
1270 lines
43 KiB
Executable File

* This file is part of RawTherapee.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>, Oliver Duis <www.oliverduis.de>
* RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with RawTherapee. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include "rtwindow.h"
#include "cachemanager.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "iccprofilecreator.h"
#include "cursormanager.h"
#include "editwindow.h"
#include "rtimage.h"
#include "thumbnail.h"
#include "whitebalance.h"
#include "../rtengine/settings.h"
#include "batchqueuepanel.h"
#include "batchqueueentry.h"
#include "editorpanel.h"
#include "filepanel.h"
#include "filmsimulation.h"
float fontScale = 1.f;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::CssProvider> cssForced;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::CssProvider> cssRT;
extern unsigned char initialGdkScale;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
static gboolean
osx_should_quit_cb (GtkosxApplication *app, gpointer data)
RTWindow * const rtWin = static_cast<RTWindow*>(data);
return rtWin->on_delete_event (0);
static void
osx_will_quit_cb (GtkosxApplication *app, gpointer data)
RTWindow *rtWin = static_cast<RTWindow*>(data);
rtWin->on_delete_event (0);
gtk_main_quit ();
bool RTWindow::osxFileOpenEvent (Glib::ustring path)
CacheManager* cm = CacheManager::getInstance();
Thumbnail* thm = cm->getEntry ( path );
if (thm && fpanel) {
std::vector<Thumbnail*> entries;
entries.push_back (thm);
fpanel->fileCatalog->openRequested (entries);
return true;
return false;
static gboolean
osx_open_file_cb (GtkosxApplication *app, gchar *path_, gpointer data)
RTWindow *rtWin = static_cast<RTWindow*>(data);
if (!argv1.empty()) {
// skip handling if we have a file argument or else we get double open of same file
return false;
Glib::ustring path = Glib::ustring (path_);
Glib::ustring suffix = path.length() > 4 ? path.substr (path.length() - 3) : "";
suffix = suffix.lowercase();
if (suffix == "pp3") {
path = path.substr (0, path.length() - 4);
return rtWin->osxFileOpenEvent (path);
#endif // __APPLE__
RTWindow::RTWindow ()
: mainNB (nullptr)
, bpanel (nullptr)
, splash (nullptr)
, btn_fullscreen (nullptr)
, iFullscreen (nullptr)
, iFullscreen_exit (nullptr)
, epanel (nullptr)
, fpanel (nullptr)
if (options.is_new_version()) {
cacheMgr->init ();
ProfilePanel::init (this);
// ------- loading theme files
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Screen> screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default();
if (screen) {
Gtk::Settings::get_for_screen (screen)->property_gtk_theme_name() = "Adwaita";
Gtk::Settings::get_for_screen (screen)->property_gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme() = true;
Glib::RefPtr<Glib::Regex> regex = Glib::Regex::create (THEMEREGEXSTR, Glib::RegexCompileFlags::REGEX_CASELESS);
Glib::ustring filename;
Glib::MatchInfo mInfo;
bool match = regex->match(options.theme + ".css", mInfo);
if (match) {
// save old theme (name + version)
Glib::ustring initialTheme(options.theme);
// update version
auto pos = options.theme.find("-GTK3-");
Glib::ustring themeRootName(options.theme.substr(0, pos));
options.theme = themeRootName + "-GTK3-_19";
} else {
options.theme = themeRootName + "-GTK3-20_";
// check if this version exist
if (!Glib::file_test(Glib::build_filename(argv0, "themes", options.theme + ".css"), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
// set back old theme version if the actual one doesn't exist yet
options.theme = initialTheme;
filename = Glib::build_filename(argv0, "themes", options.theme + ".css");
if (!match || !Glib::file_test(filename, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
options.theme = "RawTherapee-GTK";
// We're not testing GTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 here, since this branch requires Gtk3 only
options.theme = options.theme + "3-_19";
} else {
options.theme = options.theme + "3-20_";
filename = Glib::build_filename (argv0, "themes", options.theme + ".css");
cssRT = Gtk::CssProvider::create();
try {
cssRT->load_from_path (filename);
Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen (screen, cssRT, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
} catch (Glib::Error &err) {
printf ("Error: Can't load css file \"%s\"\nMessage: %s\n", filename.c_str(), err.what().c_str());
} catch (...) {
printf ("Error: Can't load css file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str());
// Set the font face and size
Glib::ustring css;
if (options.fontFamily != "default") {
css = Glib::ustring::compose ("* { font-family: %1; font-size: %2px}", options.fontFamily, options.fontSize * (int)initialGdkScale);
css = Glib::ustring::compose ("* { font-family: %1; font-size: %2pt}", options.fontFamily, options.fontSize * (int)initialGdkScale);
if (options.pseudoHiDPISupport) {
fontScale = options.fontSize / (float)RTScalable::baseFontSize;
if (rtengine::settings->verbose) {
printf("\"Non-Default\" font size(%d) * scale(%d) / fontScale(%.3f)\n", options.fontSize, (int)initialGdkScale, static_cast<double>(fontScale));
} else {
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::StyleContext> style = Gtk::StyleContext::create();
Pango::FontDescription pfd = style->get_font(Gtk::STATE_FLAG_NORMAL);
if (pfd.get_set_fields() & Pango::FONT_MASK_SIZE) {
int pt;
int fontSize = pfd.get_size();
bool isPix = pfd.get_size_is_absolute();
int resolution = (int)style->get_screen()->get_resolution();
if (isPix) {
// HOMBRE: guessing here...
