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This is the initial release of the linux based build system for the STM.
Any issues or suggestions please contact me via github.
Steps for building:
(1) Create a build directory in the Stm directory.
(2) Inside the build directory issue "cmake .. " then make
--> For coreboot do "cmake .. -DBIOS=coreboot" then make
(3) The StmPkg/Core directory will contain the results of the build
--> for coreboot move stm.bin to 3rdparty/blobs/cpu/intel/stm
then configure the stm in the coreboot config menus
rebuild by doing "make clean && make"
Other files in the StmPkg directory:
(1) Stm - an elf based load module, this is passed through
objdump to produce stm.bin
(2) - loader map
Current issues:
(1) When the coreboot smi handler is handling an SMI, the STM traps an
attempted illegal access for address 0x177 when the smm_stub.S executes
the fxsave instruction. This will be resolved in a future release.
(2) The STM data areas need to be reorganized to better support D-RTM (or TXT)
and STM teardown. This will be fixed in a future release.
(3) Since this is an initial build of the STM via a different the user is cautioned
about using this on a production system