
2027 lines
72 KiB

const _ = require('underscore-plus')
const url = require('url')
const path = require('path')
const {Emitter, Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require('event-kit')
const fs = require('fs-plus')
const {Directory} = require('pathwatcher')
const Grim = require('grim')
const DefaultDirectorySearcher = require('./default-directory-searcher')
const Dock = require('./dock')
const Model = require('./model')
const StateStore = require('./state-store')
const TextEditor = require('./text-editor')
const Panel = require('./panel')
const PanelContainer = require('./panel-container')
const Task = require('./task')
const WorkspaceCenter = require('./workspace-center')
const WorkspaceElement = require('./workspace-element')
const ALL_LOCATIONS = ['center', 'left', 'right', 'bottom']
// Essential: Represents the state of the user interface for the entire window.
// An instance of this class is available via the `atom.workspace` global.
// Interact with this object to open files, be notified of current and future
// editors, and manipulate panes. To add panels, use {Workspace::addTopPanel}
// and friends.
// ## Workspace Items
// The term "item" refers to anything that can be displayed
// in a pane within the workspace, either in the {WorkspaceCenter} or in one
// of the three {Dock}s. The workspace expects items to conform to the
// following interface:
// ### Required Methods
// #### `getTitle()`
// Returns a {String} containing the title of the item to display on its
// associated tab.
// ### Optional Methods
// #### `getElement()`
// If your item already *is* a DOM element, you do not need to implement this
// method. Otherwise it should return the element you want to display to
// represent this item.
// #### `destroy()`
// Destroys the item. This will be called when the item is removed from its
// parent pane.
// #### `onDidDestroy(callback)`
// Called by the workspace so it can be notified when the item is destroyed.
// Must return a {Disposable}.
// #### `serialize()`
// Serialize the state of the item. Must return an object that can be passed to
// `JSON.stringify`. The state should include a field called `deserializer`,
// which names a deserializer declared in your `package.json`. This method is
// invoked on items when serializing the workspace so they can be restored to
// the same location later.
// #### `getURI()`
// Returns the URI associated with the item.
// #### `getLongTitle()`
// Returns a {String} containing a longer version of the title to display in
// places like the window title or on tabs their short titles are ambiguous.
// #### `onDidChangeTitle`
// Called by the workspace so it can be notified when the item's title changes.
// Must return a {Disposable}.
// #### `getIconName()`
// Return a {String} with the name of an icon. If this method is defined and
// returns a string, the item's tab element will be rendered with the `icon` and
// `icon-${iconName}` CSS classes.
// ### `onDidChangeIcon(callback)`
// Called by the workspace so it can be notified when the item's icon changes.
// Must return a {Disposable}.
// #### `getDefaultLocation()`
// Tells the workspace where your item should be opened in absence of a user
// override. Items can appear in the center or in a dock on the left, right, or
// bottom of the workspace.
// Returns a {String} with one of the following values: `'center'`, `'left'`,
// `'right'`, `'bottom'`. If this method is not defined, `'center'` is the
// default.
// #### `getAllowedLocations()`
// Tells the workspace where this item can be moved. Returns an {Array} of one
// or more of the following values: `'center'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, or
// `'bottom'`.
// #### `isPermanentDockItem()`
// Tells the workspace whether or not this item can be closed by the user by
// clicking an `x` on its tab. Use of this feature is discouraged unless there's
// a very good reason not to allow users to close your item. Items can be made
// permanent *only* when they are contained in docks. Center pane items can
// always be removed. Note that it is currently still possible to close dock
// items via the `Close Pane` option in the context menu and via Atom APIs, so
// you should still be prepared to handle your dock items being destroyed by the
// user even if you implement this method.
// #### `save()`
// Saves the item.
// #### `saveAs(path)`
// Saves the item to the specified path.
// #### `getPath()`
// Returns the local path associated with this item. This is only used to set
// the initial location of the "save as" dialog.
// #### `isModified()`
// Returns whether or not the item is modified to reflect modification in the
// UI.
// #### `onDidChangeModified()`
// Called by the workspace so it can be notified when item's modified status
// changes. Must return a {Disposable}.
// #### `copy()`
// Create a copy of the item. If defined, the workspace will call this method to
// duplicate the item when splitting panes via certain split commands.
// #### `getPreferredHeight()`
// If this item is displayed in the bottom {Dock}, called by the workspace when
// initially displaying the dock to set its height. Once the dock has been
// resized by the user, their height will override this value.
// Returns a {Number}.
// #### `getPreferredWidth()`
// If this item is displayed in the left or right {Dock}, called by the
// workspace when initially displaying the dock to set its width. Once the dock
// has been resized by the user, their width will override this value.
// Returns a {Number}.
// #### `onDidTerminatePendingState(callback)`
// If the workspace is configured to use *pending pane items*, the workspace
// will subscribe to this method to terminate the pending state of the item.
// Must return a {Disposable}.
// #### `shouldPromptToSave()`
// This method indicates whether Atom should prompt the user to save this item
// when the user closes or reloads the window. Returns a boolean.
module.exports = class Workspace extends Model {
constructor (params) {
this.updateWindowTitle = this.updateWindowTitle.bind(this)
this.updateDocumentEdited = this.updateDocumentEdited.bind(this)
this.didDestroyPaneItem = this.didDestroyPaneItem.bind(this)
this.didChangeActivePaneOnPaneContainer = this.didChangeActivePaneOnPaneContainer.bind(this)
this.didChangeActivePaneItemOnPaneContainer = this.didChangeActivePaneItemOnPaneContainer.bind(this)
this.didActivatePaneContainer = this.didActivatePaneContainer.bind(this)
this.enablePersistence = params.enablePersistence
this.packageManager = params.packageManager
this.config = params.config
this.project = params.project
this.notificationManager = params.notificationManager
this.viewRegistry = params.viewRegistry
this.grammarRegistry = params.grammarRegistry
this.applicationDelegate = params.applicationDelegate
this.assert = params.assert
this.deserializerManager = params.deserializerManager
this.textEditorRegistry = params.textEditorRegistry
this.styleManager = params.styleManager
this.draggingItem = false
this.itemLocationStore = new StateStore('AtomPreviousItemLocations', 1)
this.emitter = new Emitter()
this.openers = []
this.destroyedItemURIs = []
this.stoppedChangingActivePaneItemTimeout = null
this.defaultDirectorySearcher = new DefaultDirectorySearcher()
this.paneContainers = {
center: this.createCenter(),
left: this.createDock('left'),
right: this.createDock('right'),
bottom: this.createDock('bottom')
this.activePaneContainer =
this.hasActiveTextEditor = false
this.panelContainers = {
top: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'top'}),
left: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'left', dock: this.paneContainers.left}),
right: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'right', dock: this.paneContainers.right}),
bottom: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'bottom', dock: this.paneContainers.bottom}),
header: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'header'}),
footer: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'footer'}),
modal: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'modal'})
get paneContainer () {
Grim.deprecate('`atom.workspace.paneContainer` has always been private, but it is now gone. Please use `atom.workspace.getCenter()` instead and consult the workspace API docs for public methods.')
