
209 lines
6.4 KiB

path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{ipcRenderer} = require 'electron'
CSON = require 'season'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
{Disposable} = require 'event-kit'
MenuHelpers = require './menu-helpers'
platformMenu = require('../package.json')?._atomMenu?.menu
# Extended: Provides a registry for menu items that you'd like to appear in the
# application menu.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `` global.
# ## Menu CSON Format
# Here is an example from the [tree-view](
# ```coffee
# [
# {
# 'label': 'View'
# 'submenu': [
# { 'label': 'Toggle Tree View', 'command': 'tree-view:toggle' }
# ]
# }
# {
# 'label': 'Packages'
# 'submenu': [
# 'label': 'Tree View'
# 'submenu': [
# { 'label': 'Focus', 'command': 'tree-view:toggle-focus' }
# { 'label': 'Toggle', 'command': 'tree-view:toggle' }
# { 'label': 'Reveal Active File', 'command': 'tree-view:reveal-active-file' }
# { 'label': 'Toggle Tree Side', 'command': 'tree-view:toggle-side' }
# ]
# ]
# }
# ]
# ```
# Use in your package's menu `.cson` file requires that you place your menu
# structure under a `menu` key.
# ```coffee
# 'menu': [
# {
# 'label': 'View'
# 'submenu': [
# { 'label': 'Toggle Tree View', 'command': 'tree-view:toggle' }
# ]
# }
# ]
# ```
# See {::add} for more info about adding menu's directly.
module.exports =
class MenuManager
constructor: ({@resourcePath, @keymapManager, @packageManager}) ->
@initialized = false
@pendingUpdateOperation = null
@template = []
@keymapManager.onDidLoadBundledKeymaps => @loadPlatformItems()
@packageManager.onDidActivateInitialPackages => @sortPackagesMenu()
initialize: ({@resourcePath}) ->
@keymapManager.onDidReloadKeymap => @update()
@initialized = true
# Public: Adds the given items to the application menu.
# ## Examples
# ```coffee
# [
# {
# label: 'Hello'
# submenu : [{label: 'World!', command: 'hello:world'}]
# }
# ]
# ```
# * `items` An {Array} of menu item {Object}s containing the keys:
# * `label` The {String} menu label.
# * `submenu` An optional {Array} of sub menu items.
# * `command` An optional {String} command to trigger when the item is
# clicked.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# added menu items.
add: (items) ->
items = _.deepClone(items)
@merge(@template, item) for item in items
new Disposable => @remove(items)
remove: (items) ->
@unmerge(@template, item) for item in items
clear: ->
@template = []
# Should the binding for the given selector be included in the menu
# commands.
# * `selector` A {String} selector to check.
# Returns a {Boolean}, true to include the selector, false otherwise.
includeSelector: (selector) ->
return true if document.body.webkitMatchesSelector(selector)
catch error
# Selector isn't valid
return false
# Simulate an atom-text-editor element attached to a atom-workspace element attached
# to a body element that has the same classes as the current body element.
unless @testEditor?
# Use new document so that custom elements don't actually get created
testDocument = document.implementation.createDocument(document.namespaceURI, 'html')
testBody = testDocument.createElement('body')
testWorkspace = testDocument.createElement('atom-workspace')
workspaceClasses = @classesForElement(document.body.querySelector('atom-workspace'))
workspaceClasses = ['workspace'] if workspaceClasses.length is 0
@testEditor = testDocument.createElement('atom-text-editor')
element = @testEditor
while element
return true if element.webkitMatchesSelector(selector)
element = element.parentElement
# Public: Refreshes the currently visible menu.
update: ->
return unless @initialized
clearTimeout(@pendingUpdateOperation) if @pendingUpdateOperation?
@pendingUpdateOperation = setTimeout(=>
unsetKeystrokes = new Set
for binding in @keymapManager.getKeyBindings()
if binding.command is 'unset!'
keystrokesByCommand = {}
for binding in @keymapManager.getKeyBindings()
continue unless @includeSelector(binding.selector)
continue if unsetKeystrokes.has(binding.keystrokes)
continue if process.platform is 'darwin' and /^alt-(shift-)?.$/.test(binding.keystrokes)
continue if process.platform is 'win32' and /^ctrl-alt-(shift-)?.$/.test(binding.keystrokes)
keystrokesByCommand[binding.command] ?= []
keystrokesByCommand[binding.command].unshift binding.keystrokes
@sendToBrowserProcess(@template, keystrokesByCommand)
, 1)
loadPlatformItems: ->
if platformMenu?
menusDirPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'menus')
platformMenuPath = fs.resolve(menusDirPath, process.platform, ['cson', 'json'])
{menu} = CSON.readFileSync(platformMenuPath)
# Merges an item in a submenu aware way such that new items are always
# appended to the bottom of existing menus where possible.
merge: (menu, item) ->
MenuHelpers.merge(menu, item)
unmerge: (menu, item) ->
MenuHelpers.unmerge(menu, item)
sendToBrowserProcess: (template, keystrokesByCommand) ->
ipcRenderer.send 'update-application-menu', template, keystrokesByCommand
# Get an {Array} of {String} classes for the given element.
classesForElement: (element) ->
if classList = element?.classList
sortPackagesMenu: ->
packagesMenu = _.find @template, ({label}) -> MenuHelpers.normalizeLabel(label) is 'Packages'
return unless packagesMenu?.submenu?
packagesMenu.submenu.sort (item1, item2) ->
if item1.label and item2.label