// if resolution is lower than baseHiDPI, we're supposing that it's already expressed in a scale==1 scenario
if (resolution >= int(RTScalable::baseHiDPI)) {
// converting the resolution to a scale==1 scenario
resolution /= 2;
// 1pt = 1/72in @ 96 ppi
// HOMBRE: If the font unit is px, is it already scaled up to match the resolution ?
// px >inch >pt >"scaled pt"
pt = (int)(double(fontSize) / RTScalable::baseDPI * 72. * (96. / (double)resolution) + 0.49);
} else {
pt = fontSize / Pango::SCALE;
if (options.pseudoHiDPISupport) {
fontScale = (float)pt / (float)RTScalable::baseFontSize;
if ((int)initialGdkScale > 1 || pt != RTScalable::baseFontSize) {
css = Glib::ustring::compose ("* { font-size: %1pt}", pt * (int)initialGdkScale);
if (rtengine::settings->verbose) {
printf("\"Default\" font size(%d) * scale(%d) / fontScale(%.3f)\n", pt, (int)initialGdkScale, static_cast<double>(fontScale));
if (!css.empty()) {
if (rtengine::settings->verbose) {
printf("CSS:\n%s\n\n", css.c_str());
try {
cssForced = Gtk::CssProvider::create();
cssForced->load_from_data (css);
Gtk::StyleContext::add_provider_for_screen (screen, cssForced, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
} catch (Glib::Error &err) {
printf ("Error: \"%s\"\n", err.what().c_str());
} catch (...) {
printf ("Error: Can't find the font named \"%s\"\n", options.fontFamily.c_str());
// ------- end loading theme files
#ifndef WIN32
const std::vector<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>> appIcons = {
try {
} catch (Glib::Exception& ex) {
printf ("%s\n", ex.what().c_str());
#if defined(__APPLE__)
osxApp = (GtkosxApplication *)g_object_new (GTKOSX_TYPE_APPLICATION, NULL);
RTWindow *rtWin = this;
g_signal_connect (osxApp, "NSApplicationBlockTermination", G_CALLBACK (osx_should_quit_cb), rtWin);
g_signal_connect (osxApp, "NSApplicationWillTerminate", G_CALLBACK (osx_will_quit_cb), rtWin);
g_signal_connect (osxApp, "NSApplicationOpenFile", G_CALLBACK (osx_open_file_cb), rtWin);
// RT don't have a menu, but we must create a dummy one to get the default OS X app menu working
GtkWidget *menubar;
menubar = gtk_menu_bar_new ();
gtkosx_application_set_menu_bar (osxApp, GTK_MENU_SHELL (menubar));
gtkosx_application_set_use_quartz_accelerators (osxApp, FALSE);
gtkosx_application_ready (osxApp);
versionStr = "RawTherapee " + versionString;
set_title_decorated ("");
set_resizable (true);
set_decorated (true);
set_default_size (options.windowWidth, options.windowHeight);
set_modal (false);
on_delete_has_run = false;
is_fullscreen = false;
is_minimized = false;
property_destroy_with_parent().set_value (false);
signal_window_state_event().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::on_window_state_event) );
onConfEventConn = signal_configure_event().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::on_configure_event) );
signal_key_press_event().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::keyPressed) );
signal_key_release_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RTWindow::keyReleased));
if (simpleEditor) {
epanel = Gtk::manage ( new EditorPanel (nullptr) );
epanel->setParent (this);
epanel->setParentWindow (this);
add (*epanel);
show_all ();
pldBridge = nullptr; // No progress listener
CacheManager* cm = CacheManager::getInstance();
Thumbnail* thm = cm->getEntry ( argv1 );
if (thm) {
int error;
rtengine::InitialImage *ii = rtengine::InitialImage::load (argv1, thm->getType() == FT_Raw, &error, nullptr);
epanel->open ( thm, ii );
} else {
mainNB = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Notebook ());
mainNB->set_name ("MainNotebook");
mainNB->set_scrollable (true);
mainNB->signal_switch_page().connect_notify ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::on_mainNB_switch_page) );
// Editor panel
fpanel = new FilePanel () ;
fpanel->setParent (this);
// decorate tab
Gtk::Grid* fpanelLabelGrid = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Grid ());
setExpandAlignProperties (fpanelLabelGrid, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
Gtk::Label* fpl = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label ( Glib::ustring (" ") + M ("MAIN_FRAME_EDITOR") ));
if (options.mainNBVertical) {
mainNB->set_tab_pos (Gtk::POS_LEFT);
fpl->set_angle (90);
RTImage* folderIcon = Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("folder-closed.png"));
fpanelLabelGrid->attach_next_to (*folderIcon, Gtk::POS_TOP, 1, 1);
fpanelLabelGrid->attach_next_to (*fpl, Gtk::POS_TOP, 1, 1);
} else {
RTImage* folderIcon = Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("folder-closed.png"));
fpanelLabelGrid->attach_next_to (*folderIcon, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
fpanelLabelGrid->attach_next_to (*fpl, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
fpanelLabelGrid->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_FRAME_FILEBROWSER_TOOLTIP"));
