
5693 lines
193 KiB

const _ = require('underscore-plus');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-plus');
const Grim = require('grim');
const dedent = require('dedent');
const { CompositeDisposable, Disposable, Emitter } = require('event-kit');
const TextBuffer = require('text-buffer');
const { Point, Range } = TextBuffer;
const DecorationManager = require('./decoration-manager');
const Cursor = require('./cursor');
const Selection = require('./selection');
const NullGrammar = require('./null-grammar');
const TextMateLanguageMode = require('./text-mate-language-mode');
const ScopeDescriptor = require('./scope-descriptor');
const TextMateScopeSelector = require('first-mate').ScopeSelector;
const GutterContainer = require('./gutter-container');
let TextEditorComponent = null;
let TextEditorElement = null;
const {
} = require('./text-utils');
const ZERO_WIDTH_NBSP = '\ufeff';
let nextId = 0;
const DEFAULT_NON_WORD_CHARACTERS = '/\\()"\':,.;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`?-…';
// Essential: This class represents all essential editing state for a single
// {TextBuffer}, including cursor and selection positions, folds, and soft wraps.
// If you're manipulating the state of an editor, use this class.
// A single {TextBuffer} can belong to multiple editors. For example, if the
// same file is open in two different panes, Atom creates a separate editor for
// each pane. If the buffer is manipulated the changes are reflected in both
// editors, but each maintains its own cursor position, folded lines, etc.
// ## Accessing TextEditor Instances
// The easiest way to get hold of `TextEditor` objects is by registering a callback
// with `::observeTextEditors` on the `atom.workspace` global. Your callback will
// then be called with all current editor instances and also when any editor is
// created in the future.
// ```js
// atom.workspace.observeTextEditors(editor => {
// editor.insertText('Hello World')
// })
// ```
// ## Buffer vs. Screen Coordinates
// Because editors support folds and soft-wrapping, the lines on screen don't
// always match the lines in the buffer. For example, a long line that soft wraps
// twice renders as three lines on screen, but only represents one line in the
// buffer. Similarly, if rows 5-10 are folded, then row 6 on screen corresponds
// to row 11 in the buffer.
// Your choice of coordinates systems will depend on what you're trying to
// achieve. For example, if you're writing a command that jumps the cursor up or
// down by 10 lines, you'll want to use screen coordinates because the user
// probably wants to skip lines *on screen*. However, if you're writing a package
// that jumps between method definitions, you'll want to work in buffer
// coordinates.
// **When in doubt, just default to buffer coordinates**, then experiment with
// soft wraps and folds to ensure your code interacts with them correctly.
module.exports = class TextEditor {
static setClipboard(clipboard) {
this.clipboard = clipboard;
static setScheduler(scheduler) {
if (TextEditorComponent == null) {
TextEditorComponent = require('./text-editor-component');
return TextEditorComponent.setScheduler(scheduler);
static didUpdateStyles() {
if (TextEditorComponent == null) {
TextEditorComponent = require('./text-editor-component');
return TextEditorComponent.didUpdateStyles();
static didUpdateScrollbarStyles() {
if (TextEditorComponent == null) {
TextEditorComponent = require('./text-editor-component');
return TextEditorComponent.didUpdateScrollbarStyles();
static viewForItem(item) {
return item.element || item;
static deserialize(state, atomEnvironment) {
if (state.version !== SERIALIZATION_VERSION) return null;
let bufferId = state.tokenizedBuffer
? state.tokenizedBuffer.bufferId
: state.bufferId;
try {
state.buffer = atomEnvironment.project.bufferForIdSync(bufferId);
if (!state.buffer) return null;
} catch (error) {
if (error.syscall === 'read') {
return; // Error reading the file, don't deserialize an editor for it
} else {
throw error;
state.assert = atomEnvironment.assert.bind(atomEnvironment);
// Semantics of the readOnly flag have changed since its introduction.
// Only respect readOnly2, which has been set with the current readOnly semantics.
delete state.readOnly;
state.readOnly = state.readOnly2;
delete state.readOnly2;
const editor = new TextEditor(state);
if (state.registered) {
const disposable = atomEnvironment.textEditors.add(editor);
editor.onDidDestroy(() => disposable.dispose());
return editor;
constructor(params = {}) {
if (this.constructor.clipboard == null) {
throw new Error(
'Must call TextEditor.setClipboard at least once before creating TextEditor instances'
} = != null ? : nextId++;
if ( >= nextId) {
// Ensure that new editors get unique ids:
nextId = + 1;
this.initialScrollTopRow = params.initialScrollTopRow;
this.initialScrollLeftColumn = params.initialScrollLeftColumn;
this.decorationManager = params.decorationManager;
this.selectionsMarkerLayer = params.selectionsMarkerLayer; = != null ? : false;
this.keyboardInputEnabled =
params.keyboardInputEnabled != null ? params.keyboardInputEnabled : true;
this.readOnly = params.readOnly != null ? params.readOnly : false;
this.placeholderText = params.placeholderText;
this.showLineNumbers = params.showLineNumbers;
this.assert = params.assert || (condition => condition);
this.showInvisibles =
params.showInvisibles != null ? params.showInvisibles : true;
this.autoHeight = params.autoHeight;
this.autoWidth = params.autoWidth;
this.scrollPastEnd =
params.scrollPastEnd != null ? params.scrollPastEnd : false;
this.scrollSensitivity =
params.scrollSensitivity != null ? params.scrollSensitivity : 40;
this.editorWidthInChars = params.editorWidthInChars;
this.invisibles = params.invisibles;
this.showIndentGuide = params.showIndentGuide;
this.softWrapped = params.softWrapped;
this.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength = params.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength;
this.preferredLineLength = params.preferredLineLength;
this.showCursorOnSelection =
params.showCursorOnSelection != null
? params.showCursorOnSelection
: true;
this.maxScreenLineLength = params.maxScreenLineLength;
this.softTabs = params.softTabs != null ? params.softTabs : true;
this.autoIndent = params.autoIndent != null ? params.autoIndent : true;
this.autoIndentOnPaste =
params.autoIndentOnPaste != null ? params.autoIndentOnPaste : true;
this.undoGroupingInterval =
params.undoGroupingInterval != null ? params.undoGroupingInterval : 300;
this.softWrapped = params.softWrapped != null ? params.softWrapped : false;
this.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength =
params.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength != null
? params.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength
: false;
this.preferredLineLength =
params.preferredLineLength != null ? params.preferredLineLength : 80;
this.maxScreenLineLength =
params.maxScreenLineLength != null ? params.maxScreenLineLength : 500;
this.showLineNumbers =
params.showLineNumbers != null ? params.showLineNumbers : true;
const { tabLength = 2 } = params;
this.alive = true;
this.doBackgroundWork = this.doBackgroundWork.bind(this);
this.serializationVersion = 1;
this.suppressSelectionMerging = false;
this.selectionFlashDuration = 500;
this.gutterContainer = null;
this.verticalScrollMargin = 2;
this.horizontalScrollMargin = 6;
this.lineHeightInPixels = null;
this.defaultCharWidth = null;
this.height = null;
this.width = null;
this.registered = false;
this.atomicSoftTabs = true;
this.emitter = new Emitter();
this.disposables = new CompositeDisposable();
this.cursors = [];
this.cursorsByMarkerId = new Map();
this.selections = [];
this.hasTerminatedPendingState = false;
if (params.buffer) {
this.buffer = params.buffer;
} else {
this.buffer = new TextBuffer({
shouldDestroyOnFileDelete() {
return atom.config.get('core.closeDeletedFileTabs');
new TextMateLanguageMode({ buffer: this.buffer, config: atom.config })
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
this.languageModeSubscription =
languageMode.onDidTokenize &&
languageMode.onDidTokenize(() => {
if (this.languageModeSubscription)
if (params.displayLayer) {
this.displayLayer = params.displayLayer;
} else {
const displayLayerParams = {
invisibles: this.getInvisibles(),
softWrapColumn: this.getSoftWrapColumn(),
showIndentGuides: this.doesShowIndentGuide(),
params.atomicSoftTabs != null ? params.atomicSoftTabs : true,
ratioForCharacter: this.ratioForCharacter.bind(this),
foldCharacter: ZERO_WIDTH_NBSP,
params.softWrapHangingIndentLength != null
? params.softWrapHangingIndentLength
: 0
this.displayLayer = this.buffer.getDisplayLayer(params.displayLayerId);
if (this.displayLayer) {
this.selectionsMarkerLayer = this.displayLayer.getMarkerLayer(
} else {
this.displayLayer = this.buffer.addDisplayLayer(displayLayerParams);
this.backgroundWorkHandle = requestIdleCallback(this.doBackgroundWork);
new Disposable(() => {
if (this.backgroundWorkHandle != null)
return cancelIdleCallback(this.backgroundWorkHandle);
this.defaultMarkerLayer = this.displayLayer.addMarkerLayer();
if (!this.selectionsMarkerLayer) {
this.selectionsMarkerLayer = this.addMarkerLayer({
maintainHistory: true,
persistent: true,
role: 'selections'
this.decorationManager = new DecorationManager(this);
this.decorateMarkerLayer(this.selectionsMarkerLayer, { type: 'cursor' });
if (!this.isMini()) this.decorateCursorLine();
this.decorateMarkerLayer(this.displayLayer.foldsMarkerLayer, {
type: 'line-number',
class: 'folded'
for (let marker of this.selectionsMarkerLayer.getMarkers()) {
if (this.cursors.length === 0 && !params.suppressCursorCreation) {
const initialLine = Math.max(parseInt(params.initialLine) || 0, 0);
const initialColumn = Math.max(parseInt(params.initialColumn) || 0, 0);
this.addCursorAtBufferPosition([initialLine, initialColumn]);
this.gutterContainer = new GutterContainer(this);
this.lineNumberGutter = this.gutterContainer.addGutter({
name: 'line-number',
type: 'line-number',
priority: 0,
visible: params.lineNumberGutterVisible
get element() {
return this.getElement();
get editorElement() {
\`TextEditor.prototype.editorElement\` has always been private, but now
it is gone. Reading the \`editorElement\` property still returns a
reference to the editor element but this field will be removed in a
later version of Atom, so we recommend using the \`element\` property instead.\
return this.getElement();
get displayBuffer() {
\`TextEditor.prototype.displayBuffer\` has always been private, but now
it is gone. Reading the \`displayBuffer\` property now returns a reference
to the containing \`TextEditor\`, which now provides *some* of the API of
the defunct \`DisplayBuffer\` class.\
return this;
get languageMode() {
return this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
get tokenizedBuffer() {
return this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
get rowsPerPage() {
return this.getRowsPerPage();
decorateCursorLine() {
this.cursorLineDecorations = [
this.decorateMarkerLayer(this.selectionsMarkerLayer, {
type: 'line',
class: 'cursor-line',
onlyEmpty: true
this.decorateMarkerLayer(this.selectionsMarkerLayer, {
type: 'line-number',
class: 'cursor-line'
this.decorateMarkerLayer(this.selectionsMarkerLayer, {
type: 'line-number',
class: 'cursor-line-no-selection',
onlyHead: true,
onlyEmpty: true
doBackgroundWork(deadline) {
const previousLongestRow = this.getApproximateLongestScreenRow();
if (this.displayLayer.doBackgroundWork(deadline)) {
this.backgroundWorkHandle = requestIdleCallback(this.doBackgroundWork);
} else {
this.backgroundWorkHandle = null;
if (
this.component &&
this.getApproximateLongestScreenRow() !== previousLongestRow
) {
update(params) {
const displayLayerParams = {};
for (let param of Object.keys(params)) {
const value = params[param];
switch (param) {
case 'autoIndent':
this.autoIndent = value;
case 'autoIndentOnPaste':
this.autoIndentOnPaste = value;
case 'undoGroupingInterval':
this.undoGroupingInterval = value;
case 'scrollSensitivity':
this.scrollSensitivity = value;
case 'encoding':
case 'softTabs':
if (value !== this.softTabs) {
this.softTabs = value;
case 'atomicSoftTabs':
if (value !== this.displayLayer.atomicSoftTabs) {
displayLayerParams.atomicSoftTabs = value;
case 'tabLength':
if (value > 0 && value !== this.displayLayer.tabLength) {
displayLayerParams.tabLength = value;
case 'softWrapped':
if (value !== this.softWrapped) {
this.softWrapped = value;
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
this.emitter.emit('did-change-soft-wrapped', this.isSoftWrapped());
case 'softWrapHangingIndentLength':
if (value !== this.displayLayer.softWrapHangingIndent) {
displayLayerParams.softWrapHangingIndent = value;
case 'softWrapAtPreferredLineLength':
if (value !== this.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength) {
this.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength = value;
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
case 'preferredLineLength':
if (value !== this.preferredLineLength) {
this.preferredLineLength = value;
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
case 'maxScreenLineLength':
if (value !== this.maxScreenLineLength) {
this.maxScreenLineLength = value;
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
case 'mini':
if (value !== { = value;
this.emitter.emit('did-change-mini', value);
displayLayerParams.invisibles = this.getInvisibles();
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
displayLayerParams.showIndentGuides = this.doesShowIndentGuide();
if ( {
for (let decoration of this.cursorLineDecorations) {
this.cursorLineDecorations = null;
} else {
if (this.component != null) {
case 'readOnly':
if (value !== this.readOnly) {
this.readOnly = value;
if (this.component != null) {
case 'keyboardInputEnabled':
if (value !== this.keyboardInputEnabled) {
this.keyboardInputEnabled = value;
if (this.component != null) {
case 'placeholderText':
if (value !== this.placeholderText) {
this.placeholderText = value;
this.emitter.emit('did-change-placeholder-text', value);
case 'lineNumberGutterVisible':
if (value !== this.lineNumberGutterVisible) {
if (value) {;
} else {
case 'showIndentGuide':
if (value !== this.showIndentGuide) {
this.showIndentGuide = value;
displayLayerParams.showIndentGuides = this.doesShowIndentGuide();
case 'showLineNumbers':
if (value !== this.showLineNumbers) {
this.showLineNumbers = value;
if (this.component != null) {
case 'showInvisibles':
if (value !== this.showInvisibles) {
this.showInvisibles = value;
displayLayerParams.invisibles = this.getInvisibles();
case 'invisibles':
if (!_.isEqual(value, this.invisibles)) {
this.invisibles = value;
displayLayerParams.invisibles = this.getInvisibles();
case 'editorWidthInChars':
if (value > 0 && value !== this.editorWidthInChars) {
this.editorWidthInChars = value;
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
case 'width':
if (value !== this.width) {
this.width = value;
displayLayerParams.softWrapColumn = this.getSoftWrapColumn();
case 'scrollPastEnd':
if (value !== this.scrollPastEnd) {
this.scrollPastEnd = value;
if (this.component) this.component.scheduleUpdate();
case 'autoHeight':
if (value !== this.autoHeight) {
this.autoHeight = value;
case 'autoWidth':
if (value !== this.autoWidth) {
this.autoWidth = value;
case 'showCursorOnSelection':
if (value !== this.showCursorOnSelection) {
this.showCursorOnSelection = value;
if (this.component) this.component.scheduleUpdate();
if (param !== 'ref' && param !== 'key') {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid TextEditor parameter: '${param}'`);
if (this.component) {
return this.component.getNextUpdatePromise();
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
scheduleComponentUpdate() {
if (this.component) this.component.scheduleUpdate();
serialize() {
return {
deserializer: 'TextEditor',
initialScrollTopRow: this.getScrollTopRow(),
initialScrollLeftColumn: this.getScrollLeftColumn(),
tabLength: this.displayLayer.tabLength,
atomicSoftTabs: this.displayLayer.atomicSoftTabs,
softWrapHangingIndentLength: this.displayLayer.softWrapHangingIndent,
softTabs: this.softTabs,
softWrapped: this.softWrapped,
softWrapAtPreferredLineLength: this.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength,
preferredLineLength: this.preferredLineLength,
readOnly2: this.readOnly, // readOnly encompassed both readOnly and keyboardInputEnabled
keyboardInputEnabled: this.keyboardInputEnabled,
editorWidthInChars: this.editorWidthInChars,
width: this.width,
maxScreenLineLength: this.maxScreenLineLength,
registered: this.registered,
invisibles: this.invisibles,
showInvisibles: this.showInvisibles,
showIndentGuide: this.showIndentGuide,
autoHeight: this.autoHeight,
autoWidth: this.autoWidth
subscribeToBuffer() {
this.buffer.onDidChangePath(() => {
this.emitter.emit('did-change-title', this.getTitle());
this.emitter.emit('did-change-path', this.getPath());
this.buffer.onDidChangeEncoding(() => {
this.emitter.emit('did-change-encoding', this.getEncoding());
this.disposables.add(this.buffer.onDidDestroy(() => this.destroy()));
this.buffer.onDidChangeModified(() => {
if (!this.hasTerminatedPendingState && this.buffer.isModified())
terminatePendingState() {
if (!this.hasTerminatedPendingState)
this.hasTerminatedPendingState = true;
onDidTerminatePendingState(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-terminate-pending-state', callback);
subscribeToDisplayLayer() {
this.displayLayer.onDidChange(changes => {
if (this.component) this.component.didChangeDisplayLayer(changes);
'did-change', => new ChangeEvent(change))
this.displayLayer.onDidReset(() => {
if (this.component) this.component.didResetDisplayLayer();
this.emitter.emit('did-change', {});
return this.disposables.add(
this.selectionsMarkerLayer.onDidUpdate(() =>
this.component != null
? this.component.didUpdateSelections()
: undefined
destroy() {
if (!this.alive) return;
this.alive = false;
for (let selection of this.selections.slice()) {
if (this.component) this.component.element.component = null;
this.component = null;
this.lineNumberGutter.element = null;
isAlive() {
return this.alive;
isDestroyed() {
return !this.alive;
Section: Event Subscription
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when the buffer's title has changed.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeTitle(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-title', callback);
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when the buffer's path, and therefore title, has changed.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangePath(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-path', callback);
// Essential: Invoke the given callback synchronously when the content of the
// buffer changes.
