
104 lines
3.2 KiB

$schema: "",
extends: ["config:base", ":semanticCommitTypeAll(chore)"],
packageRules: [
// Group these two as they may rely on one another during major version bumps
matchPackageNames: ["actions/download-artifact", "actions/upload-artifact"],
groupName: "Download + Upload Artifacts"
matchPackagePatterns: ["@stencil/core", "@stencil/angular-output-target", "@stencil/react-output-target", "@stencil/sass", "@stencil/vue-output-target"],
groupName: "stencil",
matchFileNames: [
matchPackagePatterns: ["@capacitor/core", "@capacitor/keyboard", "@capacitor/haptics", "@capacitor/status-bar"],
groupName: "capacitor",
matchFileNames: [
matchDatasources: ["npm"],
matchPackagePatterns: ["@playwright/test", "@axe-core/playwright"],
groupName: "playwright",
matchFileNames: [
matchDatasources: ["docker"],
matchPackageNames: [""],
groupName: "playwright",
matchFileNames: [
versioning: "semver"
matchPackagePatterns: ["ionicons"],
groupName: "ionicons",
matchFileNames: [
* While we update dependencies in certain directories, we currently
* do not want to update every single dependency. Some of the dependencies are
* very out of date, and the team needs to schedule work to account for
* breaking changes in some of these updates. To potentially avoid a large number of
* failing PRs the team has chosen to selectively enable dependencies to be updated
* as we have capacity to account for breaking changes.
matchPackagePatterns: ["tslib", "@ionic/", "@rollup/", "@types/", "@typescript-eslint/", "clean-css-cli", "domino", "eslint", "eslint-config-prettier", "execa", "fs-extra", "jest", "jest-cli", "prettier", "puppeteer", "rollup", "sass", "serve", "stylelint", "stylelint-order"],
groupName: "core-disabled",
matchFileNames: [
enabled: false
* Local Ionic dependencies are managed by the
* workspace to ensure the correct local version is used.
matchPackagePatterns: ["@ionic/", "ionicons"],
groupName: "ignore-local-ionic-deps",
matchFileNames: [
enabled: false
matchPackagePatterns: ["lerna", "semver"],
groupName: "root-disabled",
matchFileNames: [
enabled: false
dependencyDashboard: false,
minimumReleaseAge: "3 days",
rebaseWhen: "never",
schedule: ["every weekday before 11am"],
semanticCommits: "enabled",
ignorePaths: [
// Ionic Packages
// Local Development Scripts