fpanelLabelGrid->show_all ();
mainNB->append_page (*fpanel, *fpanelLabelGrid);
// Batch Queue panel
bpanel = Gtk::manage ( new BatchQueuePanel (fpanel->fileCatalog) );
// decorate tab, the label is unimportant since its updated in batchqueuepanel anyway
Gtk::Label* lbq = Gtk::manage ( new Gtk::Label (M ("MAIN_FRAME_QUEUE")) );
if (options.mainNBVertical) {
lbq->set_angle (90);
mainNB->append_page (*bpanel, *lbq);
if (isSingleTabMode()) {
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*fpanel));
//Gtk::Box* mainBox = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Box(Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL));
//mainBox->pack_start (*mainNB);
// filling bottom box
iFullscreen = new RTImage ("fullscreen-enter.png");
iFullscreen_exit = new RTImage ("fullscreen-leave.png");
Gtk::Button* iccProfileCreator = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Button ());
setExpandAlignProperties (iccProfileCreator, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
iccProfileCreator->set_image (*Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("gamut-plus.png")));
iccProfileCreator->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_BUTTON_ICCPROFCREATOR"));
iccProfileCreator->signal_clicked().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::showICCProfileCreator) );
Gtk::Button* helpBtn = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Button ());
setExpandAlignProperties (helpBtn, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
helpBtn->set_image (*Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("questionmark.png")));
helpBtn->set_tooltip_markup (M ("GENERAL_HELP"));
helpBtn->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::showRawPedia));
Gtk::Button* preferences = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Button ());
setExpandAlignProperties (preferences, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
preferences->set_image (*Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("preferences.png")));
preferences->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_BUTTON_PREFERENCES"));
preferences->signal_clicked().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::showPreferences) );
btn_fullscreen = Gtk::manage ( new Gtk::Button());
setExpandAlignProperties (btn_fullscreen, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
btn_fullscreen->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_BUTTON_FULLSCREEN"));
btn_fullscreen->set_image (*iFullscreen);
btn_fullscreen->signal_clicked().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::toggle_fullscreen) );
setExpandAlignProperties (&prProgBar, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
prProgBar.set_show_text (true);
Gtk::Grid* actionGrid = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Grid ());
actionGrid->set_row_spacing (2);
actionGrid->set_column_spacing (2);
setExpandAlignProperties (actionGrid, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
if (options.mainNBVertical) {
prProgBar.set_orientation (Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
prProgBar.set_inverted (true);
actionGrid->set_orientation (Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (prProgBar, Gtk::POS_BOTTOM, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*iccProfileCreator, Gtk::POS_BOTTOM, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*helpBtn, Gtk::POS_BOTTOM, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*preferences, Gtk::POS_BOTTOM, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*btn_fullscreen, Gtk::POS_BOTTOM, 1, 1);
mainNB->set_action_widget (actionGrid, Gtk::PACK_END);
} else {
prProgBar.set_orientation (Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
actionGrid->set_orientation (Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (prProgBar, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*iccProfileCreator, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*helpBtn, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*preferences, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
actionGrid->attach_next_to (*btn_fullscreen, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
mainNB->set_action_widget (actionGrid, Gtk::PACK_END);
pldBridge = new PLDBridge (static_cast<rtengine::ProgressListener*> (this));
add (*mainNB);
show_all ();
bpanel->init (this);
if (!argv1.empty() && !remote) {
Thumbnail* thm = cacheMgr->getEntry (argv1);
if (thm) {
fpanel->fileCatalog->openRequested ({thm});
if (!simpleEditor) {
delete pldBridge;
pldBridge = nullptr;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
g_object_unref (osxApp);
delete fpanel;
delete iFullscreen;
delete iFullscreen_exit;
void RTWindow::on_realize ()
Gtk::Window::on_realize ();
if ( fpanel ) {
if (simpleEditor) {
mainWindowCursorManager.init (get_window());
// Display release notes only if new major version.