// Because observers are invoked synchronously, it's important not to perform
// any expensive operations via this method. Consider {::onDidStopChanging} to
// delay expensive operations until after changes stop occurring.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChange(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change', callback);
// Essential: Invoke `callback` when the buffer's contents change. It is
// emit asynchronously 300ms after the last buffer change. This is a good place
// to handle changes to the buffer without compromising typing performance.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidStopChanging(callback) {
return this.getBuffer().onDidStopChanging(callback);
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when a {Cursor} is moved. If there are
// multiple cursors, your callback will be called for each cursor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `event` {Object}
// * `oldBufferPosition` {Point}
// * `oldScreenPosition` {Point}
// * `newBufferPosition` {Point}
// * `newScreenPosition` {Point}
// * `textChanged` {Boolean}
// * `cursor` {Cursor} that triggered the event
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeCursorPosition(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-cursor-position', callback);
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when a selection's screen range changes.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `event` {Object}
// * `oldBufferRange` {Range}
// * `oldScreenRange` {Range}
// * `newBufferRange` {Range}
// * `newScreenRange` {Range}
// * `selection` {Selection} that triggered the event
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeSelectionRange(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-selection-range', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when soft wrap was enabled or disabled.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeSoftWrapped(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-soft-wrapped', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when the buffer's encoding has changed.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeEncoding(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-encoding', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when the grammar that interprets and
// colorizes the text has been changed. Immediately calls your callback with
// the current grammar.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `grammar` {Grammar}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeGrammar(callback) {
return this.onDidChangeGrammar(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when the grammar that interprets and
// colorizes the text has been changed.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `grammar` {Grammar}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeGrammar(callback) {
return this.buffer.onDidChangeLanguageMode(() => {
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when the result of {::isModified} changes.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeModified(callback) {
return this.getBuffer().onDidChangeModified(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when the buffer's underlying file changes on
// disk at a moment when the result of {::isModified} is true.
// * `callback` {Function}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidConflict(callback) {
return this.getBuffer().onDidConflict(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` before text has been inserted.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `event` event {Object}
// * `text` {String} text to be inserted
// * `cancel` {Function} Call to prevent the text from being inserted
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onWillInsertText(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('will-insert-text', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` after text has been inserted.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `event` event {Object}
// * `text` {String} text to be inserted
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidInsertText(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-insert-text', callback);
// Essential: Invoke the given callback after the buffer is saved to disk.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called after the buffer is saved.
// * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
// * `path` The path to which the buffer was saved.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidSave(callback) {
return this.getBuffer().onDidSave(callback);
// Essential: Invoke the given callback when the editor is destroyed.
// * `callback` {Function} to be called when the editor is destroyed.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDestroy(callback) {
return this.emitter.once('did-destroy', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Cursor} is added to the editor.
// Immediately calls your callback for each existing cursor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `cursor` {Cursor} that was added
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeCursors(callback) {
return this.onDidAddCursor(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Cursor} is added to the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `cursor` {Cursor} that was added
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddCursor(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-add-cursor', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Cursor} is removed from the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `cursor` {Cursor} that was removed
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidRemoveCursor(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-remove-cursor', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Selection} is added to the editor.
// Immediately calls your callback for each existing selection.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `selection` {Selection} that was added
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeSelections(callback) {
return this.onDidAddSelection(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Selection} is added to the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `selection` {Selection} that was added
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddSelection(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-add-selection', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Selection} is removed from the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `selection` {Selection} that was removed
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidRemoveSelection(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-remove-selection', callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` with each {Decoration} added to the editor.
// Calls your `callback` immediately for any existing decorations.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `decoration` {Decoration}
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeDecorations(callback) {
return this.decorationManager.observeDecorations(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Decoration} is added to the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `decoration` {Decoration} that was added
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddDecoration(callback) {
return this.decorationManager.onDidAddDecoration(callback);
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when a {Decoration} is removed from the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `decoration` {Decoration} that was removed
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidRemoveDecoration(callback) {
return this.decorationManager.onDidRemoveDecoration(callback);
// Called by DecorationManager when a decoration is added.
didAddDecoration(decoration) {
if (this.component && decoration.isType('block')) {
// Extended: Calls your `callback` when the placeholder text is changed.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `placeholderText` {String} new text
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangePlaceholderText(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-placeholder-text', callback);
onDidChangeScrollTop(callback) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::onDidChangeScrollTop instead.'
return this.getElement().onDidChangeScrollTop(callback);
onDidChangeScrollLeft(callback) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::onDidChangeScrollLeft instead.'
return this.getElement().onDidChangeScrollLeft(callback);
onDidRequestAutoscroll(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-request-autoscroll', callback);
// TODO Remove once the tabs package no longer uses .on subscriptions
onDidChangeIcon(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-icon', callback);
onDidUpdateDecorations(callback) {
return this.decorationManager.onDidUpdateDecorations(callback);
// Retrieves the current buffer's URI.
getURI() {
return this.buffer.getUri();
// Create an {TextEditor} with its initial state based on this object
copy() {
const displayLayer = this.displayLayer.copy();
const selectionsMarkerLayer = displayLayer.getMarkerLayer(
const softTabs = this.getSoftTabs();
return new TextEditor({
buffer: this.buffer,
suppressCursorCreation: true,
tabLength: this.getTabLength(),
initialScrollTopRow: this.getScrollTopRow(),
initialScrollLeftColumn: this.getScrollLeftColumn(),
assert: this.assert,
grammar: this.getGrammar(),
autoWidth: this.autoWidth,
autoHeight: this.autoHeight,
showCursorOnSelection: this.showCursorOnSelection
// Controls visibility based on the given {Boolean}.
setVisible(visible) {
if (visible) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
if (languageMode.startTokenizing) languageMode.startTokenizing();
setMini(mini) {
this.update({ mini });
isMini() {
setReadOnly(readOnly) {
this.update({ readOnly });
isReadOnly() {
return this.readOnly;
enableKeyboardInput(enabled) {
this.update({ keyboardInputEnabled: enabled });
isKeyboardInputEnabled() {
return this.keyboardInputEnabled;
onDidChangeMini(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-mini', callback);
setLineNumberGutterVisible(lineNumberGutterVisible) {
this.update({ lineNumberGutterVisible });
isLineNumberGutterVisible() {
return this.lineNumberGutter.isVisible();
anyLineNumberGutterVisible() {
return this.getGutters().some(
gutter => gutter.type === 'line-number' && gutter.visible
onDidChangeLineNumberGutterVisible(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-line-number-gutter-visible', callback);
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when a {Gutter} is added to the editor.
// Immediately calls your callback for each existing gutter.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `gutter` {Gutter} that currently exists/was added.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeGutters(callback) {
return this.gutterContainer.observeGutters(callback);
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when a {Gutter} is added to the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `gutter` {Gutter} that was added.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddGutter(callback) {
return this.gutterContainer.onDidAddGutter(callback);
// Essential: Calls your `callback` when a {Gutter} is removed from the editor.
// * `callback` {Function}
// * `name` The name of the {Gutter} that was removed.
// Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidRemoveGutter(callback) {
return this.gutterContainer.onDidRemoveGutter(callback);
// Set the number of characters that can be displayed horizontally in the
// editor.
// * `editorWidthInChars` A {Number} representing the width of the
// {TextEditorElement} in characters.
setEditorWidthInChars(editorWidthInChars) {
this.update({ editorWidthInChars });
// Returns the editor width in characters.
getEditorWidthInChars() {
if (this.width != null && this.defaultCharWidth > 0) {
return Math.max(0, Math.floor(this.width / this.defaultCharWidth));
} else {
return this.editorWidthInChars;
Section: Buffer
// Essential: Retrieves the current {TextBuffer}.
getBuffer() {
return this.buffer;
Section: File Details
// Essential: Get the editor's title for display in other parts of the
// UI such as the tabs.
// If the editor's buffer is saved, its title is the file name. If it is
// unsaved, its title is "untitled".
// Returns a {String}.
getTitle() {
return this.getFileName() || 'untitled';
// Essential: Get unique title for display in other parts of the UI, such as
// the window title.
// If the editor's buffer is unsaved, its title is "untitled"
// If the editor's buffer is saved, its unique title is formatted as one
// of the following,
// * "<filename>" when it is the only editing buffer with this file name.
// * "<filename> — <unique-dir-prefix>" when other buffers have this file name.
// Returns a {String}
getLongTitle() {
if (this.getPath()) {
const fileName = this.getFileName();
let myPathSegments;
const openEditorPathSegmentsWithSameFilename = [];
for (const textEditor of atom.workspace.getTextEditors()) {
if (textEditor.getFileName() === fileName) {
const pathSegments = fs
if (textEditor === this) myPathSegments = pathSegments;
if (
!myPathSegments ||
openEditorPathSegmentsWithSameFilename.length === 1
return fileName;
let commonPathSegmentCount;
for (let i = 0, { length } = myPathSegments; i < length; i++) {
const myPathSegment = myPathSegments[i];
if (
segments =>
segments.length === i + 1 || segments[i] !== myPathSegment
) {
commonPathSegmentCount = i;
return `${fileName} \u2014 ${path.join(
} else {
return 'untitled';
// Essential: Returns the {String} path of this editor's text buffer.
getPath() {
return this.buffer.getPath();
getFileName() {
const fullPath = this.getPath();
if (fullPath) return path.basename(fullPath);
getDirectoryPath() {
const fullPath = this.getPath();
if (fullPath) return path.dirname(fullPath);
// Extended: Returns the {String} character set encoding of this editor's text
// buffer.
getEncoding() {
return this.buffer.getEncoding();
// Extended: Set the character set encoding to use in this editor's text
// buffer.
// * `encoding` The {String} character set encoding name such as 'utf8'
setEncoding(encoding) {
// Essential: Returns {Boolean} `true` if this editor has been modified.
isModified() {
return this.buffer.isModified();
// Essential: Returns {Boolean} `true` if this editor has no content.
isEmpty() {
return this.buffer.isEmpty();
Section: File Operations
// Essential: Saves the editor's text buffer.
// See {TextBuffer::save} for more details.
save() {
// Essential: Saves the editor's text buffer as the given path.
// See {TextBuffer::saveAs} for more details.
// * `filePath` A {String} path.
saveAs(filePath) {
return this.buffer.saveAs(filePath);
// Determine whether the user should be prompted to save before closing
// this editor.
shouldPromptToSave({ windowCloseRequested, projectHasPaths } = {}) {
if (
windowCloseRequested &&
projectHasPaths &&
) {
return this.buffer.isInConflict();
} else {
return this.isModified() && !this.buffer.hasMultipleEditors();
// Returns an {Object} to configure dialog shown when this editor is saved
// via {Pane::saveItemAs}.
getSaveDialogOptions() {
return {};
Section: Reading Text
// Essential: Returns a {String} representing the entire contents of the editor.
getText() {
return this.buffer.getText();
// Essential: Get the text in the given {Range} in buffer coordinates.
// * `range` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}.
// Returns a {String}.
getTextInBufferRange(range) {
return this.buffer.getTextInRange(range);
// Essential: Returns a {Number} representing the number of lines in the buffer.
getLineCount() {
return this.buffer.getLineCount();
// Essential: Returns a {Number} representing the number of screen lines in the
// editor. This accounts for folds.
getScreenLineCount() {
return this.displayLayer.getScreenLineCount();
getApproximateScreenLineCount() {
return this.displayLayer.getApproximateScreenLineCount();
// Essential: Returns a {Number} representing the last zero-indexed buffer row
// number of the editor.
getLastBufferRow() {
return this.buffer.getLastRow();
// Essential: Returns a {Number} representing the last zero-indexed screen row
// number of the editor.
getLastScreenRow() {
return this.getScreenLineCount() - 1;
// Essential: Returns a {String} representing the contents of the line at the
// given buffer row.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number} representing a zero-indexed buffer row.
lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow) {
return this.buffer.lineForRow(bufferRow);
// Essential: Returns a {String} representing the contents of the line at the
// given screen row.
// * `screenRow` A {Number} representing a zero-indexed screen row.
lineTextForScreenRow(screenRow) {
const screenLine = this.screenLineForScreenRow(screenRow);
if (screenLine) return screenLine.lineText;
logScreenLines(start = 0, end = this.getLastScreenRow()) {
for (let row = start; row <= end; row++) {
const line = this.lineTextForScreenRow(row);
console.log(row, this.bufferRowForScreenRow(row), line, line.length);
tokensForScreenRow(screenRow) {
const tokens = [];
let lineTextIndex = 0;
const currentTokenScopes = [];
const { lineText, tags } = this.screenLineForScreenRow(screenRow);
for (const tag of tags) {
if (this.displayLayer.isOpenTag(tag)) {
} else if (this.displayLayer.isCloseTag(tag)) {
} else {
text: lineText.substr(lineTextIndex, tag),
scopes: currentTokenScopes.slice()
lineTextIndex += tag;
return tokens;
screenLineForScreenRow(screenRow) {
return this.displayLayer.getScreenLine(screenRow);
bufferRowForScreenRow(screenRow) {
return this.displayLayer.translateScreenPosition(Point(screenRow, 0)).row;
bufferRowsForScreenRows(startScreenRow, endScreenRow) {
return this.displayLayer.bufferRowsForScreenRows(
endScreenRow + 1
screenRowForBufferRow(row) {
return this.displayLayer.translateBufferPosition(Point(row, 0)).row;
getRightmostScreenPosition() {
return this.displayLayer.getRightmostScreenPosition();
getApproximateRightmostScreenPosition() {
return this.displayLayer.getApproximateRightmostScreenPosition();
getMaxScreenLineLength() {
return this.getRightmostScreenPosition().column;
getLongestScreenRow() {
return this.getRightmostScreenPosition().row;
getApproximateLongestScreenRow() {
return this.getApproximateRightmostScreenPosition().row;
lineLengthForScreenRow(screenRow) {
return this.displayLayer.lineLengthForScreenRow(screenRow);
// Returns the range for the given buffer row.
// * `row` A row {Number}.
// * `options` (optional) An options hash with an `includeNewline` key.
// Returns a {Range}.
bufferRangeForBufferRow(row, options) {
return this.buffer.rangeForRow(row, options && options.includeNewline);
// Get the text in the given {Range}.
// Returns a {String}.
getTextInRange(range) {
return this.buffer.getTextInRange(range);
// {Delegates to: TextBuffer.isRowBlank}
isBufferRowBlank(bufferRow) {
return this.buffer.isRowBlank(bufferRow);
// {Delegates to: TextBuffer.nextNonBlankRow}
nextNonBlankBufferRow(bufferRow) {
return this.buffer.nextNonBlankRow(bufferRow);
// {Delegates to: TextBuffer.getEndPosition}
getEofBufferPosition() {
return this.buffer.getEndPosition();
// Essential: Get the {Range} of the paragraph surrounding the most recently added
// cursor.
// Returns a {Range}.
getCurrentParagraphBufferRange() {
return this.getLastCursor().getCurrentParagraphBufferRange();
Section: Mutating Text
// Essential: Replaces the entire contents of the buffer with the given {String}.
