makefile: use separate directory for code coverage

When building host-based unit tests for code coverage, put the build
outputs in a different directory. Because the code coverage build
has calls into gcov library functions, a partial rebuild without code
coverage will result in undefined linker errors. The previous solution
was an inefficient cycle of `make clobber` and full rebuild when
switching between building with and without code coverage.

TEST=`make buildall -j ; make coverage -j`
Verify that build/host and build/coverage both exist, and that code
coverage data (*.gcno, *.gcda, *.info) is only in build/coverage.

Signed-off-by: Paul Fagerburg <>
Change-Id: Iac0b18068082d34546aa15b174f86efb6a7f41a7
Tested-by: Paul Fagerburg <>
Reviewed-by: Jett Rink <>
Reviewed-by: Jack Rosenthal <>
Commit-Queue: Paul Fagerburg <>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Fagerburg 2020-06-11 10:51:19 -06:00 committed by Commit Bot
parent abf6b6e1d5
commit 776fe3f999
3 changed files with 32 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -112,7 +112,9 @@ cmd_host_test = $(MAKE) BOARD=host PROJECT=$* \
V=$(V) out=build/host/$* TEST_BUILD=y EMU_BUILD=y CROSS_COMPILE= \
cmd_coverage_test = $(subst build/host,build/coverage,$(cmd_host_test))
cmd_run_host_test = ./util/run_host_test $* $(silent)
cmd_run_coverage_test = ./util/run_host_test --coverage $* $(silent)
# generate new version.h, compare if it changed and replace if so
cmd_version = ./util/ > $@.tmp && \
cmp -s $@.tmp $@ && rm -f $@.tmp || mv $@.tmp $@
@ -303,6 +305,18 @@ $(run-test-targets): run-%: host-%
$(call quiet,run_host_test,TEST )
@rm -f $(FAILED_BOARDS_DIR)/test-$*
host-coverage-targets=$(foreach t,$(test-list-host),host-coverage-$(t))
run-coverage-targets=$(foreach t,$(test-list-host),run-coverage-$(t))
.PHONY: $(host-coverage-targets) $(run-coverage-targets)
$(host-coverage-targets): host-coverage-%: | $(FAILED_BOARDS_DIR)
@touch $(FAILED_BOARDS_DIR)/test-$*
+$(call quiet,coverage_test,BUILD )
$(run-coverage-targets): run-coverage-%: host-coverage-%
$(call quiet,run_coverage_test,TEST )
@rm -f $(FAILED_BOARDS_DIR)/test-$*
.PHONY: print-host-tests
$(call cmd_pretty_print_list, \
@ -377,13 +391,13 @@ $(foreach b, $(cts_boards), \
) \
cov-test-targets=$(foreach t,$(cov-test-list-host),build/host/$(t).info)
cov-test-targets=$(foreach t,$(cov-test-list-host),build/coverage/$(t).info)
bldversion=$(shell (./util/ ; echo VERSION) | $(CPP) -P -)
# lcov fails when multiple instances run at the same time.
# We need to run them sequentially by using flock
cmd_lcov=flock /tmp/ec-lcov-lock -c "lcov -q -o $@ -c -d build/host/$*"
cmd_report_cov=genhtml -q -o build/host/coverage_rpt -t \
cmd_lcov=flock /tmp/ec-lcov-lock -c "lcov -q -o $@ -c -d build/coverage/$*"
cmd_report_cov=genhtml -q -o build/coverage/coverage_rpt -t \
"EC Unittest "$(bldversion) $^
# Unless V is set to 0 we always want the 'size:' target to report its output,
@ -420,7 +434,7 @@ cmd_stats= \
printf "%-10s: %6d\n" $$board $$size; \
build/host/ run-%
build/coverage/ run-coverage-%
$(call quiet,lcov,COV )
.PHONY: coverage

View File

@ -21,26 +21,7 @@ This target will compile and link the unit tests with `--coverage` flag (which
pulls in the `gcov` libraries), run the tests, and then process the profiling
data into a code coverage report using the `lcov` and `genhtml` tools.
The coverage report top-level page is `build/host/coverage_rpt/index.html`.
### `make clobber` is required
**Always** `make clobber` when switching from building with code coverage
to building without code coverage, or from building without code coverage
to building with code coverage. `make clean` is not sufficient.
`make buildall -j ; make clobber ; make coverage -j`
`make coverage -j ; make clobber ; make buildall -j`
If you do not `make clobber`, you will get link-time errors such as:
core/host/task.c:558: undefined reference to `__gcov_init'
build/host/online_calibration/RO/core/host/timer.o:(.data+0x5b0): undefined reference to `__gcov_merge_add'
Note that `make clobber` will delete the coverage report.
The coverage report top-level page is `build/coverage/coverage_rpt/index.html`.
### Noise in the build output

View File

@ -91,26 +91,30 @@ def run_test(path, timeout=10):
def host_test(test_name):
exec_path = pathlib.Path('build', 'host', test_name, f'{test_name}.exe')
if not exec_path.is_file():
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'No test named {test_name} exists!')
return exec_path
def parse_options(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=float, default=60,
help='Timeout to kill test after.')
parser.add_argument('test_name', type=host_test)
parser.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_const', const='coverage',
default='host', dest='test_target',
help='Flag if this is a code coverage test.')
parser.add_argument('test_name', type=str)
return parser.parse_args(argv)
def main(argv):
opts = parse_options(argv)
# Tests will be located in build/host, unless the --coverage flag was
# provided, in which case they will be in build/coverage.
exec_path = pathlib.Path('build', opts.test_target, opts.test_name,
if not exec_path.is_file():
print(f'No test named {opts.test_name} exists!')
return 1
start_time = time.monotonic()
result, output = run_test(opts.test_name, timeout=opts.timeout)
result, output = run_test(exec_path, timeout=opts.timeout)
elapsed_time = time.monotonic() - start_time
print('{} {}! ({:.3f} seconds)'.format(