANS) {
//imgNum = rtengine::LIM<unsigned int>(params.raw.xtranssensor.imageNum, 0, metadata->getFrameCount() - 1)
std::string camName = metadata->getCamera(imgNum);
float shutter = metadata->getShutterSpeed(imgNum);
float fnumber = metadata->getFNumber(imgNum);
float iso = metadata->getISOSpeed(imgNum);
float fcomp = metadata->getExpComp(imgNum);
// check if the WB's equalizer value has changed
if (wbEqual < (params.wb.equal - 5e-4) || wbEqual > (params.wb.equal + 5e-4) || wbTempBias < (params.wb.tempBias - 5e-4) || wbTempBias > (params.wb.tempBias + 5e-4)) {
wbEqual = params.wb.equal;
wbTempBias = params.wb.tempBias;
// recompute the autoWB
ColorTemp cTemp;
cTemp.mul2temp (redAWBMul, greenAWBMul, blueAWBMul, wbEqual, autoWBTemp, autoWBGreen);
autoWBTemp += autoWBTemp * wbTempBias;
// compute WB multipliers
ColorTemp currWB = ColorTemp (params.wb.temperature, params.wb.green, params.wb.equal, params.wb.method);
if (!params.wb.enabled) {
currWB = ColorTemp();
} else if (params.wb.method == "Camera") {
//recall colorMatrix is rgb_cam
double cam_r = colorMatrix[0][0] * camwbRed + colorMatrix[0][1] * camwbGreen + colorMatrix[0][2] * camwbBlue;
double cam_g = colorMatrix[1][0] * camwbRed + colorMatrix[1][1] * camwbGreen + colorMatrix[1][2] * camwbBlue;
double cam_b = colorMatrix[2][0] * camwbRed + colorMatrix[2][1] * camwbGreen + colorMatrix[2][2] * camwbBlue;
currWB = ColorTemp (cam_r, cam_g, cam_b, params.wb.equal);
} else if (params.wb.method == "Auto") {
currWB = ColorTemp (autoWBTemp, autoWBGreen, wbEqual, "Custom");
double rm, gm, bm;
if (currWB.getTemp() < 0) {
rm = redMultiplier;
gm = greenMultiplier;
bm = blueMultiplier;
} else {
double r, g, b;
currWB.getMultipliers (r, g, b);
//iColorMatrix is cam_rgb
rm = iColorMatrix[0][0] * r + iColorMatrix[0][1] * g + iColorMatrix[0][2] * b;
gm = iColorMatrix[1][0] * r + iColorMatrix[1][1] * g + iColorMatrix[1][2] * b;
bm = iColorMatrix[2][0] * r + iColorMatrix[2][1] * g + iColorMatrix[2][2] * b;
rm = camwbRed / rm;
gm = camwbGreen / gm;
bm = camwbBlue / bm;
double mul_lum = 0.299 * rm + 0.587 * gm + 0.114 * bm;
float rmi, gmi, bmi;
rmi = rm * defGain / mul_lum;
gmi = gm * defGain / mul_lum;
bmi = bm * defGain / mul_lum;
// The RAW exposure is not reflected since it's done in preprocessing. If we only have e.g. the cached thumb,
// that is already preprocessed. So we simulate the effect here roughly my modifying the exposure accordingly
if (isRaw) {
rmi *= params.raw.expos;
gmi *= params.raw.expos;
bmi *= params.raw.expos;
// resize to requested width and perform coarse transformation
int rwidth;
if (params.coarse.rotate == 90 || params.coarse.rotate == 270) {
rwidth = rheight;
rheight = int (size_t (thumbImg->getHeight()) * size_t (rwidth) / size_t (thumbImg->getWidth()));
} else {
rwidth = int (size_t (thumbImg->getWidth()) * size_t (rheight) / size_t (thumbImg->getHeight()));
Imagefloat* baseImg = resizeTo<Imagefloat> (rwidth, rheight, interp, thumbImg);
if (params.coarse.rotate) {
baseImg->rotate (params.coarse.rotate);
rwidth = baseImg->getWidth();
rheight = baseImg->getHeight();
if (params.coarse.hflip) {
baseImg->hflip ();
if (params.coarse.vflip) {
baseImg->vflip ();
// apply white balance and raw white point (simulated)
for (int i = 0; i < rheight; i++) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp simd
for (int j = 0; j < rwidth; j++) {
float red = baseImg->r (i, j) * rmi;
float green = baseImg->g (i, j) * gmi;
float blue = baseImg->b (i, j) * bmi;
// avoid magenta highlights if highlight recovery is enabled
if (params.toneCurve.hrenabled && red > MAXVALF && blue > MAXVALF) {
baseImg->r(i, j) = baseImg->g(i, j) = baseImg->b(i, j) = CLIP((red + green + blue) / 3.f);
} else {
baseImg->r(i, j) = CLIP(red);
baseImg->g(i, j) = CLIP(green);
baseImg->b(i, j) = CLIP(blue);
// if luma denoise has to be done for thumbnails, it should be right here
// perform color space transformation
if (isRaw) {
double pre_mul[3] = { redMultiplier, greenMultiplier, blueMultiplier };
RawImageSource::colorSpaceConversion (baseImg, params.icm, currWB, pre_mul, embProfile, camProfile, cam2xyz, camName );
} else {
StdImageSource::colorSpaceConversion (baseImg, params.icm, embProfile, thumbImg->getSampleFormat());
int fw = baseImg->getWidth();
int fh = baseImg->getHeight();
//ColorTemp::CAT02 (baseImg, &params) ;//perhaps not good!
