
372 lines
12 KiB

import colorsys
import logging
# from ledfx.effects.audio import FREQUENCY_RANGES
from functools import lru_cache
import numpy as np
import voluptuous as vol
from ledfx.color import parse_color, validate_color
from ledfx.utils import BaseRegistry, RegistryLoader
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DummyEffect:
config = vol.Schema({})
_active = True
is_active = _active
NAME = name = ""
def __init__(self, pixel_count):
self.pixels = np.zeros((pixel_count, 3))
def render(self):
def get_pixels(self):
return self.pixels
def activate(self):
def deactivate(self):
def mix_colors(color_1, color_2, ratio):
if np.array_equal(color_2, []):
return (
color_1[0] * (1 - ratio) + 0,
color_1[1] * (1 - ratio) + 0,
color_1[2] * (1 - ratio) + 0,
return (
color_1[0] * (1 - ratio) + color_2[0] * ratio,
color_1[1] * (1 - ratio) + color_2[1] * ratio,
color_1[2] * (1 - ratio) + color_2[2] * ratio,
def fill_rainbow(pixels, initial_hue, delta_hue):
hue = initial_hue
sat = 0.95
val = 1.0
for i in range(0, len(pixels)):
pixels[i, :] = tuple(
int(i * 255) for i in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, val)
hue = hue + delta_hue
return pixels
def blur_pixels(pixels, sigma):
rgb_array = pixels.T
rgb_array[0] = smooth(rgb_array[0], sigma)
rgb_array[1] = smooth(rgb_array[1], sigma)
rgb_array[2] = smooth(rgb_array[2], sigma)
return rgb_array.T
def _gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, order, array_len):
Produces a 1D Gaussian or Gaussian-derivative filter kernel as a numpy array.
sigma (float): The standard deviation of the filter.
order (int): The derivative-order to use. 0 indicates a Gaussian function, 1 a 1st order derivative, etc.
radius (int): The kernel produced will be of length (2*radius+1)
Array of length (2*radius+1) containing the filter kernel.
# Choose a radius for the filter kernel large enough to include all significant elements. Using
# a radius of 4 standard deviations (rounded to int) will only truncate tail values that are of
# the order of 1e-5 or smaller. For very small sigma values, just use a minimal radius.
radius = max(1, int(round(4.0 * sigma)))
radius = min(int((array_len - 1) / 2), radius)
radius = max(radius, 1)
if order < 0:
raise ValueError("Order must non-negative")
if not (isinstance(radius, int) or radius.is_integer()) or radius <= 0:
raise ValueError("Radius must a positive integer")
p = np.polynomial.Polynomial([0, 0, -0.5 / (sigma * sigma)])
x = np.arange(-radius, radius + 1)
phi_x = np.exp(p(x), dtype=np.double)
phi_x /= phi_x.sum()
if order > 0:
# For Gaussian-derivative filters, the function must be derived one or more times.
q = np.polynomial.Polynomial([1])
p_deriv = p.deriv()
for _ in range(order):
# f(x) = q(x) * phi(x) = q(x) * exp(p(x))
# f'(x) = (q'(x) + q(x) * p'(x)) * phi(x)
q = q.deriv() + q * p_deriv
phi_x *= q(x)
return phi_x
def fast_blur_pixels(pixels, sigma):
if len(pixels) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot smooth an empty array")
kernel = _gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 0, len(pixels))
pixels[:, 0] = np.convolve(pixels[:, 0], kernel, mode="same")
pixels[:, 1] = np.convolve(pixels[:, 1], kernel, mode="same")
pixels[:, 2] = np.convolve(pixels[:, 2], kernel, mode="same")
return pixels
def fast_blur_array(array, sigma):
if len(array) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot smooth an empty array")
kernel = _gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 0, len(array))
return np.convolve(array, kernel, mode="same")
def smooth(x, sigma):
Smooths a 1D array via a Gaussian filter.
x (array of floats): The array to be smoothed.
sigma (float): The standard deviation of the smoothing filter to use.
Array of same length as x.
if len(x) == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot smooth an empty array")
# Choose a radius for the filter kernel large enough to include all significant elements. Using
# a radius of 4 standard deviations (rounded to int) will only truncate tail values that are of
# the order of 1e-5 or smaller. For very small sigma values, just use a minimal radius.
kernel_radius = max(1, int(round(4.0 * sigma)))
filter_kernel = _gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 0, kernel_radius)
# The filter kernel will be applied by convolution in 'valid' mode, which includes only the
# parts of the convolution in which the two signals full overlap, i.e. where the shorter signal
# is entirely contained within the longer signal, producing an output signal of length equal to
# the difference in length between the two input signals, plus one. So the input signal must be
# extended by mirroring the ends (to give realistic values for the first and last pixels after
# smoothing) until len(x_mirrored) - len(w) + 1 = len(x). This requires adding (len(w)-1)/2
# values to each end of the input. If len(x) < (len(w)-1)/2, then the mirroring will need to be
# performed over multiple iterations, as the mirrors can only, at most, triple the length of x
# each time they are applied.
extended_input_len = len(x) + len(filter_kernel) - 1
x_mirrored = x
while len(x_mirrored) < extended_input_len:
