
426 lines
13 KiB

* This file is part of RawTherapee.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
* RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with RawTherapee. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "image16.h"
#include "imagefloat.h"
#include "image8.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include "rtengine.h"
void getScanline8(const uint16_t *red, const uint16_t *green, const uint16_t *blue, int width, unsigned char* buffer)
for (int i = 0, ix = 0; i < width; i++) {
buffer[ix++] = rtengine::uint16ToUint8Rounded(red[i]);
buffer[ix++] = rtengine::uint16ToUint8Rounded(green[i]);
buffer[ix++] = rtengine::uint16ToUint8Rounded(blue[i]);
void getScanline16(const uint16_t *red, const uint16_t *green, const uint16_t *blue, int width, unsigned short* buffer)
for (int i = 0, ix = 0; i < width; i++) {
buffer[ix++] = red[i];
buffer[ix++] = green[i];
buffer[ix++] = blue[i];
using namespace rtengine;
Image16::Image16(int w, int h)
allocate(w, h);
void Image16::getScanline(int row, unsigned char* buffer, int bps)
if (data == nullptr) {
if (bps == 16) {
getScanline16(r(row), g(row), b(row), width, (unsigned short*)buffer);
} else if (bps == 8) {
getScanline8(r(row), g(row), b(row), width, buffer);
* void Image16::setScanline (int row, unsigned char* buffer, int bps, int minValue[3], int maxValue[3]);
* has not been implemented yet, because as of now, this method is called for IIOSF_FLOATxx sample format only
void Image16::setScanline(int row, unsigned char* buffer, int bps, unsigned int numSamples, float *minValue, float *maxValue)
if (data == nullptr) {
// For optimization purpose, we're assuming that this class never has to provide min/max bounds
switch (sampleFormat) {
int ix = 0;
if (numSamples == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
r(row, i) = g(row, i) = b(row, i) = static_cast<unsigned short>(buffer[ix++]) * 257;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
r(row, i) = static_cast<unsigned short>(buffer[ix++]) * 257;
g(row, i) = static_cast<unsigned short>(buffer[ix++]) * 257;
b(row, i) = static_cast<unsigned short>(buffer[ix++]) * 257;
unsigned short* sbuffer = (unsigned short*) buffer;
int ix = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
r(row, i) = sbuffer[ix++];
g(row, i) = sbuffer[ix++];
b(row, i) = sbuffer[ix++];
// Other types are ignored, but could be implemented if necessary
* Not used for now
Image16* Image16::copy()
Image16* cp = new Image16(width, height);
return cp;
void Image16::getStdImage(ColorTemp ctemp, int tran, Imagefloat* image, PreviewProps pp, bool first, procparams::ToneCurveParams hrp)
// compute channel multipliers
float rm = 1.f, gm = 1.f, bm = 1.f;
if (ctemp.getTemp() >= 0) {
double drm, dgm, dbm;
ctemp.getMultipliers(drm, dgm, dbm);
rm = drm;
gm = dgm;
bm = dbm;
rm = 1.0 / rm;
gm = 1.0 / gm;
bm = 1.0 / bm;
float mul_lum = 0.299 * rm + 0.587 * gm + 0.114 * bm;
rm /= mul_lum;
gm /= mul_lum;
bm /= mul_lum;
int sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2;
transform(pp, tran, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2);
int imwidth = image->getWidth(); // Destination image
int imheight = image->getHeight(); // Destination image
if (((tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R90) || ((tran & TR_ROT) == TR_R270)) {
int swap = imwidth;
imwidth = imheight;
imheight = swap;
int maxx = width; // Source image
int maxy = height; // Source image
int mtran = tran & TR_ROT;
int skip = pp.getSkip();
//if ((sx1 + skip*imwidth)>maxx) imwidth -- ; // we have a boundary condition that can cause errors
// improve speed by integrating the area division into the multipliers
// switched to using ints for the red/green/blue channel buffer.
// Incidentally this improves accuracy too.
