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import numpy as np
import voluptuous as vol
from ledfx.color import GRADIENTS
from ledfx.effects.audio import AudioReactiveEffect
from ledfx.effects.gradient import GradientEffect
class BarAudioEffect(AudioReactiveEffect, GradientEffect):
NAME = "Bar"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
description="Color scheme to cycle through",
): vol.In(list(GRADIENTS.keys())),
description="Choose from different animations",
): vol.In(list(["bounce", "wipe", "in-out"])),
description="Acceleration profile of bar",
): vol.In(list(["ease_in_out", "ease_in", "ease_out", "linear"])),
description="Amount of color change per beat",
): vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0.0625, max=0.5)),
def config_updated(self, config):
self.phase = 0
self.color_idx = 0
self.bar_len = 0.3
def audio_data_updated(self, data):
# Run linear beat oscillator through easing method
beat_oscillator, beat_now = data.oscillator()
if self._config["ease_method"] == "ease_in_out":
x = 0.5 * np.sin(np.pi * (beat_oscillator - 0.5)) + 0.5
elif self._config["ease_method"] == "ease_in":
x = beat_oscillator ** 2
elif self._config["ease_method"] == "ease_out":
x = -((beat_oscillator - 1) ** 2) + 1
elif self._config["ease_method"] == "linear":
x = beat_oscillator
# Colour change and phase
if beat_now:
self.phase = 1 - self.phase # flip flop 0->1, 1->0
if self.phase == 0:
# 8 colours, 4 beats to a bar
self.color_idx += self._config["color_step"]
self.color_idx = self.color_idx % 1 # loop back to zero
# Compute position of bar start and stop
if self._config["mode"] == "wipe":
if self.phase == 0:
bar_end = x
bar_start = 0
elif self.phase == 1:
bar_end = 1
bar_start = x
elif self._config["mode"] == "bounce":
x = x * (1 - self.bar_len)
if self.phase == 0:
bar_end = x + self.bar_len
bar_start = x
elif self.phase == 1:
bar_end = 1 - x
bar_start = 1 - (x + self.bar_len)
elif self._config["mode"] == "in-out":
if self.phase == 0:
bar_end = x
bar_start = 0
elif self.phase == 1:
bar_end = 1 - x
bar_start = 0
# Construct the bar
color = self.get_gradient_color(self.color_idx)
p = np.zeros(np.shape(self.pixels))
int(self.pixel_count * bar_start) : int(
self.pixel_count * bar_end
] = color
# Update the pixel values
self.pixels = p