gfx_test: Set our own framebuffers up, update README

Use GMA.Setup_Default_FB() to allocate framebuffers in the stolen
memory. To help with setups where we can't unload the i915 driver,
back up and restore the current GTT setup and framebuffer contents.

Also add a wrapper script and update the README.

Change-Id: I10790d35d38b7b211f41b2452f6d2baf17372e31
Signed-off-by: Nico Huber <>
Reviewed-by: Arthur Heymans <>
This commit is contained in:
Nico Huber 2017-07-15 22:27:14 +02:00
parent 42fb2d065d
commit 3b654a0991
3 changed files with 177 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -45,11 +45,15 @@ in `configs/`, e.g.:
or overwrite the config filename by specifying `cnf=<configfile>` on
the make command line.
By default most debug messages won't be compiled into the binary. To
include them into the build, set `DEBUG=1` on the command line or in
your `.config`.
Let's install *libhwbase*. We'll need `configs/linux` to build regular
Linux executables:
$ cd libhwbase
$ make cnf=configs/linux install
$ make DEBUG=1 cnf=configs/linux install
By default this installs into a new subdirectory `dest`. You can however
overwrite this decision by specifying `DESTDIR=`.
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ The makefile knows an additional target `gfx_test` to build a small
Linux test application:
$ cd ../libgfxinit
$ make cnf=configs/sandybridge gfx_test
$ make DEBUG=1 cnf=configs/sandybridge gfx_test
The resulting binary is `build/gfx_test`.
@ -73,20 +77,19 @@ The resulting binary is `build/gfx_test`.
Testing libgfxinit on Linux
In its current state `gfx_test` doesn't know how to set up a frame-
buffer. It just assumes that enough memory is mapped. This is known
to work well, after running the VBIOS but before the Linux driver
*i915* took over (e.g. when booting with `nomodeset` in the kernel
command line or with *i915* blacklisted). After running *i915* it
only works by chance.
`gfx_test` sets up its own framebuffer in the *stolen memory*. It
backs any current framebuffer mapping and contents up first and re-
stores it before exiting. This works somehow even while the *i915*
driver is running. A wrapper script `gfxtest/` is pro-
vided to help with the setup. It switches to a text console first
and tries to unload the *i915* driver. But ignores failures to do
so (it won't work if you still have any application running that
uses the gfx driver, e.g. an X server).
When running `gfx_test` (as root), it will access the graphics hard-
ware through the sysfs PCI interface. The path is
for all supported platforms.
# gfxtest/
If you chose the right config above, you should be presented with a
nice test image. However, `gfx_test` is one-way only: The graphics
hardware will stay in this state, until another driver takes over.
nice test image. But please be prepared that your console might be
stuck in that state afterwards. You can try to run it with *i915*
deactivated then (e.g. when booting with `nomodeset` in the kernel
command line or with *i915* blacklisted) and loading it afterwards.

gfxtest/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
set -e
usage="Usage: $0 [seconds]\n"
command -v chvt >/dev/null || err_msgs="${err_msgs}"'Need `chvt`\n'
command -v openvt >/dev/null || err_msgs="${err_msgs}"'Need `openvt`\n'
command -v fgconsole >/dev/null || err_msgs="${err_msgs}"'Need `fgconsole`\n'
[ -n "$err_msgs" ] && err_msgs="${err_msgs}"'e.g. install the `kbd` package\n'
[ -x build/gfx_test ] || \
err_msgs="${err_msgs}"'Please run from *libgfxinit* source dir and build `gfx_test` first.\n'
[ "$#" -gt 1 ] && err_msgs="${err_msgs}${usage}"
if [ -n "$err_msgs" ]; then
printf "$err_msgs"
exit 1
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
# default duration of 5s
set 5
prepare_vt() {
# switch VT, we might be in X
openvt -s -- true
# poll until the VT switch is done
while [ `fgconsole` -eq $orig_vt ]; do :; done
# take i915 out of charge
echo 0 >/sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
# try unloading it
if lsmod | grep -q i915 && modprobe -r i915 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
restore_vt() {
# reload i915
if [ $reload_i915 -eq 1 ]; then
modprobe i915
# put i915 back in charge
echo 1 >/sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
# return to original VT
chvt $orig_vt
build/gfx_test "$@" || true

