
70 lines
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const crypto = require('crypto')
const clipboard = require('./safe-clipboard')
// Extended: Represents the clipboard used for copying and pasting in Atom.
// An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.clipboard` global.
// ## Examples
// ```coffee
// atom.clipboard.write('hello')
// console.log( # 'hello'
// ```
module.exports =
class Clipboard {
constructor () {
reset () {
this.metadata = null
this.signatureForMetadata = null
// Creates an `md5` hash of some text.
// * `text` A {String} to hash.
// Returns a hashed {String}.
md5 (text) {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(text, 'utf8').digest('hex')
// Public: Write the given text to the clipboard.
// The metadata associated with the text is available by calling
// {::readWithMetadata}.
// * `text` The {String} to store.
// * `metadata` (optional) The additional info to associate with the text.
write (text, metadata) {
this.signatureForMetadata = this.md5(text)
this.metadata = metadata
// Public: Read the text from the clipboard.
// Returns a {String}.
read () {
return clipboard.readText()
// Public: Read the text from the clipboard and return both the text and the
// associated metadata.
// Returns an {Object} with the following keys:
// * `text` The {String} clipboard text.
// * `metadata` The metadata stored by an earlier call to {::write}.
readWithMetadata () {
let text =
if (this.signatureForMetadata === this.md5(text)) {
return {text, metadata: this.metadata}
} else {
return {text}