// * `text` A {String} to replace with
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
setText(text, options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('setText', options)) return;
return this.buffer.setText(text);
// Essential: Set the text in the given {Range} in buffer coordinates.
// * `range` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}.
// * `text` A {String}
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `normalizeLineEndings` (optional) {Boolean} (default: true)
// * `undo` (optional) *Deprecated* {String} 'skip' will skip the undo system. This property is deprecated. Call groupLastChanges() on the {TextBuffer} afterward instead.
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
// Returns the {Range} of the newly-inserted text.
setTextInBufferRange(range, text, options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('setTextInBufferRange', options)) return;
return this.getBuffer().setTextInRange(range, text, options);
// Essential: For each selection, replace the selected text with the given text.
// * `text` A {String} representing the text to insert.
// * `options` (optional) See {Selection::insertText}.
// Returns a {Range} when the text has been inserted. Returns a {Boolean} `false` when the text has not been inserted.
insertText(text, options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('insertText', options)) return;
if (!this.emitWillInsertTextEvent(text)) return false;
let groupLastChanges = false;
if (options.undo === 'skip') {
options = Object.assign({}, options);
delete options.undo;
groupLastChanges = true;
const groupingInterval = options.groupUndo ? this.undoGroupingInterval : 0;
if (options.autoIndentNewline == null)
options.autoIndentNewline = this.shouldAutoIndent();
if (options.autoDecreaseIndent == null)
options.autoDecreaseIndent = this.shouldAutoIndent();
const result = this.mutateSelectedText(selection => {
const range = selection.insertText(text, options);
const didInsertEvent = { text, range };
this.emitter.emit('did-insert-text', didInsertEvent);
return range;
}, groupingInterval);
if (groupLastChanges) this.buffer.groupLastChanges();
return result;
// Essential: For each selection, replace the selected text with a newline.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
insertNewline(options = {}) {
return this.insertText('\n', options);
// Essential: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete the character
// following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
delete(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('delete', options)) return;
return this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.delete(options));
// Essential: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete the character
// preceding the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
backspace(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('backspace', options)) return;
return this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.backspace(options));
// Extended: Mutate the text of all the selections in a single transaction.
// All the changes made inside the given {Function} can be reverted with a
// single call to {::undo}.
// * `fn` A {Function} that will be called once for each {Selection}. The first
// argument will be a {Selection} and the second argument will be the
// {Number} index of that selection.
mutateSelectedText(fn, groupingInterval = 0) {
return this.mergeIntersectingSelections(() => {
return this.transact(groupingInterval, () => {
return this.getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition().map(
(selection, index) => fn(selection, index)
// Move lines intersecting the most recent selection or multiple selections
// up by one row in screen coordinates.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
moveLineUp(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('moveLineUp', options)) return;
const selections = this.getSelectedBufferRanges().sort((a, b) =>
if (selections[0].start.row === 0) return;
if (
selections[selections.length - 1].start.row === this.getLastBufferRow() &&
this.buffer.getLastLine() === ''
this.transact(() => {
const newSelectionRanges = [];
while (selections.length > 0) {
// Find selections spanning a contiguous set of lines
const selection = selections.shift();
const selectionsToMove = [selection];
while (
selection.end.row ===
(selections[0] != null ? selections[0].start.row : undefined)
) {
selection.end.row = selections[0].end.row;
// Compute the buffer range spanned by all these selections, expanding it
// so that it includes any folded region that intersects them.
let startRow = selection.start.row;
let endRow = selection.end.row;
if (
selection.end.row > selection.start.row &&
selection.end.column === 0
) {
// Don't move the last line of a multi-line selection if the selection ends at column 0
startRow = this.displayLayer.findBoundaryPrecedingBufferRow(startRow);
endRow = this.displayLayer.findBoundaryFollowingBufferRow(endRow + 1);
const linesRange = new Range(Point(startRow, 0), Point(endRow, 0));
// If selected line range is preceded by a fold, one line above on screen
// could be multiple lines in the buffer.
const precedingRow = this.displayLayer.findBoundaryPrecedingBufferRow(
startRow - 1
const insertDelta = linesRange.start.row - precedingRow;
// Any folds in the text that is moved will need to be re-created.
// It includes the folds that were intersecting with the selection.
const rangesToRefold = this.displayLayer
.map(range => range.translate([-insertDelta, 0]));
// Delete lines spanned by selection and insert them on the preceding buffer row
let lines = this.buffer.getTextInRange(linesRange);
if (lines[lines.length - 1] !== '\n') {
lines += this.buffer.lineEndingForRow(linesRange.end.row - 2);
this.buffer.insert([precedingRow, 0], lines);
// Restore folds that existed before the lines were moved
for (let rangeToRefold of rangesToRefold) {
for (const selectionToMove of selectionsToMove) {
newSelectionRanges.push(selectionToMove.translate([-insertDelta, 0]));
this.setSelectedBufferRanges(newSelectionRanges, {
autoscroll: false,
preserveFolds: true
if (this.shouldAutoIndent()) this.autoIndentSelectedRows();
this.scrollToBufferPosition([newSelectionRanges[0].start.row, 0]);
// Move lines intersecting the most recent selection or multiple selections
// down by one row in screen coordinates.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
moveLineDown(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('moveLineDown', options)) return;
const selections = this.getSelectedBufferRanges();
selections.sort((a, b) =>;
this.transact(() => {
const newSelectionRanges = [];
while (selections.length > 0) {
// Find selections spanning a contiguous set of lines
const selection = selections.shift();
const selectionsToMove = [selection];
// if the current selection start row matches the next selections' end row - make them one selection
while (
selection.start.row ===
(selections[0] != null ? selections[0].end.row : undefined)
) {
selection.start.row = selections[0].start.row;
// Compute the buffer range spanned by all these selections, expanding it
// so that it includes any folded region that intersects them.
let startRow = selection.start.row;
let endRow = selection.end.row;
if (
selection.end.row > selection.start.row &&
selection.end.column === 0
) {
// Don't move the last line of a multi-line selection if the selection ends at column 0
startRow = this.displayLayer.findBoundaryPrecedingBufferRow(startRow);
endRow = this.displayLayer.findBoundaryFollowingBufferRow(endRow + 1);
const linesRange = new Range(Point(startRow, 0), Point(endRow, 0));
// If selected line range is followed by a fold, one line below on screen
// could be multiple lines in the buffer. But at the same time, if the
// next buffer row is wrapped, one line in the buffer can represent many
// screen rows.
const followingRow = Math.min(
this.displayLayer.findBoundaryFollowingBufferRow(endRow + 1)
const insertDelta = followingRow - linesRange.end.row;
// Any folds in the text that is moved will need to be re-created.
// It includes the folds that were intersecting with the selection.
const rangesToRefold = this.displayLayer
.map(range => range.translate([insertDelta, 0]));
// Delete lines spanned by selection and insert them on the following correct buffer row
let lines = this.buffer.getTextInRange(linesRange);
if (followingRow - 1 === this.buffer.getLastRow()) {
lines = `\n${lines}`;
this.buffer.insert([followingRow, 0], lines);
// Restore folds that existed before the lines were moved
for (let rangeToRefold of rangesToRefold) {
for (const selectionToMove of selectionsToMove) {
newSelectionRanges.push(selectionToMove.translate([insertDelta, 0]));
this.setSelectedBufferRanges(newSelectionRanges, {
autoscroll: false,
preserveFolds: true
if (this.shouldAutoIndent()) this.autoIndentSelectedRows();
this.scrollToBufferPosition([newSelectionRanges[0].start.row - 1, 0]);
// Move any active selections one column to the left.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
moveSelectionLeft(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('moveSelectionLeft', options)) return;
const selections = this.getSelectedBufferRanges();
const noSelectionAtStartOfLine = selections.every(
selection => selection.start.column !== 0
const translationDelta = [0, -1];
const translatedRanges = [];
if (noSelectionAtStartOfLine) {
this.transact(() => {
for (let selection of selections) {
const charToLeftOfSelection = new Range(
const charTextToLeftOfSelection = this.buffer.getTextInRange(
this.buffer.insert(selection.end, charTextToLeftOfSelection);
// Move any active selections one column to the right.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
moveSelectionRight(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('moveSelectionRight', options)) return;
const selections = this.getSelectedBufferRanges();
const noSelectionAtEndOfLine = selections.every(selection => {
return (
selection.end.column !== this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(selection.end.row)
const translationDelta = [0, 1];
const translatedRanges = [];
if (noSelectionAtEndOfLine) {
this.transact(() => {
for (let selection of selections) {
const charToRightOfSelection = new Range(
const charTextToRightOfSelection = this.buffer.getTextInRange(
this.buffer.insert(selection.start, charTextToRightOfSelection);
// Duplicate all lines containing active selections.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
duplicateLines(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('duplicateLines', options)) return;
this.transact(() => {
const selections = this.getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition();
const previousSelectionRanges = [];
let i = selections.length - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
const j = i;
previousSelectionRanges[i] = selections[i].getBufferRange();
if (selections[i].isEmpty()) {
const { start } = selections[i].getScreenRange();
selections[i].setScreenRange([[start.row, 0], [start.row + 1, 0]], {
preserveFolds: true
let [startRow, endRow] = selections[i].getBufferRowRange();
while (i > 0) {
const [
] = selections[i - 1].getBufferRowRange();
if (previousSelectionEndRow === startRow) {
startRow = previousSelectionStartRow;
previousSelectionRanges[i - 1] = selections[i - 1].getBufferRange();
} else {
const intersectingFolds = this.displayLayer.foldsIntersectingBufferRange(
[[startRow, 0], [endRow, 0]]
let textToDuplicate = this.getTextInBufferRange([
[startRow, 0],
[endRow, 0]
if (endRow > this.getLastBufferRow())
textToDuplicate = `\n${textToDuplicate}`;
this.buffer.insert([endRow, 0], textToDuplicate);
const insertedRowCount = endRow - startRow;
for (let k = i; k <= j; k++) {
previousSelectionRanges[k].translate([insertedRowCount, 0])
for (const fold of intersectingFolds) {
const foldRange = this.displayLayer.bufferRangeForFold(fold);
foldRange.translate([insertedRowCount, 0])
replaceSelectedText(options, fn) {
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => {
if (options && options.selectWordIfEmpty && selection.isEmpty()) {
const text = selection.getText();
const range = selection.insertText(fn(text));
// Split multi-line selections into one selection per line.
// Operates on all selections. This method breaks apart all multi-line
// selections to create multiple single-line selections that cumulatively cover
// the same original area.
splitSelectionsIntoLines() {
this.mergeIntersectingSelections(() => {
for (const selection of this.getSelections()) {
const range = selection.getBufferRange();
if (range.isSingleLine()) continue;
const { start, end } = range;
this.addSelectionForBufferRange([start, [start.row, Infinity]]);
let { row } = start;
while (++row < end.row) {
this.addSelectionForBufferRange([[row, 0], [row, Infinity]]);
if (end.column !== 0)
[end.row, 0],
[end.row, end.column]
// Extended: For each selection, transpose the selected text.
// If the selection is empty, the characters preceding and following the cursor
// are swapped. Otherwise, the selected characters are reversed.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
transpose(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('transpose', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => {
if (selection.isEmpty()) {
const text = selection.getText();
} else {
// Extended: Convert the selected text to upper case.
// For each selection, if the selection is empty, converts the containing word
// to upper case. Otherwise convert the selected text to upper case.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
upperCase(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('upperCase', options)) return;
this.replaceSelectedText({ selectWordIfEmpty: true }, text =>
// Extended: Convert the selected text to lower case.
// For each selection, if the selection is empty, converts the containing word
// to upper case. Otherwise convert the selected text to upper case.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
lowerCase(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('lowerCase', options)) return;
this.replaceSelectedText({ selectWordIfEmpty: true }, text =>
// Extended: Toggle line comments for rows intersecting selections.
// If the current grammar doesn't support comments, does nothing.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
toggleLineCommentsInSelection(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('toggleLineCommentsInSelection', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.toggleLineComments(options));
// Convert multiple lines to a single line.
// Operates on all selections. If the selection is empty, joins the current
// line with the next line. Otherwise it joins all lines that intersect the
// selection.
// Joining a line means that multiple lines are converted to a single line with
// the contents of each of the original non-empty lines separated by a space.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
joinLines(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('joinLines', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.joinLines());
// Extended: For each cursor, insert a newline at beginning the following line.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
insertNewlineBelow(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('insertNewlineBelow', options)) return;
this.transact(() => {
// Extended: For each cursor, insert a newline at the end of the preceding line.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
insertNewlineAbove(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('insertNewlineAbove', options)) return;
this.transact(() => {
const bufferRow = this.getCursorBufferPosition().row;
const indentLevel = this.indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow);
const onFirstLine = bufferRow === 0;
if (
this.shouldAutoIndent() &&
this.indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow) < indentLevel
) {
this.setIndentationForBufferRow(bufferRow, indentLevel);
if (onFirstLine) {
// Extended: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters
// of the containing word that precede the cursor. Otherwise delete the
// selected text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToBeginningOfWord(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToBeginningOfWord', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: Similar to {::deleteToBeginningOfWord}, but deletes only back to the
// previous word boundary.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToPreviousWordBoundary(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToPreviousWordBoundary', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: Similar to {::deleteToEndOfWord}, but deletes only up to the
// next word boundary.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToNextWordBoundary(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToNextWordBoundary', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters
// of the containing subword following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected
// text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToBeginningOfSubword(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToBeginningOfSubword', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters
// of the containing subword following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected
// text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToEndOfSubword(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToEndOfSubword', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters
// of the containing line that precede the cursor. Otherwise delete the
// selected text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToBeginningOfLine(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToBeginningOfLine', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, if the selection is not empty, deletes the
// selection; otherwise, deletes all characters of the containing line
// following the cursor. If the cursor is already at the end of the line,
// deletes the following newline.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToEndOfLine(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToEndOfLine', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.deleteToEndOfLine(options));
// Extended: For each selection, if the selection is empty, delete all characters
// of the containing word following the cursor. Otherwise delete the selected
// text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteToEndOfWord(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteToEndOfWord', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.deleteToEndOfWord(options));
// Extended: Delete all lines intersecting selections.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
deleteLine(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('deleteLine', options)) return;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.deleteLine(options));
// Private: Ensure that this editor is not marked read-only before allowing a buffer modification to occur. If
// the editor is read-only, require an explicit opt-in option to proceed (`bypassReadOnly`) or throw an Error.
ensureWritable(methodName, opts) {
if (!opts.bypassReadOnly && this.isReadOnly()) {
if (atom.inDevMode() || atom.inSpecMode()) {
const e = new Error('Attempt to mutate a read-only TextEditor');
e.detail =
`Your package is attempting to call ${methodName} on an editor that has been marked read-only. ` +
'Pass {bypassReadOnly: true} to modify it anyway, or test editors with .isReadOnly() before attempting ' +
throw e;
return false;
return true;
Section: History
// Essential: Undo the last change.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
undo(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('undo', options)) return;
this.avoidMergingSelections(() =>
this.buffer.undo({ selectionsMarkerLayer: this.selectionsMarkerLayer })
// Essential: Redo the last change.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor. (default: false)
redo(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('redo', options)) return;
this.avoidMergingSelections(() =>
this.buffer.redo({ selectionsMarkerLayer: this.selectionsMarkerLayer })
// Extended: Batch multiple operations as a single undo/redo step.
// Any group of operations that are logically grouped from the perspective of
// undoing and redoing should be performed in a transaction. If you want to
// abort the transaction, call {::abortTransaction} to terminate the function's
// execution and revert any changes performed up to the abortion.
// * `groupingInterval` (optional) The {Number} of milliseconds for which this
// transaction should be considered 'groupable' after it begins. If a transaction
// with a positive `groupingInterval` is committed while the previous transaction is
// still 'groupable', the two transactions are merged with respect to undo and redo.
// * `fn` A {Function} to call inside the transaction.
transact(groupingInterval, fn) {
const options = { selectionsMarkerLayer: this.selectionsMarkerLayer };
if (typeof groupingInterval === 'function') {
fn = groupingInterval;
} else {
options.groupingInterval = groupingInterval;
return this.buffer.transact(options, fn);
// Extended: Abort an open transaction, undoing any operations performed so far
// within the transaction.
abortTransaction() {
return this.buffer.abortTransaction();
// Extended: Create a pointer to the current state of the buffer for use
// with {::revertToCheckpoint} and {::groupChangesSinceCheckpoint}.
// Returns a checkpoint value.
createCheckpoint() {
return this.buffer.createCheckpoint({
selectionsMarkerLayer: this.selectionsMarkerLayer
// Extended: Revert the buffer to the state it was in when the given
// checkpoint was created.
