
934 lines
32 KiB

* This file is part of RawTherapee.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
* RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with RawTherapee. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include "alignedbuffer.h"
#include "color.h"
#include "iccmatrices.h"
#include "iccstore.h"
#include "image8.h"
#include "imagefloat.h"
#include "improcfun.h"
#include "labimage.h"
#include "procparams.h"
#include "rtengine.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace rtengine
namespace {
inline void copyAndClampLine(const float *src, unsigned char *dst, const int W)
for (int j = 0; j < W * 3; ++j) {
dst[j] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(CLIP(src[j] * MAXVALF));
inline void copyAndClamp(const LabImage *src, unsigned char *dst, const double rgb_xyz[3][3], bool multiThread)
const int W = src->W;
const int H = src->H;
float rgb_xyzf[3][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
rgb_xyzf[i][j] = rgb_xyz[i][j];
#ifdef __SSE2__
vfloat rgb_xyzv[3][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
rgb_xyzv[i][j] = F2V(rgb_xyzf[i][j]);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,16) if (multiThread)
for (int i = 0; i < H; ++i) {
float* rL = src->L[i];
float* ra = src->a[i];
float* rb = src->b[i];
int ix = i * 3 * W;
#ifdef __SSE2__
float rbuffer[W] ALIGNED16;
float gbuffer[W] ALIGNED16;
float bbuffer[W] ALIGNED16;
int j = 0;
for (; j < W - 3; j += 4) {
vfloat R, G, B;
vfloat x_, y_, z_;
Color::Lab2XYZ(LVFU(rL[j]), LVFU(ra[j]), LVFU(rb[j]), x_, y_, z_ );
Color::xyz2rgb(x_, y_, z_, R, G, B, rgb_xyzv);
STVF(rbuffer[j], Color::gamma2curve[R]);
STVF(gbuffer[j], Color::gamma2curve[G]);
STVF(bbuffer[j], Color::gamma2curve[B]);
for (; j < W; ++j) {
float R, G, B;
float x_, y_, z_;
Color::Lab2XYZ(rL[j], ra[j], rb[j], x_, y_, z_ );
Color::xyz2rgb(x_, y_, z_, R, G, B, rgb_xyzf);
rbuffer[j] = Color::gamma2curve[R];
gbuffer[j] = Color::gamma2curve[G];
bbuffer[j] = Color::gamma2curve[B];
for (j = 0; j < W; ++j) {
dst[ix++] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(rbuffer[j]);
dst[ix++] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(gbuffer[j]);
dst[ix++] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(bbuffer[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < W; ++j) {
float R, G, B;
float x_, y_, z_;
Color::Lab2XYZ(rL[j], ra[j], rb[j], x_, y_, z_ );
Color::xyz2rgb(x_, y_, z_, R, G, B, rgb_xyzf);
dst[ix++] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(Color::gamma2curve[R]);
dst[ix++] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(Color::gamma2curve[G]);
dst[ix++] = uint16ToUint8Rounded(Color::gamma2curve[B]);
} // namespace
float gammalog(float x, float p, float s, float g3, float g4)
return x <= g3 ? x * s : (1.f + g4) * xexpf(xlogf(x) / p) - g4;//continuous
#ifdef __SSE2__
vfloat gammalog(vfloat x, vfloat p, vfloat s, vfloat g3, vfloat g4)
return vself(vmaskf_le(x, g3), x * s, (F2V(1.f) + g4) * xexpf(xlogf(x) / p) - g4);//continuous
// Used in ImProcCoordinator::updatePreviewImage (rtengine/improccoordinator.cc)
// Crop::update (rtengine/dcrop.cc)
// Thumbnail::processImage (rtengine/rtthumbnail.cc)
// If monitorTransform, divide by 327.68 then apply monitorTransform (which can integrate soft-proofing)
// otherwise divide by 327.68, convert to xyz and apply the sRGB transform, before converting with gamma2curve
void ImProcFunctions::lab2monitorRgb(LabImage* lab, Image8* image)
if (monitorTransform) {
const int W = lab->W;
const int H = lab->H;
unsigned char * data = image->data;
// cmsDoTransform is relatively expensive
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel firstprivate(lab, data, W, H)
AlignedBuffer<float> pBuf(3 * lab->W);
AlignedBuffer<float> mBuf;
AlignedBuffer<float> gwBuf1;
AlignedBuffer<float> gwBuf2;
if (gamutWarning) {
