
377 lines
11 KiB

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Type, TypeVar
from rich import box
from rich.console import Console
from rich.markup import escape
from rich.table import Table
from ._fwd import config as Config
T = TypeVar("T")
U = TypeVar("U")
console = Console()
class ParamSpec(NamedTuple):
req Whether this argument is required
desc A description of what this argument does
default The default value for this argument. Ignored if req == True or configPath is not None
config_ref The path to the config that should be the default value
list Whether this parameter is in the form of a list, and can therefore be specified more than once
visible Whether the user can tweak this via the command line
req: bool
desc: str
default: Optional[Any] = None
list: bool = False
config_ref: Optional[List[str]] = None
visible: bool = True
class ConfigurableModule(ABC):
def getParams() -> Optional[Dict[str, ParamSpec]]:
Returns a dictionary of `argument name: argument specification`
def _checkParams(self):
Fills the given params dict with default values where arguments are not given,
using None as the default value for default values
params = self._params()
config = self._config()
for key, value in self.getParams().items():
# If we already have it, then we don't need to do anything
if key in params:
# If we don't have it, but it's required, then fail
if value.req:
raise KeyError(
f"Missing required param {key} for {type(self).__name__.lower()}"
# If it's a reference by default, fill that in
if value.config_ref is not None:
tmp = getattr(config, value.config_ref[0])
params[key] = (
tmp[value.config_ref[1:]] if len(value.config_ref) > 1 else tmp
# Otherwise, put in the default value (if it exists)
elif value.default is not None:
params[key] = value.default
def _params(self):
return self._params_obj
def _config(self):
return self._config_obj
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self._config_obj = config
if self.getParams() is not None:
self._params_obj = config.params.setdefault(type(self).__name__.lower(), {})
class Targeted(ABC):
def getTarget() -> str:
"""Should return the target that this object attacks/decodes"""
class PolymorphicChecker(ConfigurableModule):
def check(self, text) -> Optional[str]:
"""Should return some description (or an empty string) on success, otherwise return None"""
def getExpectedRuntime(self, text) -> float:
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.check(*args)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
class Checker(Generic[T], ConfigurableModule):
def check(self, text: T) -> Optional[str]:
"""Should return some description (or an empty string) on success, otherwise return None"""
def getExpectedRuntime(self, text: T) -> float:
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.check(*args)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
def convert(cls, expected: Set[type]):
class PolyWrapperClass(PolymorphicChecker):
def getParams() -> Optional[Dict[str, ParamSpec]]:
return cls.getParams()
def check(self, text) -> Optional[str]:
"""Should return some description (or an empty string) on success, otherwise return None"""
if type(text) not in expected:
return None
return self._base.check(text)
def getExpectedRuntime(self, text) -> float:
if type(text) not in expected:
return 0
return self._base.getExpectedRuntime(text)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
# This is easier than inheritance
self._base = cls(config)
PolyWrapperClass.__name__ = cls.__name__
return PolyWrapperClass
# class Detector(Generic[T], ConfigurableModule, KnownUtility, Targeted):
# @abstractmethod
# def scoreLikelihood(self, ctext: T) -> Dict[str, float]:
# """Should return a dictionary of (cipher_name: score)"""
# pass
# def __call__(self, *args): return self.scoreLikelihood(*args)
# @abstractmethod
# def __init__(self, config: Config): super().__init__(config)
class Decoder(Generic[T], ConfigurableModule, Targeted):
"""Represents the undoing of some encoding into a different (or the same) type"""
def decode(self, ctext: T) -> Optional[U]:
def priority() -> float:
"""What proportion of decodings are this?"""
