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STM32Cube HAL packages updater.
This module provides scripts to update the STM32Cube for Zephyr.
Follow below steps to update the STM32Cube HAL from the latest
version found in STM32CubeXX repositories.
Step 1: Modify the code
In order to update all the STM32CubeXX versions at once, run::
$ python3 ./update_stm32_package.py
Alternatively, in order to update STM32CubeXX versions one by one, run for example::
$ python3 ./update_stm32_package.py -s stm32f1
Note: This requires $ZEPHYR_BASE is set in your environment.
Check STM32CubeXX changes
Check that all existing change to modules are correctly reported
in the new hal_stm32 version
Update each modified stm32cube/stm32XXxx/README in the last section,
Remove the following line::
--> please check that the following list is still valid:
Step 2: Open a pull requests
hal_stm32 PR
Open a single pull request with 1 commit per stm32 familly (stm32xx)
in repo https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/hal_stm32
Modify the west.yml
In order to benefit from this PR in zephyr, modify zephyrproject/zephyr/west.yml
so that hal_stm32 points to above pull request. Example::
- name: hal_stm32
revision: pull/60/head
path: modules/hal/stm32
Open a 2nd pull request with west.yml in repo
Step 3: After Merge
re-Modify the west.yml
Once the hal_stm32 pull request is merged (see step 2), in the zephyrproject-rtos/hal_stm32
then change again the zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/west.yml
to reflect the actual zephyrproject-rtos/hal_stm32 SHA1, example::
- name: hal_stm32
revision: a813cd83b0cfbaaa625f4941d04baa3f93c37476
path: modules/hal/stm32
The zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr pull request (see 2) must be updated consequently.
- "set the SHA1 after merge of STM32Cube versions (modules/hal/stm32)"
See Example : https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr/pull/23259
once all is correct, clean .rej and .log files, with :
$ git clean -fdx