
233 lines
8.1 KiB

path = require 'path'
CSON = require 'season'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
{calculateSpecificity, validateSelector} = require 'clear-cut'
{Disposable} = require 'event-kit'
{remote} = require 'electron'
MenuHelpers = require './menu-helpers'
{sortMenuItems} = require './menu-sort-helpers'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
platformContextMenu = require('../package.json')?._atomMenu?['context-menu']
# Extended: Provides a registry for commands that you'd like to appear in the
# context menu.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.contextMenu`
# global.
# ## Context Menu CSON Format
# ```coffee
# 'atom-workspace': [{label: 'Help', command: 'application:open-documentation'}]
# 'atom-text-editor': [{
# label: 'History',
# submenu: [
# {label: 'Undo', command:'core:undo'}
# {label: 'Redo', command:'core:redo'}
# ]
# }]
# ```
# In your package's menu `.cson` file you need to specify it under a
# `context-menu` key:
# ```coffee
# 'context-menu':
# 'atom-workspace': [{label: 'Help', command: 'application:open-documentation'}]
# ...
# ```
# The format for use in {::add} is the same minus the `context-menu` key. See
# {::add} for more information.
module.exports =
class ContextMenuManager
constructor: ({@keymapManager}) ->
@definitions = {'.overlayer': []} # TODO: Remove once color picker package stops touching private data
@keymapManager.onDidLoadBundledKeymaps => @loadPlatformItems()
initialize: ({@resourcePath, @devMode}) ->
loadPlatformItems: ->
if platformContextMenu?
@add(platformContextMenu, @devMode ? false)
menusDirPath = path.join(@resourcePath, 'menus')
platformMenuPath = fs.resolve(menusDirPath, process.platform, ['cson', 'json'])
map = CSON.readFileSync(platformMenuPath)
# Public: Add context menu items scoped by CSS selectors.
# ## Examples
# To add a context menu, pass a selector matching the elements to which you
# want the menu to apply as the top level key, followed by a menu descriptor.
# The invocation below adds a global 'Help' context menu item and a 'History'
# submenu on the editor supporting undo/redo. This is just for example
# purposes and not the way the menu is actually configured in Atom by default.
# ```coffee
# atom.contextMenu.add {
# 'atom-workspace': [{label: 'Help', command: 'application:open-documentation'}]
# 'atom-text-editor': [{
# label: 'History',
# submenu: [
# {label: 'Undo', command:'core:undo'}
# {label: 'Redo', command:'core:redo'}
# ]
# }]
# }
# ```
# ## Arguments
# * `itemsBySelector` An {Object} whose keys are CSS selectors and whose
# values are {Array}s of item {Object}s containing the following keys:
# * `label` (optional) A {String} containing the menu item's label.
# * `command` (optional) A {String} containing the command to invoke on the
# target of the right click that invoked the context menu.
# * `enabled` (optional) A {Boolean} indicating whether the menu item
# should be clickable. Disabled menu items typically appear grayed out.
# Defaults to `true`.
# * `submenu` (optional) An {Array} of additional items.
# * `type` (optional) If you want to create a separator, provide an item
# with `type: 'separator'` and no other keys.
# * `visible` (optional) A {Boolean} indicating whether the menu item
# should appear in the menu. Defaults to `true`.
# * `created` (optional) A {Function} that is called on the item each time a
# context menu is created via a right click. You can assign properties to
# `this` to dynamically compute the command, label, etc. This method is
# actually called on a clone of the original item template to prevent state
# from leaking across context menu deployments. Called with the following
# argument:
# * `event` The click event that deployed the context menu.
# * `shouldDisplay` (optional) A {Function} that is called to determine
# whether to display this item on a given context menu deployment. Called
# with the following argument:
# * `event` The click event that deployed the context menu.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# added menu items.
add: (itemsBySelector, throwOnInvalidSelector = true) ->
addedItemSets = []
for selector, items of itemsBySelector
validateSelector(selector) if throwOnInvalidSelector
itemSet = new ContextMenuItemSet(selector, items)
new Disposable =>
for itemSet in addedItemSets
@itemSets.splice(@itemSets.indexOf(itemSet), 1)
templateForElement: (target) ->
templateForEvent: (event) ->
template = []
currentTarget =
while currentTarget?
currentTargetItems = []
matchingItemSets =
@itemSets.filter (itemSet) -> currentTarget.webkitMatchesSelector(itemSet.selector)
for itemSet in matchingItemSets
for item in itemSet.items
itemForEvent = @cloneItemForEvent(item, event)
if itemForEvent
MenuHelpers.merge(currentTargetItems, itemForEvent, itemSet.specificity)
for item in currentTargetItems
MenuHelpers.merge(template, item, false)
currentTarget = currentTarget.parentElement
return @sortTemplate(template)
# Adds an `accelerator` property to items that have key bindings. Electron
# uses this property to surface the relevant keymaps in the context menu.
addAccelerators: (template) ->
for id, item of template
if item.command
keymaps = @keymapManager.findKeyBindings({command: item.command, target: document.activeElement})
keystrokes = keymaps?[0]?.keystrokes
if keystrokes
# Electron does not support multi-keystroke accelerators. Therefore,
# when the command maps to a multi-stroke key binding, show the
# keystrokes next to the item's label.
if keystrokes.includes(' ')
item.label += " [#{_.humanizeKeystroke(keystrokes)}]"
item.accelerator = MenuHelpers.acceleratorForKeystroke(keystrokes)
if Array.isArray(item.submenu)
pruneRedundantSeparators: (menu) ->
keepNextItemIfSeparator = false
index = 0
while index < menu.length
if menu[index].type is 'separator'
if not keepNextItemIfSeparator or index is menu.length - 1
menu.splice(index, 1)
keepNextItemIfSeparator = true
sortTemplate: (template) ->
template = sortMenuItems(template)
for id, item of template
if Array.isArray(item.submenu)
item.submenu = @sortTemplate(item.submenu)
return template
# Returns an object compatible with `::add()` or `null`.
cloneItemForEvent: (item, event) ->
return null if item.devMode and not @devMode
item = Object.create(item)
if typeof item.shouldDisplay is 'function'
return null unless item.shouldDisplay(event)
if Array.isArray(item.submenu)
item.submenu = item.submenu
.map((submenuItem) => @cloneItemForEvent(submenuItem, event))
.filter((submenuItem) -> submenuItem isnt null)
return item
showForEvent: (event) ->
@activeElement =
menuTemplate = @templateForEvent(event)
return unless menuTemplate?.length > 0
remote.getCurrentWindow().emit('context-menu', menuTemplate)
clear: ->
@activeElement = null
@itemSets = []
inspectElement = {
'atom-workspace': [{
label: 'Inspect Element'
command: 'application:inspect'
devMode: true
created: (event) ->
{pageX, pageY} = event
@commandDetail = {x: pageX, y: pageY}
@add(inspectElement, false)
class ContextMenuItemSet
constructor: (@selector, @items) ->
@specificity = calculateSpecificity(@selector)