ImProcFunctions ipf (&params, forHistogramMatching); // enable multithreading when forHistogramMatching is true
ipf.setScale (sqrt (double (fw * fw + fh * fh)) / sqrt (double (thumbImg->getWidth() * thumbImg->getWidth() + thumbImg->getHeight() * thumbImg->getHeight()))*scale);
ipf.updateColorProfiles (ICCStore::getInstance()->getDefaultMonitorProfileName(), options.rtSettings.monitorIntent, false, false);
LUTu hist16 (65536);
ipf.firstAnalysis (baseImg, params, hist16);
if (params.fattal.enabled) {
// perform transform
if (ipf.needsTransform()) {
Imagefloat* trImg = new Imagefloat (fw, fh);
int origFW;
int origFH;
double tscale = 0.0;
getDimensions (origFW, origFH, tscale);
ipf.transform (baseImg, trImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, fw, fh, origFW * tscale + 0.5, origFH * tscale + 0.5, metadata, 0, true); // Raw rotate degree not detectable here
delete baseImg;
baseImg = trImg;
// RGB processing
double expcomp = params.toneCurve.expcomp;
int bright = params.toneCurve.brightness;
int contr = params.toneCurve.contrast;
int black = params.toneCurve.black;
int hlcompr = params.toneCurve.hlcompr;
int hlcomprthresh = params.toneCurve.hlcomprthresh;
if (params.toneCurve.autoexp && aeHistogram) {
ipf.getAutoExp (aeHistogram, aeHistCompression, params.toneCurve.clip, expcomp, bright, contr, black, hlcompr, hlcomprthresh);
LUTf curve1 (65536);
LUTf curve2 (65536);
LUTf curve (65536);
LUTf satcurve (65536);
LUTf lhskcurve (65536);
LUTf lumacurve (32770, 0); // lumacurve[32768] and lumacurve[32769] will be set to 32768 and 32769 later to allow linear interpolation
LUTf clcurve (65536);
LUTf clToningcurve;
LUTf cl2Toningcurve;
LUTu dummy;
ToneCurve customToneCurve1, customToneCurve2;
ColorGradientCurve ctColorCurve;
OpacityCurve ctOpacityCurve;
ColorAppearance customColCurve1;
ColorAppearance customColCurve2;
ColorAppearance customColCurve3;
ToneCurve customToneCurvebw1;
ToneCurve customToneCurvebw2;
CurveFactory::complexCurve (expcomp, black / 65535.0, hlcompr, hlcomprthresh,
params.toneCurve.shcompr, bright, contr,
hist16, curve1, curve2, curve, dummy, customToneCurve1, customToneCurve2, 16);
LUTf rCurve;
LUTf gCurve;
LUTf bCurve;
CurveFactory::RGBCurve (params.rgbCurves.rcurve, rCurve, 16);
CurveFactory::RGBCurve (params.rgbCurves.gcurve, gCurve, 16);
CurveFactory::RGBCurve (params.rgbCurves.bcurve, bCurve, 16);
bool opautili = false;
if (params.colorToning.enabled) {
TMatrix wprof = ICCStore::getInstance()->workingSpaceMatrix (params.icm.workingProfile);
double wp[3][3] = {
{wprof[0][0], wprof[0][1], wprof[0][2]},
{wprof[1][0], wprof[1][1], wprof[1][2]},
{wprof[2][0], wprof[2][1], wprof[2][2]}
params.colorToning.getCurves (ctColorCurve, ctOpacityCurve, wp, opautili);
clToningcurve (65536);
CurveFactory::curveToning (params.colorToning.clcurve, clToningcurve, scale == 1 ? 1 : 16);
cl2Toningcurve (65536);
CurveFactory::curveToning (params.colorToning.cl2curve, cl2Toningcurve, scale == 1 ? 1 : 16);
if (params.blackwhite.enabled) {
CurveFactory::curveBW (params.blackwhite.beforeCurve, params.blackwhite.afterCurve, hist16, dummy, customToneCurvebw1, customToneCurvebw2, 16);
double rrm, ggm, bbm;
float autor, autog, autob;
float satLimit = float (params.colorToning.satProtectionThreshold) / 100.f * 0.7f + 0.3f;
float satLimitOpacity = 1.f - (float (params.colorToning.saturatedOpacity) / 100.f);
if (params.colorToning.enabled && params.colorToning.autosat && params.colorToning.method != "LabGrid") { //for colortoning evaluation of saturation settings
float moyS = 0.f;
float eqty = 0.f;
ipf.moyeqt (baseImg, moyS, eqty);//return image : mean saturation and standard dev of saturation
//printf("moy=%f ET=%f\n", moyS,eqty);
float satp = ((moyS + 1.5f * eqty) - 0.3f) / 0.7f; //1.5 sigma ==> 93% pixels with high saturation -0.3 / 0.7 convert to Hombre scale
if (satp >= 0.92f) {