gwBuf1.resize(3 * lab->W);
gwBuf2.resize(3 * lab->W);
mBuf.resize(3 * lab->W);
float *buffer = pBuf.data;
float *outbuffer = gamutWarning ? mBuf.data : pBuf.data; // make in place transformations when gamutWarning is not needed
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,16)
for (int i = 0; i < H; i++) {
const int ix = i * 3 * W;
int iy = 0;
float* rL = lab->L[i];
float* ra = lab->a[i];
float* rb = lab->b[i];
for (int j = 0; j < W; j++) {
buffer[iy++] = rL[j] / 327.68f;
buffer[iy++] = ra[j] / 327.68f;
buffer[iy++] = rb[j] / 327.68f;
cmsDoTransform(monitorTransform, buffer, outbuffer, W);
copyAndClampLine(outbuffer, data + ix, W);
if (gamutWarning) {
gamutWarning->markLine(image, i, buffer, gwBuf1.data, gwBuf2.data);
} // End of parallelization
} else {
copyAndClamp(lab, image->data, sRGB_xyz, multiThread);
// Used in ImProcCoordinator::updatePreviewImage (rtengine/improccoordinator.cc)
// Crop::update (rtengine/dcrop.cc)
// Generate an Image8
// If output profile used, divide by 327.68 then apply the "profile" profile (eventually with a standard gamma)
// otherwise divide by 327.68, convert to xyz and apply the RGB transform, before converting with gamma2curve
Image8* ImProcFunctions::lab2rgb(LabImage* lab, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch, const procparams::ColorManagementParams &icm, bool consider_histogram_settings)
if (cx < 0) {
cx = 0;
if (cy < 0) {
cy = 0;
if (cx + cw > lab->W) {
cw = lab->W - cx;
if (cy + ch > lab->H) {
ch = lab->H - cy;
Image8* image = new Image8(cw, ch);
Glib::ustring profile;
cmsHPROFILE oprof = nullptr;
if (settings->HistogramWorking && consider_histogram_settings) {
profile = icm.workingProfile;
} else {
profile = icm.outputProfile;
if (icm.outputProfile.empty() || icm.outputProfile == ColorManagementParams::NoICMString) {
profile = "sRGB";
oprof = ICCStore::getInstance()->getProfile(profile);
if (oprof) {
const cmsUInt32Number flags = cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE | cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE | (icm.outputBPC ? cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION : 0); // NOCACHE is important for thread safety
cmsHPROFILE LabIProf = cmsCreateLab4Profile(nullptr);
cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = cmsCreateTransform (LabIProf, TYPE_Lab_DBL, oprof, TYPE_RGB_FLT, icm.outputIntent, flags);
unsigned char *data = image->data;
// cmsDoTransform is relatively expensive
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel
AlignedBuffer<double> pBuf(3 * cw);
AlignedBuffer<float> oBuf(3 * cw);
double *buffer = pBuf.data;
float *outbuffer = oBuf.data;
int condition = cy + ch;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for firstprivate(lab) schedule(dynamic,16)
for (int i = cy; i < condition; i++) {
const int ix = i * 3 * cw;
int iy = 0;
float* rL = lab->L[i];
float* ra = lab->a[i];
float* rb = lab->b[i];
for (int j = cx; j < cx + cw; j++) {
buffer[iy++] = rL[j] / 327.68f;
buffer[iy++] = ra[j] / 327.68f;
buffer[iy++] = rb[j] / 327.68f;
cmsDoTransform (hTransform, buffer, outbuffer, cw);
copyAndClampLine(outbuffer, data + ix, cw);
} // End of parallelization
} else {
const auto xyz_rgb = ICCStore::getInstance()->workingSpaceInverseMatrix(profile);
copyAndClamp(lab, image->data, xyz_rgb, multiThread);
return image;
/** @brief Convert the final Lab image to the output RGB color space
* Used in processImage (rtengine/simpleprocess.cc)
* Provide a pointer to a 7 floats array for "ga" (uninitialized ; this array will be filled with the gamma values) if you want
* to use the custom gamma scenario. Those gamma values will correspond to the ones of the chosen standard output profile
* (Prophoto if non standard output profile given)
* If "ga" is NULL, then we're considering standard gamma with the chosen output profile.