// The redo stack will be empty following this operation, so changes since the
// checkpoint will be lost. If the given checkpoint is no longer present in the
// undo history, no changes will be made to the buffer and this method will
// return `false`.
// * `checkpoint` The checkpoint to revert to.
// Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the operation succeeded.
revertToCheckpoint(checkpoint) {
return this.buffer.revertToCheckpoint(checkpoint);
// Extended: Group all changes since the given checkpoint into a single
// transaction for purposes of undo/redo.
// If the given checkpoint is no longer present in the undo history, no
// grouping will be performed and this method will return `false`.
// * `checkpoint` The checkpoint from which to group changes.
// Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the operation succeeded.
groupChangesSinceCheckpoint(checkpoint) {
return this.buffer.groupChangesSinceCheckpoint(checkpoint, {
selectionsMarkerLayer: this.selectionsMarkerLayer
Section: TextEditor Coordinates
// Essential: Convert a position in buffer-coordinates to screen-coordinates.
// The position is clipped via {::clipBufferPosition} prior to the conversion.
// The position is also clipped via {::clipScreenPosition} following the
// conversion, which only makes a difference when `options` are supplied.
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point} or {Array} of [row, column].
// * `options` (optional) An options hash for {::clipScreenPosition}.
// Returns a {Point}.
screenPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options) {
if (options && options.clip) {
'The `clip` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection` instead.'
if (options.clipDirection) options.clipDirection = options.clip;
if (options && options.wrapAtSoftNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapAtSoftNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapAtSoftNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
if (options && options.wrapBeyondNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapBeyondNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapBeyondNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
return this.displayLayer.translateBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options);
// Essential: Convert a position in screen-coordinates to buffer-coordinates.
// The position is clipped via {::clipScreenPosition} prior to the conversion.
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point} or {Array} of [row, column].
// * `options` (optional) An options hash for {::clipScreenPosition}.
// Returns a {Point}.
bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition, options) {
if (options && options.clip) {
'The `clip` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection` instead.'
if (options.clipDirection) options.clipDirection = options.clip;
if (options && options.wrapAtSoftNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapAtSoftNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapAtSoftNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
if (options && options.wrapBeyondNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapBeyondNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapBeyondNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
return this.displayLayer.translateScreenPosition(screenPosition, options);
// Essential: Convert a range in buffer-coordinates to screen-coordinates.
// * `bufferRange` {Range} in buffer coordinates to translate into screen coordinates.
// Returns a {Range}.
screenRangeForBufferRange(bufferRange, options) {
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange);
const start = this.screenPositionForBufferPosition(
const end = this.screenPositionForBufferPosition(bufferRange.end, options);
return new Range(start, end);
// Essential: Convert a range in screen-coordinates to buffer-coordinates.
// * `screenRange` {Range} in screen coordinates to translate into buffer coordinates.
// Returns a {Range}.
bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange) {
screenRange = Range.fromObject(screenRange);
const start = this.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenRange.start);
const end = this.bufferPositionForScreenPosition(screenRange.end);
return new Range(start, end);
// Extended: Clip the given {Point} to a valid position in the buffer.
// If the given {Point} describes a position that is actually reachable by the
// cursor based on the current contents of the buffer, it is returned
// unchanged. If the {Point} does not describe a valid position, the closest
// valid position is returned instead.
// ## Examples
// ```js
// editor.clipBufferPosition([-1, -1]) // -> `[0, 0]`
// // When the line at buffer row 2 is 10 characters long
// editor.clipBufferPosition([2, Infinity]) // -> `[2, 10]`
// ```
// * `bufferPosition` The {Point} representing the position to clip.
// Returns a {Point}.
clipBufferPosition(bufferPosition) {
return this.buffer.clipPosition(bufferPosition);
// Extended: Clip the start and end of the given range to valid positions in the
// buffer. See {::clipBufferPosition} for more information.
// * `range` The {Range} to clip.
// Returns a {Range}.
clipBufferRange(range) {
return this.buffer.clipRange(range);
// Extended: Clip the given {Point} to a valid position on screen.
// If the given {Point} describes a position that is actually reachable by the
// cursor based on the current contents of the screen, it is returned
// unchanged. If the {Point} does not describe a valid position, the closest
// valid position is returned instead.
// ## Examples
// ```js
// editor.clipScreenPosition([-1, -1]) // -> `[0, 0]`
// // When the line at screen row 2 is 10 characters long
// editor.clipScreenPosition([2, Infinity]) // -> `[2, 10]`
// ```
// * `screenPosition` The {Point} representing the position to clip.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `clipDirection` {String} If `'backward'`, returns the first valid
// position preceding an invalid position. If `'forward'`, returns the
// first valid position following an invalid position. If `'closest'`,
// returns the first valid position closest to an invalid position.
// Defaults to `'closest'`.
// Returns a {Point}.
clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options) {
if (options && options.clip) {
'The `clip` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection` instead.'
if (options.clipDirection) options.clipDirection = options.clip;
if (options && options.wrapAtSoftNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapAtSoftNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapAtSoftNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
if (options && options.wrapBeyondNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapBeyondNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapBeyondNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
return this.displayLayer.clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, options);
// Extended: Clip the start and end of the given range to valid positions on screen.
// See {::clipScreenPosition} for more information.
// * `range` The {Range} to clip.
// * `options` (optional) See {::clipScreenPosition} `options`.
// Returns a {Range}.
clipScreenRange(screenRange, options) {
screenRange = Range.fromObject(screenRange);
const start = this.displayLayer.clipScreenPosition(
const end = this.displayLayer.clipScreenPosition(screenRange.end, options);
return Range(start, end);
Section: Decorations
// Essential: Add a decoration that tracks a {DisplayMarker}. When the
// marker moves, is invalidated, or is destroyed, the decoration will be
// updated to reflect the marker's state.
// The following are the supported decorations types:
// * __line__: Adds the given CSS `class` to the lines overlapping the rows
// spanned by the marker.
// * __line-number__: Adds the given CSS `class` to the line numbers overlapping
// the rows spanned by the marker
// * __text__: Injects spans into all text overlapping the marked range, then adds
// the given `class` or `style` to these spans. Use this to manipulate the foreground
// color or styling of text in a range.
// * __highlight__: Creates an absolutely-positioned `.highlight` div to the editor
// containing nested divs that cover the marked region. For example, when the user
// selects text, the selection is implemented with a highlight decoration. The structure
// of this highlight will be:
// ```html
// <div class="highlight <your-class>">
// <!-- Will be one region for each row in the range. Spans 2 lines? There will be 2 regions. -->
// <div class="region"></div>
// </div>
// ```
// * __overlay__: Positions the view associated with the given item at the head
// or tail of the given `DisplayMarker`, depending on the `position` property.
// * __gutter__: Tracks a {DisplayMarker} in a {Gutter}. Gutter decorations are created
// by calling {Gutter::decorateMarker} on the desired `Gutter` instance.
// * __block__: Positions the view associated with the given item before or
// after the row of the given {DisplayMarker}, depending on the `position` property.
// Block decorations at the same screen row are ordered by their `order` property.
// * __cursor__: Render a cursor at the head of the {DisplayMarker}. If multiple cursor decorations
// are created for the same marker, their class strings and style objects are combined
// into a single cursor. This decoration type may be used to style existing cursors
// by passing in their markers or to render artificial cursors that don't actaully
// exist in the model by passing a marker that isn't associated with a real cursor.
// ## Arguments
// * `marker` A {DisplayMarker} you want this decoration to follow.
// * `decorationParams` An {Object} representing the decoration e.g.
// `{type: 'line-number', class: 'linter-error'}`
// * `type` Determines the behavior and appearance of this {Decoration}. Supported decoration types
// and their uses are listed above.
// * `class` This CSS class will be applied to the decorated line number,
// line, text spans, highlight regions, cursors, or overlay.
// * `style` An {Object} containing CSS style properties to apply to the
// relevant DOM node. Currently this only works with a `type` of `cursor`
// or `text`.
// * `item` (optional) An {HTMLElement} or a model {Object} with a
// corresponding view registered. Only applicable to the `gutter`,
// `overlay` and `block` decoration types.
// * `onlyHead` (optional) If `true`, the decoration will only be applied to
// the head of the `DisplayMarker`. Only applicable to the `line` and
// `line-number` decoration types.
// * `onlyEmpty` (optional) If `true`, the decoration will only be applied if
// the associated `DisplayMarker` is empty. Only applicable to the `gutter`,
// `line`, and `line-number` decoration types.
// * `onlyNonEmpty` (optional) If `true`, the decoration will only be applied
// if the associated `DisplayMarker` is non-empty. Only applicable to the
// `gutter`, `line`, and `line-number` decoration types.
// * `omitEmptyLastRow` (optional) If `false`, the decoration will be applied
// to the last row of a non-empty range, even if it ends at column 0.
// Defaults to `true`. Only applicable to the `gutter`, `line`, and
// `line-number` decoration types.
// * `position` (optional) Only applicable to decorations of type `overlay` and `block`.
// Controls where the view is positioned relative to the `TextEditorMarker`.
// Values can be `'head'` (the default) or `'tail'` for overlay decorations, and
// `'before'` (the default) or `'after'` for block decorations.
// * `order` (optional) Only applicable to decorations of type `block`. Controls
// where the view is positioned relative to other block decorations at the
// same screen row. If unspecified, block decorations render oldest to newest.
// * `avoidOverflow` (optional) Only applicable to decorations of type
// `overlay`. Determines whether the decoration adjusts its horizontal or
// vertical position to remain fully visible when it would otherwise
// overflow the editor. Defaults to `true`.
// Returns the created {Decoration} object.
decorateMarker(marker, decorationParams) {
return this.decorationManager.decorateMarker(marker, decorationParams);
// Essential: Add a decoration to every marker in the given marker layer. Can
// be used to decorate a large number of markers without having to create and
// manage many individual decorations.
// * `markerLayer` A {DisplayMarkerLayer} or {MarkerLayer} to decorate.
// * `decorationParams` The same parameters that are passed to
// {TextEditor::decorateMarker}, except the `type` cannot be `overlay` or `gutter`.
// Returns a {LayerDecoration}.
decorateMarkerLayer(markerLayer, decorationParams) {
return this.decorationManager.decorateMarkerLayer(
// Deprecated: Get all the decorations within a screen row range on the default
// layer.
// * `startScreenRow` the {Number} beginning screen row
// * `endScreenRow` the {Number} end screen row (inclusive)
// Returns an {Object} of decorations in the form
// `{1: [{id: 10, type: 'line-number', class: 'someclass'}], 2: ...}`
// where the keys are {DisplayMarker} IDs, and the values are an array of decoration
// params objects attached to the marker.
// Returns an empty object when no decorations are found
decorationsForScreenRowRange(startScreenRow, endScreenRow) {
return this.decorationManager.decorationsForScreenRowRange(
decorationsStateForScreenRowRange(startScreenRow, endScreenRow) {
return this.decorationManager.decorationsStateForScreenRowRange(
// Extended: Get all decorations.
// * `propertyFilter` (optional) An {Object} containing key value pairs that
// the returned decorations' properties must match.
// Returns an {Array} of {Decoration}s.
getDecorations(propertyFilter) {
return this.decorationManager.getDecorations(propertyFilter);
// Extended: Get all decorations of type 'line'.
// * `propertyFilter` (optional) An {Object} containing key value pairs that
// the returned decorations' properties must match.
// Returns an {Array} of {Decoration}s.
getLineDecorations(propertyFilter) {
return this.decorationManager.getLineDecorations(propertyFilter);
// Extended: Get all decorations of type 'line-number'.
// * `propertyFilter` (optional) An {Object} containing key value pairs that
// the returned decorations' properties must match.
// Returns an {Array} of {Decoration}s.
getLineNumberDecorations(propertyFilter) {
return this.decorationManager.getLineNumberDecorations(propertyFilter);
// Extended: Get all decorations of type 'highlight'.
// * `propertyFilter` (optional) An {Object} containing key value pairs that
// the returned decorations' properties must match.
// Returns an {Array} of {Decoration}s.
getHighlightDecorations(propertyFilter) {
return this.decorationManager.getHighlightDecorations(propertyFilter);
// Extended: Get all decorations of type 'overlay'.
// * `propertyFilter` (optional) An {Object} containing key value pairs that
// the returned decorations' properties must match.
// Returns an {Array} of {Decoration}s.
getOverlayDecorations(propertyFilter) {
return this.decorationManager.getOverlayDecorations(propertyFilter);
Section: Markers
// Essential: Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given range
// in buffer coordinates. This marker will maintain its logical location as the
// buffer is changed, so if you mark a particular word, the marker will remain
// over that word even if the word's location in the buffer changes.
// * `range` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}
// * `properties` A hash of key-value pairs to associate with the marker. There
// are also reserved property names that have marker-specific meaning.
// * `maintainHistory` (optional) {Boolean} Whether to store this marker's
// range before and after each change in the undo history. This allows the
// marker's position to be restored more accurately for certain undo/redo
// operations, but uses more time and memory. (default: false)
// * `reversed` (optional) {Boolean} Creates the marker in a reversed
// orientation. (default: false)
// * `invalidate` (optional) {String} Determines the rules by which changes
// to the buffer *invalidate* the marker. (default: 'overlap') It can be
// any of the following strategies, in order of fragility:
// * __never__: The marker is never marked as invalid. This is a good choice for
// markers representing selections in an editor.
// * __surround__: The marker is invalidated by changes that completely surround it.
// * __overlap__: The marker is invalidated by changes that surround the
// start or end of the marker. This is the default.
// * __inside__: The marker is invalidated by changes that extend into the
// inside of the marker. Changes that end at the marker's start or
// start at the marker's end do not invalidate the marker.
// * __touch__: The marker is invalidated by a change that touches the marked
// region in any way, including changes that end at the marker's
// start or start at the marker's end. This is the most fragile strategy.
// Returns a {DisplayMarker}.
markBufferRange(bufferRange, options) {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.markBufferRange(bufferRange, options);
// Essential: Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given range
// in screen coordinates. This marker will maintain its logical location as the
// buffer is changed, so if you mark a particular word, the marker will remain
// over that word even if the word's location in the buffer changes.
// * `range` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}
// * `properties` A hash of key-value pairs to associate with the marker. There
// are also reserved property names that have marker-specific meaning.
// * `maintainHistory` (optional) {Boolean} Whether to store this marker's
// range before and after each change in the undo history. This allows the
// marker's position to be restored more accurately for certain undo/redo
// operations, but uses more time and memory. (default: false)
// * `reversed` (optional) {Boolean} Creates the marker in a reversed
// orientation. (default: false)
// * `invalidate` (optional) {String} Determines the rules by which changes
// to the buffer *invalidate* the marker. (default: 'overlap') It can be
// any of the following strategies, in order of fragility:
// * __never__: The marker is never marked as invalid. This is a good choice for
// markers representing selections in an editor.
// * __surround__: The marker is invalidated by changes that completely surround it.
// * __overlap__: The marker is invalidated by changes that surround the
// start or end of the marker. This is the default.
// * __inside__: The marker is invalidated by changes that extend into the
// inside of the marker. Changes that end at the marker's start or
// start at the marker's end do not invalidate the marker.
// * __touch__: The marker is invalidated by a change that touches the marked
// region in any way, including changes that end at the marker's
// start or start at the marker's end. This is the most fragile strategy.
// Returns a {DisplayMarker}.
markScreenRange(screenRange, options) {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.markScreenRange(screenRange, options);
// Essential: Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given buffer
// position and no tail. To group multiple markers together in their own
// private layer, see {::addMarkerLayer}.
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point} or point-compatible {Array}
// * `options` (optional) An {Object} with the following keys:
// * `invalidate` (optional) {String} Determines the rules by which changes
// to the buffer *invalidate* the marker. (default: 'overlap') It can be
// any of the following strategies, in order of fragility:
// * __never__: The marker is never marked as invalid. This is a good choice for
// markers representing selections in an editor.
// * __surround__: The marker is invalidated by changes that completely surround it.
// * __overlap__: The marker is invalidated by changes that surround the
// start or end of the marker. This is the default.
// * __inside__: The marker is invalidated by changes that extend into the
// inside of the marker. Changes that end at the marker's start or
// start at the marker's end do not invalidate the marker.
// * __touch__: The marker is invalidated by a change that touches the marked
// region in any way, including changes that end at the marker's
// start or start at the marker's end. This is the most fragile strategy.
// Returns a {DisplayMarker}.
markBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options) {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.markBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options);
// Essential: Create a marker on the default marker layer with the given screen
// position and no tail. To group multiple markers together in their own
// private layer, see {::addMarkerLayer}.
