release v8.2

This commit is contained in:
Gabor Kiss-Vamosi 2022-01-31 13:32:05 +01:00
parent d851fe0528
commit 0b5a1d4b23
5 changed files with 277 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,276 @@
# Changelog
## [v8.2.0]( 31 January 2022
### Overview
Among many fixes and minor updates these are the most important features in v8.2.0:
- Abstract render layer to make it easier to attack external draw engines
- Add `LV_FLAD_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE`. If enabled the children of an object won't be clipped to the boundary of the object
- Add ffmpeg decoder support to play videos and open a wide variety of image formats
- Add font fallback support
- Add gradient dithering support
- Add "monkey test"
- Add cmsis-pack support
- Add Grid navigation (`lv_gridnav`)
The GPU support for NXP microcontrollers is still not updated to the new draw architecture. See [#3052](
### Breaking Changes
- :warning: feat(fs): add caching option for lv_fs-read [`2979`](
- :warning: feat(span): lv_spangroup_get_expand_width() adds a parameter [`2968`](
- :warning: arch(draw): allow replacing the draw engine [`db53ea9`](
### Architectural
- arch(draw): separate SW renderer to allow replacing it [`2803`](
- arch: merge lv_demos [`5414652`](
- arch(sdl): migrated to use new backend architecture [`2840`](
- arch(env): move rt-thread into env_support folder [`3025`](
- arch(env): arch(env): move the cmake folder into the env_support folder [`773d50f`](
- arch(env): move the zephyr folder into the env_support folder [`4bd1e7e`](
### New Features
- feat(cmsis-pack): prepare for lvgl v8.2.0 release [`3062`](
- feat(gridnav): add lv_gridnav [`2911`](
- feat: update the cmsis-pack to 0.8.3 [`3021`](
- feat(sdl): support rounded images [`3012`](
- feat(cmsis-pack): add cmsis-pack support [`2993`](
- feat(event): add preprocessing and stop bubbling features for events [`3003`](
- feat(draw): add gradient dithering support [`2872`](
- feat(symbols): add guards to LV_SYMBOL_* to allow redefining them [`2973`](
- feat(obj): subdivide LV_OBJ_FLAG_SCROLL_CHAIN into ...CHAIN_HOR and ...CHAIN_VER [`2961`](
- feat(draw): add draw_bg callback to draw_ctx #2934 [`2935`](
- feat(docs): add Chinese readme [`2919`](
- feat(txt): add used_width parameter to _lv_txt_get_next_line() [`2898`](
- feat(others) add monkey test [`2885`](
- feat(rlottie): add animation control options [`2857`](
- feat(lv_hal_indev): add missing lv_indev_delete() [`2854`](
- feat(freetype): optimize memory allocation [`2849`](
- feat(Kconfig): add FreeType config [`2846`](
- feat(widgets): add menu widget [`2603`](
- feat(refr): add reset function for FPS statistics [`2832`](
- feat(Kconfig): add monitor position configuration [`2834`](
- feat(examples) add micropython versions of the external library examples [`2762`](
- feat(freetype): support bold and italic [`2824`](
- feat(font) add fallback support and mem. font load option to FreeType [`2796`](
- feat(lib) add ffmpeg video and image decoder [`2805`](
- feat(obj): add LV_OBJ_FLAG_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE [`e7ac0e4`](
- feat(scrollbar): add more control over scrollbar paddings [`4197b2f`](
- feat(dropdown): keep the list on open/close for simpler styling [`9d3134b`](
- feat(qrcode) use destructor instead of lv_qrcode_delete() [`318edd8`](
- feat(disp) allow decouplig the disp_refr timer [`85cc84a`](
- feat(obj): add lv_obj_get_event_user_data() [`53ececc`](
- feat(obj) add LV_OBJ_FLAG_SCROLL_WITH_ARROW [`70327bd`](
- feat(slider): consider ext_click_area on the knob with LV_OBJ_FLAG_ADV_HITTEST [`9d3fb41`](
### Performance
- perf(sdl): optimize the use of SDL_RenderSetClipRect [`2941`](
- perf(color): add faster lv_color_hex function [`2864`](
### Fixes
- fix(micropython) update examples for new API [`3059`](
- fix: increase default value of LV_MEM_SIZE for lv_demo_widgets #3057 [`3058`](