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.decode(*args)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
class DecoderComparer:
value: Type[Decoder]
def __le__(self, other: "DecoderComparer"):
return self.value.priority() <= other.value.priority()
def __ge__(self, other: "DecoderComparer"):
return self.value.priority() >= other.value.priority()
def __lt__(self, other: "DecoderComparer"):
return self.value.priority() < other.value.priority() and self != other
def __gt__(self, other: "DecoderComparer"):
return self.value.priority() > other.value.priority() and self != other
def __init__(self, value: Type[Decoder]):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return f"<DecoderComparer {self.value}:{self.value.priority()}>"
class CrackResult(NamedTuple):
# TODO consider using Generic[T] again for value's type once
# is resolved
value: Any
key_info: Optional[str] = None
misc_info: Optional[str] = None
class CrackInfo(NamedTuple):
success_likelihood: float
success_runtime: float
failure_runtime: float
class Cracker(Generic[T], ConfigurableModule, Targeted):
def getInfo(self, ctext: T) -> CrackInfo:
"""Should return some informed guesses on resource consumption when run on `ctext`"""
def attemptCrack(self, ctext: T) -> List[CrackResult]:
This should attempt to crack the cipher `target`, and return a list of candidate solutions
# FIXME: Actually CrackResult[T], but python complains
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.attemptCrack(*args)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
class ResourceLoader(Generic[T], ConfigurableModule):
def whatResources(self) -> Optional[Set[str]]:
Return a set of the names of instances T you can provide.
The names SHOULD be unique amongst ResourceLoaders of the same type
These names will be exposed as f"{self.__name__}::{name}", use split_resource_name to recover this
If you cannot reasonably determine what resources you provide, return None instead
def getResource(self, name: str) -> T:
Returns the requested distribution
The behavior is undefined if `name not in self.what_resources()`
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.getResource(*args)
def __getitem__(self, *args):
return self.getResource(*args)
def __init__(self, config: Config):
class SearchLevel(NamedTuple):
name: str
result: CrackResult
def input(ctext: Any):
return SearchLevel(name="input", result=CrackResult(ctext))
class SearchResult(NamedTuple):
path: List[SearchLevel]
check_res: str
class Searcher(ConfigurableModule):
"""A very basic interface for code that plans out how to crack the ciphertext"""
def search(self, ctext: Any) -> Optional[SearchResult]:
"""Returns the path to the correct ciphertext"""
def __init__(self, config: Config):
def pretty_search_results(res: SearchResult, display_intermediate: bool = False) -> str:
# TODO what is display_intermediate
ret: str = ""
table = Table(show_header=False, box=box.ROUNDED, safe_box=False)
# Only print the checker if we need to. Normal people don't know what
# "quadgrams", "brandon", "json checker" is.
# We print the checker if its regex or another language, so long as it starts with:
# "The" like "The plaintext is a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)."
if len(res.check_res) != 0 and ("The" == res.check_res[0:3] or "Passed" == res.check_res[0:6]):
ret += f"{res.check_res}\n"
def add_one():
out = ""
if == "utf8":
out += f" [#808080]{}[/#808080]\n"
out += f" {}"
already_broken = False
if i.result.key_info is not None:
out += f":\n Key: {i.result.key_info}\n"
already_broken = True
if i.result.misc_info is not None:
if not already_broken:
out += ":\n"
out += f" Misc: {i.result.misc_info}\n"
already_broken = True
if display_intermediate:
if not already_broken:
out += ":\n"
out += f' Value: "{i.result.value}"\n'
already_broken = True
if not already_broken:
out += "\n"
return out, already_broken
# Skip the 'input' and print in order
already_broken = False
out = ""
for i in res.path[1:]:
output, already_broken = add_one()
out += output
if out:
if len(out.split("\n")) > 1:
ret += "Formats used:\n"
ret += "Format used:\n"
ret += out
# Remove trailing newline
ret = ret[:-1]
# If we didn't show intermediate steps, then print the final result
if already_broken:
ret += f"""\nPlaintext: [bold green]"{escape(res.path[-1].result.value)}"[bold green]"""
ret += f"""Plaintext: [bold green]"{escape(res.path[-1].result.value)}"[bold green]"""
return table
# Some common collection types
Distribution = Dict[str, float]
Translation = Dict[str, str]
WordList = Set[str]