Commit Graph

24 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
dependabot[bot] fc44a5d68f
Bump axios from 0.25.0 to 1.6.0 (#15571)
Bumps [axios]( from 0.25.0 to 1.6.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: axios
  dependency-type: direct:development

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2023-11-11 00:26:03 -06:00
dependabot[bot] 3294af6721
Bump postcss from 8.4.19 to 8.4.31 (#15380)
Bumps [postcss]( from 8.4.19 to 8.4.31.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: postcss
  dependency-type: direct:development

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2023-10-05 09:37:42 +02:00
Jellyfrog 3a4efc6fa0
Update to tailwind 3 (#13695) 2022-01-26 19:10:56 -06:00
Jellyfrog f4f297fd48
Update JS deps (#13694) 2022-01-23 19:45:44 +01:00
Tony Murray c5b63bde86
New Blade Components: x-device-link, x-port-link, x-graph-row, x-popup (#13197)
* working popover

* popup component

* cleanup

* finalize device-link component

* attributes WIP

* working graph component

* widgets WIP

* More dynamic configs

* Graph row component

* Build CSS so we can use a dark theme

* graph row set columns

* only one popup visible at a time.

* Just set graph row width statically

* responsive WIP

* rsponsive option for graph-row "working"

* remove @deviceLink and @portLink

* fix non-responsive graph row

* update js/css

* fix style

* bad type?

* types

* types

* types #3

* remove testing code

* full rebel, no closing tags for meta and link

* match previous formatting

* fix vlans display

* restore newline

* remove silly comment

* remove unused line

* style I guess
2021-09-10 08:07:08 -05:00
dependabot[bot] ed42591b0e
Bump postcss from 8.2.2 to 8.2.10 (#12858)
Bumps [postcss]( from 8.2.2 to 8.2.10.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2021-05-11 22:29:04 -05:00
Tony Murray 2d752925b0
Oxidized improvements (#12773)
* Oxidized API cleanup
Import more settings to the UI
use lnms config:set

* validate os and type exist

* map settings WIP

* oops

* editing working.  Needed to add new property to pass update state to child

* implement deleting and handle text overflow a little better.

* Update app/Models/Device.php

Co-authored-by: Jellyfrog <>

* Update app/Models/Device.php

Co-authored-by: Jellyfrog <>

* revert change

* fix style

* add return

Co-authored-by: Jellyfrog <>
2021-05-11 08:08:59 -05:00
dependabot[bot] d81a0255c5
Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (#12848)
Bumps [lodash]( from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2021-05-10 13:22:40 -05:00
Jellyfrog d7e88bf311
Upgrade to Laravel Mix 6 (#12421) 2021-01-06 20:18:43 -06:00
dependabot[bot] 2753d6fbb4
Bump axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1 (#12420)
Bumps [axios]( from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2021-01-05 17:06:27 +01:00
Tony Murray e8d0548317
Fix nets can't add (#12341)
fix some issues with the list settings widget
update Laravel Mix
update javascript
2020-11-24 19:47:40 -06:00
dependabot[bot] 2886f8b210
Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (#11942)
Bumps [lodash]( from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2020-07-18 16:02:41 +02:00
Tony Murray 300645388f
Dispatcher Service settings (#11760)
* Poller settings WIP

* Poller settings WIP2

* working on SettingMultiple

* setting multiple working

* settings sent with all required info

* fix translation

* Fix keys

* fix groups setting

* Apply settings to service
fixes and validations for setting

* don't error when no poller_cluster entry exists

* hid tab when no poller cluster entries

* Authorization

* make prod

* daily maintenance toggle should be advanced

* Update schema def
2020-06-08 08:27:03 -05:00
dependabot[bot] 7aeb3f619c
Bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 (#11644)
Bumps [jquery]( from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
2020-05-19 23:20:48 -05:00
Tony Murray 425ac28bab
Fix js warning in settings, update js deps (#11324) 2020-03-22 19:30:58 +01:00
Tony Murray 82eddfcf27
Sort Settings by translated names (#11280)
If browser language is different from the language set in LibreNMS, it might sort slightly incorrectly.
2020-03-12 11:39:06 -05:00
Tony Murray f2346caef7
Update JS deps (#11203)
* Update JS deps

