
186 lines
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import logging
import random
import voluptuous as vol
from aiohttp import web
from ledfx.api import RestEndpoint
from ledfx.config import save_config
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EffectsEndpoint(RestEndpoint):
ENDPOINT_PATH = "/api/devices/{device_id}/effects"
async def get(self, device_id) -> web.Response:
device = self._ledfx.devices.get(device_id)
if device is None:
response = {"not found": 404}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=404)
# Get the active effect
response = {"effect": {}}
if device.active_effect:
effect_response = {}
effect_response["config"] = device.active_effect.config
effect_response["name"] = device.active_effect.name
effect_response["type"] = device.active_effect.type
response = {"effect": effect_response}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=200)
async def put(self, device_id, request) -> web.Response:
"""Update the config of the active effect of a device"""
device = self._ledfx.devices.get(device_id)
if device is None:
response = {"not found": 404}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=404)
if not device.active_effect:
response = {
"status": "failed",
"reason": "Device {} has no active effect to update config".format(
return web.json_response(data=response, status=500)
data = await request.json()
effect_config = data.get("config")
effect_type = data.get("type")
if effect_config is None:
response = {
"status": "failed",
"reason": 'Required attribute "config" was not provided',
return web.json_response(data=response, status=500)
if effect_config == "RANDOMIZE":
# Parse and break down schema for effect, in order to generate
# acceptable random values
effect_config = {}
effect_type = device.active_effect.type
effect = self._ledfx.effects.get_class(effect_type)
schema = effect.schema().schema
for setting in schema.keys():
# Booleans
if schema[setting] is bool:
val = random.choice([True, False])
# Lists
elif isinstance(schema[setting], vol.validators.In):
val = random.choice(schema[setting].container)
# All (assuming coerce(float/int), range(min,max))
# NOTE: vol.coerce(float/int) does not give enough info for a random value to be generated!
# *** All effects should give a range! ***
# This is also important for when sliders will be added, slider
# needs a start and stop
elif isinstance(schema[setting], vol.validators.All):
for validator in schema[setting].validators:
if isinstance(validator, vol.validators.Coerce):
coerce_type = validator.type
elif isinstance(validator, vol.validators.Range):
lower = validator.min
upper = validator.max
if coerce_type is float:
val = random.uniform(lower, upper)
elif coerce_type is int:
val = random.randint(lower, upper)
effect_config[setting.schema] = val
# Create the effect and add it to the device
effect = self._ledfx.effects.create(
ledfx=self._ledfx, type=effect_type, config=effect_config
# Update and save the configuration
for device in self._ledfx.config["devices"]:
if device["id"] == device_id:
# if not ('effect' in device):
device["effect"] = {}
device["effect"]["type"] = effect_type
device["effect"]["config"] = effect_config
effect_response = {}
effect_response["config"] = effect.config
effect_response["name"] = effect.name
effect_response["type"] = effect.type
response = {"status": "success", "effect": effect_response}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=200)
async def post(self, device_id, request) -> web.Response:
device = self._ledfx.devices.get(device_id)
if device is None:
response = {"not found": 404}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=404)
data = await request.json()
effect_type = data.get("type")
if effect_type is None:
response = {
"status": "failed",
"reason": 'Required attribute "type" was not provided',
return web.json_response(data=response, status=500)
effect_config = data.get("config")
if effect_config is None:
effect_config = {}
# Create the effect and add it to the device
effect = self._ledfx.effects.create(
ledfx=self._ledfx, type=effect_type, config=effect_config
# Update and save the configuration
for device in self._ledfx.config["devices"]:
if device["id"] == device_id:
# if not ('effect' in device):
device["effect"] = {}
device["effect"]["type"] = effect_type
device["effect"]["config"] = effect_config
effect_response = {}
effect_response["config"] = effect.config
effect_response["name"] = effect.name
effect_response["type"] = effect.type
response = {"status": "success", "effect": effect_response}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=200)
async def delete(self, device_id) -> web.Response:
device = self._ledfx.devices.get(device_id)
if device is None:
response = {"not found": 404}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=404)
# Clear the effect
for device in self._ledfx.config["devices"]:
if device["id"] == device_id:
if "effect" in device:
del device["effect"]
response = {"status": "success", "effect": {}}
return web.json_response(data=response, status=200)