# Temporary and binary files *~ *.py[cod] *.so *.cfg !setup.cfg *.orig *.log *.pot .cache/* .*.swp */.ipynb_checkpoints/* *.DS_Store # Python env env .venv # NPM node_modules/ npm-debug.log package-lock.json # Project files .ropeproject .project .pydevproject .settings .idea .vscode/settings.json *.code-workspace # Package files *.egg *.eggs/ .installed.cfg *.egg-info # Unittest and coverage htmlcov/* .coverage .tox junit.xml coverage.xml # Build and docs folder/files build/* dist/* sdist/* docs/api/* docs/_build/* cover/* MANIFEST # LedFx helper functions leave these files behind performance_analysis.csv performance_insights.txt # Debugging task may leave this folder behind if it crashes debug_config # spec file build may leave the ledfx.env behind ledfx.env # Misc .devcontainer/ledfx-config.yml frontend/*.eslintcache *.eslintcache #Pycache from numba ledfx/effects/__pycache__/* ledfx/__pycache__/* __pycache__/*