
494 lines
16 KiB

* This file is part of RawTherapee.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
* RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with RawTherapee. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#if defined __has_include
#if __has_include(<gtkmm/enums.h>)
#include <gtkmm/enums.h>
#include <gtkmm-3.0/gtkmm/enums.h>
#include <gtkmm/enums.h>
#include "../rtengine/settings.h"
#include <exception>
#define THEMEREGEXSTR "^(.+)-GTK3-(\\d{1,2})?_(\\d{1,2})?\\.css$"
// Default bundled profile name to use for Raw images
#ifdef WIN32
#define DEFPROFILE_RAW "${G}\\Auto-Matched Curve - ISO Low"
#define DEFPROFILE_RAW "${G}/Auto-Matched Curve - ISO Low"
// Default bundled profile name to use for Standard images
#define DEFPROFILE_IMG "Neutral"
// Profile name to use for internal values' profile
// Special name for the Dynamic profile
#define DEFPROFILE_DYNAMIC "Dynamic"
struct SaveFormat {
const Glib::ustring& _format,
int _png_bits,
int _jpeg_quality,
int _jpeg_sub_samp,
int _tiff_bits,
bool _tiff_float,
bool _tiff_uncompressed,
bool _save_params
) :
const Glib::ustring& _format,
int _png_bits,
int _tiff_bits,
bool _tiff_float
) :
SaveFormat() :
SaveFormat("jpg", 8, 8, false)
Glib::ustring format;
int pngBits;
int jpegQuality;
int jpegSubSamp; // 1=best compression, 3=best quality
int tiffBits;
bool tiffFloat;
bool tiffUncompressed;
bool saveParams;
enum ThFileType {FT_Invalid = -1, FT_None = 0, FT_Raw = 1, FT_Jpeg = 2, FT_Tiff = 3, FT_Png = 4, FT_Custom = 5, FT_Tiff16 = 6, FT_Png16 = 7, FT_Custom16 = 8};
enum PPLoadLocation {PLL_Cache = 0, PLL_Input = 1};
enum CPBKeyType {CPBKT_TID = 0, CPBKT_NAME = 1, CPBKT_TID_NAME = 2};
enum prevdemo_t {PD_Sidecar = 1, PD_Fast = 0};
namespace Glib
class KeyFile;
class Options
class Error: public std::exception
explicit Error (const Glib::ustring &msg): msg_ (msg) {}
const char *what() const throw() override
return msg_.c_str();
const Glib::ustring &get_msg() const throw()
return msg_;
Glib::ustring msg_;
enum class DefProfError : short {
defProfRawMissing = 1 << 0,
bundledDefProfRawMissing = 1 << 1,
defProfImgMissing = 1 << 2,
bundledDefProfImgMissing = 1 << 3
short defProfError;
Glib::ustring userProfilePath;
Glib::ustring globalProfilePath;
bool checkProfilePath (Glib::ustring &path);
bool checkDirPath (Glib::ustring &path, Glib::ustring errString);
void updatePaths();
int getString (const char* src, char* dst);
void error (int line);
* Safely reads a directory from the configuration file and only applies it
* to the provided destination variable if there is a non-empty string in
* the configuration.
* @param keyFile file to read configuration from
* @param section name of the section in the configuration file
* @param entryName name of the entry in the configuration file
* @param destination destination variable to store to
* @return @c true if @p destination was changed
bool safeDirGet (const Glib::KeyFile& keyFile, const Glib::ustring& section,
const Glib::ustring& entryName, Glib::ustring& destination);
enum class NavigatorUnit {
enum class ScopeType {
NONE = -1,
bool savesParamsAtExit;
SaveFormat saveFormat, saveFormatBatch;
Glib::ustring savePathTemplate;
Glib::ustring savePathFolder;
bool saveUsePathTemplate;
Glib::ustring defProfRaw;
Glib::ustring defProfImg;
Glib::ustring dateFormat;
int adjusterMinDelay;
int adjusterMaxDelay;
int startupDir;
Gtk::SortType dirBrowserSortType;
Glib::ustring startupPath;
Glib::ustring profilePath; // can be an absolute or relative path; depending on this value, bundled profiles may not be found
bool useBundledProfiles; // only used if multiUser == true
Glib::ustring lastCopyMovePath;
Glib::ustring loadSaveProfilePath;
Glib::ustring lastSaveAsPath;
int saveAsDialogWidth;
int saveAsDialogHeight;
int toolPanelWidth;
int browserToolPanelWidth;
int browserToolPanelHeight;
bool browserToolPanelOpened;
bool browserDirPanelOpened;
bool editorFilmStripOpened;
int historyPanelWidth;
int windowX;
int windowY;
int windowWidth;
int windowHeight;
bool windowMaximized;
int windowMonitor;
int meowMonitor;
bool meowMaximized;
int meowWidth;
int meowHeight;
int meowX;
int meowY;
int detailWindowWidth;
int detailWindowHeight;
int dirBrowserWidth;
int dirBrowserHeight;
int preferencesWidth;
int preferencesHeight;
bool lastShowAllExif;
int lastScale;
int panAccelFactor;
int lastCropSize;
Glib::ustring fontFamily; // RT's main font family
int fontSize; // RT's main font size (units: pt)
Glib::ustring CPFontFamily; // ColorPicker font family
int CPFontSize; // ColorPicker font size (units: pt)
bool pseudoHiDPISupport;
bool fbOnlyRaw;
bool fbShowDateTime;
bool fbShowBasicExif;
bool fbShowExpComp;
bool fbShowHidden;
int fbArrangement;
NavigatorUnit navRGBUnit;
NavigatorUnit navHSVUnit;
bool multiUser;
static Glib::ustring rtdir;
Glib::ustring version;
int thumbSize, thumbSizeTab, thumbSizeQueue;
bool sameThumbSize; // Will use only one thumb size for the file browser and the single editor tab, and avoid recomputing them
bool showHistory;
int showFilePanelState; // 0: normal, 1: maximized, 2: normal, 3: hidden
bool showInfo;
bool mainNBVertical; // main notebook vertical tabs?