* language hash update
2020-02-26 08:39:35 -06:00
Tony Murray 3aa594bed1
Fix some IE issues with settings page (#10819) 2019-11-17 05:14:16 +00:00
Tony Murray 699aa8a042
Consolidate configuration settings and implement dynamic webui settings (#9809)
* initial db/defaults dump

* numeric values

* Remove $config['time']

* Use config_definitions.json

* try setting definition as a complete array

* a little more

* fix format

* WIP converting dynamic setting pages

* rewriting the webui

* remove legacy and add translations

* finish email section

* improve navigation
update js a bit

* Import the remaining existing settings

* Update backend still some wip

* fix config loading (db not overriding defaults)

* some cleanup

* more array collapsing

* update settings

* Settings search

* add purge settings to ui, order groups and sections

* collapse more arrays

* Auth definitions WIP

* remove needless slash escapes

* add warning to json

* moving settings from

* remove slow_statistics

* Move rrdtool settings to the poller section

* Use translations more consistently

* removing more settings from

* show setting name in tooltip

* allow help text to be shown on mobile

* disable settings that are set in config.php

* Implement undo and reset to default.

* Vue.js functional

* Vue.js WIP

* Implement tabs component

* accordion WIP

* lodash ver update

* two items

* Accordion somewhat working

* hash navigation

* Refine Accordion

* Fix up tab styling a bit

* Cleaner tab selected property
Hide html while loading

* spinner?

* Icon support
property for accordion to active


* Tabs/Sections from ajax

* Setting Component skeletons

* Dynamic Component resolution

* Basic functionality

* toggle class

* Refactor components

* translate tabs and accordions

* simple array attempt

* improve readonly tooltip

* array styling

* array value editing

* organize snmp info

* Handle initial tab/section in url

* Use Laravel to parse tab/section, dump old

* Draggable array entries

* v-tooltip, for clickable (and touch) help tooltips
disable draggable

* Navigation WIP

* Navigation WIP

* groups computed

* filter settings

* fix event reference

* vue.js i18n initial

* missing description = just setting name

* en fallback

* tidy up the language support and js generation

* persist value to db

* fix issue with 0

* Delete settings from DB instead of setting them to default

* ldap-groups
fixup style

* Default dashboard selection

* fix array of options instead of object

* allow custom validation for settings

* translate options in SettingSelect


* fix setting arrays

* Split persist out of set

* Hook up events for SNMP v3 Auth
correct Config::persist behaviour with arrays

* dependent settings (primitive for now)
actually update the settings values in the LibrenmsSettings component

* more complex "when" behaviour

* remove un-needed seeder

* add

* remove en.json (disable warning)

* don't set default for log_dir or log_file, otherwise it won't be processed correctly

* Fix module order
add some missing settings

* more config corrections

* correct graphs
correct loading values set to null (although it should have no difference)
remove project_name_version

* Add nfsen settings.  Docs are very confusing, so might have flubbed something
remove option for array definition of select option as numeric indexes messes it up

* Correct more upstream config differences

* Config cleanup after a bunch of merges.

* Fixes

* add version tags to js/css files
remove old js

* Print out full settings list read-only

* Add http_proxy setting
fix indents in config_definitions.json

* repeaters default is 0 (aka 20)

* cleanups

* rewrite the dynamic config docs

* add language docs

* Don't show snmp v3 auth add/remove if disabled by config.php
2019-10-16 21:22:05 +00:00
Tony Murray 42fd5afb23
Laravel 5.8 and updated dependencies (#10489)
* Laravel 5.8
and dependencies

* Fix cache time

* upstream base file changes

* Accidentally ran composer with PHP 7.3

* fix test error

* one more

* one more

* one more

* fix dotenv loading
2019-08-05 15:54:58 -05:00
Tony Murray e18f4522d5
Update to Laravel 5.7 (PHP 7.3 support) (#9800)
* Move assets to 5.7 location

* Add 5.7 SVGs

* add cache data dir


* Update trusted proxy config

* update composer.json

* 5.5 command loading

* @php and @endphp can't be inline

* Laravel 5.6 logging, Nice!

* Update blade directives

* improved redirects

* remove unneeded service providers

* Improved debugbar loading

* no need to emulate renderable exceptions anymore

* merge updated 5.7 files (WIP)

* Enable CSRF

* database_path() call causes issue in init.php

* fix old testcase name

* generic phpunit 7 fixes

* add missed file_get_contents
Keep migrations table content

* fix duplicate key

* Drop old php versions from travis-ci

* remove hhvm

* fix code climate message

* remove use of deprecated function assertInternalType

* Disable CSRF, we'll enable it separately.
All forms need to be updated to work.

* Update document references
2019-02-12 17:45:04 -06:00
Tony Murray 1ad7f3138b
Add Laravel to LibreNMS (#8318)
* Add Laravel to LibreNMS.

* Try to set permissions during initial install and first composer update to Laravel.

* Fix composer.lock
Fix missing db config keys

* Start building v1 layout
Port ajax_setresolution, inject csrf into jquery ajax calls
Layout works, building menu
Partially done.

* Fix device group list
remove stupid count relationships

* Print messages for common boot errors.
Don't log to laravel.log file.
Log to error_log until booted, then librenms.log

* Fix up some issues with Config loading
Start of custom directives

* Custom blade directives: config, notconfig, admin

* Preflight checks
Only load config files once.

* Update the composer.lock for php 5.6

* Menu through routing

* Start of alert menu

* Better alert scopes

* reduce cruft in models

* Alerting menu more or less working :D

* Fix style

* Improved preflight

* Fix chicken-eggs!

* Remove examples

* Better alert_rule status queries

* fix app.env check

* User Menu

* Settings bar (dropped refresh)
Search JS

* Toastr messages

* Rename preflight

* Use hasAccess(User) on most models.
Add port counts

* Missed a Preflight -> Checks rename

* Fix some formatting

* Boot Eloquent outside of Laravel
Use Eloquent for Config and Plugins so we don't have to connect with dbFacile inside Laravel.
Move locate_binary() into Config class

* Config WIP

* Try to fix a lot of config loading issues.

* Improve menu for non-admins removing unneeded menus
url() for all in menu

* Only use eloquent if it exists

* Include APP_URL in initial .env settings

* Implement Legacy User Provider

* Helper class for using Eloquent outside of Laravel.
Allows access to DB style queries too and checking the connection status.

* Fix up tests

* Fix device groups query

* Checking Travis

* copy config.test.php earlier

* dbFacile check config before connecting
Don't use exception to check if eloquent is connected, it gets grabbed by the exception handler.
Ignore missing config.php error.

* Fix config load with database is not migrated yet.

* Remove Config::load() from early boot.

* Use laravel config settings to init db (this prefers .env settings)
Fix bgp vars not set in menu
add _ide_helper.php to .gitignore

* Restrict dependencies to versions that support php 5.6

* Update ConfigTest

* Fix a couple of installation issues

* Add unique NODE_ID to .env

* Correct handling of title image

* Fix database config not loading. Thanks @laf

* Don't prepend /

* add class_exists checks for development service providers

* Fix config value casting

* Don't use functions that may not exist

* Update dbFacile.php

* d_echo may not be defined when Config used called.

* Add SELinux configuration steps
More detailed permissions check.
Check all and give complete corrective commands in one step.

* Ignore node_modules directory

* Re-add accidetal removal
2018-05-09 08:05:17 -05:00
Neil Lathwood dcff4d3ed1 Revert "Some more doc updates" (#4231) 2016-08-27 22:12:44 +01:00
Neil Lathwood 2c0b57d61e chore(release): 201607 2016-08-27 13:53:45 +01:00