satp = 0.92f; //avoid values too high (out of gamut)
if (satp <= 0.15f) {
satp = 0.15f; //avoid too low values
satLimit = 100.f * satp;
satLimitOpacity = 100.f * (moyS - 0.85f * eqty); //-0.85 sigma==>20% pixels with low saturation
autor = autog = autob = -9000.f; // This will ask to compute the "auto" values for the B&W tool
LabImage* labView = new LabImage (fw, fh);
DCPProfile *dcpProf = nullptr;
DCPProfile::ApplyState as;
if (isRaw) {
cmsHPROFILE dummy;
RawImageSource::findInputProfile (params.icm.inputProfile, nullptr, camName, &dcpProf, dummy);
if (dcpProf) {
dcpProf->setStep2ApplyState (params.icm.workingProfile, params.icm.toneCurve, params.icm.applyLookTable, params.icm.applyBaselineExposureOffset, as);
LUTu histToneCurve;
ipf.rgbProc (baseImg, labView, nullptr, curve1, curve2, curve, params.toneCurve.saturation, rCurve, gCurve, bCurve, satLimit, satLimitOpacity, ctColorCurve, ctOpacityCurve, opautili, clToningcurve, cl2Toningcurve, customToneCurve1, customToneCurve2, customToneCurvebw1, customToneCurvebw2, rrm, ggm, bbm, autor, autog, autob, expcomp, hlcompr, hlcomprthresh, dcpProf, as, histToneCurve);
// freeing up some memory
// luminance histogram update
if (params.labCurve.contrast != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < fh; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < fw; j++) {
hist16[ (int) ((labView->L[i][j]))]++;
// luminance processing
// ipf.EPDToneMap(labView,0,6);
bool utili;
CurveFactory::complexLCurve (params.labCurve.brightness, params.labCurve.contrast, params.labCurve.lcurve,
hist16, lumacurve, dummy, 16, utili);
bool clcutili;
CurveFactory::curveCL (clcutili, params.labCurve.clcurve, clcurve, 16);
bool autili, butili, ccutili, cclutili;
CurveFactory::complexsgnCurve (autili, butili, ccutili, cclutili, params.labCurve.acurve, params.labCurve.bcurve, params.labCurve.cccurve,
params.labCurve.lccurve, curve1, curve2, satcurve, lhskcurve, 16);
ipf.chromiLuminanceCurve (nullptr, 1, labView, labView, curve1, curve2, satcurve, lhskcurve, clcurve, lumacurve, utili, autili, butili, ccutili, cclutili, clcutili, dummy, dummy);
ipf.vibrance (labView);
if ((params.colorappearance.enabled && !params.colorappearance.tonecie) || !params.colorappearance.enabled) {
ipf.EPDToneMap (labView, 5, 6);
if (params.colorappearance.enabled) {
CurveFactory::curveLightBrightColor (
hist16, dummy,
dummy, dummy,
bool execsharp = false;
float d, dj, yb;
float fnum = fnumber;// F number
float fiso = iso;// ISO
float fspeed = shutter;//speed
float adap;
if (fnum < 0.3f || fiso < 5.f || fspeed < 0.00001f)
//if no exif data or wrong
adap = 2000.f;
} else {
float E_V = fcomp + log2 ((fnum * fnum) / fspeed / (fiso / 100.f));
float expo2 = params.toneCurve.expcomp; // exposure compensation in tonecurve ==> direct EV
E_V += expo2;
float expo1;//exposure raw white point
expo1 = log2 (params.raw.expos); //log2 ==>linear to EV
E_V += expo1;
adap = powf (2.f, E_V - 3.f); //cd / m2
//end calculation adaptation scene luminosity
LUTf CAMBrightCurveJ;
LUTf CAMBrightCurveQ;
float CAMMean;
int sk;
sk = 16;
int rtt = 0;
CieImage* cieView = new CieImage (fw, fh);
CAMMean = NAN;
CAMBrightCurveJ.dirty = true;
CAMBrightCurveQ.dirty = true;
ipf.ciecam_02float (cieView, adap, 1, 2, labView, &params, customColCurve1, customColCurve2, customColCurve3, dummy, dummy, CAMBrightCurveJ, CAMBrightCurveQ, CAMMean, 5, sk, execsharp, d, dj, yb, rtt);
delete cieView;
// color processing
//ipf.colorCurve (labView, labView);
// obtain final image
Image8* readyImg = nullptr;
if (forMonitor) {
readyImg = new Image8 (fw, fh);
ipf.lab2monitorRgb (labView, readyImg);
} else {
readyImg = ipf.lab2rgb(labView, 0, 0, fw, fh, params.icm, false);
delete labView;
delete baseImg;
// calculate scale
if (params.coarse.rotate == 90 || params.coarse.rotate == 270) {
myscale = scale * thumbImg->getWidth() / fh;