bool waitForSplash = false;
if (options.is_new_version()) {
// Update the version parameter with the right value
options.version = versionString;
splash = new Splash (*this);
splash->set_transient_for (*this);
splash->signal_delete_event().connect ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::splashClosed) );
if (splash->hasReleaseNotes()) {
waitForSplash = true;
splash->show ();
} else {
delete splash;
splash = nullptr;
if (!waitForSplash) {
void RTWindow::showErrors()
// alerting users if the default raw and image profiles are missing
if (options.is_defProfRawMissing()) {
options.defProfRaw = DEFPROFILE_RAW;
Gtk::MessageDialog msgd (*this, Glib::ustring::compose (M ("OPTIONS_DEFRAW_MISSING"), options.defProfRaw), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
msgd.run ();
if (options.is_bundledDefProfRawMissing()) {
Gtk::MessageDialog msgd (*this, Glib::ustring::compose (M ("OPTIONS_BUNDLED_MISSING"), options.defProfRaw), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
msgd.run ();
options.defProfRaw = DEFPROFILE_INTERNAL;
if (options.is_defProfImgMissing()) {
options.defProfImg = DEFPROFILE_IMG;
Gtk::MessageDialog msgd (*this, Glib::ustring::compose (M ("OPTIONS_DEFIMG_MISSING"), options.defProfImg), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
msgd.run ();
if (options.is_bundledDefProfImgMissing()) {
Gtk::MessageDialog msgd (*this, Glib::ustring::compose (M ("OPTIONS_BUNDLED_MISSING"), options.defProfImg), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true);
msgd.run ();
options.defProfImg = DEFPROFILE_INTERNAL;
bool RTWindow::on_configure_event (GdkEventConfigure* event)
if (!options.windowMaximized && !is_fullscreen && !is_minimized) {
get_size (options.windowWidth, options.windowHeight);
get_position (options.windowX, options.windowY);
RTImage::setDPInScale(RTScalable::getDPI(), RTScalable::getScale()); // will update the RTImage on scale/resolution change
RTSurface::setDPInScale(RTScalable::getDPI(), RTScalable::getScale()); // will update the RTSurface on scale/resolution change
return Gtk::Widget::on_configure_event (event);
bool RTWindow::on_window_state_event (GdkEventWindowState* event)
// Retrieve RT window states
options.windowMaximized = event->new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED;
is_minimized = event->new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED;
is_fullscreen = event->new_window_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_FULLSCREEN;
return Gtk::Widget::on_window_state_event (event);
void RTWindow::on_mainNB_switch_page (Gtk::Widget* widget, guint page_num)
if (!on_delete_has_run) {
if (isEditorPanel (page_num)) {
if (isSingleTabMode() && epanel) {
EditorPanel *ep = static_cast<EditorPanel*> (mainNB->get_nth_page (page_num));
if (!isSingleTabMode()) {
if (filesEdited.size() > 0) {
set_title_decorated (ep->getFileName());
} else {
// in single tab mode with command line filename epanel does not exist yet
if (isSingleTabMode() && epanel) {
// Save profile on leaving the editor panel
// Moving the FileBrowser only if the user has switched to the FileBrowser tab
if (mainNB->get_nth_page (page_num) == fpanel) {
void RTWindow::addEditorPanel (EditorPanel* ep, const std::string &name)
if (options.multiDisplayMode > 0) {
EditWindow * wndEdit = EditWindow::getInstance (this);
wndEdit->addEditorPanel (ep, name);
wndEdit->restoreWindow(); // Need to be called after RTWindow creation to work with all OS Windows Manager
} else {
ep->setParent (this);
ep->setParentWindow (this);
// construct closeable tab for the image
Gtk::Grid* titleGrid = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Grid ());
titleGrid->set_tooltip_markup (name);
RTImage *closebimg = Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("cancel-small.png"));
Gtk::Button* closeb = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Button ());
closeb->set_name ("CloseButton");
closeb->add (*closebimg);
closeb->set_relief (Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
closeb->set_focus_on_click (false);