- fix(cmsis-pack): fix issue #3032 [`3056`](
- fix(porting): add missing function prototypes [`3054`](
- fix(kconfig): add missing default values [`3050`](
- fix(canvas): force canvas to use sw draw [`3045`](
- fix(rt-thread): use ARCH_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN to replace RT_USING_BIG_ENDIAN [`3044`](
- fix(gradient): general cleanup and fix for alignment issues [`3036`](
- fix(draw): rendering issues for vertical gradient with and without dithering [`3034`](
- fix uninitialized variable [`3033`](
- fix(lru): lower dependency for standard C functions [`3024`](
- fix(env_support): move cmsis-pack to env_support folder [`3026`](
- fix(doc): full covering opacity is 255, not 256 [`3022`](
- fix uninitialized variables [`3023`](
- fix various issues for esp32 [`3007`](
- fix(sdl): fix clipped image drawing [`2992`](
- fix(draw): missed bg_color renaming in the draw function [`3002`](
- fix(porting): fix typo and an unmatched prototype [`2998`](
- fix(conf) add missing LV_LOG_LEVEL default definition [`2996`](
- fix(refr): crash if full_refresh = 1 [`2999`](
- fix(Kconfig): adapt to lvgl's built-in demos [`2989`](
- fix(Makefile): compilation errors [`2944`](
- fix(rlottie): fix variable name [`2971`](
- fix(group): in lv_group_del() remove group from indev (lvgl#2963) [`2964`](
- fix(obj): old parent's scroll is not updated in lv_obj_set_parent() [`2965`](
- fix(fatfs) add missing cast [`2969`](
- fix(snapshot) fix memory leak [`2970`](
- fix(examples) move event callback registration outside loop in `lv_example_event_3` [`2959`](
- fix(canvas): off by one error in size check in lv_canvas_copy_buf [`2950`](
- fix(indev) add braces to avoid compiler warning [`2947`](
- fix: fix parameter order in function prototypes [`2929`](
- fix(style):add const qualifier for lv_style_get_prop() [`2933`](
- fix(dropdown): in lv_dropdpwn_get_selected_str handle if there are no options [`2925`](
- fix: lv_deinit/lv_init crash or hang [`2910`](
- fix(rt-thread): improve the structure [`2912`](
- fix: removed string format warnings for int32_t and uint32_t [`2924`](
- fix(lv_fs_win32): add missing include of <stdio.h> [`2918`](
- fix: use unsigned integer literal for bit shifing. [`2888`](
- chore(lottie) move rlottie_capi.h to lv_rlottie.c [`2902`](
- fix(qrcodegen) add brackets around assert calls [`2897`](
- fix(list) guard image creation with LV_USE_IMG [`2881`](
- fix(snapshot): make fake display size big enough to avoid align issue. [`2883`](
- fix(sdl) correct makefile [`2884`](
- fix(draw): fix set_px_cb memory write overflow crash. [`2882`](
- fix(freetype): fix memset error [`2877`](
- fix(span): fix align and break word [`2861`](
- fix(refr): swap buffers only on the last area with direct mode [`2867`](
- fix(arc) free memory when drawing full-circle arc [`2869`](
- fix(indev): update lv_indev_drv_update to free the read_timer [`2850`](
- fix(draw): fix memory access out of bounds when using blend subtract [`2860`](
- fix(chart) add lv_chart_refresh() to the functions which modify the data [`2841`](
- fix(conf) mismatched macro judgment [`2843`](
- fix(ffmpeg): when disabled LV_FFMPEG_AV_DUMP_FORMAT makes av_log quiet [`2838`](
- fix(rt-thread): fix a bug of log [`2811`](
- fix(log): to allow printf and custom_print_cb to work at same time [`2837`](
- fix(keyboard): add missing functions [`2835`](
- fix(checkbox) remove unnecessary events [`2829`](
- fix(qrcode): replace memcpy() with lv_memcpy() and delete useless macros [`2827`](
- fix(font) improve builtin font source files generation process [`2825`](
- fix(CMake) split CMakeLists.txt, add options, includes and dependencies [`2753`](
- fix(obj): make lv_obj_fade_in/out use the current opa as start value [`2819`](
- fix(qrcode):minimize margins as much as possible [`2804`](
- fix(scripts): switch all scripts to python3 [`2820`](
- fix(event): event_send_core crash in special case. [`2807`](