} else {
myscale = scale * thumbImg->getHeight() / fh;
myscale = 1.0 / myscale;
/* // apply crop
if (params.crop.enabled) {
int ix = 0;
for (int i=0; i<fh; i++)
for (int j=0; j<fw; j++)
if (i<params.crop.y/myscale || i>(params.crop.y+params.crop.h)/myscale || j<params.crop.x/myscale || j>(params.crop.x+params.crop.w)/myscale) {
readyImg->data[ix++] /= 3;
readyImg->data[ix++] /= 3;
readyImg->data[ix++] /= 3;
ix += 3;
return readyImg;
int Thumbnail::getImageWidth (const procparams::ProcParams& params, int rheight, float &ratio)
if (!thumbImg) {
return 0; // Can happen if thumb is just building and GUI comes in with resize wishes
int rwidth;
if (params.coarse.rotate == 90 || params.coarse.rotate == 270) {
ratio = (float) (thumbImg->getHeight()) / (float) (thumbImg->getWidth());
} else {
ratio = (float) (thumbImg->getWidth()) / (float) (thumbImg->getHeight());
rwidth = (int) (ratio * (float)rheight);
return rwidth;
void Thumbnail::getDimensions (int& w, int& h, double& scaleFac)
if (thumbImg) {
w = thumbImg->getWidth();
h = thumbImg->getHeight();
scaleFac = scale;
} else {
w = 0;
h = 0;
scale = 1;
void Thumbnail::getCamWB (double& temp, double& green)
double cam_r = colorMatrix[0][0] * camwbRed + colorMatrix[0][1] * camwbGreen + colorMatrix[0][2] * camwbBlue;
double cam_g = colorMatrix[1][0] * camwbRed + colorMatrix[1][1] * camwbGreen + colorMatrix[1][2] * camwbBlue;
double cam_b = colorMatrix[2][0] * camwbRed + colorMatrix[2][1] * camwbGreen + colorMatrix[2][2] * camwbBlue;
ColorTemp currWB = ColorTemp (cam_r, cam_g, cam_b, 1.0); // we do not take the equalizer into account here, because we want camera's WB
temp = currWB.getTemp ();
green = currWB.getGreen ();
void Thumbnail::getAutoWB (double& temp, double& green, double equal, double tempBias)
if (equal != wbEqual || tempBias != wbTempBias) {
// compute the values depending on equal
ColorTemp cTemp;
wbEqual = equal;
wbTempBias = tempBias;
// compute autoWBTemp and autoWBGreen
cTemp.mul2temp (redAWBMul, greenAWBMul, blueAWBMul, wbEqual, autoWBTemp, autoWBGreen);
autoWBTemp += autoWBTemp * tempBias;
temp = autoWBTemp;
green = autoWBGreen;
void Thumbnail::getAutoWBMultipliers (double& rm, double& gm, double& bm)
rm = redAWBMul;
gm = greenAWBMul;
bm = blueAWBMul;
void Thumbnail::applyAutoExp (procparams::ProcParams& params)
if (params.toneCurve.autoexp && aeHistogram) {
ImProcFunctions ipf (&params, false);
ipf.getAutoExp (aeHistogram, aeHistCompression, params.toneCurve.clip, params.toneCurve.expcomp,
params.toneCurve.brightness, params.toneCurve.contrast, params.toneCurve.black, params.toneCurve.hlcompr, params.toneCurve.hlcomprthresh);
void Thumbnail::getSpotWB (const procparams::ProcParams& params, int xp, int yp, int rect, double& rtemp, double& rgreen)
std::vector<Coord2D> points, red, green, blue;
for (int i = yp - rect; i <= yp + rect; i++)
for (int j = xp - rect; j <= xp + rect; j++) {
points.push_back (Coord2D (j, i));
int fw = thumbImg->getWidth(), fh = thumbImg->getHeight();
if (params.coarse.rotate == 90 || params.coarse.rotate == 270) {
fw = thumbImg->getHeight();
fh = thumbImg->getWidth();
ImProcFunctions ipf (&params, false);
ipf.transCoord (fw, fh, points, red, green, blue);
int tr = getCoarseBitMask (params.coarse);
// calculate spot wb (copy & pasted from stdimagesource)
double reds = 0, greens = 0, blues = 0;
int rn = 0, gn = 0, bn = 0;
thumbImg->getSpotWBData (reds, greens, blues, rn, gn, bn, red, green, blue, tr);
reds = reds / rn * camwbRed;
greens = greens / gn * camwbGreen;
blues = blues / bn * camwbBlue;
double rm = colorMatrix[0][0] * reds + colorMatrix[0][1] * greens + colorMatrix[0][2] * blues;
double gm = colorMatrix[1][0] * reds + colorMatrix[1][1] * greens + colorMatrix[1][2] * blues;
double bm = colorMatrix[2][0] * reds + colorMatrix[2][1] * greens + colorMatrix[2][2] * blues;