bool showClippedHighlights;
bool showClippedShadows;
int highlightThreshold;
int shadowThreshold;
bool blinkClipped;
int bgcolor;
Glib::ustring language;
bool languageAutoDetect;
Glib::ustring theme;
static Glib::ustring cacheBaseDir;
bool autoSuffix;
bool forceFormatOpts;
int saveMethodNum;
bool saveParamsFile;
bool saveParamsCache;
PPLoadLocation paramsLoadLocation;
bool procQueueEnabled;
Glib::ustring gimpDir;
Glib::ustring psDir;
Glib::ustring customEditorProg;
Glib::ustring CPBPath; // Custom Profile Builder's path
CPBKeyType CPBKeys; // Custom Profile Builder's key type
int editorToSendTo;
enum EditorOutDir {
EditorOutDir editor_out_dir; // output directory for "open in external editor"
Glib::ustring editor_custom_out_dir;
bool editor_float32;
bool editor_bypass_output_profile;
int maxThumbnailHeight;
int maxThumbnailWidth;
std::size_t maxCacheEntries;
int thumbInterp; // 0: nearest, 1: bilinear
std::vector<Glib::ustring> parseExtensions; // List containing all extensions type
std::vector<int> parseExtensionsEnabled; // List of bool to retain extension or not
std::vector<Glib::ustring> parsedExtensions; // List containing all retained extensions (lowercase)
std::set<std::string> parsedExtensionsSet; // Set containing all retained extensions (lowercase)
std::vector<int> tpOpen;
bool autoSaveTpOpen;
//std::vector<int> crvOpen;
std::vector<int> baBehav;
rtengine::Settings rtSettings;
bool showtooltip;
std::vector<Glib::ustring> favoriteDirs;
std::vector<Glib::ustring> renameTemplates;
bool renameUseTemplates;
bool internalThumbIfUntouched;
bool overwriteOutputFile;
int complexity;
bool inspectorWindow; // open inspector in spearate window
bool zoomOnScroll; // translate scroll events to zoom
std::vector<double> thumbnailZoomRatios;
bool overlayedFileNames;
bool filmStripOverlayedFileNames;
bool showFileNames;
bool filmStripShowFileNames;
bool tabbedUI;
bool rememberZoomAndPan;
int multiDisplayMode; // 0=none, 1=Edit panels on other display
std::vector<double> cutOverlayBrush; // Red;Green;Blue;Alpha , all ranging 0..1
std::vector<double> navGuideBrush; // Red;Green;Blue;Alpha , all ranging 0..1
Glib::ustring sndBatchQueueDone;
Glib::ustring sndLngEditProcDone;
double sndLngEditProcDoneSecs; // Minimum processing time seconds till the sound is played
bool sndEnable;
int histogramPosition; // 0=disabled, 1=left pane, 2=right pane
bool histogramRed, histogramGreen, histogramBlue;
bool histogramLuma, histogramChroma;
bool histogramBar;
int histogramHeight;
int histogramDrawMode;
ScopeType histogramScopeType;
bool histogramShowOptionButtons;
float histogramTraceBrightness;
bool FileBrowserToolbarSingleRow;
bool hideTPVScrollbar;
int whiteBalanceSpotSize;
int curvebboxpos; // 0=above, 1=right, 2=below, 3=left
bool showFilmStripToolBar;
// cropping options
int cropPPI;
CropGuidesMode cropGuides;
bool cropAutoFit;
// Performance options
Glib::ustring clutsDir;
int rgbDenoiseThreadLimit; // maximum number of threads for the denoising tool ; 0 = use the maximum available
int maxInspectorBuffers; // maximum number of buffers (i.e. images) for the Inspector feature
int inspectorDelay;
int clutCacheSize;
bool filledProfile; // Used as reminder for the ProfilePanel "mode"
prevdemo_t prevdemo; // Demosaicing method used for the <100% preview
bool serializeTiffRead;
bool measure;
size_t chunkSizeAMAZE;
size_t chunkSizeCA;
size_t chunkSizeRCD;
size_t chunkSizeRGB;
size_t chunkSizeXT;
bool menuGroupRank;
bool menuGroupLabel;
bool menuGroupFileOperations;
bool menuGroupProfileOperations;
bool menuGroupExtProg;
// ICC Profile Creator
Glib::ustring ICCPC_primariesPreset;
double ICCPC_redPrimaryX;
double ICCPC_redPrimaryY;
double ICCPC_greenPrimaryX;
double ICCPC_greenPrimaryY;
double ICCPC_bluePrimaryX;
double ICCPC_bluePrimaryY;
Glib::ustring ICCPC_gammaPreset;
double ICCPC_gamma;
double ICCPC_slope;
Glib::ustring ICCPC_profileVersion;
Glib::ustring ICCPC_illuminant;
Glib::ustring ICCPC_description;
Glib::ustring ICCPC_copyright;
bool ICCPC_appendParamsToDesc;
// fast export options