* Generate an Image16
* If a custom gamma profile can be created, divide by 327.68, convert to xyz and apply the custom gamma transform
* otherwise divide by 327.68, convert to xyz and apply the sRGB transform, before converting with gamma2curve
Imagefloat* ImProcFunctions::lab2rgbOut(LabImage* lab, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch, const procparams::ColorManagementParams &icm)
if (cx < 0) {
cx = 0;
if (cy < 0) {
cy = 0;
if (cx + cw > lab->W) {
cw = lab->W - cx;
if (cy + ch > lab->H) {
ch = lab->H - cy;
Imagefloat* image = new Imagefloat(cw, ch);
cmsHPROFILE oprof = ICCStore::getInstance()->getProfile(icm.outputProfile);
if (oprof) {
cmsUInt32Number flags = cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE | cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE;
if (icm.outputBPC) {
cmsHPROFILE iprof = cmsCreateLab4Profile(nullptr);
cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(iprof, TYPE_Lab_FLT, oprof, TYPE_RGB_FLT, icm.outputIntent, flags);
image->ExecCMSTransform(hTransform, *lab, cx, cy);
} else {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,16) if (multiThread)
for (int i = cy; i < cy + ch; i++) {
float R, G, B;
float* rL = lab->L[i];
float* ra = lab->a[i];
float* rb = lab->b[i];
for (int j = cx; j < cx + cw; j++) {
float fy = (Color::c1By116 * rL[j]) / 327.68f + Color::c16By116; // (L+16)/116
float fx = (0.002f * ra[j]) / 327.68f + fy;
float fz = fy - (0.005f * rb[j]) / 327.68f;
float LL = rL[j] / 327.68f;
float x_ = 65535.0f * Color::f2xyz(fx) * Color::D50x;
//float y_ = 65535.0 * Color::f2xyz(fy);
float z_ = 65535.0f * Color::f2xyz(fz) * Color::D50z;
float y_ = (LL > (float)Color::epskap) ? 65535.0f * fy * fy * fy : 65535.0f * LL / (float)Color::kappa;
Color::xyz2srgb(x_, y_, z_, R, G, B);
image->r(i - cy, j - cx) = Color::gamma2curve[CLIP(R)];
image->g(i - cy, j - cx) = Color::gamma2curve[CLIP(G)];
image->b(i - cy, j - cx) = Color::gamma2curve[CLIP(B)];
return image;
void ImProcFunctions::preserv(LabImage *nprevl, LabImage *provis, int cw, int ch)
{//avoid too strong in middle values chroma when changing primaries
float pres = 0.01f * params->icm.preser;
float neutral = 2000000000.f;//if a2 + b2 < 200000000 scale 0..100 a and b about : 140 > a & b > -140 decrease effect
float medneutral = 10000000.f;//plein effect 10 > a & b > -10
float aaneu = 1.f / (medneutral - neutral);
float bbneu = - aaneu * neutral;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 16) nowait
for (int i = 0; i < ch; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < cw; ++j) {
float neu = SQR(provis->a[i][j]) + SQR(provis->b[i][j]);
if (neu < medneutral) {//plein effect
nprevl->a[i][j] = intp(pres, provis->a[i][j], nprevl->a[i][j]);
nprevl->b[i][j] = intp(pres, provis->b[i][j], nprevl->b[i][j]);
} else if (neu < neutral) {//decrease effect
float presred = aaneu * neu + bbneu;
nprevl->a[i][j] = intp(pres * presred, provis->a[i][j], nprevl->a[i][j]);
nprevl->b[i][j] = intp(pres * presred, provis->b[i][j], nprevl->b[i][j]);
void ImProcFunctions::workingtrc(const Imagefloat* src, Imagefloat* dst, int cw, int ch, int mul, Glib::ustring &profile, double gampos, double slpos, int &illum, int prim, cmsHTRANSFORM &transform, bool normalizeIn, bool normalizeOut, bool keepTransForm) const
const TMatrix wprof = ICCStore::getInstance()->workingSpaceMatrix(params->icm.workingProfile);
const float toxyz[3][3] = {
static_cast<float>(wprof[0][0] / ((normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0))), //I have suppressed / Color::D50x