getElement () {
if (!this.element) {
this.element = new WorkspaceElement().initialize(this, {
config: this.config,
project: this.project,
viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry,
styleManager: this.styleManager
return this.element
createCenter () {
return new WorkspaceCenter({
config: this.config,
applicationDelegate: this.applicationDelegate,
notificationManager: this.notificationManager,
deserializerManager: this.deserializerManager,
viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry,
didActivate: this.didActivatePaneContainer,
didChangeActivePane: this.didChangeActivePaneOnPaneContainer,
didChangeActivePaneItem: this.didChangeActivePaneItemOnPaneContainer,
didDestroyPaneItem: this.didDestroyPaneItem
createDock (location) {
return new Dock({
config: this.config,
applicationDelegate: this.applicationDelegate,
deserializerManager: this.deserializerManager,
notificationManager: this.notificationManager,
viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry,
didActivate: this.didActivatePaneContainer,
didChangeActivePane: this.didChangeActivePaneOnPaneContainer,
didChangeActivePaneItem: this.didChangeActivePaneItemOnPaneContainer,
didDestroyPaneItem: this.didDestroyPaneItem
reset (packageManager) {
this.packageManager = packageManager
this.emitter = new Emitter()
_.values(this.panelContainers).forEach(panelContainer => { panelContainer.destroy() })
this.paneContainers = {
center: this.createCenter(),
left: this.createDock('left'),
right: this.createDock('right'),
bottom: this.createDock('bottom')
this.activePaneContainer =
this.hasActiveTextEditor = false
this.panelContainers = {
top: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'top'}),
left: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'left', dock: this.paneContainers.left}),
right: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'right', dock: this.paneContainers.right}),
bottom: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'bottom', dock: this.paneContainers.bottom}),
header: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'header'}),
footer: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'footer'}),
modal: new PanelContainer({viewRegistry: this.viewRegistry, location: 'modal'})
this.originalFontSize = null
this.openers = []
this.destroyedItemURIs = []
if (this.element) {
this.element = null
subscribeToEvents () {
consumeServices ({serviceHub}) {
this.directorySearchers = []
provider => this.directorySearchers.unshift(provider)
// Called by the Serializable mixin during serialization.
serialize () {
return {
deserializer: 'Workspace',
packagesWithActiveGrammars: this.getPackageNamesWithActiveGrammars(),
destroyedItemURIs: this.destroyedItemURIs.slice(),
// Ensure deserializing 1.17 state with pre 1.17 Atom does not error
// TODO: Remove after 1.17 has been on stable for a while
paneContainer: {version: 2},
paneContainers: {
left: this.paneContainers.left.serialize(),
right: this.paneContainers.right.serialize(),
bottom: this.paneContainers.bottom.serialize()
deserialize (state, deserializerManager) {
const packagesWithActiveGrammars =
state.packagesWithActiveGrammars != null ? state.packagesWithActiveGrammars : []
for (let packageName of packagesWithActiveGrammars) {
const pkg = this.packageManager.getLoadedPackage(packageName)
if (pkg != null) {
if (state.destroyedItemURIs != null) {
this.destroyedItemURIs = state.destroyedItemURIs
if (state.paneContainers) {, deserializerManager)
this.paneContainers.left.deserialize(state.paneContainers.left, deserializerManager)
this.paneContainers.right.deserialize(state.paneContainers.right, deserializerManager)
this.paneContainers.bottom.deserialize(state.paneContainers.bottom, deserializerManager)
} else if (state.paneContainer) {
// TODO: Remove this fallback once a lot of time has passed since 1.17 was released, deserializerManager)
this.hasActiveTextEditor = this.getActiveTextEditor() != null
getPackageNamesWithActiveGrammars () {
const packageNames = []
const addGrammar = ({includedGrammarScopes, packageName} = {}) => {
if (!packageName) { return }
// Prevent cycles
if (packageNames.indexOf(packageName) !== -1) { return }
for (let scopeName of includedGrammarScopes != null ? includedGrammarScopes : []) {
const editors = this.getTextEditors()
for (let editor of editors) { addGrammar(editor.getGrammar()) }
if (editors.length > 0) {
for (let grammar of this.grammarRegistry.getGrammars()) {
if (grammar.injectionSelector) {
return _.uniq(packageNames)
didActivatePaneContainer (paneContainer) {
if (paneContainer !== this.getActivePaneContainer()) {
this.activePaneContainer = paneContainer
this.emitter.emit('did-change-active-pane-container', this.activePaneContainer)
this.emitter.emit('did-change-active-pane', this.activePaneContainer.getActivePane())
this.emitter.emit('did-change-active-pane-item', this.activePaneContainer.getActivePaneItem())
didChangeActivePaneOnPaneContainer (paneContainer, pane) {
if (paneContainer === this.getActivePaneContainer()) {
this.emitter.emit('did-change-active-pane', pane)
didChangeActivePaneItemOnPaneContainer (paneContainer, item) {
if (paneContainer === this.getActivePaneContainer()) {
this.emitter.emit('did-change-active-pane-item', item)
if (paneContainer === this.getCenter()) {
const hadActiveTextEditor = this.hasActiveTextEditor
this.hasActiveTextEditor = item instanceof TextEditor
if (this.hasActiveTextEditor || hadActiveTextEditor) {
const itemValue = this.hasActiveTextEditor ? item : undefined
this.emitter.emit('did-change-active-text-editor', itemValue)
didChangeActivePaneItem (item) {
if (this.activeItemSubscriptions) this.activeItemSubscriptions.dispose()
this.activeItemSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
let modifiedSubscription, titleSubscription
if (item != null && typeof item.onDidChangeTitle === 'function') {
titleSubscription = item.onDidChangeTitle(this.updateWindowTitle)
} else if (item != null && typeof item.on === 'function') {
titleSubscription = item.on('title-changed', this.updateWindowTitle)
if (titleSubscription == null || typeof titleSubscription.dispose !== 'function') {
titleSubscription = new Disposable(() => {'title-changed', this.updateWindowTitle)
if (item != null && typeof item.onDidChangeModified === 'function') {
modifiedSubscription = item.onDidChangeModified(this.updateDocumentEdited)
} else if (item != null && typeof item.on === 'function') {
