
389 lines
13 KiB

* Schema.php
* Class for querying the schema
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @link
* @copyright 2018 Tony Murray
* @author Tony Murray <>
namespace LibreNMS\DB;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use LibreNMS\Config;
use LibreNMS\Util\Version;
use Schema as LaravelSchema;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
class Schema
private static $relationship_blacklist = [
private $relationships;
private $schema;
* Check the database to see if the migrations have all been run
* @return bool
public static function isCurrent()
if (LaravelSchema::hasTable('migrations')) {
return self::getMigrationFiles()->diff(self::getAppliedMigrations())->isEmpty();
return false;
* Check for extra migrations and return them
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public static function getUnexpectedMigrations()
return self::getAppliedMigrations()->diff(self::getMigrationFiles());
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
private static function getMigrationFiles()
$migrations = collect(glob(base_path('database/migrations/') . '*.php'))
->map(function ($migration_file) {
return basename($migration_file, '.php');
return $migrations;
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
private static function getAppliedMigrations()
return Eloquent::DB()->table('migrations')->pluck('migration');
* Get the primary key column(s) for a table
* @param string $table
* @return string if a single column just the name is returned, otherwise the first column listed will be returned
public function getPrimaryKey($table)
$schema = $this->getSchema();
$columns = $schema[$table]['Indexes']['PRIMARY']['Columns'];
return reset($columns);
public function getSchema()
if (! isset($this->schema)) {
$file = Config::get('install_dir') . '/misc/db_schema.yaml';
$this->schema = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($file));
return $this->schema;
* Get a list of all tables.
* @return array
public function getTables()
return array_keys($this->getSchema());
* Return all columns for the given table
* @param $table
* @return array
public function getColumns($table)
$schema = $this->getSchema();
return array_column($schema[$table]['Columns'], 'Field');
* Get all relationship paths.
* Caches the data after the first call as long as the schema hasn't changed
* @param string $base
* @return mixed
public function getAllRelationshipPaths($base = 'devices')
$update_cache = true;
$cache_file = Config::get('install_dir') . "/cache/{$base}_relationships.cache";
$db_version = Version::get()->database();
if (is_file($cache_file)) {
$cache = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
if ($cache['version'] == $db_version) {
$update_cache = false; // cache is valid skip update
if ($update_cache) {
$paths = [];
foreach ($this->getTables() as $table) {
$path = $this->findPathRecursive([$table], $base);
if ($path) {
$paths[$table] = $path;
$cache = [
'version' => $db_version,
$base => $paths,
if (is_writable($cache_file)) {
file_put_contents($cache_file, serialize($cache));
} else {
d_echo("Could not write cache file ($cache_file)!\n");
return $cache[$base];
* Find the relationship path from $start to $target
* @param string $target
* @param string $start Default: devices
* @return array|false list of tables in path order, or false if no path is found
public function findRelationshipPath($target, $start = 'devices')
d_echo("Searching for target: $start, starting with $target\n");
if ($target == $start) {
// um, yeah, we found it...
return [$start];
$all = $this->getAllRelationshipPaths($start);
return isset($all[$target]) ? $all[$target] : false;
private function findPathRecursive(array $tables, $target, $history = [])
$relationships = $this->getTableRelationships();
d_echo('Starting Tables: ' . json_encode($tables) . PHP_EOL);
if (! empty($history)) {
$tables = array_diff($tables, $history);
d_echo('Filtered Tables: ' . json_encode($tables) . PHP_EOL);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
// check for direct relationships
if (in_array($table, $relationships[$target])) {
d_echo("Direct relationship found $target -> $table\n");
return [$table, $target];
$table_relations = $relationships[$table] ?? [];
d_echo("Searching $table: " . json_encode($table_relations) . PHP_EOL);
if (! empty($table_relations)) {
if (in_array($target, $relationships[$table])) {
d_echo("Found in $table\n");
return [$target, $table]; // found it
} else {
$recurse = $this->findPathRecursive($relationships[$table], $target, array_merge($history, $tables));
if ($recurse) {
return array_merge($recurse, [$table]);
} else {
$relations = array_keys(array_filter($relationships, function ($related) use ($table) {
return in_array($table, $related);
d_echo("Dead end at $table, searching for relationships " . json_encode($relations) . PHP_EOL);
$recurse = $this->findPathRecursive($relations, $target, array_merge($history, $tables));
if ($recurse) {
return array_merge($recurse, [$table]);
return false;
public function getTableRelationships()
if (! isset($this->relationships)) {
$schema = $this->getSchema();
$relations = array_column(array_map(function ($table, $data) {
$columns = array_column($data['Columns'], 'Field');
$related = array_filter(array_map(function ($column) use ($table) {
$guess = $this->getTableFromKey($column);
if ($guess != $table) {
return $guess;
return null;
}, $columns));
// renumber $related array
$related = array_values($related);
return [$table, $related];
}, array_keys($schema), $schema), 1, 0);
// filter out blacklisted tables
$this->relationships = array_diff_key($relations, array_flip(self::$relationship_blacklist));
return $this->relationships;
public function getTableFromKey($key)
if (Str::endsWith($key, '_id')) {
// hardcoded
if ($key == 'app_id') {
return 'applications';
// try to guess assuming key_id = keys table
$guessed_table = substr($key, 0, -3);
if (! Str::endsWith($guessed_table, 's')) {
if (Str::endsWith($guessed_table, 'x')) {
$guessed_table .= 'es';
} else {
$guessed_table .= 's';
if (array_key_exists($guessed_table, $this->getSchema())) {
return $guessed_table;
return null;
public function columnExists($table, $column)
return in_array($column, $this->getColumns($table));
* Dump the database schema to an array.