closeb->signal_clicked().connect ( sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RTWindow::remEditorPanel), ep));
if (!EditWindow::isMultiDisplayEnabled()) {
titleGrid->attach_next_to (*Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("aperture.png")), Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
titleGrid->attach_next_to (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (Glib::path_get_basename (name))), Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
titleGrid->attach_next_to (*closeb, Gtk::POS_RIGHT, 1, 1);
titleGrid->show_all ();
titleGrid->set_column_spacing (2);
mainNB->append_page (*ep, *titleGrid);
//ep->setAspect ();
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*ep));
mainNB->set_tab_reorderable (*ep, true);
set_title_decorated (name);
epanels[ name ] = ep;
filesEdited.insert ( name );
fpanel->refreshEditedState (filesEdited);
ep->tbTopPanel_1_visible (false); //hide the toggle Top Panel button
void RTWindow::remEditorPanel (EditorPanel* ep)
if (ep->getIsProcessing()) {
return; // Will crash if destroyed while loading
if (options.multiDisplayMode > 0) {
EditWindow * wndEdit = EditWindow::getInstance (this);
wndEdit->remEditorPanel (ep);
} else {
bool queueHadFocus = (mainNB->get_current_page() == mainNB->page_num (*bpanel));
epanels.erase (ep->getFileName());
filesEdited.erase (ep->getFileName ());
fpanel->refreshEditedState (filesEdited);
mainNB->remove_page (*ep);
if (!isEditorPanel (mainNB->get_current_page())) {
if (!queueHadFocus) {
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*fpanel));
set_title_decorated ("");
} else {
const EditorPanel* lep = static_cast<EditorPanel*> (mainNB->get_nth_page (mainNB->get_current_page()));
set_title_decorated (lep->getFileName());
// TODO: ask what to do: close & apply, close & apply selection, close & revert, cancel
bool RTWindow::selectEditorPanel (const std::string &name)
if (options.multiDisplayMode > 0) {
EditWindow * wndEdit = EditWindow::getInstance (this);
if (wndEdit->selectEditorPanel (name)) {
set_title_decorated (name);
return true;
} else {
std::map<Glib::ustring, EditorPanel*>::iterator iep = epanels.find (name);
if (iep != epanels.end()) {
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*iep->second));
set_title_decorated (name);
return true;
} else {
//printf("RTWindow::selectEditorPanel - plain set\n");
return false;
bool RTWindow::keyPressed (GdkEventKey* event)
bool ctrl = event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK;
//bool shift = event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
bool try_quit = false;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
bool apple_cmd = event->state & GDK_MOD2_MASK;
if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_q && apple_cmd) {
try_quit = true;
if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_q && ctrl) {
try_quit = true;
if (try_quit) {
if (!on_delete_event (nullptr)) {
if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_F11) {
if (simpleEditor)
// in simpleEditor mode, there's no other tab that can handle pressed keys, so we can send the event to editor panel then return
return epanel->handleShortcutKey (event);
if (ctrl) {
switch (event->keyval) {
case GDK_KEY_F2: // file browser panel
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*fpanel));
return true;
case GDK_KEY_F3: // batch queue panel
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*bpanel));
return true;
case GDK_KEY_F4: //single tab mode, editor panel
if (isSingleTabMode() && epanel) {
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*epanel));
return true;
case GDK_KEY_w: //multi-tab mode, close editor panel
if (!isSingleTabMode() &&
mainNB->get_current_page() != mainNB->page_num (*fpanel) &&
mainNB->get_current_page() != mainNB->page_num (*bpanel)) {
EditorPanel* ep = static_cast<EditorPanel*> (mainNB->get_nth_page (mainNB->get_current_page()));
remEditorPanel (ep);
return true;
if (mainNB->get_current_page() == mainNB->page_num (*fpanel)) {
return fpanel->handleShortcutKey (event);