modifiedSubscription = item.on('modified-status-changed', this.updateDocumentEdited)
if (modifiedSubscription == null || typeof modifiedSubscription.dispose !== 'function') {
modifiedSubscription = new Disposable(() => {'modified-status-changed', this.updateDocumentEdited)
if (titleSubscription != null) { this.activeItemSubscriptions.add(titleSubscription) }
if (modifiedSubscription != null) { this.activeItemSubscriptions.add(modifiedSubscription) }
this.stoppedChangingActivePaneItemTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.stoppedChangingActivePaneItemTimeout = null
this.emitter.emit('did-stop-changing-active-pane-item', item)
cancelStoppedChangingActivePaneItemTimeout () {
if (this.stoppedChangingActivePaneItemTimeout != null) {
setDraggingItem (draggingItem) {
_.values(this.paneContainers).forEach(dock => {
subscribeToAddedItems () {
this.onDidAddPaneItem(({item, pane, index}) => {
if (item instanceof TextEditor) {
const subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable(
if (!this.project.findBufferForId( {
item.onDidDestroy(() => { subscriptions.dispose() })
this.emitter.emit('did-add-text-editor', {textEditor: item, pane, index})
subscribeToDockToggling () {
const docks = [this.getLeftDock(), this.getRightDock(), this.getBottomDock()]
docks.forEach(dock => {
dock.onDidChangeVisible(visible => {
if (visible) return
const {activeElement} = document
const dockElement = dock.getElement()
if (dockElement === activeElement || dockElement.contains(activeElement)) {
subscribeToMovedItems () {
for (const paneContainer of this.getPaneContainers()) {
paneContainer.observePanes(pane => {
pane.onDidAddItem(({item}) => {
if (typeof item.getURI === 'function' && this.enablePersistence) {
const uri = item.getURI()
if (uri) {
const location = paneContainer.getLocation()
let defaultLocation
if (typeof item.getDefaultLocation === 'function') {
defaultLocation = item.getDefaultLocation()
defaultLocation = defaultLocation || 'center'
if (location === defaultLocation) {
} else {, location)
// Updates the application's title and proxy icon based on whichever file is
// open.
updateWindowTitle () {
let itemPath, itemTitle, projectPath, representedPath
const appName = 'Atom'
const left = this.project.getPaths()
const projectPaths = left != null ? left : []
const item = this.getActivePaneItem()
if (item) {
itemPath = typeof item.getPath === 'function' ? item.getPath() : undefined
const longTitle = typeof item.getLongTitle === 'function' ? item.getLongTitle() : undefined
itemTitle = longTitle == null
? (typeof item.getTitle === 'function' ? item.getTitle() : undefined)
: longTitle
projectPath = _.find(
projectPath =>
(itemPath === projectPath) || (itemPath != null ? itemPath.startsWith(projectPath + path.sep) : undefined)
if (itemTitle == null) { itemTitle = 'untitled' }
if (projectPath == null) { projectPath = itemPath ? path.dirname(itemPath) : projectPaths[0] }
if (projectPath != null) {
projectPath = fs.tildify(projectPath)
const titleParts = []
if ((item != null) && (projectPath != null)) {
titleParts.push(itemTitle, projectPath)
representedPath = itemPath != null ? itemPath : projectPath
} else if (projectPath != null) {
representedPath = projectPath
} else {
representedPath = ''
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
document.title = titleParts.join(' \u2014 ')
// On macOS, fades the application window's proxy icon when the current file
// has been modified.
updateDocumentEdited () {
const activePaneItem = this.getActivePaneItem()
const modified = activePaneItem != null && typeof activePaneItem.isModified === 'function'
? activePaneItem.isModified() || false
: false
Section: Event Subscription
onDidChangeActivePaneContainer (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-active-pane-container', callback)
// Essential: Invoke the given callback with all current and future text
// editors in the workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called with current and future text editors.
// * `editor` A {TextEditor} that is present in {::getTextEditors} at the time
// of subscription or that is added at some later time.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeTextEditors (callback) {
for (let textEditor of this.getTextEditors()) { callback(textEditor) }
return this.onDidAddTextEditor(({textEditor}) => callback(textEditor))
// Essential: Invoke the given callback with all current and future panes items
// in the workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called with current and future pane items.
// * `item` An item that is present in {::getPaneItems} at the time of
// subscription or that is added at some later time.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observePaneItems (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.observePaneItems(callback))
// Essential: Invoke the given callback when the active pane item changes.
// Because observers are invoked synchronously, it's important not to perform
// any expensive operations via this method. Consider
// {::onDidStopChangingActivePaneItem} to delay operations until after changes
// stop occurring.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane item changes.
// * `item` The active pane item.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeActivePaneItem (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-active-pane-item', callback)
// Essential: Invoke the given callback when the active pane item stops
// changing.
// Observers are called asynchronously 100ms after the last active pane item
// change. Handling changes here rather than in the synchronous
// {::onDidChangeActivePaneItem} prevents unneeded work if the user is quickly
// changing or closing tabs and ensures critical UI feedback, like changing the
// highlighted tab, gets priority over work that can be done asynchronously.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane item stops
// changing.
// * `item` The active pane item.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidStopChangingActivePaneItem (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-stop-changing-active-pane-item', callback)
// Essential: Invoke the given callback when a text editor becomes the active
// text editor and when there is no longer an active text editor.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active text editor changes.