static_cast<float>(wprof[0][1] / ((normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0))),
static_cast<float>(wprof[0][2] / ((normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0)))
}, {
static_cast<float>(wprof[1][0] / (normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0)),
static_cast<float>(wprof[1][1] / (normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0)),
static_cast<float>(wprof[1][2] / (normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0))
}, {
static_cast<float>(wprof[2][0] / ((normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0))), //I have suppressed / Color::D50z
static_cast<float>(wprof[2][1] / ((normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0))),
static_cast<float>(wprof[2][2] / ((normalizeIn ? 65535.0 : 1.0)))
if (profile == "sRGB" || profile == "Adobe RGB" || profile == "ProPhoto" || profile == "WideGamut" || profile == "BruceRGB" || profile == "Beta RGB" || profile == "BestRGB" || profile == "Rec2020" || profile == "ACESp0" || profile == "ACESp1") {
if (settings->verbose) {
printf("Profile=%s\n", profile.c_str());
} else {
if (settings->verbose) {
printf("profile not accepted\n");
if (mul == -5 && gampos == 2.4 && slpos == 12.92310) {//must be change if we change settings RT sRGB
//only in this case we can shortcut..all process..no gamut control..because we reduce...leads to very small differences, but big speedup
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 16) if (multiThread)
for (int i = 0; i < ch; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < cw; ++j) {
float r = src->r(i, j);
float g = src->g(i, j);
float b = src->b(i, j);
r = (Color::igammatab_srgb[r]) / 65535.f;
g = (Color::igammatab_srgb[g]) / 65535.f;
b = (Color::igammatab_srgb[b]) / 65535.f;
dst->r(i, j) = r;
dst->g(i, j) = g;
dst->b(i, j) = b;
if (mul == 1 ||(params->icm.wprim == ColorManagementParams::Primaries::DEFAULT && params->icm.will == ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::DEFAULT)) {//shortcut and speedup when no call primaries and illuminant - no gamut control...in this case be careful
GammaValues g_a; //gamma parameters
double pwr = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(gampos);
Color::calcGamma(pwr, slpos, g_a); // call to calcGamma with selected gamma and slope
#ifdef _OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,16) if (multiThread)
for (int y = 0; y < ch; ++y) {
int x = 0;
#ifdef __SSE2__
for (; x < cw - 3; x += 4) {
STVFU(dst->r(y,x), F2V(65536.f) * gammalog(LVFU(src->r(y,x)), F2V(gampos), F2V(slpos), F2V(g_a[3]), F2V(g_a[4])));
STVFU(dst->g(y,x), F2V(65536.f) * gammalog(LVFU(src->g(y,x)), F2V(gampos), F2V(slpos), F2V(g_a[3]), F2V(g_a[4])));
STVFU(dst->b(y,x), F2V(65536.f) * gammalog(LVFU(src->b(y,x)), F2V(gampos), F2V(slpos), F2V(g_a[3]), F2V(g_a[4])));
for (; x < cw; ++x) {
dst->r(y,x) = 65536.f * gammalog(src->r(y,x), gampos, slpos, g_a[3], g_a[4]);
dst->g(y,x) = 65536.f * gammalog(src->g(y,x), gampos, slpos, g_a[3], g_a[4]);
dst->b(y,x) = 65536.f * gammalog(src->b(y,x), gampos, slpos, g_a[3], g_a[4]);
float redxx = params->icm.redx;
float redyy = params->icm.redy;
float bluxx = params->icm.blux;
float bluyy = params->icm.bluy;
float grexx = params->icm.grex;
float greyy = params->icm.grey;
if (prim == 12) {//convert datas area to xy
float redgraphx = params->icm.labgridcieALow;
float redgraphy = params->icm.labgridcieBLow;
float blugraphx = params->icm.labgridcieAHigh;
float blugraphy = params->icm.labgridcieBHigh;
float gregraphx = params->icm.labgridcieGx;
float gregraphy = params->icm.labgridcieGy;