View File

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Command_Line;
with Interfaces.C;
with HW.Time;
with HW.Debug;
with HW.PCI.Dev;
with HW.MMIO_Range;
with HW.GFX.GMA;
with HW.GFX.GMA.Config;
with HW.GFX.GMA.Display_Probing;
package body HW.GFX.GMA.GFX_Test
@ -14,6 +16,32 @@ is
package Dev is new PCI.Dev (PCI.Address'(0, 2, 0));
type GTT_PTE_Type is mod 2 ** (Config.GTT_PTE_Size * 8);
type GTT_Registers_Type is array (GTT_Range) of GTT_PTE_Type;
package GTT is new MMIO_Range
(Base_Addr => 0,
Element_T => GTT_PTE_Type,
Index_T => GTT_Range,
Array_T => GTT_Registers_Type);
GTT_Backup : GTT_Registers_Type;
procedure Backup_GTT
for Idx in GTT_Range loop
GTT.Read (GTT_Backup (Idx), Idx);
end loop;
end Backup_GTT;
procedure Restore_GTT
for Idx in GTT_Range loop
GTT.Write (Idx, GTT_Backup (Idx));
end loop;
end Restore_GTT;
type Pixel_Type is record
Red : Byte;
Green : Byte;
@ -46,7 +74,27 @@ is
package Screen is new MMIO_Range (0, Word32, Screen_Index, Screen_Type);
Pipes : GMA.Pipe_Configs;
Screen_Backup : Screen_Type;
procedure Backup_Screen (FB : Framebuffer_Type)
First : constant Screen_Index := Natural (FB.Offset) / 4;
Last : constant Screen_Index := First + Natural (FB_Size (FB)) / 4 - 1;
for Idx in Screen_Index range First .. Last loop
Screen.Read (Screen_Backup (Idx), Idx);
end loop;
end Backup_Screen;
procedure Restore_Screen (FB : Framebuffer_Type)
First : constant Screen_Index := Natural (FB.Offset) / 4;
Last : constant Screen_Index := First + Natural (FB_Size (FB)) / 4 - 1;
for Idx in Screen_Index range First .. Last loop
Screen.Write (Idx, Screen_Backup (Idx));
end loop;
end Restore_Screen;
function Fill
(X, Y : Natural;
@ -113,11 +161,14 @@ is
Offset := Offset + Word32 (FB.Stride * FB.Height * 4);
end Calc_Framebuffer;
Pipes : GMA.Pipe_Configs;
procedure Prepare_Configs
use type HW.GFX.GMA.Port_Type;
Offset : Word32 := 0;
Success : Boolean;
GMA.Display_Probing.Scan_Ports (Pipes);
@ -127,12 +178,27 @@ is
(FB => Pipes (Pipe).Framebuffer,
Mode => Pipes (Pipe).Mode,
Offset => Offset);
(FB => Pipes (Pipe).Framebuffer,
Clear => False,
Success => Success);
if not Success then
Pipes (Pipe).Port := GMA.Disabled;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
GMA.Dump_Configs (Pipes);
end Prepare_Configs;
procedure Print_Usage
("Usage: " & Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name & " <delay seconds>");
end Print_Usage;
procedure Main
use type HW.GFX.GMA.Port_Type;
@ -141,12 +207,21 @@ is
Res_Addr : Word64;
Delay_S : Natural;
Initialized : Boolean;
function iopl (level : return;
pragma Import (C, iopl, "iopl");
if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count /= 1 then
end if;
Delay_S := Natural'Value (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
if iopl (3) /= 0 then
Debug.Put_Line ("Failed to change i/o privilege level.");
@ -158,6 +233,13 @@ is
end if;
Dev.Map (Res_Addr, PCI.Res0, Offset => Config.GTT_Offset);
if Res_Addr = 0 then
Debug.Put_Line ("Failed to map PCI resource0.");
end if;
GTT.Set_Base_Address (Res_Addr);
Dev.Map (Res_Addr, PCI.Res2, WC => True);
if Res_Addr = 0 then
Debug.Put_Line ("Failed to map PCI resource2.");
@ -170,17 +252,29 @@ is
Success => Initialized);
if Initialized then
GMA.Update_Outputs (Pipes);
for Pipe in GMA.Pipe_Index loop
if Pipes (Pipe).Port /= GMA.Disabled then
Backup_Screen (Pipes (Pipe).Framebuffer);
(Framebuffer => Pipes (Pipe).Framebuffer,
Pipe => Pipe);
end if;
end loop;
Time.M_Delay (Delay_S * 1_000);
for Pipe in GMA.Pipe_Index loop
if Pipes (Pipe).Port /= GMA.Disabled then
Restore_Screen (Pipes (Pipe).Framebuffer);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Main;