
121 lines
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"""Module to convert voluptuous schemas to dictionaries."""
import collections
import voluptuous as vol
from ledfx.utils import generate_title
int: "integer",
str: "string",
float: "number",
bool: "boolean",
list: "array",
def createRegistrySchema(registry):
"""Create a JSON Schema for an entire registry."""
class_schema_list = []
for class_type, class_obj in registry.classes().items():
obj_schema = convertToJsonSchema(class_obj.schema())
obj_schema["properties"]["registry_type"] = {"enum": [class_type]}
return {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"registry_type": {
"title": "Registry Type",
"type": "string",
"enum": list(registry.classes().keys()),
"required": ["registry_type"],
"dependencies": {"registry_type": {"oneOf": class_schema_list}},
def convertToJsonSchema(schema):
Converts a voluptuous schema to a JSON schema compatible
with the schema REST API. This should be kept in line with
the frontends "SchemaForm" component.
if isinstance(schema, vol.Schema):
schema = schema.schema
if isinstance(schema, collections.abc.Mapping):
val = {"properties": {}}
required_vals = []
for key, value in schema.items():
description = None
if isinstance(key, vol.Marker):
pkey = key.schema
description = key.description
pkey = key
pval = convertToJsonSchema(value)
pval["title"] = generate_title(pkey)
if description is not None:
pval["description"] = description
if key.default is not vol.UNDEFINED:
pval["default"] = key.default()
if isinstance(key, vol.Required):
val["properties"][pkey] = pval
if required_vals:
val["required"] = required_vals
return val
if isinstance(schema, vol.All):
val = {}
for validator in schema.validators:
return val
elif isinstance(schema, vol.Length):
val = {}
if schema.min is not None:
val["minLength"] = schema.min
if schema.max is not None:
val["maxLength"] = schema.max
return val
elif isinstance(schema, (vol.Clamp, vol.Range)):
val = {}
if schema.min is not None:
val["minimum"] = schema.min
if schema.max is not None:
val["maximum"] = schema.max
return val
elif isinstance(schema, vol.Datetime):
return {
"type": "datetime",
"format": schema.format,
elif isinstance(schema, vol.In):
return {"type": "string", "enum": list(schema.container)}
# val = {'type': 'string', 'enum': dict()}
# for item in schema.container:
# val['enum'][item] = item
# return val
elif isinstance(schema, vol.Coerce):
schema = schema.type
if schema in TYPES_MAP:
return {"type": TYPES_MAP[schema]}
raise ValueError("Unable to convert schema: {}".format(schema))