
180 lines
5.0 KiB

import { browser, element, by, protractor } from 'protractor';
import { waitTime, testStack, testLifeCycle, handleErrorMessages } from './utils';
const EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
describe('router-link params and fragments', () => {
const queryParam = 'A&=#Y';
const fragment = 'myDiv1';
const id = 'MyPageID==';
afterEach(() => {
it('should go to a page with properly encoded values', async () => {
await browser.get('/router-link?ionic:_testing=true');
await element(by.css('#queryParamsFragment')).click();
const expectedRoute = `${encodeURIComponent(id)}?token=${encodeURIComponent(queryParam)}#${encodeURIComponent(fragment)}`;
browser.wait(EC.urlContains(expectedRoute), 5000);
it('should return to a page with preserved query param and fragment', async () => {
await browser.get('/router-link?ionic:_testing=true');
await element(by.css('#queryParamsFragment')).click();
await waitTime(200);
await element(by.css('#goToPage3')).click();
browser.wait(EC.urlContains('router-link-page3'), 5000);
await waitTime(200);
await element(by.css('#goBackFromPage3')).click();
const expectedRoute = `${encodeURIComponent(id)}?token=${encodeURIComponent(queryParam)}#${encodeURIComponent(fragment)}`;
browser.wait(EC.urlContains(expectedRoute), 5000);
it('should preserve query param and fragment with defaultHref string', async () => {
await browser.get('/router-link-page3?ionic:_testing=true');
await element(by.css('#goBackFromPage3')).click();
const expectedRoute = '?token=ABC#fragment';
browser.wait(EC.urlContains(expectedRoute), 5000);
describe('router-link', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await browser.get('/router-link');
await waitTime(30);
afterEach(() => {
it('should have correct lifecycle counts', async () => {
await testLifeCycle('app-router-link', {
ionViewWillEnter: 1,
ionViewDidEnter: 1,
ionViewWillLeave: 0,
ionViewDidLeave: 0,
describe('forward', () => {
it('should go forward with ion-button[routerLink]', async () => {
await element(by.css('#routerLink')).click();
await testForward();
// test go back
await element(by.css('ion-back-button')).click();
await waitTime(500);
await testStack('ion-router-outlet', ['app-router-link']);
await testLifeCycle('app-router-link', {
ionViewWillEnter: 2,
ionViewDidEnter: 2,
ionViewWillLeave: 1,
ionViewDidLeave: 1,
it('should go forward with a[routerLink]', async () => {
await element(by.css('#a')).click();
await testForward();
it('should go forward with button + navigateByUrl()', async () => {
await element(by.css('#button')).click();
await testForward();
it('should go forward with button + navigateForward()', async () => {
await element(by.css('#button-forward')).click();
await testForward();
describe('root', () => {
it('should go root with ion-button[routerLink][routerDirection=root]', async () => {
await element(by.css('#routerLink-root')).click();
await testRoot();
it('should go root with a[routerLink][routerDirection=root]', async () => {
await element(by.css('#a-root')).click();
await testRoot();
it('should go root with button + navigateRoot', async () => {
await element(by.css('#button-root')).click();
await testRoot();
describe('back', () => {
it('should go back with ion-button[routerLink][routerDirection=back]', async () => {
await element(by.css('#routerLink-back')).click();
await testBack();
it('should go back with a[routerLink][routerDirection=back]', async () => {
await element(by.css('#a-back')).click();
await testBack();
it('should go back with button + navigateBack', async () => {
await element(by.css('#button-back')).click();
await testBack();
async function testForward() {
await waitTime(500);
await testStack('ion-router-outlet', ['app-router-link', 'app-router-link-page']);
await testLifeCycle('app-router-link', {
ionViewWillEnter: 1,
ionViewDidEnter: 1,
ionViewWillLeave: 1,
ionViewDidLeave: 1,
await testLifeCycle('app-router-link-page', {
ionViewWillEnter: 1,
ionViewDidEnter: 1,
ionViewWillLeave: 0,
ionViewDidLeave: 0,
async function testRoot() {
await waitTime(200);
await testStack('ion-router-outlet', ['app-router-link-page']);
await testLifeCycle('app-router-link-page', {
ionViewWillEnter: 1,
ionViewDidEnter: 1,
ionViewWillLeave: 0,
ionViewDidLeave: 0,
async function testBack() {
await waitTime(500);
await testStack('ion-router-outlet', ['app-router-link-page']);
await testLifeCycle('app-router-link-page', {
ionViewWillEnter: 1,
ionViewDidEnter: 1,
ionViewWillLeave: 0,
ionViewDidLeave: 0,