
109 lines
3.1 KiB

import { Component, ComponentInterface, Element, Host, Listen, Prop, State, h } from '@stencil/core';
import { config } from '../../global/config';
import { getIonMode } from '../../global/ionic-global';
import { Color } from '../../interface';
import { ButtonInterface } from '../../utils/element-interface';
import { menuController } from '../../utils/menu-controller';
import { createColorClasses, hostContext } from '../../utils/theme';
import { updateVisibility } from '../menu-toggle/menu-toggle-util';
tag: 'ion-menu-button',
styleUrls: {
ios: 'menu-button.ios.scss',
md: ''
shadow: true
export class MenuButton implements ComponentInterface, ButtonInterface {
@Element() el!: HTMLIonSegmentElement;
@State() visible = false;
* The color to use from your application's color palette.
* Default options are: `"primary"`, `"secondary"`, `"tertiary"`, `"success"`, `"warning"`, `"danger"`, `"light"`, `"medium"`, and `"dark"`.
* For more information on colors, see [theming](/docs/theming/basics).
@Prop() color?: Color;
* If `true`, the user cannot interact with the menu button.
@Prop() disabled = false;
* Optional property that maps to a Menu's `menuId` prop. Can also be `start` or `end` for the menu side. This is used to find the correct menu to toggle
@Prop() menu?: string;
* Automatically hides the menu button when the corresponding menu is not active
@Prop() autoHide = true;
* The type of the button.
@Prop() type: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button' = 'button';
componentDidLoad() {
@Listen('ionMenuChange', { target: 'body' })
@Listen('ionSplitPaneVisible', { target: 'body' })
async visibilityChanged() {
this.visible = await updateVisibility(;
private onClick = async () => {
return menuController.toggle(;
render() {
const { color, disabled } = this;
const mode = getIonMode(this);
const menuIcon = config.get('menuIcon', mode === 'ios' ? 'menu-outline' : 'menu-sharp');
const hidden = this.autoHide && !this.visible;
const attrs = {
type: this.type
return (
aria-disabled={disabled ? 'true' : null}
aria-hidden={hidden ? 'true' : null}
[mode]: true,
'button': true, // ion-buttons target .button
'menu-button-hidden': hidden,
'menu-button-disabled': disabled,
'in-toolbar': hostContext('ion-toolbar', this.el),
'ion-activatable': true,
'ion-focusable': true
<span class="button-inner">
<ion-icon icon={menuIcon} mode={mode} lazy={false}></ion-icon>
{mode === 'md' && <ion-ripple-effect type="unbounded"></ion-ripple-effect>}