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-- Copyright (C) 2015-2016 secunet Security Networks AG
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
with HW;
use type HW.Pos64;
use type HW.Word32;
package HW.GFX is
-- implementation only supports 4800p for now ;-)
subtype Width_Type is Pos32 range 1 .. 4800;
subtype Height_Type is Pos32 range 1 .. 7680;
Auto_BPC : constant := 5;
subtype BPC_Type is Int64 range Auto_BPC .. 16;
type Framebuffer_Type is
Width : Width_Type;
Height : Height_Type;
BPC : BPC_Type;
Stride : Width_Type;
Offset : Word32;
end record;
Default_FB : constant Framebuffer_Type := Framebuffer_Type'
(Width => 1,
Height => 1,
BPC => 8,
Stride => 1,
Offset => 0);
subtype Frequency_Type is Pos64 range 25_000_000 .. 600_000_000;
type DP_Lane_Count is (DP_Lane_Count_1, DP_Lane_Count_2, DP_Lane_Count_4);
subtype DP_Lane_Count_Type is Pos64 range 1 .. 4;
type DP_Lane_Count_Integers is array (DP_Lane_Count) of DP_Lane_Count_Type;
Lane_Count_As_Integer : constant DP_Lane_Count_Integers :=
(DP_Lane_Count_1 => 1, DP_Lane_Count_2 => 2, DP_Lane_Count_4 => 4);
type DP_Bandwidth is (DP_Bandwidth_1_62, DP_Bandwidth_2_7, DP_Bandwidth_5_4);
for DP_Bandwidth use
(DP_Bandwidth_1_62 => 6, DP_Bandwidth_2_7 => 10, DP_Bandwidth_5_4 => 20);
for DP_Bandwidth'Size use 8;
subtype DP_Symbol_Rate_Type is Pos64 range 1 .. 810_000_000;
type DP_Symbol_Rate_Array is array (DP_Bandwidth) of DP_Symbol_Rate_Type;
DP_Symbol_Rate : constant DP_Symbol_Rate_Array := DP_Symbol_Rate_Array'
(DP_Bandwidth_1_62 => 162_000_000,
DP_Bandwidth_2_7 => 270_000_000,
DP_Bandwidth_5_4 => 540_000_000);
type DP_Caps is record
Rev : Word8;
Max_Link_Rate : DP_Bandwidth;
Max_Lane_Count : DP_Lane_Count;
TPS3_Supported : Boolean;
Enhanced_Framing : Boolean;
No_Aux_Handshake : Boolean;
Aux_RD_Interval : Word8;
end record;
type DP_Link is
Receiver_Caps : DP_Caps;
Lane_Count : DP_Lane_Count;
Bandwidth : DP_Bandwidth;
Enhanced_Framing : Boolean;
Opportunistic_Training : Boolean;
end record;
Default_DP : constant DP_Link := DP_Link'
(Receiver_Caps => DP_Caps'
(Rev => 16#00#,
Max_Link_Rate => DP_Bandwidth'First,
Max_Lane_Count => DP_Lane_Count'First,
TPS3_Supported => False,
Enhanced_Framing => False,
No_Aux_Handshake => False,
Aux_RD_Interval => 16#00#),
Lane_Count => DP_Lane_Count'First,
Bandwidth => DP_Bandwidth'First,
Enhanced_Framing => False,
Opportunistic_Training => False);
type Mode_Type is
Dotclock : Frequency_Type;
H_Visible : Pos16;
H_Sync_Begin : Pos16;
H_Sync_End : Pos16;
H_Total : Pos16;
V_Visible : Pos16;
V_Sync_Begin : Pos16;
V_Sync_End : Pos16;
V_Total : Pos16;
H_Sync_Active_High : Boolean;
V_Sync_Active_High : Boolean;
BPC : BPC_Type;
end record;
-- Constants
-- modeline constants
-- Dotclock is calculated using: Refresh_Rate * H_Total * V_Total
M2560x1600_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2720*1646), 2560, 2608, 2640, 2720, 1600, 1603, 1609, 1646, True, True, Auto_BPC);
M2560x1440_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2720*1481), 2560, 2608, 2640, 2720, 1440, 1443, 1448, 1481, True, False, Auto_BPC);
M1920x1200_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2080*1235), 1920, 1968, 2000, 2080, 1200, 1203, 1209, 1235, False, False, Auto_BPC);
M1920x1080_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2185*1135), 1920, 2008, 2052, 2185, 1080, 1084, 1089, 1135, False, False, Auto_BPC);
M1680x1050_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2256*1087), 1680, 1784, 1968, 2256, 1050, 1051, 1054, 1087, False, True, Auto_BPC);
M1600x1200_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2160*1250), 1600, 1664, 1856, 2160, 1200, 1201, 1204, 1250, True, True, Auto_BPC);
M1600x900_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(2010*912), 1600, 1664, 1706, 2010, 900, 903, 906, 912, False, False, Auto_BPC);
M1440x900_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(1834*920), 1440, 1488, 1520, 1834, 900, 903, 909, 920, False, False, Auto_BPC);
M1366x768_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(1446*788), 1366, 1414, 1446, 1466, 768, 769, 773, 788, False, False, Auto_BPC);
M1280x1024_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(1712*1063), 1280, 1368, 1496, 1712, 1024, 1027, 1034, 1063, False, True, Auto_BPC);
M1024x768_60 : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(60*(1344*806), 1024, 1048, 1184, 1344, 768, 771, 777, 806, False, False, Auto_BPC);
Invalid_Mode : constant Mode_Type := Mode_Type'
(Frequency_Type'First, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, False, False, Auto_BPC);
end HW.GFX;