@REM @REM Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation @REM All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials @REM are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License @REM which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at @REM http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. @REM @REM THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, @REM WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. @REM @REM !!!choose DEBUG/RELEASE mode here!!! @if "%1" == "" ( @set STM_TARGET=DEBUG ) else ( @if /I "%1" == "DEBUG" ( @set STM_TARGET=DEBUG ) else ( @if /I "%1" == "RELEASE" ( @set STM_TARGET=RELEASE ) else ( @echo "%1" build is UNSUPPORTED. Please use DEBUG or RELEASE. goto end ) ) ) @if /I "%STM_TARGET%" == "DEBUG" ( @set STM_ACTIVE_PLATFORM=StmPkg\StmPkg.dsc ) else ( @set STM_ACTIVE_PLATFORM=StmPkg\StmPkgRelease.dsc ) build -p %STM_ACTIVE_PLATFORM% -a IA32 -a X64 -b %STM_TARGET% -t %TOOL_CHAIN_TAG% @if not %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 ( goto end ) @REM we should not use Stm.efi, because we need refer Stack/Heap size in PE image header. @REM we have to copy it to Stm.efi to support ITP debug. copy %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\IA32\StmPkg\Core\Stm\DEBUG\Stm.dll %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\IA32\StmPkg\Core\Stm\DEBUG\Stm.efi copy %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\X64\StmPkg\Core\Stm\DEBUG\Stm.dll %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\X64\StmPkg\Core\Stm\DEBUG\Stm.efi @REM generate final STM.BIN GenStm -e --debug 5 -o %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\IA32\Stm.bin %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\IA32\StmPkg\Core\Stm\DEBUG\Stm.dll GenStm -e --debug 5 -o %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\X64\Stm.bin %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\X64\StmPkg\Core\Stm\DEBUG\Stm.dll @echo ################################################################################ @echo # STM.BIN (IA32): %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\IA32\Stm.bin @echo # STM.BIN (x64) : %WORKSPACE%\Build\StmPkg\%STM_TARGET%_%TOOL_CHAIN_TAG%\x64\Stm.bin @echo ################################################################################ :end