redxx = 0.55f * (redgraphx + 1.f) - 0.1f;
redxx = rtengine::LIM(redxx, 0.41f, 1.f);//limit values for xy (arbitrary)
redyy = 0.55f * (redgraphy + 1.f) - 0.1f;
redyy = rtengine::LIM(redyy, 0.f, 0.7f);
bluxx = 0.55f * (blugraphx + 1.f) - 0.1f;
bluxx = rtengine::LIM(bluxx, -0.1f, 0.5f);
bluyy = 0.55f * (blugraphy + 1.f) - 0.1f;
bluyy = rtengine::LIM(bluyy, -0.1f, 0.49f);
grexx = 0.55f * (gregraphx + 1.f) - 0.1f;
grexx = rtengine::LIM(grexx, -0.1f, 0.4f);
greyy = 0.55f * (gregraphy + 1.f) - 0.1f;
greyy = rtengine::LIM(greyy, 0.5f, 1.f);
//fixed crash when there is no space or too small..just a line...Possible if bx, by aligned with Gx,Gy Rx,Ry
float ac = (greyy - redyy) / (grexx - redxx);
float bc = greyy - ac * grexx;
float yc = ac * bluxx + bc;
if ((bluyy < yc + 0.0004f) && (bluyy > yc - 0.0004f)) {//under 0.0004 in some case crash because space too small
switch (ColorManagementParams::Primaries(prim)) {
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::DEFAULT: {
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::SRGB: {
profile = "sRGB";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::ADOBE_RGB: {
profile = "Adobe RGB";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::PRO_PHOTO: {
profile = "ProPhoto";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::REC2020: {
profile = "Rec2020";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::ACES_P1: {
profile = "ACESp1";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::WIDE_GAMUT: {
profile = "WideGamut";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::ACES_P0: {
profile = "ACESp0";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::BRUCE_RGB: {
profile = "BruceRGB";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::BETA_RGB: {
profile = "Beta RGB";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::BEST_RGB: {
profile = "BestRGB";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::CUSTOM: {
profile = "Custom";
case ColorManagementParams::Primaries::CUSTOM_GRID: {
profile = "Custom";
if (settings->verbose && prim != 0) {
printf("prim=%i Profile Destination=%s\n", prim, profile.c_str());
cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = nullptr;
if (transform) {
hTransform = transform;
} else {
double pwr = 1.0 / gampos;
double ts = slpos;
int five = mul;
if (gampos < 1.0) {
pwr = gampos;
gampos = 1. / gampos;
five = -mul;
// int select_temp = 1; //5003K
constexpr double eps = 0.000000001; // not divide by zero
enum class ColorTemp {
D50 = 5003, // for Widegamut, ProPhoto Best, Beta -> D50
D65 = 6504, // for sRGB, AdobeRGB, Bruce Rec2020 -> D65
D60 = 6005 // for ACES AP0 and AP1
double tempv4 = 5003.;
float p[6]; //primaries
//primaries for 10 working profiles ==> output profiles
if (profile == "WideGamut") {
p[0] = 0.7350; //Widegamut primaries
p[1] = 0.2650;
p[2] = 0.1150;
p[3] = 0.8260;
p[4] = 0.1570;
p[5] = 0.0180;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D50);
} else if (profile == "Adobe RGB") {
p[0] = 0.6400; //Adobe primaries
p[1] = 0.3300;
p[2] = 0.2100;
p[3] = 0.7100;
p[4] = 0.1500;
p[5] = 0.0600;
tempv4 = 6504.;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D65);
} else if (profile == "sRGB") {
p[0] = 0.6400; // sRGB primaries
p[1] = 0.3300;
p[2] = 0.3000;
p[3] = 0.6000;
p[4] = 0.1500;
p[5] = 0.0600;
tempv4 = 6504.;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D65);
} else if (profile == "BruceRGB") {
p[0] = 0.6400; // Bruce primaries
p[1] = 0.3300;
p[2] = 0.2800;
p[3] = 0.6500;
p[4] = 0.1500;
p[5] = 0.0600;
tempv4 = 6504.;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D65);