bool fastexport_bypass_sharpening;
bool fastexport_bypass_sharpenEdge;
bool fastexport_bypass_sharpenMicro;
//bool fastexport_bypass_lumaDenoise;
//bool fastexport_bypass_colorDenoise;
bool fastexport_bypass_defringe;
bool fastexport_bypass_dirpyrDenoise;
bool fastexport_bypass_dirpyrequalizer;
bool fastexport_bypass_wavelet;
Glib::ustring fastexport_raw_bayer_method;
//bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_all_enhance;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_dcb_iterations;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_dcb_enhance;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_lmmse_iterations;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_linenoise;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_bayer_greenthresh;
Glib::ustring fastexport_raw_xtrans_method;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_ccSteps;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_ca;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_df;
bool fastexport_bypass_raw_ff;
Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_input_profile;
Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_working_profile;
Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_output_profile;
int fastexport_icm_outputIntent;
bool fastexport_icm_outputBPC;
Glib::ustring fastexport_icm_custom_output_profile;
bool fastexport_resize_enabled;
double fastexport_resize_scale;
Glib::ustring fastexport_resize_appliesTo;
Glib::ustring fastexport_resize_method;
int fastexport_resize_dataspec;
int fastexport_resize_width;
int fastexport_resize_height;
int fastexport_resize_longedge;
int fastexport_resize_shortedge;
bool fastexport_use_fast_pipeline;
std::vector<Glib::ustring> favorites;
// Dialog settings
Glib::ustring lastIccDir;
Glib::ustring lastDarkframeDir;
Glib::ustring lastFlatfieldDir;
Glib::ustring lastRgbCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastLabCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastRetinexDir;
Glib::ustring lastDenoiseCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastWaveletCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastlocalCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastPFCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastHsvCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastToneCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastColorToningCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastVibranceCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastProfilingReferenceDir;
Glib::ustring lastBWCurvesDir;
Glib::ustring lastLensProfileDir;
Glib::ustring lastICCProfCreatorDir;
bool gimpPluginShowInfoDialog;
size_t maxRecentFolders; // max. number of recent folders stored in options file
std::vector<Glib::ustring> recentFolders; // List containing all recent folders
Options ();
Options* copyFrom (Options* other);
void filterOutParsedExtensions ();
void setDefaults ();
void readFromFile (Glib::ustring fname);
void saveToFile (Glib::ustring fname);
static void load (bool lightweight = false);
static void save();
// if multiUser=false, send back the global profile path
Glib::ustring getPreferredProfilePath();
Glib::ustring getUserProfilePath();
Glib::ustring getGlobalProfilePath();
Glib::ustring findProfilePath (Glib::ustring &profName);
bool is_parse_extention (Glib::ustring fname);
bool has_retained_extention (const Glib::ustring& fname);
bool is_new_version();
bool is_extention_enabled (const Glib::ustring& ext);
bool is_defProfRawMissing();
bool is_bundledDefProfRawMissing();
bool is_defProfImgMissing();
bool is_bundledDefProfImgMissing();
void setDefProfRawMissing (bool value);
void setBundledDefProfRawMissing (bool value);
void setDefProfImgMissing (bool value);
void setBundledDefProfImgMissing (bool value);
static Glib::ustring getICCProfileCopyright();
extern Options options;
extern Glib::ustring argv0;
extern Glib::ustring argv1;
extern bool simpleEditor;
extern bool gimpPlugin;
extern bool remote;
extern Glib::ustring versionString;
extern Glib::ustring paramFileExtension;