} else if (mainNB->get_current_page() == mainNB->page_num (*bpanel)) {
return bpanel->handleShortcutKey (event);
} else {
EditorPanel* ep = static_cast<EditorPanel*> (mainNB->get_nth_page (mainNB->get_current_page()));
return ep->handleShortcutKey (event);
return false;
bool RTWindow::keyReleased(GdkEventKey *event)
if (mainNB->get_current_page() == mainNB->page_num(*fpanel)) {
return fpanel->handleShortcutKeyRelease(event);
return false;
void RTWindow::addBatchQueueJob (BatchQueueEntry* bqe, bool head)
std::vector<BatchQueueEntry*> entries;
entries.push_back (bqe);
bpanel->addBatchQueueJobs (entries, head);
fpanel->queue_draw ();
void RTWindow::addBatchQueueJobs(const std::vector<BatchQueueEntry*>& entries)
bpanel->addBatchQueueJobs (entries, false);
fpanel->queue_draw ();
bool RTWindow::on_delete_event (GdkEventAny* event)
if (on_delete_has_run) {
// on Mac OSX we can get multiple events
return false;
// Check if any editor is still processing, and do NOT quit if so. Otherwise crashes and inconsistent caches
bool isProcessing = false;
EditWindow* editWindow = nullptr;
if (isSingleTabMode() || simpleEditor) {
isProcessing = epanel->getIsProcessing();
} else if (options.multiDisplayMode > 0) {
editWindow = EditWindow::getInstance (this);
isProcessing = editWindow->isProcessing();
} else {
int pageCount = mainNB->get_n_pages();
for (int i = 0; i < pageCount && !isProcessing; i++) {
if (isEditorPanel (i)) {
isProcessing |= (static_cast<EditorPanel*> (mainNB->get_nth_page (i)))->getIsProcessing();
if (isProcessing) {
return true;
if ( fpanel ) {
fpanel->saveOptions ();
if ( bpanel ) {
bpanel->saveOptions ();
if ((isSingleTabMode() || simpleEditor) && epanel->isRealized()) {
epanel->writeOptions ();
} else {
if (options.multiDisplayMode > 0 && editWindow) {
} else if (epanels.size()) {
// Storing the options of the last EditorPanel before Gtk destroys everything
// Look at the active panel first, if any, otherwise look at the first one (sorted on the filename)
int page = mainNB->get_current_page();
Gtk::Widget *w = mainNB->get_nth_page (page);
bool optionsWritten = false;
for (std::map<Glib::ustring, EditorPanel*>::iterator i = epanels.begin(); i != epanels.end(); ++i) {
if (i->second == w) {
optionsWritten = true;
if (!optionsWritten) {
// fallback solution: save the options of the first editor panel
std::map<Glib::ustring, EditorPanel*>::iterator i = epanels.begin();
cacheMgr->closeCache (); // also makes cleanup if too large
if (!options.windowMaximized && !is_fullscreen && !is_minimized) {
get_size (options.windowWidth, options.windowHeight);
get_position (options.windowX, options.windowY);
// Retrieve window monitor ID
options.windowMonitor = 0;
const auto display = get_screen()->get_display();
const int monitor_nb = display->get_n_monitors();
for (int id = 0; id < monitor_nb; id++) {
if (display->get_monitor_at_window(get_window()) == display->get_monitor(id)) {
options.windowMonitor = id;
try {
Options::save ();
} catch (Options::Error &e) {
Gtk::MessageDialog msgd (getToplevelWindow (this), e.get_msg(), true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, true);
on_delete_has_run = true;
return false;
void RTWindow::writeToolExpandedStatus (std::vector<int> &tpOpen)
if ((isSingleTabMode() || gimpPlugin) && epanel->isRealized()) {
epanel->writeToolExpandedStatus (tpOpen);
} else {
// Storing the options of the last EditorPanel before Gtk destroys everything
// Look at the active panel first, if any, otherwise look at the first one (sorted on the filename)
if (epanels.size()) {
int page = mainNB->get_current_page();
Gtk::Widget *w = mainNB->get_nth_page (page);
bool optionsWritten = false;
for (std::map<Glib::ustring, EditorPanel*>::iterator i = epanels.begin(); i != epanels.end(); ++i) {
if (i->second == w) {
i->second->writeToolExpandedStatus (tpOpen);
optionsWritten = true;
if (!optionsWritten) {
// fallback solution: save the options of the first editor panel
std::map<Glib::ustring, EditorPanel*>::iterator i = epanels.begin();
i->second->writeToolExpandedStatus (tpOpen);