* The top level will be a list of tables
* Each table contains the keys Columns and Indexes.
* Each entry in the Columns array contains these keys: Field, Type, Null, Default, Extra
* Each entry in the Indexes array contains these keys: Name, Columns(array), Unique
* @param string $connection use a specific connection
* @return array
public static function dump($connection = null)
$output = [];
$db_name = DB::connection($connection)->getDatabaseName();
foreach (DB::connection($connection)->select(DB::raw("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '$db_name' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME;")) as $table) {
$table = $table->TABLE_NAME;
foreach (DB::connection($connection)->select(DB::raw("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE, IS_NULLABLE, COLUMN_DEFAULT, EXTRA FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '$db_name' AND TABLE_NAME='$table'")) as $data) {
$def = [
'Field' => $data->COLUMN_NAME,
'Type' => preg_replace('/int\([0-9]+\)/', 'int', $data->COLUMN_TYPE),
'Null' => $data->IS_NULLABLE === 'YES',
'Extra' => str_replace('current_timestamp()', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', $data->EXTRA),
if (isset($data->COLUMN_DEFAULT) && $data->COLUMN_DEFAULT != 'NULL') {
$default = trim($data->COLUMN_DEFAULT, "'");
$def['Default'] = str_replace('current_timestamp()', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', $default);
// MySQL 8 fix, remove DEFAULT_GENERATED from timestamp extra columns
if ($def['Type'] == 'timestamp') {
$def['Extra'] = preg_replace('/DEFAULT_GENERATED[ ]*/', '', $def['Extra']);
$output[$table]['Columns'][] = $def;
$keys = DB::connection($connection)->select(DB::raw("SHOW INDEX FROM `$table`"));
usort($keys, function ($a, $b) {
return $a->Key_name <=> $b->Key_name;
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$key_name = $key->Key_name;
if (isset($output[$table]['Indexes'][$key_name])) {
$output[$table]['Indexes'][$key_name]['Columns'][] = $key->Column_name;
} else {
$output[$table]['Indexes'][$key_name] = [
'Name' => $key->Key_name,
'Columns' => [$key->Column_name],
'Unique' => ! $key->Non_unique,
'Type' => $key->Index_type,
$create = DB::connection($connection)->select(DB::raw("SHOW CREATE TABLE `$table`"))[0];
if (isset($create->{'Create Table'})) {
$constraint_regex = '/CONSTRAINT `(?<name>[A-Za-z_0-9]+)` FOREIGN KEY \(`(?<foreign_key>[A-Za-z_0-9]+)`\) REFERENCES `(?<table>[A-Za-z_0-9]+)` \(`(?<key>[A-Za-z_0-9]+)`\) ?(?<extra>[ A-Z]+)?/';
$constraint_count = preg_match_all($constraint_regex, $create->{'Create Table'}, $constraints);
for ($i = 0; $i < $constraint_count; $i++) {
$constraint_name = $constraints['name'][$i];
$output[$table]['Constraints'][$constraint_name] = [
'name' => $constraint_name,
'foreign_key' => $constraints['foreign_key'][$i],
'table' => $constraints['table'][$i],
'key' => $constraints['key'][$i],
'extra' => $constraints['extra'][$i],
return $output;