// * `screenPosition` A {Point} or point-compatible {Array}
// * `options` (optional) An {Object} with the following keys:
// * `invalidate` (optional) {String} Determines the rules by which changes
// to the buffer *invalidate* the marker. (default: 'overlap') It can be
// any of the following strategies, in order of fragility:
// * __never__: The marker is never marked as invalid. This is a good choice for
// markers representing selections in an editor.
// * __surround__: The marker is invalidated by changes that completely surround it.
// * __overlap__: The marker is invalidated by changes that surround the
// start or end of the marker. This is the default.
// * __inside__: The marker is invalidated by changes that extend into the
// inside of the marker. Changes that end at the marker's start or
// start at the marker's end do not invalidate the marker.
// * __touch__: The marker is invalidated by a change that touches the marked
// region in any way, including changes that end at the marker's
// start or start at the marker's end. This is the most fragile strategy.
// * `clipDirection` {String} If `'backward'`, returns the first valid
// position preceding an invalid position. If `'forward'`, returns the
// first valid position following an invalid position. If `'closest'`,
// returns the first valid position closest to an invalid position.
// Defaults to `'closest'`.
// Returns a {DisplayMarker}.
markScreenPosition(screenPosition, options) {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.markScreenPosition(screenPosition, options);
// Essential: Find all {DisplayMarker}s on the default marker layer that
// match the given properties.
// This method finds markers based on the given properties. Markers can be
// associated with custom properties that will be compared with basic equality.
// In addition, there are several special properties that will be compared
// with the range of the markers rather than their properties.
// * `properties` An {Object} containing properties that each returned marker
// must satisfy. Markers can be associated with custom properties, which are
// compared with basic equality. In addition, several reserved properties
// can be used to filter markers based on their current range:
// * `startBufferRow` Only include markers starting at this row in buffer
// coordinates.
// * `endBufferRow` Only include markers ending at this row in buffer
// coordinates.
// * `containsBufferRange` Only include markers containing this {Range} or
// in range-compatible {Array} in buffer coordinates.
// * `containsBufferPosition` Only include markers containing this {Point}
// or {Array} of `[row, column]` in buffer coordinates.
// Returns an {Array} of {DisplayMarker}s
findMarkers(params) {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.findMarkers(params);
// Extended: Get the {DisplayMarker} on the default layer for the given
// marker id.
// * `id` {Number} id of the marker
getMarker(id) {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.getMarker(id);
// Extended: Get all {DisplayMarker}s on the default marker layer. Consider
// using {::findMarkers}
getMarkers() {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.getMarkers();
// Extended: Get the number of markers in the default marker layer.
// Returns a {Number}.
getMarkerCount() {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer.getMarkerCount();
destroyMarker(id) {
const marker = this.getMarker(id);
if (marker) marker.destroy();
// Essential: Create a marker layer to group related markers.
// * `options` An {Object} containing the following keys:
// * `maintainHistory` A {Boolean} indicating whether marker state should be
// restored on undo/redo. Defaults to `false`.
// * `persistent` A {Boolean} indicating whether or not this marker layer
// should be serialized and deserialized along with the rest of the
// buffer. Defaults to `false`. If `true`, the marker layer's id will be
// maintained across the serialization boundary, allowing you to retrieve
// it via {::getMarkerLayer}.
// Returns a {DisplayMarkerLayer}.
addMarkerLayer(options) {
return this.displayLayer.addMarkerLayer(options);
// Essential: Get a {DisplayMarkerLayer} by id.
// * `id` The id of the marker layer to retrieve.
// Returns a {DisplayMarkerLayer} or `undefined` if no layer exists with the
// given id.
getMarkerLayer(id) {
return this.displayLayer.getMarkerLayer(id);
// Essential: Get the default {DisplayMarkerLayer}.
// All marker APIs not tied to an explicit layer interact with this default
// layer.
// Returns a {DisplayMarkerLayer}.
getDefaultMarkerLayer() {
return this.defaultMarkerLayer;
Section: Cursors
// Essential: Get the position of the most recently added cursor in buffer
// coordinates.
// Returns a {Point}
getCursorBufferPosition() {
return this.getLastCursor().getBufferPosition();
// Essential: Get the position of all the cursor positions in buffer coordinates.
// Returns {Array} of {Point}s in the order they were added
getCursorBufferPositions() {
return this.getCursors().map(cursor => cursor.getBufferPosition());
// Essential: Move the cursor to the given position in buffer coordinates.
// If there are multiple cursors, they will be consolidated to a single cursor.
// * `position` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`
// * `options` (optional) An {Object} containing the following keys:
// * `autoscroll` Determines whether the editor scrolls to the new cursor's
// position. Defaults to true.
setCursorBufferPosition(position, options) {
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
cursor.setBufferPosition(position, options)
// Essential: Get a {Cursor} at given screen coordinates {Point}
// * `position` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`
// Returns the first matched {Cursor} or undefined
getCursorAtScreenPosition(position) {
const selection = this.getSelectionAtScreenPosition(position);
if (selection && selection.getHeadScreenPosition().isEqual(position)) {
return selection.cursor;
// Essential: Get the position of the most recently added cursor in screen
// coordinates.
// Returns a {Point}.
getCursorScreenPosition() {
return this.getLastCursor().getScreenPosition();
// Essential: Get the position of all the cursor positions in screen coordinates.
// Returns {Array} of {Point}s in the order the cursors were added
getCursorScreenPositions() {
return this.getCursors().map(cursor => cursor.getScreenPosition());
// Essential: Move the cursor to the given position in screen coordinates.
// If there are multiple cursors, they will be consolidated to a single cursor.
// * `position` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`
// * `options` (optional) An {Object} combining options for {::clipScreenPosition} with:
// * `autoscroll` Determines whether the editor scrolls to the new cursor's
// position. Defaults to true.
setCursorScreenPosition(position, options) {
if (options && options.clip) {
'The `clip` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection` instead.'
if (options.clipDirection) options.clipDirection = options.clip;
if (options && options.wrapAtSoftNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapAtSoftNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapAtSoftNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
if (options && options.wrapBeyondNewlines != null) {
"The `wrapBeyondNewlines` parameter has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, use `clipDirection: 'forward'` instead."
if (options.clipDirection)
options.clipDirection = options.wrapBeyondNewlines
? 'forward'
: 'backward';
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
cursor.setScreenPosition(position, options)
// Essential: Add a cursor at the given position in buffer coordinates.
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`
// Returns a {Cursor}.
addCursorAtBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options) {
this.selectionsMarkerLayer.markBufferPosition(bufferPosition, {
invalidate: 'never'
if (!options || options.autoscroll !== false)
return this.getLastSelection().cursor;
// Essential: Add a cursor at the position in screen coordinates.
// * `screenPosition` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`
// Returns a {Cursor}.
addCursorAtScreenPosition(screenPosition, options) {
this.selectionsMarkerLayer.markScreenPosition(screenPosition, {
invalidate: 'never'
if (!options || options.autoscroll !== false)
return this.getLastSelection().cursor;
// Essential: Returns {Boolean} indicating whether or not there are multiple cursors.
hasMultipleCursors() {
return this.getCursors().length > 1;
// Essential: Move every cursor up one row in screen coordinates.
// * `lineCount` (optional) {Number} number of lines to move
moveUp(lineCount) {
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
cursor.moveUp(lineCount, { moveToEndOfSelection: true })
// Essential: Move every cursor down one row in screen coordinates.
// * `lineCount` (optional) {Number} number of lines to move
moveDown(lineCount) {
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
cursor.moveDown(lineCount, { moveToEndOfSelection: true })
// Essential: Move every cursor left one column.
// * `columnCount` (optional) {Number} number of columns to move (default: 1)
moveLeft(columnCount) {
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
cursor.moveLeft(columnCount, { moveToEndOfSelection: true })
// Essential: Move every cursor right one column.
// * `columnCount` (optional) {Number} number of columns to move (default: 1)
moveRight(columnCount) {
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
cursor.moveRight(columnCount, { moveToEndOfSelection: true })
// Essential: Move every cursor to the beginning of its line in buffer coordinates.
moveToBeginningOfLine() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToBeginningOfLine());
// Essential: Move every cursor to the beginning of its line in screen coordinates.
moveToBeginningOfScreenLine() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToBeginningOfScreenLine());
// Essential: Move every cursor to the first non-whitespace character of its line.
moveToFirstCharacterOfLine() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToFirstCharacterOfLine());
// Essential: Move every cursor to the end of its line in buffer coordinates.
moveToEndOfLine() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToEndOfLine());
// Essential: Move every cursor to the end of its line in screen coordinates.
moveToEndOfScreenLine() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToEndOfScreenLine());
// Essential: Move every cursor to the beginning of its surrounding word.
moveToBeginningOfWord() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToBeginningOfWord());
// Essential: Move every cursor to the end of its surrounding word.
moveToEndOfWord() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToEndOfWord());
// Cursor Extended
// Extended: Move every cursor to the top of the buffer.
// If there are multiple cursors, they will be merged into a single cursor.
moveToTop() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToTop());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the bottom of the buffer.
// If there are multiple cursors, they will be merged into a single cursor.
moveToBottom() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToBottom());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the beginning of the next word.
moveToBeginningOfNextWord() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToBeginningOfNextWord());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the previous word boundary.
moveToPreviousWordBoundary() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToPreviousWordBoundary());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the next word boundary.
moveToNextWordBoundary() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToNextWordBoundary());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the previous subword boundary.
moveToPreviousSubwordBoundary() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToPreviousSubwordBoundary());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the next subword boundary.
moveToNextSubwordBoundary() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToNextSubwordBoundary());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor => cursor.moveToBeginningOfNextParagraph());
// Extended: Move every cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
moveToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph() {
return this.moveCursors(cursor =>
// Extended: Returns the most recently added {Cursor}
getLastCursor() {
return _.last(this.cursors);
// Extended: Returns the word surrounding the most recently added cursor.
// * `options` (optional) See {Cursor::getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPosition}.
getWordUnderCursor(options) {
return this.getTextInBufferRange(
// Extended: Get an Array of all {Cursor}s.
getCursors() {
return this.cursors.slice();
// Extended: Get all {Cursor}s, ordered by their position in the buffer
// instead of the order in which they were added.
// Returns an {Array} of {Selection}s.
getCursorsOrderedByBufferPosition() {
return this.getCursors().sort((a, b) =>;
cursorsForScreenRowRange(startScreenRow, endScreenRow) {
const cursors = [];
for (let marker of this.selectionsMarkerLayer.findMarkers({
intersectsScreenRowRange: [startScreenRow, endScreenRow]
})) {
const cursor = this.cursorsByMarkerId.get(;
if (cursor) cursors.push(cursor);
return cursors;
// Add a cursor based on the given {DisplayMarker}.
addCursor(marker) {
const cursor = new Cursor({
editor: this,
showCursorOnSelection: this.showCursorOnSelection
this.cursorsByMarkerId.set(, cursor);
return cursor;
moveCursors(fn) {
return this.transact(() => {
return this.mergeCursors();
cursorMoved(event) {
return this.emitter.emit('did-change-cursor-position', event);
// Merge cursors that have the same screen position
mergeCursors() {
const positions = {};
for (let cursor of this.getCursors()) {
const position = cursor.getBufferPosition().toString();
if (positions.hasOwnProperty(position)) {
} else {
positions[position] = true;
Section: Selections
// Essential: Get the selected text of the most recently added selection.
// Returns a {String}.
getSelectedText() {
return this.getLastSelection().getText();
// Essential: Get the {Range} of the most recently added selection in buffer
// coordinates.
// Returns a {Range}.
getSelectedBufferRange() {
return this.getLastSelection().getBufferRange();
// Essential: Get the {Range}s of all selections in buffer coordinates.
// The ranges are sorted by when the selections were added. Most recent at the end.
// Returns an {Array} of {Range}s.
getSelectedBufferRanges() {
return this.getSelections().map(selection => selection.getBufferRange());
// Essential: Set the selected range in buffer coordinates. If there are multiple
// selections, they are reduced to a single selection with the given range.
// * `bufferRange` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}.
// * `options` (optional) An options {Object}:
// * `reversed` A {Boolean} indicating whether to create the selection in a
// reversed orientation.
// * `preserveFolds` A {Boolean}, which if `true` preserves the fold settings after the
// selection is set.
setSelectedBufferRange(bufferRange, options) {
return this.setSelectedBufferRanges([bufferRange], options);
// Essential: Set the selected ranges in buffer coordinates. If there are multiple
// selections, they are replaced by new selections with the given ranges.
// * `bufferRanges` An {Array} of {Range}s or range-compatible {Array}s.
// * `options` (optional) An options {Object}:
// * `reversed` A {Boolean} indicating whether to create the selection in a
// reversed orientation.
// * `preserveFolds` A {Boolean}, which if `true` preserves the fold settings after the
// selection is set.
setSelectedBufferRanges(bufferRanges, options = {}) {
if (!bufferRanges.length)
throw new Error('Passed an empty array to setSelectedBufferRanges');
const selections = this.getSelections();
for (let selection of selections.slice(bufferRanges.length)) {
this.mergeIntersectingSelections(options, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < bufferRanges.length; i++) {
let bufferRange = bufferRanges[i];
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange);
if (selections[i]) {
selections[i].setBufferRange(bufferRange, options);
} else {
this.addSelectionForBufferRange(bufferRange, options);
// Essential: Get the {Range} of the most recently added selection in screen
// coordinates.
// Returns a {Range}.
getSelectedScreenRange() {
return this.getLastSelection().getScreenRange();
// Essential: Get the {Range}s of all selections in screen coordinates.
// The ranges are sorted by when the selections were added. Most recent at the end.
// Returns an {Array} of {Range}s.
getSelectedScreenRanges() {
return this.getSelections().map(selection => selection.getScreenRange());
// Essential: Set the selected range in screen coordinates. If there are multiple
// selections, they are reduced to a single selection with the given range.
// * `screenRange` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}.
// * `options` (optional) An options {Object}:
// * `reversed` A {Boolean} indicating whether to create the selection in a
// reversed orientation.
setSelectedScreenRange(screenRange, options) {
return this.setSelectedBufferRange(
this.bufferRangeForScreenRange(screenRange, options),
// Essential: Set the selected ranges in screen coordinates. If there are multiple
// selections, they are replaced by new selections with the given ranges.
// * `screenRanges` An {Array} of {Range}s or range-compatible {Array}s.
// * `options` (optional) An options {Object}:
// * `reversed` A {Boolean} indicating whether to create the selection in a
// reversed orientation.
setSelectedScreenRanges(screenRanges, options = {}) {
if (!screenRanges.length)
throw new Error('Passed an empty array to setSelectedScreenRanges');
const selections = this.getSelections();
for (let selection of selections.slice(screenRanges.length)) {
this.mergeIntersectingSelections(options, () => {
for (let i = 0; i < screenRanges.length; i++) {
let screenRange = screenRanges[i];
screenRange = Range.fromObject(screenRange);
if (selections[i]) {
selections[i].setScreenRange(screenRange, options);
} else {
this.addSelectionForScreenRange(screenRange, options);
// Essential: Add a selection for the given range in buffer coordinates.
// * `bufferRange` A {Range}
// * `options` (optional) An options {Object}:
// * `reversed` A {Boolean} indicating whether to create the selection in a
// reversed orientation.
// * `preserveFolds` A {Boolean}, which if `true` preserves the fold settings after the
// selection is set.
// Returns the added {Selection}.
addSelectionForBufferRange(bufferRange, options = {}) {
bufferRange = Range.fromObject(bufferRange);
if (!options.preserveFolds) {
[bufferRange.start, bufferRange.end],
this.selectionsMarkerLayer.markBufferRange(bufferRange, {
invalidate: 'never',
reversed: options.reversed != null ? options.reversed : false
if (options.autoscroll !== false) this.getLastSelection().autoscroll();
return this.getLastSelection();
// Essential: Add a selection for the given range in screen coordinates.
// * `screenRange` A {Range}
// * `options` (optional) An options {Object}:
// * `reversed` A {Boolean} indicating whether to create the selection in a
// reversed orientation.
// * `preserveFolds` A {Boolean}, which if `true` preserves the fold settings after the
// selection is set.
