
115 lines
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const Task = require('./task');
// Searches local files for lines matching a specified regex. Implements `.then()`
// so that it can be used with `Promise.all()`.
class DirectorySearch {
constructor(rootPaths, regex, options) {
const scanHandlerOptions = {
ignoreCase: regex.ignoreCase,
inclusions: options.inclusions,
includeHidden: options.includeHidden,
excludeVcsIgnores: options.excludeVcsIgnores,
globalExclusions: options.exclusions,
follow: options.follow
const searchOptions = {
leadingContextLineCount: options.leadingContextLineCount,
trailingContextLineCount: options.trailingContextLineCount
this.task = new Task(require.resolve('./scan-handler'));
this.task.on('scan:result-found', options.didMatch);
this.task.on('scan:file-error', options.didError);
this.task.on('scan:paths-searched', options.didSearchPaths);
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.task.on('task:cancelled', reject);
() => {
then(...args) {
return this.promise.then.apply(this.promise, args);
cancel() {
// This will cause @promise to reject.
// Default provider for the `` service.
module.exports = class DefaultDirectorySearcher {
// Determines whether this object supports search for a `Directory`.
// * `directory` {Directory} whose search needs might be supported by this object.
// Returns a `boolean` indicating whether this object can search this `Directory`.
canSearchDirectory(directory) {
return true;
// Performs a text search for files in the specified `Directory`, subject to the
// specified parameters.
// Results are streamed back to the caller by invoking methods on the specified `options`,
// such as `didMatch` and `didError`.
// * `directories` {Array} of {Directory} objects to search, all of which have been accepted by
// this searcher's `canSearchDirectory()` predicate.
// * `regex` {RegExp} to search with.
// * `options` {Object} with the following properties:
// * `didMatch` {Function} call with a search result structured as follows:
// * `searchResult` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `filePath` {String} absolute path to the matching file.
// * `matches` {Array} with object elements with the following keys:
// * `lineText` {String} The full text of the matching line (without a line terminator character).
// * `lineTextOffset` {Number} If > 0, the provided line text is truncated and starts at this offset
// * `matchText` {String} The text that matched the `regex` used for the search.
// * `range` {Range} Identifies the matching region in the file. (Likely as an array of numeric arrays.)
// * `didError` {Function} call with an Error if there is a problem during the search.
// * `didSearchPaths` {Function} periodically call with the number of paths searched thus far.
// * `inclusions` {Array} of glob patterns (as strings) to search within. Note that this
// array may be empty, indicating that all files should be searched.
// Each item in the array is a file/directory pattern, e.g., `src` to search in the "src"
// directory or `*.js` to search all JavaScript files. In practice, this often comes from the
// comma-delimited list of patterns in the bottom text input of the ProjectFindView dialog.
// * `includeHidden` {boolean} whether to ignore hidden files.
// * `excludeVcsIgnores` {boolean} whether to exclude VCS ignored paths.
// * `exclusions` {Array} similar to inclusions
// * `follow` {boolean} whether symlinks should be followed.
// Returns a *thenable* `DirectorySearch` that includes a `cancel()` method. If `cancel()` is
// invoked before the `DirectorySearch` is determined, it will resolve the `DirectorySearch`.
search(directories, regex, options) {
const rootPaths = => directory.getPath());
let isCancelled = false;
const directorySearch = new DirectorySearch(rootPaths, regex, options);
const promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
directorySearch.then(resolve, function() {
if (isCancelled) {
} else {
reject(); // eslint-disable-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
return {
then: promise.then.bind(promise),
catch: promise.catch.bind(promise),
cancel() {
isCancelled = true;