# .readthedocs.yml # Read the Docs configuration file # See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details # Required version: 2 # Set the OS, Python version and other tools you might need build: os: ubuntu-22.04 tools: python: "3.11" # You can also specify other tool versions: # nodejs: "19" # rust: "1.64" # golang: "1.19" jobs: post_checkout: # Cancel building pull requests when there aren't changed in the docs directory or YAML file. # You can add any other files or directories that you'd like here as well, # like your docs requirements file, or other files that will change your docs build. # # If there are no changes (git diff exits with 0) we force the command to return with 183. # This is a special exit code on Read the Docs that will cancel the build immediately. - | if [ "$READTHEDOCS_VERSION_TYPE" = "external" ] && git diff --quiet origin/main -- docs/ .readthedocs.yaml README.rst; then exit 183; fi # Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx sphinx: configuration: docs/conf.py # Build documentation with MkDocs #mkdocs: # configuration: mkdocs.yml # Don't build any documents (htmlzip, pdf, epub) formats: [] # Set the version of Python and requirements required to build your docs python: install: - requirements: docs/requirements-docs.txt