ColorTemp ct (rm, gm, bm, params.wb.equal);
rtemp = ct.getTemp ();
rgreen = ct.getGreen ();
void Thumbnail::transformPixel (int x, int y, int tran, int& tx, int& ty)
int W = thumbImg->getWidth();
int H = thumbImg->getHeight();
int sw = W, sh = H;
if ((tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R90 || (tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R270) {
sw = H;
sh = W;
int ppx = x, ppy = y;
if (tran & TR_HFLIP) {
ppx = sw - 1 - x ;
if (tran & TR_VFLIP) {
ppy = sh - 1 - y;
tx = ppx;
ty = ppy;
if ((tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R180) {
tx = W - 1 - ppx;
ty = H - 1 - ppy;
} else if ((tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R90) {
tx = ppy;
ty = H - 1 - ppx;
} else if ((tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R270) {
tx = W - 1 - ppy;
ty = ppx;
tx /= scale;
ty /= scale;
unsigned char* Thumbnail::getGrayscaleHistEQ (int trim_width)
if (!thumbImg) {
return nullptr;
if (thumbImg->getWidth() < trim_width) {
return nullptr;
// to utilize the 8 bit color range of the thumbnail we brighten it and apply gamma correction
unsigned char* tmpdata = new unsigned char[thumbImg->getHeight() * trim_width];
int ix = 0;
if (gammaCorrected) {
// if it's gamma correct (usually a RAW), we have the problem that there is a lot noise etc. that makes the maximum way too high.
// Strategy is limit a certain percent of pixels so the overall picture quality when scaling to 8 bit is way better
const double BurnOffPct = 0.03; // *100 = percent pixels that may be clipped
// Calc the histogram
unsigned int* hist16 = new unsigned int [65536];
memset (hist16, 0, sizeof (int) * 65536);
if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage8) {
Image8 *image = static_cast<Image8*> (thumbImg);
image->calcGrayscaleHist (hist16);
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage16) {
Image16 *image = static_cast<Image16*> (thumbImg);
image->calcGrayscaleHist (hist16);
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImagefloat) {
Imagefloat *image = static_cast<Imagefloat*> (thumbImg);
image->calcGrayscaleHist (hist16);
} else {
printf ("getGrayscaleHistEQ #1: Unsupported image type \"%s\"!\n", thumbImg->getType());
// Go down till we cut off that many pixels
unsigned long cutoff = thumbImg->getHeight() * thumbImg->getHeight() * 4 * BurnOffPct;
int max_;
unsigned long sum = 0;
for (max_ = 65535; max_ > 16384 && sum < cutoff; max_--) {
sum += hist16[max_];
delete[] hist16;
scaleForSave = 65535 * 8192 / max_;
// Correction and gamma to 8 Bit
if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage8) {
Image8 *image = static_cast<Image8*> (thumbImg);
for (int i = 0; i < thumbImg->getHeight(); i++)
for (int j = (thumbImg->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j < trim_width + (thumbImg->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j++) {
unsigned short r_, g_, b_;
image->convertTo (image->r (i, j), r_);
image->convertTo (image->g (i, j), g_);
image->convertTo (image->b (i, j), b_);
int r = Color::gammatabThumb[min (r_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
int g = Color::gammatabThumb[min (g_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
int b = Color::gammatabThumb[min (b_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
tmpdata[ix++] = (r * 19595 + g * 38469 + b * 7472) >> 16;
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage16) {
Image16 *image = static_cast<Image16*> (thumbImg);
for (int i = 0; i < thumbImg->getHeight(); i++)
for (int j = (thumbImg->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j < trim_width + (thumbImg->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j++) {
unsigned short r_, g_, b_;
image->convertTo (image->r (i, j), r_);
image->convertTo (image->g (i, j), g_);
image->convertTo (image->b (i, j), b_);
int r = Color::gammatabThumb[min (r_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