// Returns the added {Selection}.
addSelectionForScreenRange(screenRange, options = {}) {
return this.addSelectionForBufferRange(
// Essential: Select from the current cursor position to the given position in
// buffer coordinates.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
// * `position` An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
selectToBufferPosition(position) {
const lastSelection = this.getLastSelection();
return this.mergeIntersectingSelections({
reversed: lastSelection.isReversed()
// Essential: Select from the current cursor position to the given position in
// screen coordinates.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
// * `position` An instance of {Point}, with a given `row` and `column`.
selectToScreenPosition(position, options) {
const lastSelection = this.getLastSelection();
lastSelection.selectToScreenPosition(position, options);
if (!options || !options.suppressSelectionMerge) {
return this.mergeIntersectingSelections({
reversed: lastSelection.isReversed()
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection one character upward while
// preserving the selection's tail position.
// * `rowCount` (optional) {Number} number of rows to select (default: 1)
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectUp(rowCount) {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection one character downward while
// preserving the selection's tail position.
// * `rowCount` (optional) {Number} number of rows to select (default: 1)
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectDown(rowCount) {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection one character leftward while
// preserving the selection's tail position.
// * `columnCount` (optional) {Number} number of columns to select (default: 1)
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectLeft(columnCount) {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection one character rightward while
// preserving the selection's tail position.
// * `columnCount` (optional) {Number} number of columns to select (default: 1)
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectRight(columnCount) {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Essential: Select from the top of the buffer to the end of the last selection
// in the buffer.
// This method merges multiple selections into a single selection.
selectToTop() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection => selection.selectToTop());
// Essential: Selects from the top of the first selection in the buffer to the end
// of the buffer.
// This method merges multiple selections into a single selection.
selectToBottom() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Essential: Select all text in the buffer.
// This method merges multiple selections into a single selection.
selectAll() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection => selection.selectAll());
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection to the beginning of its line
// while preserving the selection's tail position.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToBeginningOfLine() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection to the first non-whitespace
// character of its line while preserving the selection's tail position. If the
// cursor is already on the first character of the line, move it to the
// beginning of the line.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToFirstCharacterOfLine() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Essential: Move the cursor of each selection to the end of its line while
// preserving the selection's tail position.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToEndOfLine() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Essential: Expand selections to the beginning of their containing word.
// Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the
// containing word while preserving the selection's tail position.
selectToBeginningOfWord() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Essential: Expand selections to the end of their containing word.
// Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the end of the containing
// word while preserving the selection's tail position.
selectToEndOfWord() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, move its cursor to the preceding subword
// boundary while maintaining the selection's tail position.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToPreviousSubwordBoundary() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, move its cursor to the next subword boundary
// while maintaining the selection's tail position.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToNextSubwordBoundary() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Essential: For each cursor, select the containing line.
// This method merges selections on successive lines.
selectLinesContainingCursors() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection => selection.selectLine());
// Essential: Select the word surrounding each cursor.
selectWordsContainingCursors() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection => selection.selectWord());
// Selection Extended
// Extended: For each selection, move its cursor to the preceding word boundary
// while maintaining the selection's tail position.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToPreviousWordBoundary() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, move its cursor to the next word boundary while
// maintaining the selection's tail position.
// This method may merge selections that end up intersecting.
selectToNextWordBoundary() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Extended: Expand selections to the beginning of the next word.
// Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next
// word while preserving the selection's tail position.
selectToBeginningOfNextWord() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Extended: Expand selections to the beginning of the next paragraph.
// Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next
// paragraph while preserving the selection's tail position.
selectToBeginningOfNextParagraph() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Extended: Expand selections to the beginning of the next paragraph.
// Operates on all selections. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next
// paragraph while preserving the selection's tail position.
selectToBeginningOfPreviousParagraph() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Extended: For each selection, select the syntax node that contains
// that selection.
selectLargerSyntaxNode() {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
if (!languageMode.getRangeForSyntaxNodeContainingRange) return;
this.expandSelectionsForward(selection => {
const currentRange = selection.getBufferRange();
const newRange = languageMode.getRangeForSyntaxNodeContainingRange(
if (newRange) {
if (!selection._rangeStack) selection._rangeStack = [];
// Extended: Undo the effect a preceding call to {::selectLargerSyntaxNode}.
selectSmallerSyntaxNode() {
this.expandSelectionsForward(selection => {
if (selection._rangeStack) {
const lastRange =
selection._rangeStack[selection._rangeStack.length - 1];
if (lastRange && selection.getBufferRange().containsRange(lastRange)) {
// Extended: Select the range of the given marker if it is valid.
// * `marker` A {DisplayMarker}
// Returns the selected {Range} or `undefined` if the marker is invalid.
selectMarker(marker) {
if (marker.isValid()) {
const range = marker.getBufferRange();
return range;
// Extended: Get the most recently added {Selection}.
// Returns a {Selection}.
getLastSelection() {
return _.last(this.selections);
getSelectionAtScreenPosition(position) {
const markers = this.selectionsMarkerLayer.findMarkers({
containsScreenPosition: position
if (markers.length > 0)
return this.cursorsByMarkerId.get(markers[0].id).selection;
// Extended: Get current {Selection}s.
// Returns: An {Array} of {Selection}s.
getSelections() {
return this.selections.slice();
// Extended: Get all {Selection}s, ordered by their position in the buffer
// instead of the order in which they were added.
// Returns an {Array} of {Selection}s.
getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition() {
return this.getSelections().sort((a, b) =>;
// Extended: Determine if a given range in buffer coordinates intersects a
// selection.
// * `bufferRange` A {Range} or range-compatible {Array}.
// Returns a {Boolean}.
selectionIntersectsBufferRange(bufferRange) {
return this.getSelections().some(selection =>
// Selections Private
// Add a similarly-shaped selection to the next eligible line below
// each selection.
// Operates on all selections. If the selection is empty, adds an empty
// selection to the next following non-empty line as close to the current
// selection's column as possible. If the selection is non-empty, adds a
// selection to the next line that is long enough for a non-empty selection
// starting at the same column as the current selection to be added to it.
addSelectionBelow() {
return this.expandSelectionsForward(selection =>
// Add a similarly-shaped selection to the next eligible line above
// each selection.
// Operates on all selections. If the selection is empty, adds an empty
// selection to the next preceding non-empty line as close to the current
// selection's column as possible. If the selection is non-empty, adds a
// selection to the next line that is long enough for a non-empty selection
// starting at the same column as the current selection to be added to it.
addSelectionAbove() {
return this.expandSelectionsBackward(selection =>
// Calls the given function with each selection, then merges selections
expandSelectionsForward(fn) {
this.mergeIntersectingSelections(() => this.getSelections().forEach(fn));
// Calls the given function with each selection, then merges selections in the
// reversed orientation
expandSelectionsBackward(fn) {
this.mergeIntersectingSelections({ reversed: true }, () =>
finalizeSelections() {
for (let selection of this.getSelections()) {
selectionsForScreenRows(startRow, endRow) {
return this.getSelections().filter(selection =>
selection.intersectsScreenRowRange(startRow, endRow)
// Merges intersecting selections. If passed a function, it executes
// the function with merging suppressed, then merges intersecting selections
// afterward.
mergeIntersectingSelections(...args) {
return this.mergeSelections(
(previousSelection, currentSelection) => {
const exclusive =
!currentSelection.isEmpty() && !previousSelection.isEmpty();
return previousSelection.intersectsWith(currentSelection, exclusive);
mergeSelectionsOnSameRows(...args) {
return this.mergeSelections(
(previousSelection, currentSelection) => {
const screenRange = currentSelection.getScreenRange();
return previousSelection.intersectsScreenRowRange(
avoidMergingSelections(...args) {
return this.mergeSelections(...args, () => false);
mergeSelections(...args) {
const mergePredicate = args.pop();
let fn = args.pop();
let options = args.pop();
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
options = fn;
fn = () => {};
if (this.suppressSelectionMerging) return fn();
this.suppressSelectionMerging = true;
const result = fn();
this.suppressSelectionMerging = false;
const selections = this.getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition();
let lastSelection = selections.shift();
for (const selection of selections) {
if (mergePredicate(lastSelection, selection)) {
lastSelection.merge(selection, options);
} else {
lastSelection = selection;
return result;
// Add a {Selection} based on the given {DisplayMarker}.
// * `marker` The {DisplayMarker} to highlight
// * `options` (optional) An {Object} that pertains to the {Selection} constructor.
// Returns the new {Selection}.
addSelection(marker, options = {}) {
const cursor = this.addCursor(marker);
let selection = new Selection(
Object.assign({ editor: this, marker, cursor }, options)
const selectionBufferRange = selection.getBufferRange();
this.mergeIntersectingSelections({ preserveFolds: options.preserveFolds });
if (selection.destroyed) {
for (selection of this.getSelections()) {
if (selection.intersectsBufferRange(selectionBufferRange))
return selection;
} else {
this.emitter.emit('did-add-cursor', cursor);
this.emitter.emit('did-add-selection', selection);
return selection;
// Remove the given selection.
removeSelection(selection) {
_.remove(this.cursors, selection.cursor);
_.remove(this.selections, selection);
this.emitter.emit('did-remove-cursor', selection.cursor);
return this.emitter.emit('did-remove-selection', selection);
// Reduce one or more selections to a single empty selection based on the most
// recently added cursor.
clearSelections(options) {
// Reduce multiple selections to the least recently added selection.
consolidateSelections() {
const selections = this.getSelections();
if (selections.length > 1) {
for (let selection of selections.slice(1, selections.length)) {
selections[0].autoscroll({ center: true });
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Called by the selection
selectionRangeChanged(event) {
if (this.component) this.component.didChangeSelectionRange();
this.emitter.emit('did-change-selection-range', event);
createLastSelectionIfNeeded() {
if (this.selections.length === 0) {
this.addSelectionForBufferRange([[0, 0], [0, 0]], {
autoscroll: false,
preserveFolds: true
Section: Searching and Replacing
// Essential: Scan regular expression matches in the entire buffer, calling the
// given iterator function on each match.
// `::scan` functions as the replace method as well via the `replace`
// If you're programmatically modifying the results, you may want to try
// {::backwardsScanInBufferRange} to avoid tripping over your own changes.
// * `regex` A {RegExp} to search for.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `leadingContextLineCount` {Number} default `0`; The number of lines
// before the matched line to include in the results object.
// * `trailingContextLineCount` {Number} default `0`; The number of lines
// after the matched line to include in the results object.
// * `iterator` A {Function} that's called on each match
// * `object` {Object}
// * `match` The current regular expression match.
// * `matchText` A {String} with the text of the match.
// * `range` The {Range} of the match.
// * `stop` Call this {Function} to terminate the scan.
// * `replace` Call this {Function} with a {String} to replace the match.
scan(regex, options = {}, iterator) {
if (_.isFunction(options)) {
iterator = options;
options = {};
return this.buffer.scan(regex, options, iterator);
// Essential: Scan regular expression matches in a given range, calling the given
// iterator function on each match.
// * `regex` A {RegExp} to search for.
// * `range` A {Range} in which to search.
// * `iterator` A {Function} that's called on each match with an {Object}
// containing the following keys:
// * `match` The current regular expression match.
// * `matchText` A {String} with the text of the match.
// * `range` The {Range} of the match.
// * `stop` Call this {Function} to terminate the scan.
// * `replace` Call this {Function} with a {String} to replace the match.
scanInBufferRange(regex, range, iterator) {
return this.buffer.scanInRange(regex, range, iterator);
// Essential: Scan regular expression matches in a given range in reverse order,
// calling the given iterator function on each match.
// * `regex` A {RegExp} to search for.
// * `range` A {Range} in which to search.
// * `iterator` A {Function} that's called on each match with an {Object}
// containing the following keys:
// * `match` The current regular expression match.
// * `matchText` A {String} with the text of the match.
// * `range` The {Range} of the match.
// * `stop` Call this {Function} to terminate the scan.
// * `replace` Call this {Function} with a {String} to replace the match.
backwardsScanInBufferRange(regex, range, iterator) {
return this.buffer.backwardsScanInRange(regex, range, iterator);
Section: Tab Behavior
// Essential: Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether softTabs are enabled for this
// editor.
getSoftTabs() {
return this.softTabs;
// Essential: Enable or disable soft tabs for this editor.
// * `softTabs` A {Boolean}
setSoftTabs(softTabs) {
this.softTabs = softTabs;
this.update({ softTabs: this.softTabs });
// Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether atomic soft tabs are enabled for this editor.
hasAtomicSoftTabs() {
return this.displayLayer.atomicSoftTabs;
// Essential: Toggle soft tabs for this editor
toggleSoftTabs() {
// Essential: Get the on-screen length of tab characters.
// Returns a {Number}.
getTabLength() {
return this.displayLayer.tabLength;
// Essential: Set the on-screen length of tab characters. Setting this to a
// {Number} This will override the `editor.tabLength` setting.
// * `tabLength` {Number} length of a single tab. Setting to `null` will
// fallback to using the `editor.tabLength` config setting
setTabLength(tabLength) {
this.update({ tabLength });
// Returns an {Object} representing the current invisible character
// substitutions for this editor, whose keys are names of invisible characters
// and whose values are 1-character {Strings}s that are displayed in place of
// those invisible characters
getInvisibles() {
if (! && this.showInvisibles && this.invisibles != null) {
return this.invisibles;
} else {
return {};
doesShowIndentGuide() {
return this.showIndentGuide && !;
getSoftWrapHangingIndentLength() {
return this.displayLayer.softWrapHangingIndent;
// Extended: Determine if the buffer uses hard or soft tabs.
// Returns `true` if the first non-comment line with leading whitespace starts
// with a space character. Returns `false` if it starts with a hard tab (`\t`).
// Returns a {Boolean} or undefined if no non-comment lines had leading
// whitespace.
usesSoftTabs() {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
const hasIsRowCommented = languageMode.isRowCommented;
for (
let bufferRow = 0, end = Math.min(1000, this.buffer.getLastRow());
bufferRow <= end;
) {
if (hasIsRowCommented && languageMode.isRowCommented(bufferRow)) continue;
const line = this.buffer.lineForRow(bufferRow);
if (line[0] === ' ') return true;
if (line[0] === '\t') return false;
// Extended: Get the text representing a single level of indent.
// If soft tabs are enabled, the text is composed of N spaces, where N is the
// tab length. Otherwise the text is a tab character (`\t`).
// Returns a {String}.
getTabText() {
return this.buildIndentString(1);
// If soft tabs are enabled, convert all hard tabs to soft tabs in the given
// {Range}.
normalizeTabsInBufferRange(bufferRange) {
if (!this.getSoftTabs()) {
return this.scanInBufferRange(/\t/g, bufferRange, ({ replace }) =>
Section: Soft Wrap Behavior
// Essential: Determine whether lines in this editor are soft-wrapped.
// Returns a {Boolean}.
isSoftWrapped() {
return this.softWrapped;
// Essential: Enable or disable soft wrapping for this editor.
// * `softWrapped` A {Boolean}
// Returns a {Boolean}.
setSoftWrapped(softWrapped) {
this.update({ softWrapped });
return this.isSoftWrapped();
getPreferredLineLength() {
return this.preferredLineLength;
// Essential: Toggle soft wrapping for this editor
// Returns a {Boolean}.
toggleSoftWrapped() {
return this.setSoftWrapped(!this.isSoftWrapped());
// Essential: Gets the column at which column will soft wrap
getSoftWrapColumn() {
if (this.isSoftWrapped() && ! {
if (this.softWrapAtPreferredLineLength) {
return Math.min(this.getEditorWidthInChars(), this.preferredLineLength);
} else {
return this.getEditorWidthInChars();
} else {
return this.maxScreenLineLength;
Section: Indentation
// Essential: Get the indentation level of the given buffer row.
// Determines how deeply the given row is indented based on the soft tabs and
// tab length settings of this editor. Note that if soft tabs are enabled and
// the tab length is 2, a row with 4 leading spaces would have an indentation
// level of 2.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number} indicating the buffer row.
// Returns a {Number}.
indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow) {
return this.indentLevelForLine(this.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow));
// Essential: Set the indentation level for the given buffer row.
// Inserts or removes hard tabs or spaces based on the soft tabs and tab length
// settings of this editor in order to bring it to the given indentation level.
// Note that if soft tabs are enabled and the tab length is 2, a row with 4
// leading spaces would have an indentation level of 2.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number} indicating the buffer row.
// * `newLevel` A {Number} indicating the new indentation level.
// * `options` (optional) An {Object} with the following keys:
// * `preserveLeadingWhitespace` `true` to preserve any whitespace already at
// the beginning of the line (default: false).