- fix(Kconfig) remove duplicate LV_BUILD_EXAMPLES configuration [`2813`](
- fix(obj): in obj event use the current target instead of target [`2785`](
- fix(draw_label): radius Mask doesn't work in Specific condition [`2784`](
- fix(draw_mask): will crash if get_width/height < 0 [`2793`](
- fix(theme) make the basic theme really basic [`a369f18`](
- fix(arc): fix knob invalidation [`345f688`](
- fix(theme): add arc, spinner and colorwheel to basic theme [`adc218a`](
- fix(conf) define LV_LOG_TRACE_... to 0 in lv_conf_internal.h to avoid warnings [`305284c`](
- fix(draw): consider opa and clip corner on bg_img [`d51aea4`](
- fix(draw): add grad_cache_mem to GC_ROOTs [`138db9c`](
- fix(bar, slider): fix shadow drawing on short indicators [`364ca3c`](
- fix(theme): fix theme initialization issue introduced in 6e0072479 [`d231644`](
- fix(draw): add lv_draw_sw_bg [`49642d3`](
- fix(draw) border_draw crash is special case [`075831a`](
- fix(theme): fix crash in lv_theme_basic_init [`ca5f04c`](
- fix(draw): fix indexed image drawing [`5a0dbcc`](
- fix(roller): clip overflowing text [`5709528`](
- fix(align) fix LV_SIZE_CONTENT size calculation with not LEFT or TOP alignment [`9c67642`](
- fix(draw): futher bg_img draw fixes [`81bfb76`](
- fix(btnmatrix): keep the selected button even on release [`d47cd1d`](
- fix(sw): make knob size calculation more intuitive [`5ec532d`](
- fix(switch): make knob height calculation similar to slider [`0921dfc`](
- fix(span): explicitly set span->txt to the return value of lv_mem_realloc(#3005) [`a9a6cb8`](
- fix(example): update LVGL_Arduino.ino [`d79283c`](
- fix(draw) simplify how outline_pad is compnesated [`81d8be1`](
- fix(obj) make LV_OBJ_FLAG_SCROLL_CHAIN part of the enum instead of define [`f8d8856`](
- fix(label): dot not add dots if the label height > 1 font line height [`4d61f38`](
- fix(event): crash if an object was deleted in an event [`9810920`](
- fix(build) fix sdl build with make [`43729d1`](
- fix(config): fix anonymus choice [`71c739c`](
- chore(docs): fix lv_list_add_text [`a5fbf22`](
- fix(png) check png magic number to be sure it's a png image [`1092550`](
- fix(btnmatrix): fix crash if an empty btnmatrix is pressed [`2392f58`](
- fix(mem/perf monitor): fix issue introduced in #2910 [`0788d91`](
- fix(layout) fix layout recalculation trigger in lv_obj_add/clear_fleg [`ee65410`](
- fix(obj) fix lv_obj_fade_in [`4931384`](
- fix(draw): fix clipping children to parent [`5c98ac8`](
- fix: remove symlinks to be accepted as an Ardunio library [`6701d36`](
- chore: fix typos in FATFS config [`74091c4`](
- fix(refr): fix missed buffer switch in double full-screen buffer + direct_mode [`731ef5a`](
- chore(qrcode): fix warnings [`e9d7080`](
- docs(event): tell to not adjust widgets in draw events [`933d67f`](
- fix(table, chart): fix memory leaks [`8d52de1`](
- fix(event): handle object deletion in indev->fedback_cb [`bfc8edf`](
- fix(roller): snap on press lost [`fa9340c`](
- fix(dropdown) be sure the list is the top object on the screen [`cb7fc2b`](
- fix(img) fix invalidation issue on transformations [`d5ede0e`](
- fix(obj) fix comments of lv_obj_set_pos/x/y [`b9a5078`](
### Examples
- example: add non-null judgment to lv_example_obj_2 [`2799`](
- example(table): fix text alignment [`b03dc9c`](
### Docs
- docs(demos) update information to reflect new layout [`3029`](
- docs(porting): remove duplicated content [`2984`](
- docs(display) fix typo [`2946`](
- docs(get-started) add introduction for Tasmota and Berry [`2874`](
- docs fix spelling, parameter descriptions, comments, etc [`2865`](
- docs: spelling fixes [`2828`](
- docs(style) minor style fix [`2818`](
- docs(porting/display) fix formatting [`2812`](
- docs(roadmap) udpate [`084439e`](
- docs(widgets) fix edit links [`7ed1a56`](
- docs(contributing) update commit message format [`1cd851f`](
- docs(porting): add more details about adding lvgl to your project [`6ce7348`](