int g = Color::gammatabThumb[min (g_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
int b = Color::gammatabThumb[min (b_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
tmpdata[ix++] = (r * 19595 + g * 38469 + b * 7472) >> 16;
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImagefloat) {
Imagefloat *image = static_cast<Imagefloat*> (thumbImg);
for (int i = 0; i < thumbImg->getHeight(); i++)
for (int j = (thumbImg->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j < trim_width + (thumbImg->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j++) {
unsigned short r_, g_, b_;
image->convertTo (image->r (i, j), r_);
image->convertTo (image->g (i, j), g_);
image->convertTo (image->b (i, j), b_);
int r = Color::gammatabThumb[min (r_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
int g = Color::gammatabThumb[min (g_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
int b = Color::gammatabThumb[min (b_, static_cast<unsigned short> (max_)) * scaleForSave >> 13];
tmpdata[ix++] = (r * 19595 + g * 38469 + b * 7472) >> 16;
} else {
// If it's not gamma corrected (usually a JPG) we take the normal maximum
int max = 0;
if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage8) {
Image8 *image = static_cast<Image8*> (thumbImg);
unsigned char max_ = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < image->getHeight(); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < image->getWidth(); col++) {
if (image->r (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->r (row, col);
if (image->g (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->g (row, col);
if (image->b (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->b (row, col);
image->convertTo (max_, max);
if (max < 16384) {
max = 16384;
scaleForSave = 65535 * 8192 / max;
// Correction and gamma to 8 Bit
for (int i = 0; i < image->getHeight(); i++)
for (int j = (image->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j < trim_width + (image->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j++) {
unsigned short rtmp, gtmp, btmp;
image->convertTo (image->r (i, j), rtmp);
image->convertTo (image->g (i, j), gtmp);
image->convertTo (image->b (i, j), btmp);
int r = rtmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
int g = gtmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
int b = btmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
tmpdata[ix++] = (r * 19595 + g * 38469 + b * 7472) >> 16;
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage16) {
Image16 *image = static_cast<Image16*> (thumbImg);
unsigned short max_ = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < image->getHeight(); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < image->getWidth(); col++) {
if (image->r (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->r (row, col);
if (image->g (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->g (row, col);
if (image->b (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->b (row, col);
image->convertTo (max_, max);
if (max < 16384) {
max = 16384;
scaleForSave = 65535 * 8192 / max;
// Correction and gamma to 8 Bit
for (int i = 0; i < image->getHeight(); i++)
for (int j = (image->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j < trim_width + (image->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j++) {
unsigned short rtmp, gtmp, btmp;
image->convertTo (image->r (i, j), rtmp);
image->convertTo (image->g (i, j), gtmp);
image->convertTo (image->b (i, j), btmp);
int r = rtmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
int g = gtmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
int b = btmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
tmpdata[ix++] = (r * 19595 + g * 38469 + b * 7472) >> 16;
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImagefloat) {
Imagefloat *image = static_cast<Imagefloat*> (thumbImg);