} else if (profile == "Beta RGB") {
p[0] = 0.6888; // Beta primaries
p[1] = 0.3112;
p[2] = 0.1986;
p[3] = 0.7551;
p[4] = 0.1265;
p[5] = 0.0352;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D50);
} else if (profile == "BestRGB") {
p[0] = 0.7347; // Best primaries
p[1] = 0.2653;
p[2] = 0.2150;
p[3] = 0.7750;
p[4] = 0.1300;
p[5] = 0.0350;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D50);
} else if (profile == "Rec2020") {
p[0] = 0.7080; // Rec2020 primaries
p[1] = 0.2920;
p[2] = 0.1700;
p[3] = 0.7970;
p[4] = 0.1310;
p[5] = 0.0460;
tempv4 = 6504.;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D65);
} else if (profile == "ACESp0") {
p[0] = 0.7347; // ACES P0 primaries
p[1] = 0.2653;
p[2] = 0.0000;
p[3] = 1.0;
p[4] = 0.0001;
p[5] = -0.0770;
tempv4 = 6004.;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D60);
} else if (profile == "ACESp1") {
p[0] = 0.713; // ACES P1 primaries
p[1] = 0.293;
p[2] = 0.165;
p[3] = 0.830;
p[4] = 0.128;
p[5] = 0.044;
tempv4 = 6004.;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D60);
} else if (profile == "ProPhoto") {
p[0] = 0.7347; //ProPhoto and default primaries
p[1] = 0.2653;
p[2] = 0.1596;
p[3] = 0.8404;
p[4] = 0.0366;
p[5] = 0.0001;
illum = toUnderlying(ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D50);
} else if (profile == "Custom") {
p[0] = redxx;
p[1] = redyy;
p[2] = grexx;
p[3] = greyy;
p[4] = bluxx;
p[5] = bluyy;
} else {
p[0] = 0.7347; //default primaries always unused
p[1] = 0.2653;
p[2] = 0.1596;
p[3] = 0.8404;
p[4] = 0.0366;
p[5] = 0.0001;
if (slpos == 0) {
slpos = eps;
GammaValues g_a; //gamma parameters
Color::calcGamma(pwr, ts, g_a); // call to calcGamma with selected gamma and slope : return parameters for LCMS2
cmsFloat64Number gammaParams[7];
gammaParams[4] = g_a[3] * ts;
gammaParams[0] = gampos;
gammaParams[1] = 1. / (1.0 + g_a[4]);
gammaParams[2] = g_a[4] / (1.0 + g_a[4]);
gammaParams[3] = 1. / slpos;
gammaParams[5] = 0.0;
gammaParams[6] = 0.0;
// printf("ga0=%f ga1=%f ga2=%f ga3=%f ga4=%f\n", ga0, ga1, ga2, ga3, ga4);
// 7 parameters for smoother curves
cmsCIExyY xyD;
Glib::ustring ills = "D50";
switch (ColorManagementParams::Illuminant(illum)) {
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::DEFAULT:
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::STDA:
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::TUNGSTEN_2000K:
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::TUNGSTEN_1500K: {
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D41: {
tempv4 = 4100.;
ills = "D41";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D50: {
tempv4 = 5003.;
ills = "D50";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D55: {
tempv4 = 5500.;
ills = "D55";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D60: {
tempv4 = 6004.;
ills = "D60";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D65: {
tempv4 = 6504.;
ills = "D65";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D80: {
tempv4 = 8000.;
ills = "D80";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D120: {
tempv4 = 12000.;
ills = "D120";
cmsWhitePointFromTemp(&xyD, tempv4);
switch (ColorManagementParams::Illuminant(illum)) {
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::DEFAULT:
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D55:
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D80: {
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D41: {
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D50: {
xyD = {0.3457, 0.3585, 1.0}; // near LCMS values but not perfect... it's a compromise!!