mirror_len = min(
len(x_mirrored), (extended_input_len - len(x_mirrored)) // 2
x_mirrored = np.r_[
x_mirrored[mirror_len - 1 :: -1],
x_mirrored[-1 : -(mirror_len + 1) : -1],
# Convolve the extended input copy with the filter kernel to apply the filter.
# Convolving in 'valid' mode clips includes only the parts of the convolution in which the two
# signals full overlap, i.e. the shorter signal is entirely contained within the longer signal.
# It produces an output of length equal to the difference in length between the two input
# signals, plus one. So this relies on the assumption that len(s) - len(w) + 1 >= len(x).
y = np.convolve(x_mirrored, filter_kernel, mode="valid")
assert len(y) == len(x)
return y
class Effect(BaseRegistry):
Manages an effect
NAME = ""
_config = None
_active = False
_virtual = None
# Basic effect properties that can be applied to all effects
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
description="Amount to blur the effect",
): vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0.0, max=10)),
"flip", description="Flip the effect", default=False
): bool,
description="Mirror the effect",
): bool,
description="Brightness of strip",
): vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0.0, max=1.0)),
description="Apply a background color",
): validate_color,
description="Brightness of the background color",
): vol.All(vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=0.0, max=1.0)),
def __init__(self, ledfx, config):
self._ledfx = ledfx
self._config = {}
def __del__(self):
if self._active:
def activate(self, virtual):
"""Attaches an output channel to the effect"""
self._virtual = virtual
self.pixels = np.zeros((virtual.pixel_count, 3))
# Iterate all the base classes and check to see if the base
# class has an on_activate method. If so, call it
valid_classes = list(type(self).__bases__)
for base in valid_classes:
if hasattr(base, "on_activate"):
base.on_activate(self, virtual.pixel_count)
self._active = True
_LOGGER.info(f"Effect {self.NAME} activated.")
def deactivate(self):
"""Detaches an output channel from the effect"""
self.pixels = None
self._active = False
_LOGGER.info(f"Effect {self.NAME} deactivated.")
def update_config(self, config):
# TODO: Sync locks to ensure everything is thread safe
validated_config = type(self).schema()(config)
prior_config = self._config
if self._config != {}:
self._config = {**prior_config, **config}
self._config = validated_config
self.configured_blur = self._config["blur"]
self._bg_color = (
* self._config["background_brightness"]
def inherited(cls, method):
if hasattr(cls, method) and hasattr(super(cls, cls), method):
return cls.foo == super(cls).foo
return False
# Iterate all the base classes and check to see if there is a custom
# implementation of config updates. If to notify the base class.
valid_classes = list(type(self).__bases__)
for base in valid_classes:
if base.config_updated != super(base, base).config_updated:
base.config_updated(self, self._config)
f"Effect {self.NAME} config updated to {validated_config}."
self.configured_blur = self._config["blur"]
def config_updated(self, config):
Optional event for when an effect's config is updated. This
should be used by the subclass only if they need to build up
complex properties off the configuration, otherwise the config
should just be referenced in the effect's loop directly
def render(self):
To be implemented by child effect
Must act on self.pixels, setting the values of it
The effect can use self.pixels to see the previous effect
frame if it wants to use it for something
def get_pixels(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'pixels'): return
pixels = np.copy(self.pixels)
# Apply some of the base output filters if necessary
if self._config["flip"]:
pixels = np.flipud(pixels)
if self._config["mirror"]:
pixels = np.concatenate(
(pixels[-1 + len(pixels) % -2 :: -2], pixels[::2])
if self._config["background_color"]:
# TODO: colors in future should have an alpha value, which would work nicely to apply to dim the background color
# for now, just set it a bit less bright.
pixels += self._bg_color * 0.5
if self._config["brightness"] is not None:
# If the configured blur is greater than 0 we need to blur it
if self.configured_blur != 0.0:
kernel = _gaussian_kernel1d(self.configured_blur, 0, len(pixels))
pixels[:, 0] = np.convolve(pixels[:, 0], kernel, mode="same")
pixels[:, 1] = np.convolve(pixels[:, 1], kernel, mode="same")
pixels[:, 2] = np.convolve(pixels[:, 2], kernel, mode="same")
return pixels
def is_active(self):
"""Return if the effect is currently active"""
return self._active
def pixel_count(self):
"""Returns the number of pixels for the channel"""
return len(self.pixels)
def name(self):
return self.NAME
class Effects(RegistryLoader):
"""Thin wrapper around the effect registry that manages effects"""
PACKAGE_NAME = "ledfx.effects"
def __init__(self, ledfx):
super().__init__(ledfx=ledfx, cls=Effect, package=self.PACKAGE_NAME)
self._ledfx.audio = None