MAINTAINERS.rst: cleanups, clarifications

Just some cleanups and clarifications on how I'd like to do this going
forward. The main clarifications are around SCHEMA_VERSION, since this
is changing in 0.8 and I want to make sure we're all on the same page.

Signed-off-by: Martí Bolívar <>
This commit is contained in:
Martí Bolívar 2020-09-04 18:12:48 -07:00 committed by Marti Bolivar
parent d2a0f00a17
commit e3e3a6892b
1 changed files with 59 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
Notes for maintainers cutting a release.
Notes for maintainers.
Pre-release test plan
0. If no release branch exists, fork the version numbers in the release branch
(vX.Y-branch) and the master branch. See "Cutting a release branch", below,
for details.
The rest of these steps should be done in the release branch::
git checkout vX.Y-branch
1. Make tox happy on the following first-party platforms:
- Windows 10
@ -19,14 +27,8 @@ Pre-release test plan
- Fedora
3. Build alpha N (N=1 to start, then N=2 if you need more commits, etc.) and
upload to pypi.
Make sure to check if west.manifest.SCHEMA_VERSION also needs an update
before uploading. ::
git clean -ffdx
WEST_VERSION=X.YaN python3 sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload -u zephyr-project dist/*
upload to pypi. See "Building and uploading the release wheels" below for
a procedure.
4. Install the alpha on test platforms. ::
@ -59,16 +61,14 @@ Pre-release test plan
(It's still a pass if ``west build`` requires ``--pristine``.)
7. Assuming that all went well (if it didn't, go fix it and repeat),
get the version bump committed, either to master or the release branch as
appropriate. See below for release branch information.
7. Assuming that all went well (if it didn't, go fix it and repeat), update
__version__ to 'X.Y.Z' (i.e. drop the 'aN' suffix that denotes alpha N), tag
the release (see "Tagging the release" for a procedure) and upload to PyPI
(see "Building and uploading the release wheels" for a procedure).
For the first release (e.g. vX.Y.0), master should point to the release
branch commit. Thereafter, the release branch is allowed to fork from master
to just take bugfixes etc.
8. Push a commit to master updating to vX.Y.99, kicking off
development for the next release.
8. Send email to the Zephyr lists, announce@ and users@, notifying them of the
new release. Include 'git shortlog' data of the new commits since the last
release to give credit to all contributors.
Building and uploading the release wheels
@ -93,10 +93,45 @@ Create and push a GPG signed tag. ::
git push origin vX.Y.Z
Cut a release branch
Cutting a release branch
If you've cut a new minor version (vX.Y.0), also cut a release branch,
vX.Y-branch. Subsequent fixes for versions vX.Y.Z should go to that branch
after being backported from master (or the other way around in case of an
urgent hotfix).
To cut a new release branch, just get confirmation from the other
maintainers that it's time and push it manually to GitHub.
The release branch for minor version vX.Y.0 should be named "vX.Y-branch".
Subsequent fixes for patch versions vX.Y.Z should go to vX.Y-branch after
being backported from master (or the other way around in case of an urgent
In vX.Y-branch, in src/west/, set __version__ to X.Y.0a1.
Don't include this commit in the master branch.
Summary of the outcome:
- precondition: vX.Y-branch does not exist, master is at version X.(Y-1).99
- postcondition: v.X.Y-branch exists and is at version vX.Y.0a1, master is at
version vX.Y.99
Check if west.manifest.SCHEMA_VERSION also needs an update. The rule is that
SCHEMA_VERSION should be updated to X.Y if this release is introducing
manifest schema changes that earlier versions of west cannot parse.
Don't change SCHEMA_VERSION from its current value if the manifest syntax is
fully compatible with what west X.(Y-1) can handle.
Don't introduce incompatible manifest changes in patch versions. That violates
semantic versioning. If v0.7.3 can parse it, v0.7.2 should be able to parse it,
Send this as a pull request to the newly created release branch. (This
requires a PR and review because getting the release number wrong would
upload potentially buggy software to anyone who runs 'pip install west'.)
In master (but not the release branch), set __version__ to X.Y.99. Send this
commit as a PR to master. Make sure any SCHEMA_VERSION updates are reflected in
master too.
From this point forward, the master branch is moving independently from the
release branch.