// * `editor` The active {TextEditor} or undefined if there is no longer an
// active text editor.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeActiveTextEditor (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-active-text-editor', callback)
// Essential: Invoke the given callback with the current active pane item and
// with all future active pane items in the workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane item changes.
// * `item` The current active pane item.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeActivePaneItem (callback) {
return this.onDidChangeActivePaneItem(callback)
// Essential: Invoke the given callback with the current active text editor
// (if any), with all future active text editors, and when there is no longer
// an active text editor.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active text editor changes.
// * `editor` The active {TextEditor} or undefined if there is not an
// active text editor.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeActiveTextEditor (callback) {
return this.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(callback)
// Essential: Invoke the given callback whenever an item is opened. Unlike
// {::onDidAddPaneItem}, observers will be notified for items that are already
// present in the workspace when they are reopened.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever an item is opened.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `uri` {String} representing the opened URI. Could be `undefined`.
// * `item` The opened item.
// * `pane` The pane in which the item was opened.
// * `index` The index of the opened item on its pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidOpen (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-open', callback)
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane is added to the workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called panes are added.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `pane` The added pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddPane (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.onDidAddPane(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback before a pane is destroyed in the
// workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called before panes are destroyed.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `pane` The pane to be destroyed.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onWillDestroyPane (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.onWillDestroyPane(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane is destroyed in the
// workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called panes are destroyed.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `pane` The destroyed pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDestroyPane (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.onDidDestroyPane(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback with all current and future panes in the
// workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called with current and future panes.
// * `pane` A {Pane} that is present in {::getPanes} at the time of
// subscription or that is added at some later time.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observePanes (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.observePanes(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when the active pane changes.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane changes.
// * `pane` A {Pane} that is the current return value of {::getActivePane}.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeActivePane (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-active-pane', callback)
// Extended: Invoke the given callback with the current active pane and when
// the active pane changes.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called with the current and future active#
// panes.
// * `pane` A {Pane} that is the current return value of {::getActivePane}.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeActivePane (callback) {
return this.onDidChangeActivePane(callback)
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane item is added to the
// workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when pane items are added.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `item` The added pane item.
// * `pane` {Pane} containing the added item.
// * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the added item in its pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddPaneItem (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.onDidAddPaneItem(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane item is about to be
// destroyed, before the user is prompted to save it.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called before pane items are destroyed. If this function returns
// a {Promise}, then the item will not be destroyed until the promise resolves.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `item` The item to be destroyed.
// * `pane` {Pane} containing the item to be destroyed.
// * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the item to be destroyed in
// its pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose` can be called to unsubscribe.
onWillDestroyPaneItem (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.onWillDestroyPaneItem(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane item is destroyed.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when pane items are destroyed.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `item` The destroyed item.
// * `pane` {Pane} containing the destroyed item.
// * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the destroyed item in its
// pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDestroyPaneItem (callback) {
return new CompositeDisposable(
...this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.onDidDestroyPaneItem(callback))
// Extended: Invoke the given callback when a text editor is added to the
// workspace.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called panes are added.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `textEditor` {TextEditor} that was added.
// * `pane` {Pane} containing the added text editor.
// * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the added text editor in its
// pane.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddTextEditor (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-add-text-editor', callback)
onDidChangeWindowTitle (callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-window-title', callback)
Section: Opening
// Essential: Opens the given URI in Atom asynchronously.
// If the URI is already open, the existing item for that URI will be
// activated. If no URI is given, or no registered opener can open
// the URI, a new empty {TextEditor} will be created.
// * `uri` (optional) A {String} containing a URI.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `initialLine` A {Number} indicating which row to move the cursor to
// initially. Defaults to `0`.
// * `initialColumn` A {Number} indicating which column to move the cursor to
// initially. Defaults to `0`.
// * `split` Either 'left', 'right', 'up' or 'down'.
// If 'left', the item will be opened in leftmost pane of the current active pane's row.
// If 'right', the item will be opened in the rightmost pane of the current active pane's row. If only one pane exists in the row, a new pane will be created.
// If 'up', the item will be opened in topmost pane of the current active pane's column.
// If 'down', the item will be opened in the bottommost pane of the current active pane's column. If only one pane exists in the column, a new pane will be created.
// * `activatePane` A {Boolean} indicating whether to call {Pane::activate} on
// containing pane. Defaults to `true`.
// * `activateItem` A {Boolean} indicating whether to call {Pane::activateItem}
// on containing pane. Defaults to `true`.
// * `pending` A {Boolean} indicating whether or not the item should be opened
// in a pending state. Existing pending items in a pane are replaced with
// new pending items when they are opened.
// * `searchAllPanes` A {Boolean}. If `true`, the workspace will attempt to
// activate an existing item for the given URI on any pane.
// If `false`, only the active pane will be searched for
// an existing item for the same URI. Defaults to `false`.
// * `location` (optional) A {String} containing the name of the location
// in which this item should be opened (one of "left", "right", "bottom",
// or "center"). If omitted, Atom will fall back to the last location in
// which a user has placed an item with the same URI or, if this is a new
// URI, the default location specified by the item. NOTE: This option
// should almost always be omitted to honor user preference.
// Returns a {Promise} that resolves to the {TextEditor} for the file URI.
async open (itemOrURI, options = {}) {
let uri, item
if (typeof itemOrURI === 'string') {
uri = this.project.resolvePath(itemOrURI)
} else if (itemOrURI) {
item = itemOrURI
if (typeof item.getURI === 'function') uri = item.getURI()
if (!atom.config.get('core.allowPendingPaneItems')) {
options.pending = false
// Avoid adding URLs as recent documents to work-around this Spotlight crash:
if (uri && (!url.parse(uri).protocol || process.platform === 'win32')) {
let pane, itemExistsInWorkspace
// Try to find an existing item in the workspace.
if (item || uri) {
if (options.pane) {
pane = options.pane
} else if (options.searchAllPanes) {
pane = item ? this.paneForItem(item) : this.paneForURI(uri)
} else {
// If an item with the given URI is already in the workspace, assume
// that item's pane container is the preferred location for that URI.
let container
if (uri) container = this.paneContainerForURI(uri)
if (!container) container = this.getActivePaneContainer()
// The `split` option affects where we search for the item.
pane = container.getActivePane()
switch (options.split) {
case 'left':
pane = pane.findLeftmostSibling()
case 'right':
pane = pane.findRightmostSibling()
case 'up':
pane = pane.findTopmostSibling()
case 'down':
pane = pane.findBottommostSibling()
if (pane) {
if (item) {
itemExistsInWorkspace = pane.getItems().includes(item)
} else {
item = pane.itemForURI(uri)
itemExistsInWorkspace = item != null
// If we already have an item at this stage, we won't need to do an async
// lookup of the URI, so we yield the event loop to ensure this method
// is consistently asynchronous.
if (item) await Promise.resolve()
if (!itemExistsInWorkspace) {
item = item || await this.createItemForURI(uri, options)
if (!item) return
if (options.pane) {
pane = options.pane
} else {
let location = options.location
if (!location && !options.split && uri && this.enablePersistence) {
location = await this.itemLocationStore.load(uri)
if (!location && typeof item.getDefaultLocation === 'function') {
location = item.getDefaultLocation()
const allowedLocations = typeof item.getAllowedLocations === 'function' ? item.getAllowedLocations() : ALL_LOCATIONS
location = allowedLocations.includes(location) ? location : allowedLocations[0]
const container = this.paneContainers[location] || this.getCenter()
pane = container.getActivePane()
switch (options.split) {
case 'left':
pane = pane.findLeftmostSibling()
case 'right':
pane = pane.findOrCreateRightmostSibling()
case 'up':
pane = pane.findTopmostSibling()
case 'down':
pane = pane.findOrCreateBottommostSibling()
if (!options.pending && (pane.getPendingItem() === item)) {
if (options.activateItem === false) {
pane.addItem(item, {pending: options.pending})
} else {
pane.activateItem(item, {pending: options.pending})
if (options.activatePane !== false) {
let initialColumn = 0
let initialLine = 0
if (!Number.isNaN(options.initialLine)) {
initialLine = options.initialLine
if (!Number.isNaN(options.initialColumn)) {
initialColumn = options.initialColumn
if (initialLine >= 0 || initialColumn >= 0) {
if (typeof item.setCursorBufferPosition === 'function') {
item.setCursorBufferPosition([initialLine, initialColumn])
const index = pane.getActiveItemIndex()
this.emitter.emit('did-open', {uri, pane, item, index})
return item
// Essential: Search the workspace for items matching the given URI and hide them.
// * `itemOrURI` The item to hide or a {String} containing the URI
// of the item to hide.
// Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether any items were found (and hidden).
hide (itemOrURI) {
let foundItems = false
// If any visible item has the given URI, hide it
for (const container of this.getPaneContainers()) {
const isCenter = container === this.getCenter()
if (isCenter || container.isVisible()) {
for (const pane of container.getPanes()) {
const activeItem = pane.getActiveItem()
const foundItem = (
activeItem != null && (
activeItem === itemOrURI ||
typeof activeItem.getURI === 'function' && activeItem.getURI() === itemOrURI
if (foundItem) {
foundItems = true
// We can't really hide the center so we just destroy the item.
if (isCenter) {
} else {
return foundItems
// Essential: Search the workspace for items matching the given URI. If any are found, hide them.
// Otherwise, open the URL.
// * `itemOrURI` (optional) The item to toggle or a {String} containing the URI
// of the item to toggle.
// Returns a Promise that resolves when the item is shown or hidden.
toggle (itemOrURI) {
if (this.hide(itemOrURI)) {
return Promise.resolve()
} else {
return, {searchAllPanes: true})
// Open Atom's license in the active pane.
openLicense () {
return, ''))
// Synchronously open the given URI in the active pane. **Only use this method
// in specs. Calling this in production code will block the UI thread and
// everyone will be mad at you.**
// * `uri` A {String} containing a URI.
// * `options` An optional options {Object}
// * `initialLine` A {Number} indicating which row to move the cursor to
// initially. Defaults to `0`.
// * `initialColumn` A {Number} indicating which column to move the cursor to
// initially. Defaults to `0`.
// * `activatePane` A {Boolean} indicating whether to call {Pane::activate} on
// the containing pane. Defaults to `true`.
// * `activateItem` A {Boolean} indicating whether to call {Pane::activateItem}
// on containing pane. Defaults to `true`.
openSync (uri_ = '', options = {}) {
const {initialLine, initialColumn} = options
const activatePane = options.activatePane != null ? options.activatePane : true
const activateItem = options.activateItem != null ? options.activateItem : true
const uri = this.project.resolvePath(uri_)
let item = this.getActivePane().itemForURI(uri)
if (uri && (item == null)) {
for (const opener of this.getOpeners()) {
item = opener(uri, options)
if (item) break
if (item == null) {
item = this.project.openSync(uri, {initialLine, initialColumn})
if (activateItem) {
if (activatePane) {
return item
openURIInPane (uri, pane) {
return, {pane})
// Public: Creates a new item that corresponds to the provided URI.
// If no URI is given, or no registered opener can open the URI, a new empty
// {TextEditor} will be created.
// * `uri` A {String} containing a URI.
// Returns a {Promise} that resolves to the {TextEditor} (or other item) for the given URI.
async createItemForURI (uri, options) {
if (uri != null) {
for (const opener of this.getOpeners()) {
const item = opener(uri, options)
if (item != null) return item
try {
const item = await this.openTextFile(uri, options)
return item
} catch (error) {
switch (error.code) {
return Promise.resolve()
case 'EACCES':
this.notificationManager.addWarning(`Permission denied '${error.path}'`)
return Promise.resolve()
case 'EPERM':
case 'EBUSY':
case 'ENXIO':
case 'EIO':
case 'ENOTCONN':
case 'UNKNOWN':
case 'EINVAL':
case 'EMFILE':
case 'ENOTDIR':
case 'EAGAIN':
`Unable to open '${error.path != null ? error.path : uri}'`,
{detail: error.message}
return Promise.resolve()
throw error
async openTextFile (uri, options) {
const filePath = this.project.resolvePath(uri)
if (filePath != null) {
try {
fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(filePath, 'r'))
} catch (error) {
// allow ENOENT errors to create an editor for paths that dont exist
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw error
const fileSize = fs.getSizeSync(filePath)
let [resolveConfirmFileOpenPromise, rejectConfirmFileOpenPromise] = []
const confirmFileOpenPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolveConfirmFileOpenPromise = resolve
rejectConfirmFileOpenPromise = reject
if (fileSize >= (this.config.get('core.warnOnLargeFileLimit') * 1048576)) { // 40MB by default
message: 'Atom will be unresponsive during the loading of very large files.',
detail: 'Do you still want to load this file?',
buttons: ['Proceed', 'Cancel']
}, response => {
if (response === 1) {
} else {
} else {
try {
await confirmFileOpenPromise
const buffer = await this.project.bufferForPath(filePath, options)
return{buffer, autoHeight: false}, options))
} catch (e) {
const error = new Error()
error.code = 'CANCELLED'
throw error
handleGrammarUsed (grammar) {
if (grammar == null) { return }
return this.packageManager.triggerActivationHook(`${grammar.packageName}:grammar-used`)
// Public: Returns a {Boolean} that is `true` if `object` is a `TextEditor`.
// * `object` An {Object} you want to perform the check against.
isTextEditor (object) {
return object instanceof TextEditor
// Extended: Create a new text editor.
// Returns a {TextEditor}.
buildTextEditor (params) {
const editor =
const subscription = this.textEditorRegistry.maintainConfig(editor)
editor.onDidDestroy(() => subscription.dispose())
return editor
// Public: Asynchronously reopens the last-closed item's URI if it hasn't already been
// reopened.
// Returns a {Promise} that is resolved when the item is opened
reopenItem () {
const uri = this.destroyedItemURIs.pop()
if (uri) {
} else {
return Promise.resolve()
// Public: Register an opener for a uri.
// When a URI is opened via {Workspace::open}, Atom loops through its registered
// opener functions until one returns a value for the given uri.
// Openers are expected to return an object that inherits from HTMLElement or
// a model which has an associated view in the {ViewRegistry}.
// A {TextEditor} will be used if no opener returns a value.
// ## Examples
// ```coffee
// atom.workspace.addOpener (uri) ->
// if path.extname(uri) is '.toml'
// return new TomlEditor(uri)
// ```
// * `opener` A {Function} to be called when a path is being opened.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
// opener.
// Note that the opener will be called if and only if the URI is not already open
// in the current pane. The searchAllPanes flag expands the search from the
// current pane to all panes. If you wish to open a view of a different type for
// a file that is already open, consider changing the protocol of the URI. For
// example, perhaps you wish to preview a rendered version of the file `/foo/bar/baz.quux`
// that is already open in a text editor view. You could signal this by calling
// {Workspace::open} on the URI `quux-preview://foo/bar/baz.quux`. Then your opener
// can check the protocol for quux-preview and only handle those URIs that match.
addOpener (opener) {
return new Disposable(() => { _.remove(this.openers, opener) })
getOpeners () {
return this.openers
Section: Pane Items
// Essential: Get all pane items in the workspace.
// Returns an {Array} of items.
getPaneItems () {
return _.flatten(this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.getPaneItems()))
// Essential: Get the active {Pane}'s active item.
// Returns an pane item {Object}.
getActivePaneItem () {
return this.getActivePaneContainer().getActivePaneItem()
// Essential: Get all text editors in the workspace.
// Returns an {Array} of {TextEditor}s.
getTextEditors () {
return this.getPaneItems().filter(item => item instanceof TextEditor)
// Essential: Get the workspace center's active item if it is a {TextEditor}.
// Returns a {TextEditor} or `undefined` if the workspace center's current
// active item is not a {TextEditor}.
getActiveTextEditor () {
const activeItem = this.getCenter().getActivePaneItem()
if (activeItem instanceof TextEditor) { return activeItem }
// Save all pane items.
saveAll () {
this.getPaneContainers().forEach(container => {
confirmClose (options) {
return Promise.all(this.getPaneContainers().map(container =>
)).then((results) => !results.includes(false))
// Save the active pane item.
// If the active pane item currently has a URI according to the item's
// `.getURI` method, calls `.save` on the item. Otherwise
// {::saveActivePaneItemAs} # will be called instead. This method does nothing
// if the active item does not implement a `.save` method.
saveActivePaneItem () {
return this.getCenter().getActivePane().saveActiveItem()
// Prompt the user for a path and save the active pane item to it.
// Opens a native dialog where the user selects a path on disk, then calls
// `.saveAs` on the item with the selected path. This method does nothing if
// the active item does not implement a `.saveAs` method.
saveActivePaneItemAs () {
// Destroy (close) the active pane item.
// Removes the active pane item and calls the `.destroy` method on it if one is
// defined.
destroyActivePaneItem () {
return this.getActivePane().destroyActiveItem()
Section: Panes
// Extended: Get the most recently focused pane container.
// Returns a {Dock} or the {WorkspaceCenter}.
getActivePaneContainer () {
return this.activePaneContainer
// Extended: Get all panes in the workspace.
// Returns an {Array} of {Pane}s.
getPanes () {
return _.flatten(this.getPaneContainers().map(container => container.getPanes()))
getVisiblePanes () {
return _.flatten(this.getVisiblePaneContainers().map(container => container.getPanes()))
// Extended: Get the active {Pane}.
// Returns a {Pane}.
getActivePane () {
return this.getActivePaneContainer().getActivePane()
// Extended: Make the next pane active.
activateNextPane () {
return this.getActivePaneContainer().activateNextPane()
// Extended: Make the previous pane active.
activatePreviousPane () {
return this.getActivePaneContainer().activatePreviousPane()
// Extended: Get the first pane container that contains an item with the given
// URI.
// * `uri` {String} uri
// Returns a {Dock}, the {WorkspaceCenter}, or `undefined` if no item exists
// with the given URI.
paneContainerForURI (uri) {
return this.getPaneContainers().find(container => container.paneForURI(uri))
// Extended: Get the first pane container that contains the given item.
// * `item` the Item that the returned pane container must contain.
// Returns a {Dock}, the {WorkspaceCenter}, or `undefined` if no item exists
// with the given URI.
paneContainerForItem (uri) {
return this.getPaneContainers().find(container => container.paneForItem(uri))
// Extended: Get the first {Pane} that contains an item with the given URI.
// * `uri` {String} uri
// Returns a {Pane} or `undefined` if no item exists with the given URI.
paneForURI (uri) {
for (let location of this.getPaneContainers()) {
const pane = location.paneForURI(uri)
if (pane != null) {
return pane
// Extended: Get the {Pane} containing the given item.
// * `item` the Item that the returned pane must contain.
// Returns a {Pane} or `undefined` if no pane exists for the given item.
paneForItem (item) {
for (let location of this.getPaneContainers()) {
const pane = location.paneForItem(item)
if (pane != null) {
return pane
// Destroy (close) the active pane.
destroyActivePane () {
const activePane = this.getActivePane()
if (activePane != null) {
// Close the active center pane item, or the active center pane if it is
// empty, or the current window if there is only the empty root pane.
closeActivePaneItemOrEmptyPaneOrWindow () {
if (this.getCenter().getActivePaneItem() != null) {
} else if (this.getCenter().getPanes().length > 1) {
} else if (this.config.get('core.closeEmptyWindows')) {
// Increase the editor font size by 1px.
increaseFontSize () {
this.config.set('editor.fontSize', this.config.get('editor.fontSize') + 1)
// Decrease the editor font size by 1px.
decreaseFontSize () {
const fontSize = this.config.get('editor.fontSize')
if (fontSize > 1) {
this.config.set('editor.fontSize', fontSize - 1)
// Restore to the window's original editor font size.
resetFontSize () {
if (this.originalFontSize) {
this.config.set('editor.fontSize', this.originalFontSize)
subscribeToFontSize () {
return this.config.onDidChange('editor.fontSize', ({oldValue}) => {
if (this.originalFontSize == null) {
this.originalFontSize = oldValue
// Removes the item's uri from the list of potential items to reopen.
itemOpened (item) {
let uri
if (typeof item.getURI === 'function') {
uri = item.getURI()
} else if (typeof item.getUri === 'function') {
uri = item.getUri()
if (uri != null) {
_.remove(this.destroyedItemURIs, uri)
// Adds the destroyed item's uri to the list of items to reopen.
didDestroyPaneItem ({item}) {
let uri
if (typeof item.getURI === 'function') {
uri = item.getURI()
} else if (typeof item.getUri === 'function') {
uri = item.getUri()
if (uri != null) {
// Called by Model superclass when destroyed
destroyed () {
if (this.activeItemSubscriptions != null) {
if (this.element) this.element.destroy()
Section: Pane Locations
// Essential: Get the {WorkspaceCenter} at the center of the editor window.
getCenter () {
// Essential: Get the {Dock} to the left of the editor window.
getLeftDock () {
return this.paneContainers.left
// Essential: Get the {Dock} to the right of the editor window.
getRightDock () {
return this.paneContainers.right
// Essential: Get the {Dock} below the editor window.
getBottomDock () {
return this.paneContainers.bottom
getPaneContainers () {
return [,
getVisiblePaneContainers () {
const center = this.getCenter()
return atom.workspace.getPaneContainers()
.filter(container => container === center || container.isVisible())
Section: Panels
Panels are used to display UI related to an editor window. They are placed at one of the four
edges of the window: left, right, top or bottom. If there are multiple panels on the same window
edge they are stacked in order of priority: higher priority is closer to the center, lower
priority towards the edge.
*Note:* If your panel changes its size throughout its lifetime, consider giving it a higher
priority, allowing fixed size panels to be closer to the edge. This allows control targets to
remain more static for easier targeting by users that employ mice or trackpads. (See
[atom/atom#4834]( for discussion.)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items at the bottom of the editor window.
getBottomPanels () {
return this.getPanels('bottom')
// Essential: Adds a panel item to the bottom of the editor window.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// Returns a {Panel}
addBottomPanel (options) {
return this.addPanel('bottom', options)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items to the left of the editor window.
getLeftPanels () {
return this.getPanels('left')
// Essential: Adds a panel item to the left of the editor window.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// Returns a {Panel}
addLeftPanel (options) {
return this.addPanel('left', options)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items to the right of the editor window.
getRightPanels () {
return this.getPanels('right')
// Essential: Adds a panel item to the right of the editor window.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// Returns a {Panel}
addRightPanel (options) {
return this.addPanel('right', options)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items at the top of the editor window.
getTopPanels () {
return this.getPanels('top')
// Essential: Adds a panel item to the top of the editor window above the tabs.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// Returns a {Panel}
addTopPanel (options) {
return this.addPanel('top', options)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items in the header.
getHeaderPanels () {
return this.getPanels('header')
// Essential: Adds a panel item to the header.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// Returns a {Panel}
addHeaderPanel (options) {
return this.addPanel('header', options)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items in the footer.
getFooterPanels () {
return this.getPanels('footer')
// Essential: Adds a panel item to the footer.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// Returns a {Panel}
addFooterPanel (options) {
return this.addPanel('footer', options)
// Essential: Get an {Array} of all the modal panel items
getModalPanels () {
return this.getPanels('modal')
// Essential: Adds a panel item as a modal dialog.
// * `options` {Object}
// * `item` Your panel content. It can be a DOM element, a jQuery element, or
// a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
// model option. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
// (default: true)
// * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
// forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
// * `autoFocus` (optional) {Boolean} true if you want modal focus managed for you by Atom.
// Atom will automatically focus your modal panel's first tabbable element when the modal
// opens and will restore the previously selected element when the modal closes. Atom will
// also automatically restrict user tab focus within your modal while it is open.
// (default: false)
// Returns a {Panel}
addModalPanel (options = {}) {
return this.addPanel('modal', options)
// Essential: Returns the {Panel} associated with the given item. Returns
// `null` when the item has no panel.
// * `item` Item the panel contains
panelForItem (item) {
for (let location in this.panelContainers) {
const container = this.panelContainers[location]
const panel = container.panelForItem(item)
if (panel != null) { return panel }
return null
getPanels (location) {
return this.panelContainers[location].getPanels()
addPanel (location, options) {
if (options == null) { options = {} }
return this.panelContainers[location].addPanel(new Panel(options, this.viewRegistry))
Section: Searching and Replacing
// Public: Performs a search across all files in the workspace.