void RTWindow::showRawPedia()
GError* gerror = nullptr;
gtk_show_uri(nullptr, "https://rawpedia.rawtherapee.com/", GDK_CURRENT_TIME, &gerror);
void RTWindow::showICCProfileCreator ()
ICCProfileCreator *iccpc = new ICCProfileCreator (this);
iccpc->run ();
delete iccpc;
fpanel->optionsChanged ();
if (epanel) {
epanel->defaultMonitorProfileChanged (options.rtSettings.monitorProfile, options.rtSettings.autoMonitorProfile);
for (const auto &p : epanels) {
p.second->defaultMonitorProfileChanged (options.rtSettings.monitorProfile, options.rtSettings.autoMonitorProfile);
void RTWindow::showPreferences ()
Preferences *pref = new Preferences (this);
pref->run ();
delete pref;
fpanel->optionsChanged ();
if (epanel) {
epanel->defaultMonitorProfileChanged (options.rtSettings.monitorProfile, options.rtSettings.autoMonitorProfile);
for (const auto &p : epanels) {
p.second->defaultMonitorProfileChanged (options.rtSettings.monitorProfile, options.rtSettings.autoMonitorProfile);
void RTWindow::setProgress(double p)
void RTWindow::setProgressStr(const Glib::ustring& str)
if (!options.mainNBVertical) {
void RTWindow::setProgressState(bool inProcessing)
if (inProcessing) {
} else {
void RTWindow::error(const Glib::ustring& descr)
void RTWindow::toggle_fullscreen ()
onConfEventConn.block(true); // Avoid getting size and position while window is getting fullscreen
if (is_fullscreen) {
if (btn_fullscreen) {
btn_fullscreen->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_BUTTON_FULLSCREEN"));
btn_fullscreen->set_image (*iFullscreen);
} else {
if (btn_fullscreen) {
btn_fullscreen->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_BUTTON_UNFULLSCREEN"));
btn_fullscreen->set_image (*iFullscreen_exit);
void RTWindow::SetEditorCurrent()
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*epanel));
void RTWindow::SetMainCurrent()
mainNB->set_current_page (mainNB->page_num (*fpanel));
void RTWindow::MoveFileBrowserToMain()
if ( fpanel->ribbonPane->get_children().empty()) {
FileCatalog *fCatalog = fpanel->fileCatalog;
epanel->catalogPane->remove (*fCatalog);
fpanel->ribbonPane->add (*fCatalog);
fCatalog->enableTabMode (false);
fCatalog->tbLeftPanel_1_visible (true);
fCatalog->tbRightPanel_1_visible (true);
void RTWindow::MoveFileBrowserToEditor()
if (epanel->catalogPane->get_children().empty() ) {
FileCatalog *fCatalog = fpanel->fileCatalog;
fpanel->ribbonPane->remove (*fCatalog);
epanel->catalogPane->add (*fCatalog);
epanel->showTopPanel (options.editorFilmStripOpened);
fCatalog->enableTabMode (true);
fCatalog->tbLeftPanel_1_visible (false);
fCatalog->tbRightPanel_1_visible (false);
void RTWindow::updateProfiles (const Glib::ustring &printerProfile, rtengine::RenderingIntent printerIntent, bool printerBPC)
if (epanel) {
epanel->updateProfiles (printerProfile, printerIntent, printerBPC);
for (auto panel : epanels) {
panel.second->updateProfiles (printerProfile, printerIntent, printerBPC);
void RTWindow::updateTPVScrollbar (bool hide)
fpanel->updateTPVScrollbar (hide);
if (epanel) {
epanel->updateTPVScrollbar (hide);
for (auto panel : epanels) {
panel.second->updateTPVScrollbar (hide);
void RTWindow::updateFBQueryTB (bool singleRow)
fpanel->fileCatalog->updateFBQueryTB (singleRow);
void RTWindow::updateFBToolBarVisibility (bool showFilmStripToolBar)
fpanel->fileCatalog->updateFBToolBarVisibility (showFilmStripToolBar);
void RTWindow::updateShowtooltipVisibility (bool showtooltip)
if (epanel) {
epanel->updateShowtooltipVisibility (showtooltip);
for (auto panel : epanels) {
panel.second->updateShowtooltipVisibility (showtooltip);
void RTWindow::updateHistogramPosition (int oldPosition, int newPosition)
if (epanel) {
epanel->updateHistogramPosition (oldPosition, newPosition);
for (auto panel : epanels) {
panel.second->updateHistogramPosition (oldPosition, newPosition);
bool RTWindow::splashClosed (GdkEventAny* event)
delete splash;
splash = nullptr;
return true;
void RTWindow::setWindowSize ()
onConfEventConn.block(true); // Avoid getting size and position while window is being moved, maximized, ...