float max_ = 0.f;
for (int row = 0; row < image->getHeight(); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < image->getWidth(); col++) {
if (image->r (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->r (row, col);
if (image->g (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->g (row, col);
if (image->b (row, col) > max_) {
max_ = image->b (row, col);
image->convertTo (max_, max);
if (max < 16384) {
max = 16384;
scaleForSave = 65535 * 8192 / max;
// Correction and gamma to 8 Bit
for (int i = 0; i < image->getHeight(); i++)
for (int j = (image->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j < trim_width + (image->getWidth() - trim_width) / 2; j++) {
unsigned short rtmp, gtmp, btmp;
image->convertTo (image->r (i, j), rtmp);
image->convertTo (image->g (i, j), gtmp);
image->convertTo (image->b (i, j), btmp);
int r = rtmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
int g = gtmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
int b = btmp * scaleForSave >> 21;
tmpdata[ix++] = (r * 19595 + g * 38469 + b * 7472) >> 16;
} else {
printf ("getGrayscaleHistEQ #2: Unsupported image type \"%s\"!\n", thumbImg->getType());
// histogram equalization
unsigned int hist[256] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < ix; i++) {
int cdf = 0, cdf_min = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
cdf += hist[i];
if (cdf > 0 && cdf_min == -1) {
cdf_min = cdf;
if (cdf_min != -1) {
hist[i] = (cdf - cdf_min) * 255 / ((thumbImg->getHeight() * trim_width) - cdf_min);
for (int i = 0; i < ix; i++) {
tmpdata[i] = hist[tmpdata[i]];
return tmpdata;
bool Thumbnail::writeImage (const Glib::ustring& fname)
if (!thumbImg) {
return false;
Glib::ustring fullFName = fname + ".rtti";
FILE* f = g_fopen (fullFName.c_str (), "wb");
if (!f) {
return false;
fwrite (thumbImg->getType(), sizeof (char), strlen (thumbImg->getType()), f);
fputc ('\n', f);
guint32 w = guint32 (thumbImg->getWidth());
guint32 h = guint32 (thumbImg->getHeight());
fwrite (&w, sizeof (guint32), 1, f);
fwrite (&h, sizeof (guint32), 1, f);
if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage8) {
Image8 *image = static_cast<Image8*> (thumbImg);
image->writeData (f);
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImage16) {
Image16 *image = static_cast<Image16*> (thumbImg);
image->writeData (f);
} else if (thumbImg->getType() == sImagefloat) {
Imagefloat *image = static_cast<Imagefloat*> (thumbImg);
image->writeData (f);
fclose (f);
return true;
bool Thumbnail::readImage (const Glib::ustring& fname)
if (thumbImg) {
delete thumbImg;
thumbImg = nullptr;
Glib::ustring fullFName = fname + ".rtti";
if (!Glib::file_test (fullFName, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
return false;
FILE* f = g_fopen (fullFName.c_str (), "rb");
if (!f) {
return false;
char imgType[31]; // 30 -> arbitrary size, but should be enough for all image type's name
fgets (imgType, 30, f);
imgType[strlen (imgType) - 1] = '\0'; // imgType has a \n trailing character, so we overwrite it by the \0 char
guint32 width, height;
fread (&width, 1, sizeof (guint32), f);
fread (&height, 1, sizeof (guint32), f);
bool success = false;
if (!strcmp (imgType, sImage8)) {
Image8 *image = new Image8 (width, height);
image->readData (f);
thumbImg = image;
success = true;
} else if (!strcmp (imgType, sImage16)) {
Image16 *image = new Image16 (width, height);
image->readData (f);
thumbImg = image;
success = true;
} else if (!strcmp (imgType, sImagefloat)) {
Imagefloat *image = new Imagefloat (width, height);
image->readData (f);
thumbImg = image;
success = true;
} else {
printf ("readImage: Unsupported image type \"%s\"!\n", imgType);
fclose (f);
return success;
bool Thumbnail::readData (const Glib::ustring& fname)
setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // to set decimal point to "."
