Updated generateUnusedKeys

This commit is contained in:
Morgan Hardwood 2019-03-31 22:48:34 +02:00
parent 761f127d44
commit 74d23e6dd6
1 changed files with 35 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is part of RawTherapee.
# This Bash4 script checks whether each key in "default" is used in
# a .cc or .h file. Those that are not are printed to screen, and the
# user is asked if they should be deleted from all language files.
# Keys in commented-out sections are treated as if they weren't there.
# The following comment styles are handled:
# // key
# /* key
# key */
# It does not handle dynamically built keys:
# Keys in commented-out sections "//" are ignored.
# Some concatenated keys are ignored, these need to be added to the list manually:
# TP_RAW_[demosaic_method]
# The script can also clean up already-translated files by removing keys which
# do not exist in default.
@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
# Run the script from the project root:
# ./tools/generateUnusedKeys
# Doublecheck the deletion before committing.
# Run ./tools/generateTranslationDiffs before and after running this script.
# Double-check the deletion before committing.
# Blame DrSlony
# Please report bugs or enhancements to http://code.google.com/p/rawtherapee/issues/list
if [[ -w $tmp ]]; then
@ -61,26 +60,41 @@ fi
dos2unix default 2>/dev/null
# In the code block below, the grep/sed outside the loop lists keys to ignore.
# Exit status 1 (failure) means key not found in code, destined for deletion.
# The piped grep inside the loop checks the initial match for known comment markers "//".
# Sometimes a key is first found in a comment, and then the same key is found
# in active code, therefore -m1 (stop reading after 1st match) cannot be used.
# To remove comment support, remove the piped grep and set first grep flags to
# -Irl -m1
# Dynamically built keys like HISTORY_MSG_1 can't be grepped in the code,
# so it renames KEY_1-KEY_9 to KEY_ so that they can be grepped and therefore ignored.
t1="$(date +%s)"
printf '%s\n' 'Matching keys in "default" against .cc and .h files' 'Unmatched keys follow:'
unset delLines
while read -r 'defLine'; do
grep -Ir --include=\*.{cc,h} --exclude-dir="klt" "${defLine%%;*}" ../../* | grep -Ev "//.*${defLine%%;*}|/\*.*${defLine%%;*}|${defLine%%;*}.*\*/" &>/dev/null
grep -Ir --include=\*.{cc,h} --exclude-dir="klt" "${defLine%%;*}" ../../* | grep -Ev "//.*${defLine%%;*}" &>/dev/null
if [[ $? = 1 ]]; then
printf ' %s\n' "${defLine%%;*}"
# The grep/sed line above lists keys to ignore. Exit status 1 (failure) means
# key not found in code, destined for deletion. The piped grep in the loop
# checks the initial match for known comment markers // /* and */
# Sometimes a key is first found in a comment, and then the same key is found
# in active code, therefore -m1 (stop reading after 1st match) cannot be used.
# To remove comment support, remove the piped grep and set first grep flags to
# -Irl -m1
# Dynamically built keys like HISTORY_MSG_1 can't be grepped in the code,
# so it renames KEY_1-KEY_9 to KEY_ so that they can be grepped and therefore ignored.
# The piped grep in the loop
done < <( \
grep -Ev -e "^(#|$)|HISTORY_MSG_" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_1PASSMEDIUM" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_2PASS" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_3PASSBEST" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_4PASS" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_AMAZEVNG4" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_DCBVNG4" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_MONO" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_NONE" \
-e "^(#|$)|TP_RAW_RCDVNG4" \
"default" | \
| sort -Vu)
t2="$(date +%s)"
printf '%s\n' "" "Scan took $tt seconds" "" "Double-checking the code for matched keys:"