
351 lines
10 KiB

from asyncio import coroutines, ensure_future
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
import concurrent.futures
import voluptuous as vol
from abc import ABC
import logging
import inspect
import importlib
import pkgutil
import re
import sys
import os
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def install_package(package):
_LOGGER.info("Installing package %s", package)
env = os.environ.copy()
args = [
process = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env)
_, stderr = process.communicate()
if process.returncode != 0:
"Failed to install package %s: %s",
return False
return True
def import_or_install(package):
print("imported package")
return importlib.import_module(package)
except ImportError:
return importlib.import_module(package)
except ImportError:
return False
return False
def async_fire_and_forget(coro, loop):
"""Run some code in the core event loop without a result"""
if not coroutines.iscoroutine(coro):
raise TypeError(("A coroutine object is required: {}").format(coro))
def callback():
"""Handle the firing of a coroutine."""
ensure_future(coro, loop=loop)
def async_callback(loop, callback, *args):
"""Run a callback in the event loop with access to the result"""
future = concurrent.futures.Future()
def run_callback():
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception as e:
if future.set_running_or_notify_cancel():
_LOGGER.warning("Exception on lost future: ", exc_info=True)
return future
def generate_id(name):
"""Converts a name to a id"""
part1 = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", name).lower()
return re.sub(" +", " ", part1).strip().replace(" ", "-")
def generate_title(id):
"""Converts an id to a more human readable title"""
return re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", id).title()
def hasattr_explicit(cls, attr):
"""Returns if the given object has explicitly declared an attribute"""
return getattr(cls, attr) != getattr(super(cls, cls), attr, None)
except AttributeError:
return False
def getattr_explicit(cls, attr, *default):
"""Gets an explicit attribute from an object"""
if len(default) > 1:
raise TypeError(
"getattr_explicit expected at most 3 arguments, got {}".format(
len(default) + 2
if hasattr_explicit(cls, attr):
return getattr(cls, attr, default)
if default:
return default[0]
raise AttributeError(
"type object '{}' has no attribute '{}'.".format(cls.__name__, attr)
class BaseRegistry(ABC):
Base registry class used for effects and devices. This maintains a
list of automatically registered base classes and assembles schema
The prevent registration for classes that are intended to serve as
base classes (i.e. GradientEffect) add the following declarator:
_schema_attr = "CONFIG_SCHEMA"
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
"""Automatically register the class"""
if not hasattr(cls, "_registry"):
cls._registry = {}
name = cls.__module__.split(".")[-1]
cls._registry[name] = cls
def no_registration(self, cls):
"""Clear registration entity based on special declarator"""
name = cls.__module__.split(".")[-1]
del cls._registry[name]
return cls
def schema(self, extended=True, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA):
"""Returns the extended schema of the class"""
if extended is False:
return getattr_explicit(
type(self), self._schema_attr, vol.Schema({})
schema = vol.Schema({}, extra=extra)
classes = inspect.getmro(self)[::-1]
for c in classes:
c_schema = getattr_explicit(c, self._schema_attr, None)
if c_schema is not None:
schema = schema.extend(c_schema.schema)
return schema
def registry(self):
"""Returns all the subclasses in the registry"""
return self._registry
def id(self) -> str:
"""Returns the id for the object"""
return getattr(self, "_id", None)
def type(self) -> str:
"""Returns the id for the object"""
return getattr(self, "_type", None)
def config(self) -> dict:
"""Returns the config for the object"""
return getattr(self, "_config", None)
class RegistryLoader(object):
"""Manages loading of components for a given registry"""
def __init__(self, ledfx, cls, package):
self._package = package
self._cls = cls
self._objects = {}
self._object_id = 1
self._ledfx = ledfx
# If running in developer mode autoreload the registry when any file
# within the package changes.
# Check ledfx is not running as a single exe built using pyinstaller
# (sys frozen flag).
if (
and import_or_install("watchdog")
and not getattr(sys, "frozen", False)
and hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS")
watchdog_events = import_or_install("watchdog.events")
watchdog_observers = import_or_install("watchdog.observers")
class RegistryReloadHandler(
def __init__(self, registry):
self.registry = registry
def on_modified(self, event):
(_, extension) = os.path.splitext(event.src_path)
if extension == ".py":
self.auto_reload_handler = RegistryReloadHandler(self)
self.observer = watchdog_observers.Observer()
def import_registry(self, package):
Imports all the modules in the package thus hydrating
the registry for the class
found = self.discover_modules(package)
_LOGGER.info("Importing {} from {}".format(found, package))
for name in found:
def discover_modules(self, package):
"""Discovers all modules in the package"""
module = importlib.import_module(package)
found = []
for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules(module.__path__, package + "."):
return found
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._objects)
def types(self):
"""Returns all the type strings in the registry"""
return list(self._cls.registry().keys())
def classes(self):
"""Returns all the classes in the registry"""
return self._cls.registry()
def get_class(self, type):
return self._cls.registry()[type]
def values(self):
"""Returns all the created objects"""
return self._objects.values()
def reload_module(self, name):
if name in sys.modules.keys():
path = sys.modules[name].__file__
if path.endswith(".pyc") or path.endswith(".pyo"):
path = path[:-1]
module = importlib.import_module(name, path)
sys.modules[name] = module
except SyntaxError as e:
_LOGGER.error("Failed to reload {}: {}".format(name, e))
def reload(self, force=False):
"""Reloads the registry"""
found = self.discover_modules(self._package)
_LOGGER.info("Reloading {} from {}".format(found, self._package))
for name in found:
def create(self, type, id=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Loads and creates a object from the registry by type"""
if type not in self._cls.registry():
raise AttributeError(
("Couldn't find '{}' in the {} registry").format(
type, self._cls.__name__.lower()
id = id or type
# Find the first valid id based on what is already in the registry
dupe_id = id
dupe_index = 1
while id in self._objects:
id = "{}-{}".format(dupe_id, dupe_index)
dupe_index = dupe_index + 1
# Create the new object based on the registry entires and
# validate the schema.
_cls = self._cls.registry().get(type)
_config = kwargs.pop("config", None)
if _config is not None:
_config = _cls.schema()(_config)
obj = _cls(config=_config, *args, **kwargs)
obj = _cls(*args, **kwargs)
# Attach some common properties
setattr(obj, "_id", id)
setattr(obj, "_type", type)
# Store the object into the internal list and return it
self._objects[id] = obj
return obj
def destroy(self, id):
if id not in self._objects:
raise AttributeError(
("Object with id '{}' does not exist.").format(id)
del self._objects[id]
def get(self, id):
return self._objects.get(id)