
184 lines
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Installation and Setup
LedFx is a network controller that aims to enable synchronization of multiple lights across a network.
LedFx doesn't currently support local control of LED strings, so you need a separate device
(e.g., ESP8266/ESP32) to control the LEDs directly. To be able to add your LED strips to LedFx your device
needs to be capable of receiving data either via the E1.31 sACN protocol or a generic (simple)
UDP protocol. See below for a list of tested ESP8266 firmware that can be used with LedFx.
Here is everything you need to get started with LedFx:
#. A Computer (or Raspberry Pi) with Python >= 3.8
#. An E1.31 capable device with addressable LEDs connected
- Commercial grade DMX controllers
- ESP8266 modules can be purchased for as little as $2 USD from AliExpress
.. warning:: Anaconda is no longer recommended for installing LedFx. We have removed all references to Anaconda. If you are coming from an old install, we recommend removing Anaconda completely.
Here is a list of tested ESP8266 firmware that works with LedFx:
- WLED_ is preferred and has lots of great firmware effects (ESP32/ESP8266)
- ESPixelStick_ is a great E1.31 based firmware
- `Scott's Audio Reactive Firmware`_ which inspired this project!
Windows Installation
To get started on Windows please use our `LedFx Windows Installer`_.
.. note:: See :ref:`this page <win-dev-install>` for alternative installation instructions for Windows.
Linux Installation
To install on Linux first ensure you have at least Python 3.8 installed.
**1.** Install LedFx and all the dependencies using our `LedFx Bash Install Script`_:
.. code:: console
$ curl -sSL https://install.ledfx.app | bash
**2.** Follow the instructions presented by the installer.
macOS Installation
To install on macOS first ensure you have at least Python 3.8 installed.
**1.** Install LedFx and all the dependencies using `homebrew`_ and pip:
.. code:: console
$ brew install portaudio
$ python3 -m pip install ledfx
**2.** Alternatively, install LedFx in a `python venv`_:
.. code:: console
$ python3 -m venv ~/ledfx-venv
$ source ~/ledfx-venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
$ python -m pip install ledfx
**3.** Launch LedFx with the ``open-ui`` option to launch the browser:
.. code:: console
$ ledfx --open-ui
macOS Installation @frontend_beta branch (Apple Silicon)
To install on macOS (Apple Silicon) first ensure you have at least Python 3.8 installed.
**1.** Install LedFx and all the dependencies using `homebrew`_ in a `virtualenv`_:
.. code:: console
$ brew install python@3.9
$ brew install portaudio --HEAD
$ brew install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3.9 ~/ledfx-venv
$ source ~/ledfx-venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/LedFx/LedFx
** --force-reinstall assures that you will be up to date whenever you run the command
**2.** If you get a numpy/aubio error please do the following:
.. code:: console
$ pip uninstall numpy aubio
$ pip install numpy --no-cache-dir
$ pip install aubio --no-cache-dir
**3.** Launch LedFx with the ``open-ui`` option to launch the browser:
.. code:: console
$ ledfx --open-ui
Raspberry Pi Installation
.. note::
This installation method is still in development. Use at your discretion.
.. note::
To use LedFx on a pi you will need a USB audio card.
Verify you have Python 3.8 or greater by running ``python3 --version``
**1.** Modify /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf:
We need to change the default audio card from the built-in hardware on the pi to the USB audio card in use.
.. code:: console
$ sudo nano /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf
Look for the following lines and change them accordingly:
.. code-block:: shell
defaults.ctl.card 0
defaults.pcm.card 0
.. code-block:: shell
defaults.ctl.card 1
defaults.pcm.card 1
**2.** Install LedFx and all the dependencies using our `LedFx Bash Install Script`_:
.. code:: console
$ curl -sSL https://install.ledfx.app/ | bash
Device Firmware
Please visit one of the following links to obtain firmware for your ESP8266/ESP32 device that works with LedFx.
* ESPixelStick_
- Compatible Devices:
- ESP8266
- :doc:`Configuration Settings </configuring>`
* `Scott's Audio Reactive Firmware`_
- Compatible Devices:
- ESP8266
- :doc:`Configuration Settings </configuring>`
- Compatible Devices:
- ESP8266
- ESP32
- :doc:`Configuration Settings </configuring>`
.. Links Down Here
.. _`LedFx Windows Installer`: http://ledfx.app/download
.. _`LedFx Bash Install Script`: https://install.ledfx.app
.. _`homebrew`: https://docs.brew.sh/Installation
.. _`python venv`: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html
.. _`Scott's Audio Reactive Firmware`: https://github.com/scottlawsonbc/audio-reactive-led-strip
.. _ESPixelStick: https://github.com/forkineye/ESPixelStick
.. _WLED: https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED