
443 lines
17 KiB

const path = require('path')
// Private: re-join the segments split from an absolute path to form another absolute path.
function absolute ( {
const candidate = path.join(
return path.isAbsolute(candidate) ? candidate : path.join(path.sep, candidate)
// Private: Map userland filesystem watcher subscriptions efficiently to deliver filesystem change notifications to
// each watcher with the most efficient coverage of native watchers.
// * If two watchers subscribe to the same directory, use a single native watcher for each.
// * Re-use a native watcher watching a parent directory for a watcher on a child directory. If the parent directory
// watcher is removed, it will be split into child watchers.
// * If any child directories already being watched, stop and replace them with a watcher on the parent directory.
// Uses a trie whose structure mirrors the directory structure.
class RegistryTree {
// Private: Construct a tree with no native watchers.
// * `basePathSegments` the position of this tree's root relative to the filesystem's root as an {Array} of directory
// names.
// * `createNative` {Function} used to construct new native watchers. It should accept an absolute path as an argument
// and return a new {NativeWatcher}.
constructor (basePathSegments, createNative) {
this.basePathSegments = basePathSegments
this.root = new RegistryNode()
this.createNative = createNative
// Private: Identify the native watcher that should be used to produce events at a watched path, creating a new one
// if necessary.
// * `pathSegments` the path to watch represented as an {Array} of directory names relative to this {RegistryTree}'s
// root.
// * `attachToNative` {Function} invoked with the appropriate native watcher and the absolute path to its watch root.
add (pathSegments, attachToNative) {
const absolutePathSegments = this.basePathSegments.concat(pathSegments)
const absolutePath = absolute(...absolutePathSegments)
const attachToNew = (childPaths) => {
const native = this.createNative(absolutePath)
const leaf = new RegistryWatcherNode(native, absolutePathSegments, childPaths)
this.root = this.root.insert(pathSegments, leaf)
const sub = native.onWillStop(() => {
this.root = this.root.remove(pathSegments, this.createNative) || new RegistryNode()
attachToNative(native, absolutePath)
return native
parent: (parent, remaining) => {
// An existing NativeWatcher is watching the same directory or a parent directory of the requested path.
// Attach this Watcher to it as a filtering watcher and record it as a dependent child path.
const native = parent.getNativeWatcher()
attachToNative(native, absolute(...parent.getAbsolutePathSegments()))
children: children => {
// One or more NativeWatchers exist on child directories of the requested path. Create a new native watcher
// on the parent directory, note the subscribed child paths, and cleanly stop the child native watchers.
const newNative = attachToNew( => child.path))
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const childNode = children[i].node
const childNative = childNode.getNativeWatcher()
childNative.reattachTo(newNative, absolutePath)
missing: () => attachToNew([])
// Private: Access the root node of the tree.
getRoot () {
return this.root
// Private: Return a {String} representation of this tree's structure for diagnostics and testing.
print () {
return this.root.print()
// Private: Non-leaf node in a {RegistryTree} used by the {NativeWatcherRegistry} to cover the allocated {Watcher}
// instances with the most efficient set of {NativeWatcher} instances possible. Each {RegistryNode} maps to a directory
// in the filesystem tree.
class RegistryNode {
// Private: Construct a new, empty node representing a node with no watchers.
constructor () {
this.children = {}
// Private: Recursively discover any existing watchers corresponding to a path.
// * `pathSegments` filesystem path of a new {Watcher} already split into an Array of directory names.
// Returns: A {ParentResult} if the exact requested directory or a parent directory is being watched, a
// {ChildrenResult} if one or more child paths are being watched, or a {MissingResult} if no relevant watchers
// exist.
lookup (pathSegments) {
if (pathSegments.length === 0) {
return new ChildrenResult(this.leaves([]))
const child = this.children[pathSegments[0]]
if (child === undefined) {
return new MissingResult(this)
return child.lookup(pathSegments.slice(1))
// Private: Insert a new {RegistryWatcherNode} into the tree, creating new intermediate {RegistryNode} instances as
// needed. Any existing children of the watched directory are removed.
// * `pathSegments` filesystem path of the new {Watcher}, already split into an Array of directory names.
// * `leaf` initialized {RegistryWatcherNode} to insert
// Returns: The root of a new tree with the {RegistryWatcherNode} inserted at the correct location. Callers should
// replace their node references with the returned value.
insert (pathSegments, leaf) {
if (pathSegments.length === 0) {
return leaf
const pathKey = pathSegments[0]
let child = this.children[pathKey]
if (child === undefined) {
child = new RegistryNode()
this.children[pathKey] = child.insert(pathSegments.slice(1), leaf)
return this
// Private: Remove a {RegistryWatcherNode} by its exact watched directory.
// * `pathSegments` absolute pre-split filesystem path of the node to remove.
// * `createSplitNative` callback to be invoked with each child path segment {Array} if the {RegistryWatcherNode}
// is split into child watchers rather than removed outright. See {RegistryWatcherNode.remove}.
// Returns: The root of a new tree with the {RegistryWatcherNode} removed. Callers should replace their node
// references with the returned value.
remove (pathSegments, createSplitNative) {
if (pathSegments.length === 0) {
// Attempt to remove a path with child watchers. Do nothing.
return this
const pathKey = pathSegments[0]
const child = this.children[pathKey]
if (child === undefined) {
// Attempt to remove a path that isn't watched. Do nothing.
return this
// Recurse
const newChild = child.remove(pathSegments.slice(1), createSplitNative)
if (newChild === null) {
delete this.children[pathKey]
} else {
this.children[pathKey] = newChild
// Remove this node if all of its children have been removed
return Object.keys(this.children).length === 0 ? null : this
// Private: Discover all {RegistryWatcherNode} instances beneath this tree node and the child paths
// that they are watching.
// * `prefix` {Array} of intermediate path segments to prepend to the resulting child paths.
// Returns: A possibly empty {Array} of `{node, path}` objects describing {RegistryWatcherNode}
// instances beneath this node.
leaves (prefix) {
const results = []
for (const p of Object.keys(this.children)) {
return results
// Private: Return a {String} representation of this subtree for diagnostics and testing.
print (indent = 0) {
let spaces = ''
for (let i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
spaces += ' '
let result = ''
for (const p of Object.keys(this.children)) {
result += `${spaces}${p}\n${this.children[p].print(indent + 2)}`
return result
// Private: Leaf node within a {NativeWatcherRegistry} tree. Represents a directory that is covered by a
// {NativeWatcher}.
class RegistryWatcherNode {
// Private: Allocate a new node to track a {NativeWatcher}.
// * `nativeWatcher` An existing {NativeWatcher} instance.
// * `absolutePathSegments` The absolute path to this {NativeWatcher}'s directory as an {Array} of
// path segments.
// * `childPaths` {Array} of child directories that are currently the responsibility of this
// {NativeWatcher}, if any. Directories are represented as arrays of the path segments between this
// node's directory and the watched child path.
constructor (nativeWatcher, absolutePathSegments, childPaths) {
this.nativeWatcher = nativeWatcher
this.absolutePathSegments = absolutePathSegments
// Store child paths as joined strings so they work as Set members.
this.childPaths = new Set()
for (let i = 0; i < childPaths.length; i++) {
// Private: Assume responsibility for a new child path. If this node is removed, it will instead
// split into a subtree with a new {RegistryWatcherNode} for each child path.
// * `childPathSegments` the {Array} of path segments between this node's directory and the watched
// child directory.
addChildPath (childPathSegments) {
// Private: Stop assuming responsibility for a previously assigned child path. If this node is
// removed, the named child path will no longer be allocated a {RegistryWatcherNode}.
// * `childPathSegments` the {Array} of path segments between this node's directory and the no longer
// watched child directory.
removeChildPath (childPathSegments) {
// Private: Accessor for the {NativeWatcher}.
getNativeWatcher () {
return this.nativeWatcher
// Private: Return the absolute path watched by this {NativeWatcher} as an {Array} of directory names.
getAbsolutePathSegments () {
return this.absolutePathSegments
// Private: Identify how this watcher relates to a request to watch a directory tree.
// * `pathSegments` filesystem path of a new {Watcher} already split into an Array of directory names.
// Returns: A {ParentResult} referencing this node.
lookup (pathSegments) {
return new ParentResult(this, pathSegments)
// Private: Remove this leaf node if the watcher's exact path matches. If this node is covering additional
// {Watcher} instances on child paths, it will be split into a subtree.
// * `pathSegments` filesystem path of the node to remove.
// * `createSplitNative` callback invoked with each {Array} of absolute child path segments to create a native
// watcher on a subtree of this node.
// Returns: If `pathSegments` match this watcher's path exactly, returns `null` if this node has no `childPaths`
// or a new {RegistryNode} on a newly allocated subtree if it did. If `pathSegments` does not match the watcher's
// path, it's an attempt to remove a subnode that doesn't exist, so the remove call has no effect and returns
// `this` unaltered.
remove (pathSegments, createSplitNative) {
if (pathSegments.length !== 0) {
return this
} else if (this.childPaths.size > 0) {
let newSubTree = new RegistryTree(this.absolutePathSegments, createSplitNative)
for (const childPath of this.childPaths) {
const childPathSegments = childPath.split(path.sep)
newSubTree.add(childPathSegments, (native, attachmentPath) => {
this.nativeWatcher.reattachTo(native, attachmentPath)
return newSubTree.getRoot()
} else {
return null
// Private: Discover this {RegistryWatcherNode} instance.
// * `prefix` {Array} of intermediate path segments to prepend to the resulting child paths.
// Returns: An {Array} containing a `{node, path}` object describing this node.
leaves (prefix) {
return [{node: this, path: prefix}]
// Private: Return a {String} representation of this watcher for diagnostics and testing. Indicates the number of
// child paths that this node's {NativeWatcher} is responsible for.
print (indent = 0) {
let result = ''
for (let i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
result += ' '
result += '[watcher'
if (this.childPaths.size > 0) {
result += ` +${this.childPaths.size}`
result += ']\n'
return result
// Private: A {RegistryNode} traversal result that's returned when neither a directory, its children, nor its parents
// are present in the tree.
class MissingResult {
// Private: Instantiate a new {MissingResult}.
// * `lastParent` the final successfully traversed {RegistryNode}.
constructor (lastParent) {
this.lastParent = lastParent
// Private: Dispatch within a map of callback actions.
// * `actions` {Object} containing a `missing` key that maps to a callback to be invoked when no results were returned
// by {RegistryNode.lookup}. The callback will be called with the last parent node that was encountered during the
// traversal.
// Returns: the result of the `actions` callback.
when (actions) {
return actions.missing(this.lastParent)
// Private: A {RegistryNode.lookup} traversal result that's returned when a parent or an exact match of the requested
// directory is being watched by an existing {RegistryWatcherNode}.
class ParentResult {
// Private: Instantiate a new {ParentResult}.
// * `parent` the {RegistryWatcherNode} that was discovered.
// * `remainingPathSegments` an {Array} of the directories that lie between the leaf node's watched directory and
// the requested directory. This will be empty for exact matches.
constructor (parent, remainingPathSegments) {
this.parent = parent
this.remainingPathSegments = remainingPathSegments
// Private: Dispatch within a map of callback actions.
// * `actions` {Object} containing a `parent` key that maps to a callback to be invoked when a parent of a requested
// requested directory is returned by a {RegistryNode.lookup} call. The callback will be called with the
// {RegistryWatcherNode} instance and an {Array} of the {String} path segments that separate the parent node
// and the requested directory.
// Returns: the result of the `actions` callback.
when (actions) {
return actions.parent(this.parent, this.remainingPathSegments)
// Private: A {RegistryNode.lookup} traversal result that's returned when one or more children of the requested
// directory are already being watched.
class ChildrenResult {
// Private: Instantiate a new {ChildrenResult}.
// * `children` {Array} of the {RegistryWatcherNode} instances that were discovered.
constructor (children) {
this.children = children
// Private: Dispatch within a map of callback actions.
// * `actions` {Object} containing a `children` key that maps to a callback to be invoked when a parent of a requested
// requested directory is returned by a {RegistryNode.lookup} call. The callback will be called with the
// {RegistryWatcherNode} instance.
// Returns: the result of the `actions` callback.
when (actions) {
return actions.children(this.children)
// Private: Track the directories being monitored by native filesystem watchers. Minimize the number of native watchers
// allocated to receive events for a desired set of directories by:
// 1. Subscribing to the same underlying {NativeWatcher} when watching the same directory multiple times.
// 2. Subscribing to an existing {NativeWatcher} on a parent of a desired directory.
// 3. Replacing multiple {NativeWatcher} instances on child directories with a single new {NativeWatcher} on the
// parent.
class NativeWatcherRegistry {
// Private: Instantiate an empty registry.
// * `createNative` {Function} that will be called with a normalized filesystem path to create a new native
// filesystem watcher.
constructor (createNative) {
this.tree = new RegistryTree([], createNative)
// Private: Attach a watcher to a directory, assigning it a {NativeWatcher}. If a suitable {NativeWatcher} already
// exists, it will be attached to the new {Watcher} with an appropriate subpath configuration. Otherwise, the
// `createWatcher` callback will be invoked to create a new {NativeWatcher}, which will be registered in the tree
// and attached to the watcher.
// If any pre-existing child watchers are removed as a result of this operation, {NativeWatcher.onWillReattach} will
// be broadcast on each with the new parent watcher as an event payload to give child watchers a chance to attach to
// the new watcher.
// * `watcher` an unattached {Watcher}.
async attach (watcher) {
const normalizedDirectory = await watcher.getNormalizedPathPromise()
const pathSegments = normalizedDirectory.split(path.sep).filter(segment => segment.length > 0)
this.tree.add(pathSegments, (native, nativePath) => {
watcher.attachToNative(native, nativePath)
// Private: Generate a visual representation of the currently active watchers managed by this
// registry.
// Returns a {String} showing the tree structure.
print () {
return this.tree.print()
module.exports = {NativeWatcherRegistry}