Gdk::Rectangle lMonitorRect;
const auto display = get_screen()->get_display();
display->get_monitor (std::min (options.windowMonitor, display->get_n_monitors() - 1))->get_geometry(lMonitorRect);
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Get macOS menu bar height
Gdk::Rectangle lWorkAreaRect;
display->get_monitor (std::min (options.windowMonitor, display->get_n_monitors() - 1))->get_workarea(lWorkAreaRect);
const int macMenuBarHeight = lWorkAreaRect.get_y();
// Place RT window to saved one in options file
if (options.windowX <= lMonitorRect.get_x() + lMonitorRect.get_width()
&& options.windowX >= 0
&& options.windowY <= lMonitorRect.get_y() + lMonitorRect.get_height() - macMenuBarHeight
&& options.windowY >= 0) {
move (options.windowX, options.windowY + macMenuBarHeight);
} else {
move (lMonitorRect.get_x(), lMonitorRect.get_y() + macMenuBarHeight);
// Place RT window to saved one in options file
if (options.windowX <= lMonitorRect.get_x() + lMonitorRect.get_width()
&& options.windowX >= 0
&& options.windowY <= lMonitorRect.get_y() + lMonitorRect.get_height()
&& options.windowY >= 0) {
move (options.windowX, options.windowY);
} else {
move (lMonitorRect.get_x(), lMonitorRect.get_y());
// Maximize RT window according to options file
if (options.windowMaximized) {
} else {
resize (options.windowWidth, options.windowHeight);
void RTWindow::get_position(int& x, int& y) const
// Call native function
Gtk::Window::get_position (x, y);
// Retrieve display (concatenation of all monitors) size
int width = 0, height = 0;
const auto display = get_screen()->get_display();
const int nbMonitors = display->get_n_monitors();
for (int i = 0; i < nbMonitors; i++) {
Gdk::Rectangle lMonitorRect;
width = std::max(width, lMonitorRect.get_x() + lMonitorRect.get_width());
height = std::max(height, lMonitorRect.get_y() + lMonitorRect.get_height());
// Saturate position at monitor limits to avoid unexpected behavior (fixes #6233)
x = std::min(width, std::max(0, x));
y = std::min(height, std::max(0, y));
void RTWindow::set_title_decorated (Glib::ustring fname)
Glib::ustring subtitle;
if (!fname.empty()) {
subtitle = " - " + fname;
set_title (versionStr + subtitle);
void RTWindow::closeOpenEditors()
std::map<Glib::ustring, EditorPanel*>::const_iterator itr;
itr = epanels.begin();
while (itr != epanels.end()) {
remEditorPanel ((*itr).second);
itr = epanels.begin();
bool RTWindow::isEditorPanel (Widget* panel)
return (panel != bpanel) && (panel != fpanel);
bool RTWindow::isEditorPanel (guint pageNum)
return isEditorPanel (mainNB->get_nth_page (pageNum));
void RTWindow::setEditorMode (bool tabbedUI)
if (tabbedUI) {
mainNB->remove_page (*epanel);
epanel = nullptr;
set_title_decorated ("");
} else {
set_title_decorated ("");
void RTWindow::createSetmEditor()
// Editor panel, single-tab mode only
epanel = Gtk::manage ( new EditorPanel (fpanel) );
epanel->setParent (this);
epanel->setParentWindow (this);
// decorate tab
Gtk::Grid* const editorLabelGrid = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Grid ());
setExpandAlignProperties (editorLabelGrid, false, false, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER);
Gtk::Label* const el = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label ( Glib::ustring (" ") + M ("MAIN_FRAME_EDITOR") ));
const auto pos = options.mainNBVertical ? Gtk::POS_TOP : Gtk::POS_RIGHT;
if (options.mainNBVertical) {
el->set_angle (90);
editorLabelGrid->attach_next_to (*Gtk::manage (new RTImage ("aperture.png")), pos, 1, 1);
editorLabelGrid->attach_next_to (*el, pos, 1, 1);
editorLabelGrid->set_tooltip_markup (M ("MAIN_FRAME_EDITOR_TOOLTIP"));
editorLabelGrid->show_all ();
epanel->tbTopPanel_1_visible (true); //show the toggle Top Panel button
mainNB->append_page (*epanel, *editorLabelGrid);
bool RTWindow::isSingleTabMode() const
return !options.tabbedUI && ! (options.multiDisplayMode > 0);