{ preserveLeadingWhitespace } = {}
) {
let endColumn;
if (preserveLeadingWhitespace) {
endColumn = 0;
} else {
endColumn = this.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow).match(/^\s*/)[0].length;
const newIndentString = this.buildIndentString(newLevel);
return this.buffer.setTextInRange(
[[bufferRow, 0], [bufferRow, endColumn]],
// Extended: Indent rows intersecting selections by one level.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
indentSelectedRows(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('indentSelectedRows', options)) return;
return this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: Outdent rows intersecting selections by one level.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
outdentSelectedRows(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('outdentSelectedRows', options)) return;
return this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Extended: Get the indentation level of the given line of text.
// Determines how deeply the given line is indented based on the soft tabs and
// tab length settings of this editor. Note that if soft tabs are enabled and
// the tab length is 2, a row with 4 leading spaces would have an indentation
// level of 2.
// * `line` A {String} representing a line of text.
// Returns a {Number}.
indentLevelForLine(line) {
const tabLength = this.getTabLength();
let indentLength = 0;
for (let i = 0, { length } = line; i < length; i++) {
const char = line[i];
if (char === '\t') {
indentLength += tabLength - (indentLength % tabLength);
} else if (char === ' ') {
} else {
return indentLength / tabLength;
// Extended: Indent rows intersecting selections based on the grammar's suggested
// indent level.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
autoIndentSelectedRows(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('autoIndentSelectedRows', options)) return;
return this.mutateSelectedText(selection =>
// Indent all lines intersecting selections. See {Selection::indent} for more
// information.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
indent(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('indent', options)) return;
if (options.autoIndent == null)
options.autoIndent = this.shouldAutoIndent();
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => selection.indent(options));
// Constructs the string used for indents.
buildIndentString(level, column = 0) {
if (this.getSoftTabs()) {
const tabStopViolation = column % this.getTabLength();
return _.multiplyString(
' ',
Math.floor(level * this.getTabLength()) - tabStopViolation
} else {
const excessWhitespace = _.multiplyString(
' ',
Math.round((level - Math.floor(level)) * this.getTabLength())
return _.multiplyString('\t', Math.floor(level)) + excessWhitespace;
Section: Grammars
// Essential: Get the current {Grammar} of this editor.
getGrammar() {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
return (
(languageMode.getGrammar && languageMode.getGrammar()) || NullGrammar
// Deprecated: Set the current {Grammar} of this editor.
// Assigning a grammar will cause the editor to re-tokenize based on the new
// grammar.
// * `grammar` {Grammar}
setGrammar(grammar) {
const buffer = this.getBuffer();
atom.grammars.languageModeForGrammarAndBuffer(grammar, buffer)
// Experimental: Get a notification when async tokenization is completed.
onDidTokenize(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-tokenize', callback);
Section: Managing Syntax Scopes
// Essential: Returns a {ScopeDescriptor} that includes this editor's language.
// e.g. `['.source.ruby']`, or `['']`. You can use this with
// {Config::get} to get language specific config values.
getRootScopeDescriptor() {
return this.buffer.getLanguageMode().rootScopeDescriptor;
// Essential: Get the syntactic {ScopeDescriptor} for the given position in buffer
// coordinates. Useful with {Config::get}.
// For example, if called with a position inside the parameter list of an
// anonymous CoffeeScript function, this method returns a {ScopeDescriptor} with
// the following scopes array:
// `["", "", "", ""]`
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`.
// Returns a {ScopeDescriptor}.
scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(bufferPosition) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
return languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition
? languageMode.scopeDescriptorForPosition(bufferPosition)
: new ScopeDescriptor({ scopes: ['text'] });
// Essential: Get the syntactic tree {ScopeDescriptor} for the given position in buffer
// coordinates or the syntactic {ScopeDescriptor} for TextMate language mode
// For example, if called with a position inside the parameter list of a
// JavaScript class function, this method returns a {ScopeDescriptor} with
// the following syntax nodes array:
// `["source.js", "program", "expression_statement", "assignment_expression", "class", "class_body", "method_definition", "formal_parameters", "identifier"]`
// if tree-sitter is used
// and the following scopes array:
// `["source.js"]`
// if textmate is used
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point} or {Array} of `[row, column]`.
// Returns a {ScopeDescriptor}.
syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(bufferPosition) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
return languageMode.syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForPosition
? languageMode.syntaxTreeScopeDescriptorForPosition(bufferPosition)
: this.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition(bufferPosition);
// Extended: Get the range in buffer coordinates of all tokens surrounding the
// cursor that match the given scope selector.
// For example, if you wanted to find the string surrounding the cursor, you
// could call `editor.bufferRangeForScopeAtCursor(".string.quoted")`.
// * `scopeSelector` {String} selector. e.g. `'.source.ruby'`
// Returns a {Range}.
bufferRangeForScopeAtCursor(scopeSelector) {
return this.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(
bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(scopeSelector, position) {
return this.buffer
.bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition(scopeSelector, position);
// Extended: Determine if the given row is entirely a comment
isBufferRowCommented(bufferRow) {
const match = this.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow).match(/\S/);
if (match) {
if (!this.commentScopeSelector)
this.commentScopeSelector = new TextMateScopeSelector('comment.*');
return this.commentScopeSelector.matches(
this.scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition([bufferRow, match.index]).scopes
// Get the scope descriptor at the cursor.
getCursorScope() {
return this.getLastCursor().getScopeDescriptor();
// Get the syntax nodes at the cursor.
getCursorSyntaxTreeScope() {
return this.getLastCursor().getSyntaxTreeScopeDescriptor();
tokenForBufferPosition(bufferPosition) {
return this.buffer.getLanguageMode().tokenForPosition(bufferPosition);
Section: Clipboard Operations
// Essential: For each selection, copy the selected text.
copySelectedText() {
let maintainClipboard = false;
for (let selection of this.getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition()) {
if (selection.isEmpty()) {
const previousRange = selection.getBufferRange();
selection.copy(maintainClipboard, true);
} else {
selection.copy(maintainClipboard, false);
maintainClipboard = true;
// Private: For each selection, only copy highlighted text.
copyOnlySelectedText() {
let maintainClipboard = false;
for (let selection of this.getSelectionsOrderedByBufferPosition()) {
if (!selection.isEmpty()) {
selection.copy(maintainClipboard, false);
maintainClipboard = true;
// Essential: For each selection, cut the selected text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
cutSelectedText(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('cutSelectedText', options)) return;
let maintainClipboard = false;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => {
if (selection.isEmpty()) {
selection.cut(maintainClipboard, true, options.bypassReadOnly);
} else {
selection.cut(maintainClipboard, false, options.bypassReadOnly);
maintainClipboard = true;
// Essential: For each selection, replace the selected text with the contents of
// the clipboard.
// If the clipboard contains the same number of selections as the current
// editor, each selection will be replaced with the content of the
// corresponding clipboard selection text.
// * `options` (optional) See {Selection::insertText}.
pasteText(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('parseText', options)) return;
options = Object.assign({}, options);
let {
text: clipboardText,
} = this.constructor.clipboard.readWithMetadata();
if (!this.emitWillInsertTextEvent(clipboardText)) return false;
if (!metadata) metadata = {};
if (options.autoIndent == null)
options.autoIndent = this.shouldAutoIndentOnPaste();
this.mutateSelectedText((selection, index) => {
let fullLine, indentBasis, text;
if (
metadata.selections &&
metadata.selections.length === this.getSelections().length
) {
({ text, indentBasis, fullLine } = metadata.selections[index]);
} else {
({ indentBasis, fullLine } = metadata);
text = clipboardText;
if (
indentBasis != null &&
(text.includes('\n') ||
) {
options.indentBasis = indentBasis;
} else {
options.indentBasis = null;
let range;
if (fullLine && selection.isEmpty()) {
const oldPosition = selection.getBufferRange().start;
selection.setBufferRange([[oldPosition.row, 0], [oldPosition.row, 0]]);
range = selection.insertText(text, options);
const newPosition = oldPosition.translate([1, 0]);
selection.setBufferRange([newPosition, newPosition]);
} else {
range = selection.insertText(text, options);
this.emitter.emit('did-insert-text', { text, range });
// Essential: For each selection, if the selection is empty, cut all characters
// of the containing screen line following the cursor. Otherwise cut the selected
// text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
cutToEndOfLine(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('cutToEndOfLine', options)) return;
let maintainClipboard = false;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => {
selection.cutToEndOfLine(maintainClipboard, options);
maintainClipboard = true;
// Essential: For each selection, if the selection is empty, cut all characters
// of the containing buffer line following the cursor. Otherwise cut the
// selected text.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `bypassReadOnly` (optional) {Boolean} Must be `true` to modify a read-only editor.
cutToEndOfBufferLine(options = {}) {
if (!this.ensureWritable('cutToEndOfBufferLine', options)) return;
let maintainClipboard = false;
this.mutateSelectedText(selection => {
selection.cutToEndOfBufferLine(maintainClipboard, options);
maintainClipboard = true;
Section: Folds
// Essential: Fold the most recent cursor's row based on its indentation level.
// The fold will extend from the nearest preceding line with a lower
// indentation level up to the nearest following row with a lower indentation
// level.
foldCurrentRow() {
const { row } = this.getCursorBufferPosition();
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
const range =
languageMode.getFoldableRangeContainingPoint &&
Point(row, Infinity),
if (range) return this.displayLayer.foldBufferRange(range);
// Essential: Unfold the most recent cursor's row by one level.
unfoldCurrentRow() {
const { row } = this.getCursorBufferPosition();
return this.displayLayer.destroyFoldsContainingBufferPositions(
[Point(row, Infinity)],
// Essential: Fold the given row in buffer coordinates based on its indentation
// level.
// If the given row is foldable, the fold will begin there. Otherwise, it will
// begin at the first foldable row preceding the given row.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number}.
foldBufferRow(bufferRow) {
let position = Point(bufferRow, Infinity);
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
while (true) {
const foldableRange =
languageMode.getFoldableRangeContainingPoint &&
if (foldableRange) {
const existingFolds = this.displayLayer.foldsIntersectingBufferRange(
Range(foldableRange.start, foldableRange.start)
if (existingFolds.length === 0) {
} else {
const firstExistingFoldRange = this.displayLayer.bufferRangeForFold(
if (firstExistingFoldRange.start.isLessThan(position)) {
position = Point(firstExistingFoldRange.start.row, 0);
// Essential: Unfold all folds containing the given row in buffer coordinates.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number}
unfoldBufferRow(bufferRow) {
const position = Point(bufferRow, Infinity);
return this.displayLayer.destroyFoldsContainingBufferPositions([position]);
// Extended: For each selection, fold the rows it intersects.
foldSelectedLines() {
for (let selection of this.selections) {
// Extended: Fold all foldable lines.
foldAll() {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
const foldableRanges =
languageMode.getFoldableRanges &&
for (let range of foldableRanges || []) {
// Extended: Unfold all existing folds.
unfoldAll() {
const result = this.displayLayer.destroyAllFolds();
if (result.length > 0) this.scrollToCursorPosition();
return result;
// Extended: Fold all foldable lines at the given indent level.
// * `level` A {Number} starting at 0.
foldAllAtIndentLevel(level) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
const foldableRanges =
languageMode.getFoldableRangesAtIndentLevel &&
languageMode.getFoldableRangesAtIndentLevel(level, this.getTabLength());
for (let range of foldableRanges || []) {
// Extended: Determine whether the given row in buffer coordinates is foldable.
// A *foldable* row is a row that *starts* a row range that can be folded.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number}
// Returns a {Boolean}.
isFoldableAtBufferRow(bufferRow) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
return (
languageMode.isFoldableAtRow && languageMode.isFoldableAtRow(bufferRow)
// Extended: Determine whether the given row in screen coordinates is foldable.
// A *foldable* row is a row that *starts* a row range that can be folded.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number}
// Returns a {Boolean}.
isFoldableAtScreenRow(screenRow) {
return this.isFoldableAtBufferRow(this.bufferRowForScreenRow(screenRow));
// Extended: Fold the given buffer row if it isn't currently folded, and unfold
// it otherwise.
toggleFoldAtBufferRow(bufferRow) {
if (this.isFoldedAtBufferRow(bufferRow)) {
return this.unfoldBufferRow(bufferRow);
} else {
return this.foldBufferRow(bufferRow);
// Extended: Determine whether the most recently added cursor's row is folded.
// Returns a {Boolean}.
isFoldedAtCursorRow() {
return this.isFoldedAtBufferRow(this.getCursorBufferPosition().row);
// Extended: Determine whether the given row in buffer coordinates is folded.
// * `bufferRow` A {Number}
// Returns a {Boolean}.
isFoldedAtBufferRow(bufferRow) {
const range = Range(
Point(bufferRow, 0),
Point(bufferRow, this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(bufferRow))
return this.displayLayer.foldsIntersectingBufferRange(range).length > 0;
// Extended: Determine whether the given row in screen coordinates is folded.
// * `screenRow` A {Number}
// Returns a {Boolean}.
isFoldedAtScreenRow(screenRow) {
return this.isFoldedAtBufferRow(this.bufferRowForScreenRow(screenRow));
// Creates a new fold between two row numbers.
// startRow - The row {Number} to start folding at
// endRow - The row {Number} to end the fold
// Returns the new {Fold}.
foldBufferRowRange(startRow, endRow) {
return this.foldBufferRange(
Range(Point(startRow, Infinity), Point(endRow, Infinity))
foldBufferRange(range) {
return this.displayLayer.foldBufferRange(range);
// Remove any {Fold}s found that intersect the given buffer range.
destroyFoldsIntersectingBufferRange(bufferRange) {
return this.displayLayer.destroyFoldsIntersectingBufferRange(bufferRange);
// Remove any {Fold}s found that contain the given array of buffer positions.
destroyFoldsContainingBufferPositions(bufferPositions, excludeEndpoints) {
return this.displayLayer.destroyFoldsContainingBufferPositions(
Section: Gutters
// Essential: Add a custom {Gutter}.
// * `options` An {Object} with the following fields:
// * `name` (required) A unique {String} to identify this gutter.
// * `priority` (optional) A {Number} that determines stacking order between
// gutters. Lower priority items are forced closer to the edges of the
// window. (default: -100)
// * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} specifying whether the gutter is visible
// initially after being created. (default: true)
// * `type` (optional) {String} specifying the type of gutter to create. `'decorated'`
// gutters are useful as a destination for decorations created with {Gutter::decorateMarker}.
// `'line-number'` gutters.
// * `class` (optional) {String} added to the CSS classnames of the gutter's root DOM element.
// * `labelFn` (optional) {Function} called by a `'line-number'` gutter to generate the label for each line number
// element. Should return a {String} that will be used to label the corresponding line.
// * `lineData` an {Object} containing information about each line to label.
// * `bufferRow` {Number} indicating the zero-indexed buffer index of this line.
// * `screenRow` {Number} indicating the zero-indexed screen index.
// * `foldable` {Boolean} that is `true` if a fold may be created here.
// * `softWrapped` {Boolean} if this screen row is the soft-wrapped continuation of the same buffer row.
// * `maxDigits` {Number} the maximum number of digits necessary to represent any known screen row.
// * `onMouseDown` (optional) {Function} to be called when a mousedown event is received by a line-number
// element within this `type: 'line-number'` {Gutter}. If unspecified, the default behavior is to select the
// clicked buffer row.
// * `lineData` an {Object} containing information about the line that's being clicked.
// * `bufferRow` {Number} of the originating line element
// * `screenRow` {Number}
// * `onMouseMove` (optional) {Function} to be called when a mousemove event occurs on a line-number element within
// within this `type: 'line-number'` {Gutter}.
// * `lineData` an {Object} containing information about the line that's being clicked.
// * `bufferRow` {Number} of the originating line element
// * `screenRow` {Number}
// Returns the newly-created {Gutter}.
addGutter(options) {
return this.gutterContainer.addGutter(options);
// Essential: Get this editor's gutters.
// Returns an {Array} of {Gutter}s.
getGutters() {
return this.gutterContainer.getGutters();
getLineNumberGutter() {
return this.lineNumberGutter;
// Essential: Get the gutter with the given name.
// Returns a {Gutter}, or `null` if no gutter exists for the given name.
gutterWithName(name) {
return this.gutterContainer.gutterWithName(name);
Section: Scrolling the TextEditor
// Essential: Scroll the editor to reveal the most recently added cursor if it is
// off-screen.
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `center` Center the editor around the cursor if possible. (default: true)
scrollToCursorPosition(options) {
center: options && !== false
// Essential: Scrolls the editor to the given buffer position.
// * `bufferPosition` An object that represents a buffer position. It can be either
// an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `center` Center the editor around the position if possible. (default: false)
scrollToBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options) {
return this.scrollToScreenPosition(
// Essential: Scrolls the editor to the given screen position.