// * `regex` {RegExp} to search with.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `paths` An {Array} of glob patterns to search within.
// * `onPathsSearched` (optional) {Function} to be periodically called
// with number of paths searched.
// * `leadingContextLineCount` {Number} default `0`; The number of lines
// before the matched line to include in the results object.
// * `trailingContextLineCount` {Number} default `0`; The number of lines
// after the matched line to include in the results object.
// * `iterator` {Function} callback on each file found.
// Returns a {Promise} with a `cancel()` method that will cancel all
// of the underlying searches that were started as part of this scan.
scan (regex, options = {}, iterator) {
if (_.isFunction(options)) {
iterator = options
options = {}
// Find a searcher for every Directory in the project. Each searcher that is matched
// will be associated with an Array of Directory objects in the Map.
const directoriesForSearcher = new Map()
for (const directory of this.project.getDirectories()) {
let searcher = this.defaultDirectorySearcher
for (const directorySearcher of this.directorySearchers) {
if (directorySearcher.canSearchDirectory(directory)) {
searcher = directorySearcher
let directories = directoriesForSearcher.get(searcher)
if (!directories) {
directories = []
directoriesForSearcher.set(searcher, directories)
// Define the onPathsSearched callback.
let onPathsSearched
if (_.isFunction(options.onPathsSearched)) {
// Maintain a map of directories to the number of search results. When notified of a new count,
// replace the entry in the map and update the total.
const onPathsSearchedOption = options.onPathsSearched
let totalNumberOfPathsSearched = 0
const numberOfPathsSearchedForSearcher = new Map()
onPathsSearched = function (searcher, numberOfPathsSearched) {
const oldValue = numberOfPathsSearchedForSearcher.get(searcher)
if (oldValue) {
totalNumberOfPathsSearched -= oldValue
numberOfPathsSearchedForSearcher.set(searcher, numberOfPathsSearched)
totalNumberOfPathsSearched += numberOfPathsSearched
return onPathsSearchedOption(totalNumberOfPathsSearched)
} else {
onPathsSearched = function () {}
// Kick off all of the searches and unify them into one Promise.
const allSearches = []
directoriesForSearcher.forEach((directories, searcher) => {
const searchOptions = {
inclusions: options.paths || [],
includeHidden: true,
excludeVcsIgnores: this.config.get('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths'),
exclusions: this.config.get('core.ignoredNames'),
follow: this.config.get('core.followSymlinks'),
leadingContextLineCount: options.leadingContextLineCount || 0,
trailingContextLineCount: options.trailingContextLineCount || 0,
didMatch: result => {
if (!this.project.isPathModified(result.filePath)) {
return iterator(result)
didError (error) {
return iterator(null, error)
didSearchPaths (count) {
return onPathsSearched(searcher, count)
const directorySearcher =, regex, searchOptions)
const searchPromise = Promise.all(allSearches)
for (let buffer of this.project.getBuffers()) {
if (buffer.isModified()) {
const filePath = buffer.getPath()
if (!this.project.contains(filePath)) {
var matches = []
buffer.scan(regex, match => matches.push(match))
if (matches.length > 0) {
iterator({filePath, matches})
// Make sure the Promise that is returned to the client is cancelable. To be consistent
// with the existing behavior, instead of cancel() rejecting the promise, it should
// resolve it with the special value 'cancelled'. At least the built-in find-and-replace
// package relies on this behavior.
let isCancelled = false
const cancellablePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const onSuccess = function () {
if (isCancelled) {
} else {
const onFailure = function () {
for (let promise of allSearches) { promise.cancel() }
searchPromise.then(onSuccess, onFailure)
cancellablePromise.cancel = () => {
isCancelled = true
// Note that cancelling all of the members of allSearches will cause all of the searches
// to resolve, which causes searchPromise to resolve, which is ultimately what causes
// cancellablePromise to resolve. => promise.cancel())
// Although this method claims to return a `Promise`, the `ResultsPaneView.onSearch()`
// method in the find-and-replace package expects the object returned by this method to have a
// `done()` method. Include a done() method until find-and-replace can be updated.
cancellablePromise.done = onSuccessOrFailure => {
cancellablePromise.then(onSuccessOrFailure, onSuccessOrFailure)
return cancellablePromise
// Public: Performs a replace across all the specified files in the project.
// * `regex` A {RegExp} to search with.
// * `replacementText` {String} to replace all matches of regex with.
// * `filePaths` An {Array} of file path strings to run the replace on.
// * `iterator` A {Function} callback on each file with replacements:
// * `options` {Object} with keys `filePath` and `replacements`.
// Returns a {Promise}.
replace (regex, replacementText, filePaths, iterator) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let buffer
const openPaths = this.project.getBuffers().map(buffer => buffer.getPath())
const outOfProcessPaths = _.difference(filePaths, openPaths)
let inProcessFinished = !openPaths.length
let outOfProcessFinished = !outOfProcessPaths.length
const checkFinished = () => {
if (outOfProcessFinished && inProcessFinished) {
if (!outOfProcessFinished.length) {
let flags = 'g'
if (regex.multiline) { flags += 'm' }
if (regex.ignoreCase) { flags += 'i' }
const task = Task.once(
() => {
outOfProcessFinished = true
task.on('replace:path-replaced', iterator)
task.on('replace:file-error', error => { iterator(null, error) })
for (buffer of this.project.getBuffers()) {
if (!filePaths.includes(buffer.getPath())) { continue }
const replacements = buffer.replace(regex, replacementText, iterator)
if (replacements) {
iterator({filePath: buffer.getPath(), replacements})
inProcessFinished = true
checkoutHeadRevision (editor) {
if (editor.getPath()) {
const checkoutHead = async () => {
const repository = await this.project.repositoryForDirectory(new Directory(editor.getDirectoryPath()))
if (repository) repository.checkoutHeadForEditor(editor)
if (this.config.get('editor.confirmCheckoutHeadRevision')) {
message: 'Confirm Checkout HEAD Revision',
detail: `Are you sure you want to discard all changes to "${editor.getFileName()}" since the last Git commit?`,
buttons: ['OK', 'Cancel']
}, response => {
if (response === 0) checkoutHead()
} else {