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-- Copyright (C) 2015-2016 secunet Security Networks AG
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
private package HW.GFX.GMA.Config
Initializes => Valid_Port_GPU
CPU : constant CPU_Type := <<CPU>>;
CPU_Var : constant CPU_Variant := <<CPU_VARIANT>>;
Internal_Display : constant Internal_Type := <<INTERNAL_PORT>>;
EDP_Low_Voltage_Swing : constant Boolean := False;
Default_MMIO_Base : constant := <<DEFAULT_MMIO_BASE>>;
LVDS_Dual_Threshold : constant := 95_000_000;
Has_Internal_Display : constant Boolean := Internal_Display /= None;
Internal_Is_EDP : constant Boolean := Internal_Display = DP;
----- CPU pipe: --------
Disable_Trickle_Feed : constant Boolean := not
(CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell);
Pipe_Enabled_Workaround : constant Boolean := CPU = Broadwell;
Has_EDP_Pipe : constant Boolean := CPU >= Haswell;
Has_Pipe_DDI_Func : constant Boolean := CPU >= Haswell;
Has_Trans_Clk_Sel : constant Boolean := CPU >= Haswell;
Has_Pipe_MSA_Misc : constant Boolean := CPU >= Haswell;
Has_Pipeconf_Misc : constant Boolean := CPU >= Broadwell;
Has_Pipeconf_BPC : constant Boolean := CPU /= Haswell;
Has_Plane_Control : constant Boolean := CPU >= Skylake;
Has_DSP_Linoff : constant Boolean := CPU <= Ivybridge;
----- Panel power: -----
Has_PP_Write_Protection : constant Boolean := CPU <= Ivybridge;
Has_PP_Port_Select : constant Boolean := CPU <= Ivybridge;
Use_PP_VDD_Override : constant Boolean := CPU <= Ivybridge;
----- PCH/FDI: ---------
Has_PCH_DAC : constant Boolean := CPU in Ironlake .. Ivybridge or
(CPU in Broadwell .. Haswell
and CPU_Var = Normal);
Has_PCH_Aux_Channels : constant Boolean := CPU in Ironlake .. Broadwell;
VGA_Has_Sync_Disable : constant Boolean := CPU <= Ivybridge;
Has_Trans_Timing_Ovrrde : constant Boolean := CPU >= Sandybridge;
Has_DPLL_SEL : constant Boolean := CPU in Ironlake .. Ivybridge;
Has_FDI_BPC : constant Boolean := CPU in Ironlake .. Ivybridge;
Has_FDI_Composite_Sel : constant Boolean := CPU = Ivybridge;
Has_Trans_DP_Ctl : constant Boolean := CPU in
Sandybridge .. Ivybridge;
Has_FDI_C : constant Boolean := CPU = Ivybridge;
Has_FDI_RX_Power_Down : constant Boolean := CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell;
----- DDI: -------------
End_EDP_Training_Late : constant Boolean := CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell;
Has_Per_DDI_Clock_Sel : constant Boolean := CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell;
Has_HOTPLUG_CTL : constant Boolean := CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell;
Has_SHOTPLUG_CTL_A : constant Boolean := (CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell
and CPU_Var = ULT) or
CPU >= Skylake;
Has_DDI_D : constant Boolean := (CPU in Haswell .. Broadwell
and CPU_Var = Normal)
or CPU >= Skylake;
Has_Low_Voltage_Swing : constant Boolean := CPU >= Skylake;
Need_DP_Aux_Mutex : constant Boolean := False; -- Skylake & (PSR | GTC)
Ungate_GMBUS_Unit_Level : constant Boolean := CPU >= Skylake;
----- Power: -----------
Has_IPS : constant Boolean := (CPU = Haswell and
CPU_Var = ULT) or
CPU = Broadwell;
Has_IPS_CTL_Mailbox : constant Boolean := CPU = Broadwell;
Has_Per_Pipe_SRD : constant Boolean := CPU >= Broadwell;
----- GTT: -----
Fold_39Bit_GTT_PTE : constant Boolean := CPU <= Haswell;
type Supported_Pipe_Array is array (Config_Index) of Boolean;
Supported_Pipe : constant Supported_Pipe_Array :=
(Primary => True,
Secondary => True,
Tertiary => CPU >= Ivybridge);
type Valid_Per_Port is array (Port_Type) of Boolean;
type Valid_Per_GPU is array (CPU_Type) of Valid_Per_Port;
Valid_Port_GPU : Valid_Per_GPU :=
(Ironlake => Valid_Per_Port'
(Disabled => False,
Internal => Config.Internal_Display = LVDS,
others => True),
Sandybridge => Valid_Per_Port'
(Disabled => False,
Internal => Config.Internal_Display = LVDS,
others => True),
Ivybridge => Valid_Per_Port'
(Disabled => False,
Internal => Config.Internal_Display /= None,
others => True),
Haswell => Valid_Per_Port'
(Disabled => False,
Internal => Config.Internal_Display = DP,
Digital3 => CPU_Var = Normal,
DP3 => CPU_Var = Normal,
Analog => CPU_Var = Normal,
others => True),
Broadwell => Valid_Per_Port'
(Disabled => False,
Internal => Config.Internal_Display = DP,
Digital3 => CPU_Var = Normal,
DP3 => CPU_Var = Normal,
Analog => CPU_Var = Normal,
others => True),
Skylake => Valid_Per_Port'
(Disabled => False,
Internal => Config.Internal_Display = DP,
Analog => False,
others => True))
Part_Of => GMA.Config_State;
Valid_Port : Valid_Per_Port renames Valid_Port_GPU (CPU);
type FDI_Per_Port is array (GPU_Port) of Boolean;
type FDI_Per_GPU is array (CPU_Type) of FDI_Per_Port;
FDI_GPU : constant FDI_Per_GPU :=
(Ironlake => FDI_Per_Port'
(DIGI_A => False, -- directly connected eDP
DIGI_B => True,
DIGI_C => True,
DIGI_D => True,
others => False),
Sandybridge => FDI_Per_Port'
(DIGI_A => False, -- directly connected eDP
DIGI_B => True,
DIGI_C => True,
DIGI_D => True,
others => False),
Ivybridge => FDI_Per_Port'
(DIGI_A => False, -- directly connected eDP
DIGI_B => True,
DIGI_C => True,
DIGI_D => True,
others => False),
Haswell => FDI_Per_Port'
(DIGI_A => False,
DIGI_B => False,
DIGI_C => False,
DIGI_D => False,
DIGI_E => True, -- VGA option through FDI
others => False),
Broadwell => FDI_Per_Port'
(DIGI_A => False,
DIGI_B => False,
DIGI_C => False,
DIGI_D => False,
DIGI_E => CPU_Var = Normal, -- VGA option through FDI
others => False),
Skylake => FDI_Per_Port'
(others => False));
FDI_Port : FDI_Per_Port renames FDI_GPU (CPU);
type FDI_Lanes_Per_Port is array (GPU_Port) of DP_Lane_Count;
FDI_Lane_Count : constant FDI_Lanes_Per_Port :=
(DIGI_D => DP_Lane_Count_2,
others =>
(if CPU in Ironlake .. Ivybridge then
FDI_Training : constant FDI_Training_Type :=
(case CPU is
when Ironlake => Simple_Training,
when Sandybridge => Full_Training,
when others => Auto_Training);
end HW.GFX.GMA.Config;