// * `screenPosition` An object that represents a screen position. It can be either
// an {Object} (`{row, column}`), {Array} (`[row, column]`), or {Point}
// * `options` (optional) {Object}
// * `center` Center the editor around the position if possible. (default: false)
scrollToScreenPosition(screenPosition, options) {
new Range(screenPosition, screenPosition),
scrollToTop() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::scrollToTop instead.'
scrollToBottom() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::scrollToTop instead.'
scrollToScreenRange(screenRange, options = {}) {
if (options.clip !== false) screenRange = this.clipScreenRange(screenRange);
const scrollEvent = { screenRange, options };
if (this.component) this.component.didRequestAutoscroll(scrollEvent);
this.emitter.emit('did-request-autoscroll', scrollEvent);
getHorizontalScrollbarHeight() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getHorizontalScrollbarHeight instead.'
return this.getElement().getHorizontalScrollbarHeight();
getVerticalScrollbarWidth() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getVerticalScrollbarWidth instead.'
return this.getElement().getVerticalScrollbarWidth();
pageUp() {
pageDown() {
selectPageUp() {
selectPageDown() {
// Returns the number of rows per page
getRowsPerPage() {
if (this.component) {
const clientHeight = this.component.getScrollContainerClientHeight();
const lineHeight = this.component.getLineHeight();
return Math.max(1, Math.ceil(clientHeight / lineHeight));
} else {
return 1;
Section: Config
// Experimental: Is auto-indentation enabled for this editor?
// Returns a {Boolean}.
shouldAutoIndent() {
return this.autoIndent;
// Experimental: Is auto-indentation on paste enabled for this editor?
// Returns a {Boolean}.
shouldAutoIndentOnPaste() {
return this.autoIndentOnPaste;
// Experimental: Does this editor allow scrolling past the last line?
// Returns a {Boolean}.
getScrollPastEnd() {
if (this.getAutoHeight()) {
return false;
} else {
return this.scrollPastEnd;
// Experimental: How fast does the editor scroll in response to mouse wheel
// movements?
// Returns a positive {Number}.
getScrollSensitivity() {
return this.scrollSensitivity;
// Experimental: Does this editor show cursors while there is a selection?
// Returns a positive {Boolean}.
getShowCursorOnSelection() {
return this.showCursorOnSelection;
// Experimental: Are line numbers enabled for this editor?
// Returns a {Boolean}
doesShowLineNumbers() {
return this.showLineNumbers;
// Experimental: Get the time interval within which text editing operations
// are grouped together in the editor's undo history.
// Returns the time interval {Number} in milliseconds.
getUndoGroupingInterval() {
return this.undoGroupingInterval;
// Experimental: Get the characters that are *not* considered part of words,
// for the purpose of word-based cursor movements.
// Returns a {String} containing the non-word characters.
getNonWordCharacters(position) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
return (
(languageMode.getNonWordCharacters &&
languageMode.getNonWordCharacters(position || Point(0, 0))) ||
Section: Event Handlers
handleLanguageModeChange() {
if (this.languageModeSubscription) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
if (
this.component &&
this.component.visible &&
) {
this.languageModeSubscription =
languageMode.onDidTokenize &&
languageMode.onDidTokenize(() => {
if (this.languageModeSubscription)
this.emitter.emit('did-change-grammar', languageMode.grammar);
Section: TextEditor Rendering
// Get the Element for the editor.
getElement() {
if (!this.component) {
if (!TextEditorComponent)
TextEditorComponent = require('./text-editor-component');
if (!TextEditorElement)
TextEditorElement = require('./text-editor-element');
this.component = new TextEditorComponent({
model: this,
updatedSynchronously: TextEditorElement.prototype.updatedSynchronously,
initialScrollTopRow: this.initialScrollTopRow,
initialScrollLeftColumn: this.initialScrollLeftColumn
return this.component.element;
getAllowedLocations() {
return ['center'];
// Essential: Retrieves the greyed out placeholder of a mini editor.
// Returns a {String}.
getPlaceholderText() {
return this.placeholderText;
// Essential: Set the greyed out placeholder of a mini editor. Placeholder text
// will be displayed when the editor has no content.
// * `placeholderText` {String} text that is displayed when the editor has no content.
setPlaceholderText(placeholderText) {
this.update({ placeholderText });
pixelPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition) {
'This method is deprecated on the model layer. Use `TextEditorElement::pixelPositionForBufferPosition` instead'
return this.getElement().pixelPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition);
pixelPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition) {
'This method is deprecated on the model layer. Use `TextEditorElement::pixelPositionForScreenPosition` instead'
return this.getElement().pixelPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition);
getVerticalScrollMargin() {
const maxScrollMargin = Math.floor(
(this.height / this.getLineHeightInPixels() - 1) / 2
return Math.min(this.verticalScrollMargin, maxScrollMargin);
setVerticalScrollMargin(verticalScrollMargin) {
this.verticalScrollMargin = verticalScrollMargin;
return this.verticalScrollMargin;
getHorizontalScrollMargin() {
return Math.min(
Math.floor((this.width / this.getDefaultCharWidth() - 1) / 2)
setHorizontalScrollMargin(horizontalScrollMargin) {
this.horizontalScrollMargin = horizontalScrollMargin;
return this.horizontalScrollMargin;
getLineHeightInPixels() {
return this.lineHeightInPixels;
setLineHeightInPixels(lineHeightInPixels) {
this.lineHeightInPixels = lineHeightInPixels;
return this.lineHeightInPixels;
getKoreanCharWidth() {
return this.koreanCharWidth;
getHalfWidthCharWidth() {
return this.halfWidthCharWidth;
getDoubleWidthCharWidth() {
return this.doubleWidthCharWidth;
getDefaultCharWidth() {
return this.defaultCharWidth;
ratioForCharacter(character) {
if (isKoreanCharacter(character)) {
return this.getKoreanCharWidth() / this.getDefaultCharWidth();
} else if (isHalfWidthCharacter(character)) {
return this.getHalfWidthCharWidth() / this.getDefaultCharWidth();
} else if (isDoubleWidthCharacter(character)) {
return this.getDoubleWidthCharWidth() / this.getDefaultCharWidth();
} else {
return 1;
) {
if (doubleWidthCharWidth == null) {
doubleWidthCharWidth = defaultCharWidth;
if (halfWidthCharWidth == null) {
halfWidthCharWidth = defaultCharWidth;
if (koreanCharWidth == null) {
koreanCharWidth = defaultCharWidth;
if (
defaultCharWidth !== this.defaultCharWidth ||
(doubleWidthCharWidth !== this.doubleWidthCharWidth &&
halfWidthCharWidth !== this.halfWidthCharWidth &&
koreanCharWidth !== this.koreanCharWidth)
) {
this.defaultCharWidth = defaultCharWidth;
this.doubleWidthCharWidth = doubleWidthCharWidth;
this.halfWidthCharWidth = halfWidthCharWidth;
this.koreanCharWidth = koreanCharWidth;
if (this.isSoftWrapped()) {
softWrapColumn: this.getSoftWrapColumn()
return defaultCharWidth;
setHeight(height) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::setHeight instead.'
getHeight() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getHeight instead.'
return this.getElement().getHeight();
getAutoHeight() {
return this.autoHeight != null ? this.autoHeight : true;
getAutoWidth() {
return this.autoWidth != null ? this.autoWidth : false;
setWidth(width) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::setWidth instead.'
getWidth() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getWidth instead.'
return this.getElement().getWidth();
// Use setScrollTopRow instead of this method
setFirstVisibleScreenRow(screenRow) {
getFirstVisibleScreenRow() {
return this.getElement().component.getFirstVisibleRow();
getLastVisibleScreenRow() {
return this.getElement().component.getLastVisibleRow();
getVisibleRowRange() {
return [this.getFirstVisibleScreenRow(), this.getLastVisibleScreenRow()];
// Use setScrollLeftColumn instead of this method
setFirstVisibleScreenColumn(column) {
return this.setScrollLeftColumn(column);
getFirstVisibleScreenColumn() {
return this.getElement().component.getFirstVisibleColumn();
getScrollTop() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getScrollTop instead.'
return this.getElement().getScrollTop();
setScrollTop(scrollTop) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::setScrollTop instead.'
getScrollBottom() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getScrollBottom instead.'
return this.getElement().getScrollBottom();
setScrollBottom(scrollBottom) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::setScrollBottom instead.'
getScrollLeft() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getScrollLeft instead.'
return this.getElement().getScrollLeft();
setScrollLeft(scrollLeft) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::setScrollLeft instead.'
getScrollRight() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getScrollRight instead.'
return this.getElement().getScrollRight();
setScrollRight(scrollRight) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::setScrollRight instead.'
getScrollHeight() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getScrollHeight instead.'
return this.getElement().getScrollHeight();
getScrollWidth() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getScrollWidth instead.'
return this.getElement().getScrollWidth();
getMaxScrollTop() {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::getMaxScrollTop instead.'
return this.getElement().getMaxScrollTop();
getScrollTopRow() {
return this.getElement().component.getScrollTopRow();
setScrollTopRow(scrollTopRow) {
getScrollLeftColumn() {
return this.getElement().component.getScrollLeftColumn();
setScrollLeftColumn(scrollLeftColumn) {
intersectsVisibleRowRange(startRow, endRow) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::intersectsVisibleRowRange instead.'
return this.getElement().intersectsVisibleRowRange(startRow, endRow);
selectionIntersectsVisibleRowRange(selection) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::selectionIntersectsVisibleRowRange instead.'
return this.getElement().selectionIntersectsVisibleRowRange(selection);
screenPositionForPixelPosition(pixelPosition) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::screenPositionForPixelPosition instead.'
return this.getElement().screenPositionForPixelPosition(pixelPosition);
pixelRectForScreenRange(screenRange) {
'This is now a view method. Call TextEditorElement::pixelRectForScreenRange instead.'
return this.getElement().pixelRectForScreenRange(screenRange);
Section: Utility
inspect() {
return `<TextEditor ${}>`;
emitWillInsertTextEvent(text) {
let result = true;
const cancel = () => {
result = false;
this.emitter.emit('will-insert-text', { cancel, text });
return result;
Section: Language Mode Delegated Methods
suggestedIndentForBufferRow(bufferRow, options) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
return (
languageMode.suggestedIndentForBufferRow &&
// Given a buffer row, indent it.
// * bufferRow - The row {Number}.
// * options - An options {Object} to pass through to {TextEditor::setIndentationForBufferRow}.
autoIndentBufferRow(bufferRow, options) {
const indentLevel = this.suggestedIndentForBufferRow(bufferRow, options);
return this.setIndentationForBufferRow(bufferRow, indentLevel, options);
// Indents all the rows between two buffer row numbers.
// * startRow - The row {Number} to start at
// * endRow - The row {Number} to end at
autoIndentBufferRows(startRow, endRow) {
let row = startRow;
while (row <= endRow) {
autoDecreaseIndentForBufferRow(bufferRow) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
const indentLevel =
languageMode.suggestedIndentForEditedBufferRow &&
if (indentLevel != null)
this.setIndentationForBufferRow(bufferRow, indentLevel);
toggleLineCommentForBufferRow(row) {
this.toggleLineCommentsForBufferRows(row, row);
toggleLineCommentsForBufferRows(start, end, options = {}) {
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
let { commentStartString, commentEndString } =
(languageMode.commentStringsForPosition &&
languageMode.commentStringsForPosition(new Point(start, 0))) ||
if (!commentStartString) return;
commentStartString = commentStartString.trim();
if (commentEndString) {
commentEndString = commentEndString.trim();
const startDelimiterColumnRange = columnRangeForStartDelimiter(
if (startDelimiterColumnRange) {
const endDelimiterColumnRange = columnRangeForEndDelimiter(
if (endDelimiterColumnRange) {
this.buffer.transact(() => {
[end, endDelimiterColumnRange[0]],
[end, endDelimiterColumnRange[1]]
[start, startDelimiterColumnRange[0]],
[start, startDelimiterColumnRange[1]]
} else {
this.buffer.transact(() => {
const indentLength = this.buffer.lineForRow(start).match(/^\s*/)[0]
this.buffer.insert([start, indentLength], commentStartString + ' ');
[end, this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(end)],
' ' + commentEndString
// Prevent the cursor from selecting / passing the delimiters
// See
if (options.correctSelection && options.selection) {
const endLineLength = this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(end);
const oldRange = options.selection.getBufferRange();
if (oldRange.isEmpty()) {
if (oldRange.start.column === endLineLength) {
const endCol = endLineLength - commentEndString.length - 1;
[[end, endCol], [end, endCol]],
{ autoscroll: false }
} else {
const startDelta =
oldRange.start.column === indentLength
? [0, commentStartString.length + 1]
: [0, 0];
const endDelta =
oldRange.end.column === endLineLength
? [0, -commentEndString.length - 1]
: [0, 0];
oldRange.translate(startDelta, endDelta),
{ autoscroll: false }
} else {
let hasCommentedLines = false;
let hasUncommentedLines = false;
for (let row = start; row <= end; row++) {
const line = this.buffer.lineForRow(row);
if (NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(line)) {
if (columnRangeForStartDelimiter(line, commentStartString)) {
hasCommentedLines = true;
} else {
hasUncommentedLines = true;
const shouldUncomment = hasCommentedLines && !hasUncommentedLines;
if (shouldUncomment) {
for (let row = start; row <= end; row++) {
const columnRange = columnRangeForStartDelimiter(
if (columnRange)
this.buffer.delete([[row, columnRange[0]], [row, columnRange[1]]]);
} else {
let minIndentLevel = Infinity;
let minBlankIndentLevel = Infinity;
for (let row = start; row <= end; row++) {
const line = this.buffer.lineForRow(row);
const indentLevel = this.indentLevelForLine(line);
if (NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(line)) {
if (indentLevel < minIndentLevel) minIndentLevel = indentLevel;
} else {
if (indentLevel < minBlankIndentLevel)
minBlankIndentLevel = indentLevel;
minIndentLevel = Number.isFinite(minIndentLevel)
? minIndentLevel
: Number.isFinite(minBlankIndentLevel)
? minBlankIndentLevel
: 0;
const indentString = this.buildIndentString(minIndentLevel);
for (let row = start; row <= end; row++) {
const line = this.buffer.lineForRow(row);
if (NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(line)) {
const indentColumn = columnForIndentLevel(
Point(row, indentColumn),
commentStartString + ' '
} else {
new Range(new Point(row, 0), new Point(row, Infinity)),
indentString + commentStartString + ' '
rowRangeForParagraphAtBufferRow(bufferRow) {
if (!NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(this.lineTextForBufferRow(bufferRow)))
const languageMode = this.buffer.getLanguageMode();
const isCommented = languageMode.isRowCommented(bufferRow);
let startRow = bufferRow;
while (startRow > 0) {
if (!NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(this.lineTextForBufferRow(startRow - 1)))
if (languageMode.isRowCommented(startRow - 1) !== isCommented) break;
let endRow = bufferRow;
const rowCount = this.getLineCount();
while (endRow + 1 < rowCount) {
if (!NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(this.lineTextForBufferRow(endRow + 1)))
if (languageMode.isRowCommented(endRow + 1) !== isCommented) break;
return new Range(
new Point(startRow, 0),
new Point(endRow, this.buffer.lineLengthForRow(endRow))
function columnForIndentLevel(line, indentLevel, tabLength) {
let column = 0;
let indentLength = 0;
const goalIndentLength = indentLevel * tabLength;
while (indentLength < goalIndentLength) {
const char = line[column];
if (char === '\t') {
indentLength += tabLength - (indentLength % tabLength);
} else if (char === ' ') {
} else {
return column;
function columnRangeForStartDelimiter(line, delimiter) {
const startColumn =;
if (startColumn === -1) return null;
if (!line.startsWith(delimiter, startColumn)) return null;
let endColumn = startColumn + delimiter.length;
if (line[endColumn] === ' ') endColumn++;
return [startColumn, endColumn];
function columnRangeForEndDelimiter(line, delimiter) {
let startColumn = line.lastIndexOf(delimiter);
if (startColumn === -1) return null;
const endColumn = startColumn + delimiter.length;
if (NON_WHITESPACE_REGEXP.test(line.slice(endColumn))) return null;
if (line[startColumn - 1] === ' ') startColumn--;
return [startColumn, endColumn];
class ChangeEvent {
constructor({ oldRange, newRange }) {
this.oldRange = oldRange;
this.newRange = newRange;
get start() {
return this.newRange.start;
get oldExtent() {
return this.oldRange.getExtent();
get newExtent() {
return this.newRange.getExtent();