float area = skip * skip;
float rm2 = rm;
float gm2 = gm;
float bm2 = bm;
rm /= area;
gm /= area;
bm /= area;
#define GCLIP( x ) Color::gamma_srgb(CLIP(x))
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel
AlignedBuffer<float> abR(imwidth);
AlignedBuffer<float> abG(imwidth);
AlignedBuffer<float> abB(imwidth);
float *lineR = abR.data;
float *lineG = abG.data;
float *lineB = abB.data;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for
// Iterating all the rows of the destination image
for (int iy = 0; iy < imheight; iy++) {
if (skip == 1) {
// special case (speedup for 1:1 scale)
// i: source image, first line of the current destination row
int src_y = sy1 + iy;
// overflow security check, not sure that it's necessary
if (src_y >= maxy) {
for (int dst_x = 0, src_x = sx1; dst_x < imwidth; dst_x++, src_x++) {
// overflow security check, not sure that it's necessary
if (src_x >= maxx) {
lineR[dst_x] = CLIP(rm2 * r(src_y, src_x));
lineG[dst_x] = CLIP(gm2 * g(src_y, src_x));
lineB[dst_x] = CLIP(bm2 * b(src_y, src_x));
} else {
// source image, first line of the current destination row
int src_y = sy1 + skip * iy;
if (src_y >= maxy) {
for (int dst_x = 0, src_x = sx1; dst_x < imwidth; dst_x++, src_x += skip) {
if (src_x >= maxx) {
int src_sub_width = MIN(maxx - src_x, skip);
int src_sub_height = MIN(maxy - src_y, skip);
float rtot, gtot, btot; // RGB accumulators
rtot = gtot = btot = 0.;
for (int src_sub_y = 0; src_sub_y < src_sub_height; src_sub_y++)
for (int src_sub_x = 0; src_sub_x < src_sub_width; src_sub_x++) {
rtot += r(src_y + src_sub_y, src_x + src_sub_x);
gtot += g(src_y + src_sub_y, src_x + src_sub_x);
btot += b(src_y + src_sub_y, src_x + src_sub_x);
// convert back to gamma and clip
if (src_sub_width == skip && src_sub_height == skip) {
// Common case where the sub-region is complete
lineR[dst_x] = CLIP(rm * rtot);
lineG[dst_x] = CLIP(gm * gtot);
lineB[dst_x] = CLIP(bm * btot);
} else {
// computing a special factor for this incomplete sub-region
float area = src_sub_width * src_sub_height;
lineR[dst_x] = CLIP(rm2 * rtot / area);
lineG[dst_x] = CLIP(gm2 * gtot / area);
lineB[dst_x] = CLIP(bm2 * btot / area);
if (mtran == TR_NONE)
for (int dst_x = 0, src_x = sx1; dst_x < imwidth; dst_x++, src_x += skip) {
image->r(iy, dst_x) = lineR[dst_x];
image->g(iy, dst_x) = lineG[dst_x];
image->b(iy, dst_x) = lineB[dst_x];
} else if (mtran == TR_R180)
for (int dst_x = 0; dst_x < imwidth; dst_x++) {
image->r(imheight - 1 - iy, imwidth - 1 - dst_x) = lineR[dst_x];
image->g(imheight - 1 - iy, imwidth - 1 - dst_x) = lineG[dst_x];
image->b(imheight - 1 - iy, imwidth - 1 - dst_x) = lineB[dst_x];
} else if (mtran == TR_R90)
for (int dst_x = 0, src_x = sx1; dst_x < imwidth; dst_x++, src_x += skip) {
image->r(dst_x, imheight - 1 - iy) = lineR[dst_x];
image->g(dst_x, imheight - 1 - iy) = lineG[dst_x];
image->b(dst_x, imheight - 1 - iy) = lineB[dst_x];
} else if (mtran == TR_R270)
for (int dst_x = 0, src_x = sx1; dst_x < imwidth; dst_x++, src_x += skip) {
image->r(imwidth - 1 - dst_x, iy) = lineR[dst_x];
image->g(imwidth - 1 - dst_x, iy) = lineG[dst_x];
image->b(imwidth - 1 - dst_x, iy) = lineB[dst_x];
#ifdef _OPENMP
#undef GCLIP
Image8* img8 = new Image8(width, height);
for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
img8->r(h, w) = uint16ToUint8Rounded(r(h, w));
img8->g(h, w) = uint16ToUint8Rounded(g(h, w));
img8->b(h, w) = uint16ToUint8Rounded(b(h, w));
return img8;
Imagefloat* imgfloat = new Imagefloat(width, height);
for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w) {
imgfloat->r(h, w) = r(h, w);
imgfloat->g(h, w) = g(h, w);
imgfloat->b(h, w) = b(h, w);
return imgfloat;
// Parallelized transformation; create transform with cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE!
void Image16::ExecCMSTransform(cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform)
//cmsDoTransform(hTransform, data, data, planestride);
// LittleCMS cannot parallelize planar setups -- Hombre: LCMS2.4 can! But it we use this new feature, memory allocation have to be modified too
// so build temporary buffers to allow multi processor execution
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel
AlignedBuffer<unsigned short> buffer(width * 3);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
unsigned short *p = buffer.data, *pR = r(y), *pG = g(y), *pB = b(y);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(p++) = *(pR++);
*(p++) = *(pG++);
*(p++) = *(pB++);
cmsDoTransform(hTransform, buffer.data, buffer.data, width);
p = buffer.data;
pR = r(y);
pG = g(y);
pB = b(y);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*(pR++) = *(p++);
*(pG++) = *(p++);
*(pB++) = *(p++);
} // End of parallelization
// // Parallelized transformation; create transform with cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE!
// void Image16::ExecCMSTransform(cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform, const LabImage &labImage, int cx, int cy)
// {
// // LittleCMS cannot parallelize planar Lab float images
// // so build temporary buffers to allow multi processor execution
// #ifdef _OPENMP
// #pragma omp parallel
// #endif
// {
// AlignedBuffer<float> bufferLab(width * 3);
// AlignedBuffer<unsigned short> bufferRGB(width * 3);
// #ifdef _OPENMP
// #pragma omp for schedule(static)
// #endif
// for (int y = cy; y < cy + height; y++)
// {
// unsigned short *pRGB, *pR, *pG, *pB;
// float *pLab, *pL, *pa, *pb;
// pLab= bufferLab.data;
// pL = labImage.L[y] + cx;
// pa = labImage.a[y] + cx;
// pb = labImage.b[y] + cx;
// for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// *(pLab++) = *(pL++) / 327.68f;
// *(pLab++) = *(pa++) / 327.68f;
// *(pLab++) = *(pb++) / 327.68f;
// }
// cmsDoTransform (hTransform, bufferLab.data, bufferRGB.data, width);
// pRGB = bufferRGB.data;
// pR = r(y - cy);
// pG = g(y - cy);
// pB = b(y - cy);
// for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// *(pR++) = *(pRGB++);
// *(pG++) = *(pRGB++);
// *(pB++) = *(pRGB++);
// }
// } // End of parallelization
// }
// }