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D60: {
xyD = {0.32168, 0.33767, 1.0};
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D65: {
xyD = {0.312700492, 0.329000939, 1.0};
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::D120: {
xyD = {0.269669, 0.28078, 1.0};
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::STDA: {
xyD = {0.447573, 0.407440, 1.0};
ills = "stdA 2875K";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::TUNGSTEN_2000K: {
xyD = {0.526591, 0.41331, 1.0};
ills = "Tungsten 2000K";
case ColorManagementParams::Illuminant::TUNGSTEN_1500K: {
xyD = {0.585703, 0.393157, 1.0};
ills = "Tungsten 1500K";
//D41 0.377984 0.381229
//D55 0.332424 0.347426
//D80 0.293755 0.309185
//D75 0.299021 0.314852
cmsToneCurve* GammaTRC[3];
GammaTRC[0] = GammaTRC[1] = GammaTRC[2] = cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(NULL, five, gammaParams);//5 = more smoother than 4
cmsHPROFILE oprofdef = nullptr;
const cmsCIExyYTRIPLE Primaries = {
{p[0], p[1], 1.0}, // red
{p[2], p[3], 1.0}, // green
{p[4], p[5], 1.0} // blue
oprofdef = cmsCreateRGBProfile(&xyD, &Primaries, GammaTRC);
cmsWriteTag(oprofdef, cmsSigRedTRCTag, GammaTRC[0]);
cmsWriteTag(oprofdef, cmsSigGreenTRCTag, GammaTRC[1]);
cmsWriteTag(oprofdef, cmsSigBlueTRCTag, GammaTRC[2]);
//to read XYZ values and illuminant
if (rtengine::settings->verbose) {
cmsCIEXYZ *redT = static_cast<cmsCIEXYZ*>(cmsReadTag(oprofdef, cmsSigRedMatrixColumnTag));
cmsCIEXYZ *greenT = static_cast<cmsCIEXYZ*>(cmsReadTag(oprofdef, cmsSigGreenMatrixColumnTag));
cmsCIEXYZ *blueT = static_cast<cmsCIEXYZ*>(cmsReadTag(oprofdef, cmsSigBlueMatrixColumnTag));
printf("Illuminant=%s\n", ills.c_str());
printf("rX=%f gX=%f bX=%f\n", redT->X, greenT->X, blueT->X);
printf("rY=%f gY=%f bY=%f\n", redT->Y, greenT->Y, blueT->Y);
printf("rZ=%f gZ=%f bZ=%f\n", redT->Z, greenT->Z, blueT->Z);
if (oprofdef) {
const cmsHPROFILE iprof = ICCStore::getInstance()->getXYZProfile();
hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(iprof, TYPE_RGB_FLT, oprofdef, TYPE_RGB_FLT, params->icm.aRendIntent, flags);
if (hTransform) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel if (multiThread)
AlignedBuffer<float> pBuf(cw * 3);
const float normalize = normalizeOut ? 65535.f : 1.f;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 16) nowait
for (int i = 0; i < ch; ++i) {
float *p = pBuf.data;
for (int j = 0; j < cw; ++j) {
const float r = src->r(i, j);
const float g = src->g(i, j);
const float b = src->b(i, j);
*(p++) = toxyz[0][0] * r + toxyz[0][1] * g + toxyz[0][2] * b;
*(p++) = toxyz[1][0] * r + toxyz[1][1] * g + toxyz[1][2] * b;
*(p++) = toxyz[2][0] * r + toxyz[2][1] * g + toxyz[2][2] * b;
p = pBuf.data;
cmsDoTransform(hTransform, p, p, cw);
for (int j = 0; j < cw; ++j) {
dst->r(i, j) = *(p++) * normalize;
dst->g(i, j) = *(p++) * normalize;
dst->b(i, j) = *(p++) * normalize;
if (!keepTransForm) {
hTransform = nullptr;
transform = hTransform;