- docs(indev): add description about gestures [`2719862`](
- docs(style): describe const styles [`28ffae8`](
- docs(faq): add "LVGL doesn't start, nothing is drawn on the display" section [`0388d92`](
- docs add demos [`02a6614`](
- docs(fs): update fs interface description to the latest API [`285e6b3`](
- docs(format) let wrap [`4bf49a8`](
- docs(imgbtn) fix typo [`d792c5f`](
- docs(porting) clarify that displays must be registered before input devices [`1c64b78`](
- docs(event) fix lv_event_get_original_target vs lv_event_get_current_target [`cdd5128`](
- docs(events) rename LV_EVENT_APPLY to LV_EVENT_READY (#2791) [`bf6837f`](
- docs(gpu): link style properties and boxing model [`6266851`](
- docs(gesture): clarify gesture triggering with scrolling [`e3b43ee`](
- docs(contributing): remove the mentioning of the dev branch [`00d4ef3`](
- docs(bar) fix default range [`eeee48b`](
- docs(event): tell to not adjust widgets in draw events [`933d67f`](
- docs(switch) improve wording [`b4986ab`](
- docs(font) fix example to match v8 [`2f80896`](
### CI and tests
- test(bar): add unit tests [`2845`](
- test(switch): add initial unit test [`2794`](
- test(demo) add tests for widget and stress demos [`3bd6ad8`](
- test(dropdown) fix to pass again [`918b3de`](
- test add support for using system heap [`446b1eb`](
- ci remove formatting request workflow [`6de89e4`](
- ci initial support for cross-architecture tests [`7008770`](
- ci create handler for formatting requests [`7af7849`](
- test(style) add test for gradient [`da8f345`](
- test(event) add test for #2886 [`51ef9c2`](
- ci add workflow to check code formatting [`a2b555e`](
- ci attempt to speed up cross tests [`80408f7`](
- ci apply my updates to the verify-formatting action [`02f02fa`](
- ci: add arduino linter action [`f79b00c`](
- ci update action [`be9722c`](
- ci more formatting action updates [`1f6037c`](
- ci disable LeakSanitizer on dockerized tests [`c9e1927`](
- ci one last try at this for tonight [`dddafae`](
- ci try alternate checkout mechanism [`cb3de30`](
- test(style) fix compile error [`ba083df`](
- test(template) simplify _test_template.c [`b279f63`](
- ci force ccache to be saved every time [`a7c590f`](
- ci switch to codecov v2 [`6b84155`](
- ci more debugging for formatting action [`2f8e4bc`](
- ci inline apt-get commands [`90e2b9f`](
- ci(micropython) use ESP-IDF 4.4 [`b34fe9e`](
- ci add 5k stack limit [`4122dda`](
- ci force use of ccache in PATH [`6de3fa8`](
- ci add back stack usage check at 4 kilobytes [`89135d6`](
- ci temporarily disable stack usage check [`1900c21`](
- ci(cross) use python3 instead of python [`df7eaa0`](
- ci use specific version tag [`59b4769`](
- ci fix check style action [`5bb3686`](
- ci fix typo in formatting action [`d1ccbf6`](
- ci test formatting action [`065d821`](
- ci(micropython) switch to newer GCC action [`1fa7257`](
- ci(style) force color on diff to help highlight whitespace changes [`04f47ea`](
- ci(cross) install build-essential [`772f219`](
- ci force pushing to upstream branch [`8277f78`](
- ci ensure lvgl-bot is used to make commits [`9fcf52a`](
## [v8.1.0]( 10 November 2021
### Overview

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "lvgl",
"version": "8.1.1-dev",
"version": "8.2.0",
"keywords": "graphics, gui, embedded, tft, lvgl",
"description": "Graphics library to create embedded GUI with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and low memory footprint. It offers anti-aliasing, opacity, and animations using only one frame buffer.",
"repository": {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sentence=Full-featured Graphics Library for Embedded Systems

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* @file lv_conf.h
* Configuration file for v8.1.1-dev
* Configuration file for v8.2.0

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ extern "C" {
#define LVGL_VERSION_INFO "dev"