Glib::KeyFile keyFile;
try {
MyMutex::MyLock thmbLock (thumbMutex);
try {
keyFile.load_from_file (fname);
} catch (Glib::Error&) {
return false;
if (keyFile.has_group ("LiveThumbData")) {
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBRed")) {
camwbRed = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBRed");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBGreen")) {
camwbGreen = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBGreen");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBBlue")) {
camwbBlue = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBBlue");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "RedAWBMul")) {
redAWBMul = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "RedAWBMul");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "GreenAWBMul")) {
greenAWBMul = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "GreenAWBMul");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "BlueAWBMul")) {
blueAWBMul = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "BlueAWBMul");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "AEHistCompression")) {
aeHistCompression = keyFile.get_integer ("LiveThumbData", "AEHistCompression");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "RedMultiplier")) {
redMultiplier = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "RedMultiplier");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "GreenMultiplier")) {
greenMultiplier = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "GreenMultiplier");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "BlueMultiplier")) {
blueMultiplier = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "BlueMultiplier");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "Scale")) {
scale = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "Scale");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "DefaultGain")) {
defGain = keyFile.get_double ("LiveThumbData", "DefaultGain");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "ScaleForSave")) {
scaleForSave = keyFile.get_integer ("LiveThumbData", "ScaleForSave");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "GammaCorrected")) {
gammaCorrected = keyFile.get_boolean ("LiveThumbData", "GammaCorrected");
if (keyFile.has_key ("LiveThumbData", "ColorMatrix")) {
std::vector<double> cm = keyFile.get_double_list ("LiveThumbData", "ColorMatrix");
int ix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
colorMatrix[i][j] = cm[ix++];
return true;
} catch (Glib::Error &err) {
if (options.rtSettings.verbose) {
printf ("Thumbnail::readData / Error code %d while reading values from \"%s\":\n%s\n", err.code(), fname.c_str(), err.what().c_str());
} catch (...) {
if (options.rtSettings.verbose) {
printf ("Thumbnail::readData / Unknown exception while trying to load \"%s\"!\n", fname.c_str());
return false;
bool Thumbnail::writeData (const Glib::ustring& fname)
MyMutex::MyLock thmbLock (thumbMutex);
Glib::ustring keyData;
try {
Glib::KeyFile keyFile;
try {
keyFile.load_from_file (fname);
} catch (Glib::Error&) {}
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBRed", camwbRed);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBGreen", camwbGreen);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "CamWBBlue", camwbBlue);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "RedAWBMul", redAWBMul);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "GreenAWBMul", greenAWBMul);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "BlueAWBMul", blueAWBMul);
keyFile.set_integer ("LiveThumbData", "AEHistCompression", aeHistCompression);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "RedMultiplier", redMultiplier);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "GreenMultiplier", greenMultiplier);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "BlueMultiplier", blueMultiplier);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "Scale", scale);
keyFile.set_double ("LiveThumbData", "DefaultGain", defGain);
keyFile.set_integer ("LiveThumbData", "ScaleForSave", scaleForSave);
keyFile.set_boolean ("LiveThumbData", "GammaCorrected", gammaCorrected);
Glib::ArrayHandle<double> cm ((double*)colorMatrix, 9, Glib::OWNERSHIP_NONE);
keyFile.set_double_list ("LiveThumbData", "ColorMatrix", cm);
keyData = keyFile.to_data ();
} catch (Glib::Error& err) {
if (options.rtSettings.verbose) {
printf ("Thumbnail::writeData / Error code %d while reading values from \"%s\":\n%s\n", err.code(), fname.c_str(), err.what().c_str());
} catch (...) {
if (options.rtSettings.verbose) {
printf ("Thumbnail::writeData / Unknown exception while trying to save \"%s\"!\n", fname.c_str());
if (keyData.empty ()) {
return false;
FILE *f = g_fopen (fname.c_str (), "wt");
if (!f) {
if (options.rtSettings.verbose) {
printf ("Thumbnail::writeData / Error: unable to open file \"%s\" with write access!\n", fname.c_str());
return false;
} else {
fprintf (f, "%s", keyData.c_str ());
fclose (f);
return true;
bool Thumbnail::readEmbProfile (const Glib::ustring& fname)
embProfileData = nullptr;
embProfile = nullptr;
embProfileLength = 0;
FILE* f = g_fopen (fname.c_str (), "rb");
if (f) {
if (!fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END)) {
int profileLength = ftell (f);
if (profileLength > 0) {
embProfileLength = profileLength;
if (!fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
embProfileData = new unsigned char[embProfileLength];
fread (embProfileData, 1, embProfileLength, f);
embProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem (embProfileData, embProfileLength);
fclose (f);
return embProfile != nullptr;
return false;
bool Thumbnail::writeEmbProfile (const Glib::ustring& fname)
if (embProfileData) {
FILE* f = g_fopen (fname.c_str (), "wb");
if (f) {
fwrite (embProfileData, 1, embProfileLength, f);
fclose (f);
return true;
return false;
bool Thumbnail::readAEHistogram (const Glib::ustring& fname)
FILE* f = g_fopen (fname.c_str (), "rb");
if (!f) {
aeHistogram (0);
} else {
aeHistogram (65536 >> aeHistCompression);
fread (&aeHistogram[0], 1, (65536 >> aeHistCompression)*sizeof (aeHistogram[0]), f);
fclose (f);
return true;
return false;
bool Thumbnail::writeAEHistogram (const Glib::ustring& fname)
if (aeHistogram) {
FILE* f = g_fopen (fname.c_str (), "wb");
if (f) {
fwrite (&aeHistogram[0], 1, (65536 >> aeHistCompression)*sizeof (aeHistogram[0]), f);
fclose (f);
return true;
return false;
unsigned char* Thumbnail::getImage8Data()
if (thumbImg && thumbImg->getType() == rtengine::sImage8) {
Image8* img8 = static_cast<Image8*> (thumbImg);
return img8->data;
return nullptr;